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Gesuba Town Strategic plan /2012E.


Chapter One
1.1. Back Ground of the study
Towns are urban centers which ignite economic growthand characterized by higher population
density and heterogeneity in comparison to rural areas and better extent of the built-up area and
means of living. But also with the flourishing of towns’unplanned urban sprawl, slums, housing
and infrastructure shortages, social segregation, and exclusion are some of the major problems
encountered. Accompanied by motorization, it has caused congestion and hazardous air
pollution. Thus urbanization trends pose a need for strategic and innovative approaches to urban
design, planning, management and governance.
Therefore urban planning is one of the most important tools for efficient urban
managementwhich promote compactness through mixed land use, maximize land efficiency, as
well as promote sustainable, diversified, socially equal and prosperous communities. It guides
the socio- economic, environmental, spatial/physical development, and preservation of cultural
authenticity and protection of the informal sectorinorder to contribute to the localeconomy and
governance issues that recognize complementary assets and linkages of urban and rural areas,
advance partnerships and bottom up approaches inclusive of stakeholders.Hence, urban
development effort without the guidance of urban planning is like walking blindfolded.
Therefore, the type of plan prepared for Gesuba town is a strategic plan since its population of
the town in 2012-2022 E.C is 63211. This plan works to ensure better housing conditions,
infrastructural facilities which promote local accessibility& services vibrancy in trade,
investment and manufacturing activity by creating integrate development in urban and rural areas
through strong urban – rural and urban - urban linkages which are expressed in different ways.
Based on this fact and the demand of town for the revision of the plan, the Wolayta Zone Urban
Development and Constraction Department Urban Organization, Urban Planning Study and
Research Plan Implimentation Direcotrate in collaboration with town urban planning team as the
planning approach has conducted various studies at study region, hinterland and urban level.

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Gesuba Town Strategic plan /2012E.C

At study region level after identifying influence areas which have a direct or indirect linkage
with Gesuba town a detail physical and socio economic analysis have been conducted, which
facilitate to strength linkage while preparing the land use plan. Beside these at hinterland level
deep study on the identification of spatial, geological economic, touristic … potentials have been
conducted which this proposal have given a due consideration. At urban level besides
conducting different socio economic studies serve as an input to this proposed plan, the spatial
and the physical configuration of the town that are; the different land uses, the form and structure
of the terrain, the natural and manmade potentials and constraints are studied and analyzed
thoughtfully .
All these studies incorporated to prepare the land use proposal and finally strategic plan which
governs the overall spatial coverage of the town according to different land uses proposed within
the planning period. Based on this premises the strategic plan is expected to guide and control
proper development of the Gesuba town.
1.2. Vision
Vision of the town is very important to guide the development of the town from what to start and
where to go. Important points considered in vision formulation of the town include;
 Existing potential of natural resource of the area

 Current economic activity of the town and its surrounding

 Existing social and economic services in the area, public interest and demand and the
like. Focusing on the above criteria the following vision is formulated for Gesuba town.

“ By 2022 E.C to see Gesuba town, as competitive, livable, administrative, market and agro-
processing center through economically vibrant, socially inclusive and environmentally friendly
1.3. Objectiveofthe Study
 Plans and designs that promote both, the adaptation to climate change and mitigation of
environmental degradation;

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 To ensure high quality streets and public spaces, approach the principles 40% for built up
areas, 30% to be allocated to transport and roads and 30% of the land to be used for open
space and greenery; which make urban centers conducive living & working spaces;
 Proper and well-designed density. To meet the challenge of rapid urbanization and
benefit from the economies of scale and to promote sustainable urban extension and
develop compact city.
 Mixed urban uses and limited land-use specialization: Mixed land-use planning helps
create local jobs, promote the local economy, reduce car dependency and commute,
encourage pedestrian, cyclist and other non-motorized transport , reduce landscape
fragmentation and green-house gas emissions, provide closer public services, support
mixed communities and local economies, promote safer communities and create
attractive neighborhoods.
 Connectivity: The purpose of increasing connectivity is to create access to services for all
and to boost local economies.
 To strength urban-rural and urban – urban linkage;
 Mixed social structure: This principle aims to promote cohesion and interaction between
different social classes in the same neighbor- hood and ensuring accessibility to equitable
urban opportunities by providing different types of housing.


