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Q1: Known as the "First Lady of Song", she won 13 Grammy Awards, the most by any jazz


The crrect Answer is: Ella Fitzgerald

Q2: This covers "the right of the people... to petition the government for a redress of

The crrect Answer is: First Amendment

Q3: The Philippine folding balisong knife is better known by this insect name?

The crrect Answer is: butterfly knives

Q4: Shown in 1941, the first TV commercial was a Bulova ad for these?

The crrect Answer is: watches

Q5: With a population of 104,000, this city indicated on the map is the smallest to boast an
NFL franchise.?

The crrect Answer is: Green Bay

Q6: A 36% drop in children's tooth decay over the past 7 years is attributed to this?

The crrect Answer is: fluoridated water

Q7: The mannequin seen here is used in the teaching of this procedure?

The crrect Answer is: CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation)

Q8: A close fitting dress, or a scabbard for a straight blade?

The crrect Answer is: sheath

Q9: This type of sweater has an angular opening for the head?

The crrect Answer is: a V-neck

Q10: This villain tells Roderigo, "Now, sir, be judge yourself whether I in any just term am
affined to love the Moor"?

The crrect Answer is: Iago

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