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As some imperial corpse preserved for age in its dead seclusion, crowned and

armed and still majestic, yet falls to the dust at the breath of heaven, so fell the
Empire of the Mughals when the great name that guarded it was no more."

The collapse of the Empire came with a suddenness which at first sight may
seem surprising. But the student who has acquired even a moderately sound
knowledge of history will be surprised that the Empire lasted so long rather
than it collapsed suddenly."

The Deccan was the grave of his reputation as well as of his body."

All the surplus produce of a fertile land under a most bounteous Providence
was swept into the coffers of the Mughal Nobility and pampered them in a
degree of luxury not dreamt of even by kings in Persia or Central Asia. Hence,
in the houses of the Delhi Nobility, luxury was carried to an excess. The
harems of many of them were filled with immense number of women of an
infinite variety of races, intellect and character.

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