 To preparing the best strategic plan which can guide all economic and development
activities to bring sustainable economic and social development of the town.
1.4. Methodology
During the preparation of the strategic plan of the town, has adopted a participatory approach in
all its processes, from assessment to proposals. The concerned stakeholders have been involved
and their opinions accordingly considered.
The study team has applied different data collection, compiling and analysis methods.
Accordingly, primary data collection is undertaken through interview, questionnaires, field
observation and recording, preparing the base map by using ortho-photo, satellite-image and

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ground survey and reviewing the base map and updating and inventory of the existing land use
and road network, and public and stakeholders consultation.
Moreover, secondary data were also exhaustively collected from different sector offices such as
Offa Woreda sector offices, Gesuba town administration departments, Gesuba municipality,
EEPCO, ETC, Postal and through reviewing CSA data, published and unpublished socio
economic profiles.
Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used for data analysis and interpretation. In
quantitative analysis statistical methods like tables, ratio, percentage, average etc is used besides
description of phenomena qualitatively has been conducted from interview, focus group
discussion and public consultation.
To display the pattern and nature of different characteristics organizing appropriate GIS data
analyses of different maps, diagrams and satellite images have been conducted. The spatial data
are analyzed in AUTOCAD, GIS and Global Mapper. Then, identifying of major planning issues
and recommendation are given to guider the planning works.
1.5. Scopeof the Study
The study conducted by the area cover of 3028 - ha for which a base map was produced by
Urban Organization, Plan Study and Research Plan Implimentation Directoratein 2012 E.C.
Accordingly, the study undertaken to prepare thestrategiplan has focused on the following major
 Analysis of current situations, trends, dynamics, opportunities, potentials, threats,
strength, weaknesses and proposals that guide sustainable development of the town with
strong urban-rural and urban – urban linkage.
1.6. Organization of the Paper
The study text of Gesuba town strategic plan is arranged in different parts based on their
content. Accordingly, the arrangement is made in to two major sub divisions i.e. regional and
urban study which contain fifteen subsequent chapters. The first chapter; focuses on introduction,
vision, objective of the study, methodology, scope of the study, and organization of the paper.
Chapter two, deals about the sphere of influence and physical characteristics of the regional
study. The third chapter deals with regional urban system and physical infrastructure, the fourth
chapter elaborates the economy structure of influence areas. In part two the fifth chapter focuses

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on the historical background of the town. While chapter six is on the demographicl
characteristics of the town.
Physical infrastacture and hydrogeology dissicussed in chapter seven, environmental analysis
explained in chapter eight, the urban economic data analysis of the town explained in
chapter.nine,under chapter ten the social infrastructure of the town is elaborated. The municipal
service of Gesuba town is discussed in chapter eleven. The infrastructure service and utlityof the
town is treated under chapter twelve,chapter thriteen deals about existing land and finally,
chapter fourteen discussed proposed land use and implementation strategy of the plan.
1.7. Experts who participated in the preparation of Strategic Plan

A. Base Map Preparation (Surveying) team

1. Mhiretu Zekarias:-From Zonal Urban Organization Plan Study and Research Directorate..
B. Socio-Economic Study Team
1. Yoseph Anamo and Mengstu Mulatu conducted :–
 rural economy of the study region, urban economy andurban finance & governance issues data
collection and the analysis part.
 regional part of physical,urban system and physical infrastructure study and at urban
levelphysical and transport data collection and the analysis part.
 rural and Urban environmental issues of Study region data collection and the analysis part..
 the historical, social,and population data collection and analysis part.

C. Land use Planning Team

1. Milion Shoya Conducted:–
 land use inventory and planning and roadnetwork planning
 Drainage network planning and urban infrastructure data collection and analysis part from
Zonal Urban Organization Plan Study and Research Directorate.
D. CAD and GIS team
2. Milion Shoya:-From Zonal Urban Organization Plan Study and Research Directorate..
E. Text Edition and Compilations
1. Yoseph Anamo
F. Coordinators

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1. Yonas Esrael and W/gebrel Fola.

Chapter Two
Regional Study
Influence Area and Physical Characteristics Gesuba Town
2.1. Sphere of Influence

Even though towns have their own peculiar characteristics that differ themselves from others,
they have mutual interaction with other towns and nearby rural kebelles. Thus to ensure
sustainable economic development, there need be mutual relationship among towns and towns
with surrounding rural kebeles.

Criteria Delineation of the influence area:-

Administrative ties, similarities in physical features, cultural linkage, economic relation,

geographical proximity etc. for selection purpose. Based on the above criteria, six Woredas from
Wolayta zones area identified. These include; Offa, SodoZuria, Bayrakoysha, Humbo,
Kawokoysha, and Kindodidaye from wolayita zone are chosen as an influence area for Gesuba
town. (Fig-2.1)

Thus, in regional part, the physical characteristics of the zone i.e location, area, topography,
climate, natural vegetation, soil, and geology, rate of urbanization, infrastructure, and rural
economy are studied.

Whereas strong economic relation and transport linkages of Gesuba town go further to Gofa
zone,Gamo zone, and wolita soddo etc. which in turn leads the town influence area further
which will be discussed in the economic study.

