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November 15th, 2023

To: Seth Moser

From: Ian Shuler
Subject: Progress Report on Manual: “Lockout Tagout Procedure”

This report is being written to track the progress of the Lockout Tagout Training Manual. I
began to write this manual from November 1st, and it is close to being complete by early
December 2023. This manual will provide the 7 steps to take to properly lockout a machine. It
will go over certain types of energy that you might run into during lockout tagout. It will have a
little background information about certain types of lockout devices.

Picking this topic was easy cause it is an action I do at work every day. The challenge for me is
to figure out what to say because there are so many different variables to cover without being
sidetracked to a whole other topic. But it will break down the simple 7 step process and what
they mean and why they are important to the process.

During my research, I have found it easier to pick out things from past assignments. Research
has been stretched out over the last few weeks. But going back on those assignments and going
back to researching more material has given me better information about Lockout Tagout than I
had before. The reference page may be subject to change with all the info I found.

The next step was to create the outline, with all the info I have and continue to have it. It was
not hard making this outline, putting it in whichever order I wanted to while trying to organize
what info should stay with what topic was a challenge for me. Once I got the basic information,
I was able to structure the manual to put any background info in the correct order.


After wrestling all the information in order, it was time to start this manual. Having the outline
done it was easier for me to visually see a list of topics I had to stay on and keep everything
organized for me. Chapter 1 is going over PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) you might be
wearing in the work environment and all the several types of tools and locks you might come
across. Chapter 2 will cover distinct types of energies a machine or lockout point might have,
also there will be some background information on the Do’s and Don’ts of Lockout Tagout.
Chapter 3 will be strictly going of the simple 5 Step Lockout Tagout process. Initially there are 8
steps of a lockout tagout procedure, but this manual will be condensed into 5 steps grouping
the “Apply Lockout devices” step throughout Chapter 3 and the “Bleed off stored energy” step
is tied into the “Isolate equipment secondary energy” in Chapter 3 subchapter 3.4 on page 12
on the training manual.



• Write out chapters 1-4

• Update learning material
• Update Outline


Chapter 3 will be the most detailed chapter of the manual. There are many ways to perform
lockout procedures, but this will focus on the standard of what to expect in a normal Lockout
routine. Chapters 1-2 will be easier to make because it is based around safety equipment and
diverse types of energy and the information is straightforward. Chapters 3 will explain how to
lock out the 3 common forms of energy within a general hydraulic system. Chapter 4 will cover
the hydraulic system startup, which is chapter 3 but in reverse.


As I was researching into the subject matter, I kept finding better examples as far as video clips
and internet pictures. So now I have all this information but need to figure out which post will
better explain each example. Most have come out of videos on YouTube, but handwritten notes
were taking to put the entire process into my own words, images were taking from google to
best fit the narrative of what the manual is trying to tell the user.


It is the same thing with the reference page except I did not know if I was putting enough info
in my manual. So again, I am looking through all that is relevant to what I am trying to cover
and get rid of anything that does not belong. It was easier to do the outline last, knowing what
was all that was needed to be covered.

Date: 11/20/23 -12/5/23 FINISH CHAPTERS 1-3

Date: 11/24/23 -12/5/23 Update Outline and Reference page

Figure 1: Work Schedule

I was happy with the progress I have achieved so far. Work on my end has been hectic late so it
has been a challenge to piece together everything. The project itself has made me realize how
much goes into a lockout procedure. I have been doing this certain action at work for 8 years
and doing it so often you never think how much goes into keeping yourself safe until it is laid
out on multiple pieces of paper. I hope this manual will help the seasoned work feel the same
way I did when doing this and helps the up and comers to the workforce understand what all
goes into keeping yourself safe. If there are any questions, contact me at

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