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The Physical Characteristics of the Study Region

2.2. Location of Study Area

2.2.1. Absolute Location:-Astronomically influence area of Gesuba town lies between 6o 40’
31’’ N----7o 16’ 41’’ N Latitude and 37o 35’ 39’’ E--- 38o 06’ 30 E Longitude.

2.2.2. Relative geographical location:- relatively, the influence area of Gesuba town is bordered
in the north by Soddo Zuria from Wolayta Zone; in suoth Selamber wereda from Gamo Zone
in the west KawoKoyisha wereda of Wolyita Zone in the east Humbo wereda respectively./Fig

Fig: - 2.2 Infulence Area of Gesuba Town

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2.3. Topography of Influence Area of Gesuba Town

Influence area of Gesuba town has different relief features mainly dissected rugged mountains,
undulating plain, gorges etc. these is due to the result of geological process (tectonic activities)
that occurred during tertiary periods. The landscape of Gesuba influence area highest mountain
(peak) is mount Damota, which is found in SodoZuria woreda with maximum height of 2,958
meter above sea level.(Fig;-2.3)
Other major mountains of the influence area include mount solkuwa in Humbo
woreda.DamotWeyideweredaare dominated by undulating low lands in southern peripheries
starts from 800 meter then increasing towards the center up to 2000 meter.
2.4. Climate
2.4.1. Agro-ecology

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Influence Area agro-ecology is categorized in to three. These are Mid high land climate (moist
woynaDega), Temperate (Dega) and Kolla. According to SNNPR Finance and Economy
Development GIS data and Socio Economic Information the climate of the study area is
classified in to Dega 0.3% ,Woyna-dega 91 % and Kolla 8.7 % respectively./
 Dega climate occupies the northern part of SodoZuria, only.
 Woina-Dega climate found all parts of Influence Offa, Bayra koysha, Kawokoysha most
parts of SodoZuria and, Kindodidaye weredas.
 Kolla climate is found in the Humbo and southern part of Ofa wereda. (Ref.fig-2.4)

Fig:-2.3 Topography Gesuba Infulence Area

Fig:-2.4 Agro-Ecology of Gesuba Infulence Area

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2.4.2 Temperature of Influence Area

Average annual temperature range from 15.1 0c---30.10c.Temperature relatively increases when
one moves from the central to the south eastern towards Humbo and Ofa wereda and decrease at
Damota Mountain; Mount Damota which is the highest mountain of the study area, serves as the
land bridge separating three woredas of Wolayta zone such as Damot Gale, Boloso sore and
SodoZuria woredas
2.4.3 Rainfall of Influence Area
Summer major rain season, and having between 800-1600 m.m per year lower at south eastern
part of Humbo and Ofa wereda and having an average rainfall of 1200 m.m which is sufficient
rainfall for different activities.

2.5. Rivers and Drainage

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Surface water resource is among the basic necessities for both rural and urban society since it is
the main source for potable water supply and irrigation etc. The study area is drained by two
major drainage basins namely, Omo river drainage and, Rift valley drainage basins.
The main rivers of the study area include Manesa, Hamessa, etc. There are also several
intermittent rivers in the study area that dry-up during dry months.
Rivers Saware, Woybo,Yachiya discharge in to Omo rivers while Bilate and Amessa discharge
in to Lake Abaya. Most of the rivers originate from mount Damota and flow in different
directions. Due to rugged topography most of streams and rivers of the influence area have less
importance for irrigation. However, the lower parts of Blateriver and others have high potential
for irrigation development.

2.6. Vegetation

There are different vegetation types in regional stydy which have different economic and
environmental values. They grow in different altitudinal ranges. The dominant high land forests
are covered by Wanza, Zigba, Koso, Dokema and Bisana trees. The density of trees are
diminishing from year to year due to factors like increasing demand of agricultural lands,
grazing, forest fire, increasing of the urban population, cutting of trees for different purposes and
absence of alternative energy sources. The decreasing of these forests caused observed
environmental changes like increasing in temperature, drying away of springs; rain fall
distribution /reliability/ is not preserved, decreasing in the volume of rivers and soil erosion. In
order to preserve the environment hazards, various activities are undertaken by different
stakeholders. Accordingly, water shade development programs, giving awareness creation
orientation to the community, preventing illegal deforestation and marketing and reforestation
programs are carried on.

2.7. Geology and Soil of Gesuba Influence Area

2.7.1. Geology of Gesuba Influence Area

According to Southern Mines and Energy report and from the geological map Southern Region
Gesuba Influence Area geological formation includes:-

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• Cenozoic Volcanic rocks and,

• Quaternary Sediments.
i. The Quaternary sediment:- There are different genetic types of Quaternary sediments in
Ethiopia. Whereas in the Ethiopian rift system the Quaternary sediments are mostly of lacustrine
origin. According to Mohr and Lloyd “lacustrine beds are interblended with Plio-Pleistocene
ignimbrites in the Lakes Region and on the rift shoulders” 4
The Quaternary sediments (alluvial and lacustrine deposits) are found in the western parts of
Humbo and it covers small area of the study region.
ii. The Quaternary Basalt: - The Basaltic flows and spatter cones of the Quaternary
volcanics are found in most parts of Humbo and south of Ofa.
iii. Rhyolitic volcanic centers:- are found in the northern tip of Kawokoysha. The products of
the volcanoes range from trachytes to alkaline- rhyolites. 5
iv. Dino formation: -“ . . .the Pleistocene age volcanism, which might be referred as Magadala
group volcanics ( Kazmin,1979) constituting Dino formation and Nazereth series rocks”. 6The
Dino formation is found in southeastern parts of SodoZuria.
v. Nazeret series: - are found in most parts of SodoZuria.
Generally, the region is dominantly covered by volcanic rocks. More than the lion share of the
study region is covered by Magadal volcanic groups constituting Dino formation and Nazereth
series rocks, then followed by Quaternary Basalt and sediment and Rhyolitic volcanic center
accordingly. These rocks are used for construction purposes especially ignimbrite (green to gray
colour), and rhyolite, basalts and also sand are available.

4. Ethiopian Geological Survey, P.53

5. Ibid, p51
Fig:- 2.6 Geology of Gesuba Influence Area

2.7.2. Soils of Gesuba Influence Area

Soil forms the thin surface layer to the earth crust. It provides the foundation for plant and
consequently animal and human life on land. Examining the type of soil helps for agricultural
activities and while observed from urban study point of view for engineering structures.

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The Soil description for the study area is adapted from soil map of the southern region and from
concerned zonal and woreda Agricultural office.
The type of soil distribution of the study area are :-
i. Nitosols / Red Basaltic soil/ - is mainly found in , SodoZuria.
The Soil has: -
 Stable structure and mature soil formation
 High moisture storage capacity.
 Potentially good for agricultural activities and are soft, loose and easy to work.
The soil is best for coffee, inset and cereals growing.
ii. Vertisols / Black Basaltic Soil/ - is mostly found in .
The soil has following characteristics:-
 clay content
 sticky and has poor drainage and water logging nature.
 difficult for farming but used for grazing. If the water drained from the soil, since it has
high nutrient value the agricultural potential is high.
iii. Acrisols:- is basically associated with nitosols. It is found in northern parts of SodoZuria.
The Soil is characterized by: -
 Low possession of nutrients
 Law productive capacity and
 Commonly developed in highly (undulating) area.
iv. Lithosols:- is found in southeastern pats of Humbo and it developed in recent lava and
young quaternary sediments. It is found in rugged topography and slopes.
The Soil is characterized by:-
 Young, shallow and coarse texture.
v. Fluvisols: - is found in western and eastern parts of Humbo, and southeastern parts of
SodoZuria. The soil is associated with fluvial (river) deposits and it is fertile soil.
vi. Andosols: - is found in the northeast and eastern parts of and the northern tip of
Humbo. The soil developed usually from volcanic products.
The soil has the following characteristics:-

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 Poor in phosphorous, organic matters and nitrogen.

 It is not good for agriculture; rather it can be used for grazing.
In general more than the lion share of the study area is covered by Nitosols and Fluvisols soils
which are fertile and conducive for agricultural activities. Then followed by Vertisols, Lithosols,
Acrisols and Andosols accordingly (see fig-2. 2)

Chapter Three
Regional Urban System and Physical Infrastructure

3.1. Population Size and Distribution in Gesuba Influence Area

According to the 2012G.C Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia, the total population of
SNNPR is 17,359,008 from which 2,024,024or 11.7% of the population are urban inhabitants,
while 15,334,984 or 88.3 % are rural residents; this makes the region the least urbanized in the
country. Later on CSA projection 2012 the total population of Gesuba influence area is1,099,978
and the total land area of the study region is 2190.1km2 and the study region is classified into five
woredas namely, Ofa, Humbo, SodoZuria, Bayrakoysha and Kawokoysha woredas. From the
total land area SodoZuriya, Ofa and Humbo shares the largest, accounting 18.5% ,18.3 % and
16.1% respectively .
Table:-3.1 population size and distribution
No Wordea Population size Area Crude density
In number In % In km2 In % (persons/km2
1 Ofa
2 SodoZuria 185,713 16.9 404.35 18.5 459.3
3 Humbo
4 BayeraKoysha
5 Kawokoysha
6 kindoDidaye
Total 100 100

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Source: -computed from CSA 2012 July .

From the study region H, SodoZuria and, O weredas stand first, second and third in terms of
population size , accounting 21.1%, 16.9% and 16.1% respectively.
The average population density for the study region is 539 persons/km 2, which is much higher
than southern region average (i.e 163.9 persons/km2 )
At woreda level high population concentration is found in SdZ, woreda (i.e 767.6 pesons/km 2 and
o followed by b and k woredas, constituting 734.2, 694.9, and 540.7 persons/km 2 respectively.
This implies that there is a shortage of agricultural land in the rural areas which in turn will have
a negative effect on the productivity.
3.2. Regional Urban System
Table;-3.2 Proportion of urban population
No Zone Total Urban population Rural Percentage of
population population urban population
1 Gesuba Influence 1,099,978 872,044 227,934
Gesuba= 32,661
Tebela= 7,175
Bekilo Saigno=13033
Lasho= 7,235
Total 227,934 87.2 20.8

2 S/N/N/P/ 18,276,000 14,180,474 81 19

Source:-CSA 2012 G.C
According to the 2012G.C Population and Housing Census of Ethiopia, the total population of
SNNPR is 18,276,000from which 3,472,440or 19 % of the population are urban inhabitants,
while 14,803,560 or 81 % are rural residents; this makes the region the least urbanized in the

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country. Later on CSA projection 2012 the total population of BodityInfulence area is 1,099,978,
only227,934 (20.8 %) are urbanized while the remained 872,044 (87.2 %) are living
in the rural areas. Therefore, the level of urbanization of the study area isslightly greater than to
the Regional level of Urbanization, which is 19 % .in 2017 G.C. The high level of population
living in the rural area is an indicator of a high dependency on agricultural economy. At the same
time, this situation shows the prevalence of heavy burden on the surrounding natural resources
mainly land, forest and water.In such condition, the degree of environmental degradation is
relatively high. Therefore, further urbanization should be encouraged to change the persisting
imbalance between rural and urban population number by planning the towns found in the study

3.3. Infrastructure linkage

A. Road Transport and Traffic accident

The traffic accident of Gasuba influence area is mainly happened due to not giving priority to
the pedestrian, technical problem of vehicle,absence of pedestrian walkways, the undulating
nature of topography , absence of road side traffic signs and light, high speed drive of vehicles
within the area, lack of awareness of pedestrian using zebras are another causes of traffic
accidents.The basic infrastructure linkage of study area is taken by road, communication
(telecommunication& postal service), power supply etc. In the following table the infrastructure
of the study is described as follows.

Table 3.3: Road Type and Density of Study Region/Gesuba Influence Area/
All weather roads Gravel Total
(km) Dry
No Woreda Name rural Road
Asphalt Gravel weather
connecte Length Area density
roads roads(k
d (km) (km2) per

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SNNP average 421 4778 ---- 8250 3052 1,110,42 75


1 Offa --

2 Humbo ---

3 Bayrakoysha --- ---

4 Kawokoysha ---

404.35 20.59
5 SodoZuryia 36.2 --- 47.087 83.287 135.46

6 Gesuba Town

Influence Area

Source: - Wolyita Zone Road and Transport Department 2012 E.C.

As shown in the table above, the influence area of Gesub town has a road length of 841.287
Kms. The main transport linkage in the area is by road and the rod density is one of the
indicators of the development of the infrastructure and in turn it is directly related with the
development of the area. However the type of road is also another important element in deciding
the infrastructural development of the town. The road transport density within the study areais
relatively low and also themain type of road type is rural gravel and asphalt is found at minimum
range. Therefore, the transport department has a lot of task on the infrastructuredevelopment.

The traffic accident of influence area of Bodity town is mainly happened due to not giving
priority to the pedestrian, technical problem of vehicle,absence of pedestrian walkways, the
undulating nature of topography, absence of road side traffic signs and light, high speed drive of
vehicles within the area, lack of awareness of pedestrian using zebras are another causes of
traffic accidents.

Table:-3.4 Number of car accidents within the influence area of Gesuba town,2012 E.C

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2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

N.o Type of Measurement

1 Number death In number

2 Loss on Property In Birr

3 Accident type

3.1 Serious In number

3.2 Simple In number

3.3 Accident In number

Source: - Wolayita Zone Road Transport Department, 2012 E.C.

Some of the solutions which are taken at present by the Zone Road Transport Department of
Traffic creating awareness on religious institution, creating awareness for drivers and
pedestrians, controlling the cattle which is left on the road, sending document to the grass root,
controlling high speed drivers in the towns by taking corrective measures.

The Influence area of Gesuba Town found relatively in better connectivity by roads with:-

 SodoZuriya (Sodo town), Humbo (Tebela town), Bayrakoysha (Bekilo saigno town), and
Kawokoysha (Lasho town) Fig 3.1

B. Communication Linkage


The presence of fixed telephone, mobile and other electronic media obviously facilitate urban -
urban and urban-rural linkage in Gesuba influence area and it is taken place through digital

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automatic, semi-automatic service. Mobile phone service is also another important service in the
study area. In study area mobile service, internet service is taken and wireless service is given
with all ruralkebeles of the study area.

Postal Service

The postal service in study area is carried on now a days by permanent and agent level and
wereda Offa, SodoZuriya, and towns like Gesuba, wolayitaSodo towns has permanent postal
service while most of the wereda has postal service at agent level.

Clean Water Supply

The clean water coverage according Wolyayita Zone Finance and Economic Development
Department 2012 of Gesuba influence area 51%, however from wereda to wereda it has
variation. SodoZuryia wereda has the highest coverage, followed by Offa and Humbo. The
lowest coverage is Kawokoysha. Even though the study area has large water potential the water
coverage is low, thus the Zone Water Department has to perform a lot of task for water

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Fig:-3.1 Road connectivity of Gesuba Influence Area

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Chapter Four
4. The Economic Characteristics of the Region
4.1. The National Policy Framework
Ethiopia mainly relied on agricultural economy, which produces 60% of GDP to the country and
above 80% the national domestic product of all the national economy. Hence, this sector
characterized by subsistence production for many years, could not produce sufficient wealth but
served as a basis for the development of other sectors of the economy. This sector with its
technological constrains could not achieve the level of production that enables to satisfy the
people’s demand for food of nationwide.

The Southern Nation's Nationalities and People Regional State like other regions; its' economy is
based on agriculture characterized by subsistence and backward production system.
The regional government has been exerting extraneous effort to reverse the situation through
implementing the nationally developed strategy popularly known as agricultural development-
led-industrialization (ADLI) which emphasizes on the development of peasant agriculture and on
making the agricultural sector the driving force of the national economy.

The attainment of food self-sufficiency, increase and diversify production of raw materials and
thereby promote the linkage of the agricultural sector with the industrial sector lies at the heart of
the strategy. The strategy aims at improving the production and productivity of smallholder

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agriculture through generation, adoption and diffusion of new farm technologies in the form of
improved inputs and farming methods.
To realize the objects of the rural development the region has embarked on various rural
development programs, which among others include:
 Household based extension service;
 Market oriented production;
 product diversification and Specialization;
 Intensive irrigation schemes;
 Rural credit and saving;
 Supply of inputs, and
 Marketing service promotion.

4.2. Overview of Offa Wereda

Offa woreda is among the 16 Woredas in wolayita Zone. Total area Offa wereda consists
22482.391 hectares. The total population of the Wereda in 2012 is total 278,092 & Population
density of the wereda is 648.1 peoples perK.m2which is the second denser than regional average
163.9 peoples per K.m2.

4.3. Land use: -

Damotgale woreda topographically characterized as ruggedness. The agricultural activity carried
out with in limited plain area and peoples also lived in crowded way. In addition to the
ruggedness nature of the topography and the high pressure of the population, the more than 60%
of land is cultivated and only 20 % of land kept for forest and grazing indicating the woreda
dominated by agricultural activity.

Woreda Land Use Data

Description 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

1 Total Land Use

2 Cultivated Land Permanent Crop

3 Cultivated Land Seasonal

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4 Afortation Coverage

5 Forest Land

6 Degraded Land

7 Grassing Land

8 Permanent Grazing Land

9 Others
Offa woreda agriculture office jan.2012e.c

The table indicates that land use pattern throughout the five year is not changed indicating that
there no cultivable land remain at all increase land development. The room for land use
development seems very hard with the non-stopping population growth. The respected sector
need advance assessment to avert the coming food deficiency problem of the wereda and also
land rehabilitation program widely implemented to save the existing land and already degraded
land. use clasification

Damot Gale woreda land use

de- grasing other
graded land 2%
land 10%

forest land

cultiated land

4.4. Crop production

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4.4.1. Major Crop produced per hectare and Quintal

Crop cultivation is one of the main activities in the study area. The Crop production is
undertaken by small family holding who cultivate under irrigation and rain-fed farming system
with traditional farming technique.
Because of the diverse agro-ecological zone and topography, farmers in the hinterland have
developed complex farming methods and crop patterns. Accordingly, various cash crops
dominantly root crop, sorghum, haricot bean becomes important agricultural products in the
hinterland as well as fruit, cereals and pulse crops are grown in various amounts. Besides root
crops, coffee became widely cultivated and in the Wereda.
Boditi city is located within the main land surrounded by potentially supplying domestic
agricultural products by generating marketable excess Agricultural produces like haricot bean,
cereals and coffee accordingly.
Boditi city is one of the major Ethiopian haricot bean exporter to the central market mainly
produced in its hinterland. Therefore, to make the product influential to the export market;
government intervention is very important in order to penetrate the market main product of
damot gale woreda is bulk product cereals, coffee, and fruits; which have greater market shareof
wolayita sodo ,Shashamane and Hawassa.This product can be further processed and exported to
the foreign market. Next to cereals and coffee, root crop is one of the biggest products in the
woreda. Root crops are basic product the area because resists drought so that maintains food
security. Coffee product the major exportable product at national level and haricot bean as well.
Thus; the potential resources in the wereda became feasible for the Establishments of agro-
processing Industry. (See the table below).

Table 3.2 Major Crop production in quintal and hectare

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
output/ area/ output/ area/ output/ area/ output/ output/
production area/he area/he
quintal he quintal he quintal he quintal quintal
seasonal crops
Root Crops

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permanent crops

pulse crops

fruits and vegetables


(Source: - Offa woreda rural development office 2012EC)

4.4.2. Productivity
The above table depicts that damot gale woreda has excess agricultural production of cereals,
haricot bean and coffee.Root cropsvegetables products have tremendous improvement in
productivity while the productivity of Enset product is decreasing. Area per hectare could not
increase because the used the cultivable land exhaustively.

A boost in agricultural productivity is a prevailing motive for farmers and a driving force in
Ethiopia’s agricultural policy. Considerable resources are being utilized by the government to
realize agricultural productivity and change the state of agriculture in the region. Human and
material resources are rallied towards this end. Development agents, extension packages, and
agricultural inputs are some of the resources that are made available to farmers to change
theirstyle of farming and augment productivity. Whereas, in the study region productivity had
been decline in certain agricultural products both areas cultivated for the production of these
crops and productivity per quintal certainly in Enset production had been the lowest and
declining. However, agricultural productivity in the influence area has shown promising
improvement in the recent years because of the favorable weather condition and irrigation in

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addition to the utilization of modern inputs (such as selected seeds, fertilizers etc.) coupled with
the provision of comprehensive agriculture extension and advisory services are believed to be the
major reasons for the improvement in land productivity (increase in yield per hectare) in the
influence area.
Fig. productivity of damot gale woreda

400000 2008

maize sorgum root crops enset haricotbean vegetables fruits

According to the information obtained from the agriculture and rural development of Damot gale
woreda the amount of agricultural marketable surplus in the hinterland has been showing
remarkable improvement in some products due to the corresponding increase in land productivity
that has been observed in recent years. Despite of this, however, the development of Agricultural
sub sector in the hinterland hashindered by several factors which among others include: soil
degradation, declining farm size due to the growing population pressure, high cost of input and
inadequate input supply.
Generally root crops, cereals, vegetables and haricot bean are important agricultural products in
the hinterland.
4.5. Livestock populations
4.5.1. Livestock potential of Damot gale woreda
The livestock potential of damot gale woreda has a great contribution for the local economic
development of the town especially for the development of small scale enterprises. The presence
of substantial number of livestock population in the influence area of the planning town is
important since the supply is expected to become high. If the number of livestock brought to the

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town during the market day is large, the revenue collected by the municipality from taxation
would enhance the level of municipality income which in turn strengthens the financial capacity
of the town.
Livestock Data Of DamoteGale Woreda
Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
pack animals
source: livestock &fish dev. office, 2012 EC.

The wereda has highest number of livestock during 2007-2011 e.c are cattle, chicken and sheep.
Cattle took the major share of the livestock populations in the woreda followed by chicken and






pack an-
0 imals
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Despite its livestock potential, as other parts of wolayita zone,the livestock subsector in the
influences area has remained underdeveloped because farmers in influence area do not
experience commercialization of livestock husbandry but only used for house hold consumption.

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So the sector adversely affected by backward livestock husbandry and low productivity due to
little attention is given to the sector. This untapped resource should be strengthened as it has high
value chain for the farmers and intern it has strong economic linkage with industries the country
striving for.

4.6. Urban Rural and Urban Economic Linkage

Urban and rural areas have traditionally been viewed as exclusive and competing spheres placed
in separate areas for planning, development and investment purposes neglecting the
interdependence that exists between the two spatial units. Agricultural growth depends on access
to urban market and industrial inputs, while urban industries require raw materials from the
primary sector and use the latter as source of demand and market. Likewise, livelihood of rural
and urban areas is virtually interconnected.

Economic interactions of Boditi town with its hinterland and distantly located areas could be
manifested in the forms of flows of agricultural and manufacturing goods (marketing linkage)
and movement of capital effected through financial intermediaries(financial linkage) as well as
backward and forward linkages among agriculture and manufacturing and services sectors.
Criteria for delineating the hinterland are economic relations, existence of road and transport,
service, proximity, competition and support and administrative linkage.

Based on this criterionall rural kebeles in Gesuba and neighborhood towns up to 20km became
hinterland of the city administrations. Gesuba town became major service, administrative and
market center for its hinterland particularly the 50 rural kebeles.

The rural hinterland Supplies Agricultural products to Boditi city and Processed and semi
processed Manufactured goods , Agricultural inputs , retail commodities comes from Addis
Ababa, Shashemene to Boditi in turn distribute to rural centers and neighborhood towns
like ,Offa, Humbo ,Bayrakoysha and other neighborhood rural kebeles by intranet traders. In
turn processed and semi processed coffee produces disseminated to different urban centers from
Gesuba including Wolayita Sodo Addis Ababa, Hawassa and Shashemene. See the table bellow;

Table Incoming and Outgoing Products of Gesuba town

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Incoming Outgoing
No Origin Destination
Products Products
Damot Woyide Damot Mojo,Adama,Adis Ababa & abroad the
1 cattle cattle
Pulasa,Damotgale country

Redharicotbea red haricot

2 Damot Woyide, Adama,ECEX
n bean
butter& Damot Woyide Damot
3 butter Sodo,Shashemene,Hawassa,Adissababa,&Abr
cheese Pulasa,Damotgale,Dugunafango
oad The Country

4 fruits Damotwoyide,Dugunafango Shashamane,Hawassa,Adiss Ababa
Damot Woyide Damot
5 coffee coffee ECEX
Damot Woyide Damot
6 sheap sheep W/Sodo,shone ,Shashemene,Hawassa
Wolayita Sodo,Shashemene ,Awassa, Adiss
7 gaot Damotgale goat

industry Adissababa,Adama,Mojo,Awas Boditi,Damot Woyide Damot
8 products,
products saa, Pulasa,Damotgale,Dugunafango
skin & hide,

9 Wheat Damotgale Wheat Wolayita Sodo,Shashemene

Damot Woyide Damot

10 maize maize Wolayitasodo,Shashemene,Hawassa

12 chilli (data) Damotpulasa,Damotgale chilli Shashamne,Awassa,Adiss Ababa

Damot Woyide Damot

13 potato potato Wolayita Sodo,Shone

14 garlic Damotgale,Jage,Shasha Gale garlic Wolayita Sodo,Shone

15 pea Damotgale pea Wolayita Sodo,Shashemene Awassa

Damot Woyide Damot

16 teff Teff Wolayita Sodo,Shashemene,Shone
Damot Woyide Damot
17 honey honey Sodo,Shashemene,Hawassa,Adissababa,&Abr
oad The Country

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18 pack animals Damot Pulasa pack animals Wolayita Sodo,Shashemene Awassa

19 tomato Zeway,Negele& Meki boditi,wolayita sodo shone

20 Onion Zeway,Negele& Meki boditi,wolayita sodo,shone

areka ag/recerch
boditi,damot woyide damot
agricultural inputs unversity

source:boditi town small scale enterprise office may 2009 e.c

The Agricultural products of the Woreda became Feasible for:-

Agro-processing industry establishments
Enhance economic linkage with neighbourhood urban centres

Despite the fact that the town has economic interaction with the hinterlandfor several reasons,the
level of rural- urban linkage in the study area is found to be strong.The subsistence orientation of
the rural economy, weak infrastructure development and the low development of manufacturing
industries are among the major factors attributed to the feeble rural-urban linkage. Therefore to
create a strong economic linkage:

 The Agricultural sector needs to be strengthened and assisted by the concerned sector.
 Market services need to be strengthened within sub centres of boditi such as and as well
as wolayita sodo and shone.
 Infrastructure facilities need to be improved.
 Modern Market centres for fruits and chat products are required.
 Financial institutions need to be strengthened; Hence, Planning and Administrative
solution will be advised.

Despite the fact that the city has economic interaction with the hinterland, for several reasons,
the level of rural- urban linkage in the study area is found to be further strengthened. The
subsistence orientation of the rural economy and the low development of manufacturing
industries are among the major factors attributed to the feeble rural-urban linkage.

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To realize the potential of the two units, making them to support each other and function in a
more integrated manner has of paramount importance. Thus, strengthening inter rural urban and
urban linkage can be possible through infrastructure development and strengthening agricultural
productivity of the wereda.

4.7. Opportunities and Challenges of the Rural Economy

4.7.1. Opportunity

 Availability of supportive policies and strategies (such as Agricultural development leads

to industrialization)
 Rural development programs (such as Household based extension program, Market
oriented production system, rural credit and saving, Supply of inputs and Marketing
service promotion) enhance agricultural productivity.
 The hinterland is endowed with excess cattle ranching; cash crop produces like coffee
and fruits as well as cereals. The availability of this resource would create investment
opportunities in theareas of leather industry, fruit processing, and packing industries
establishments; therefore, proper utilization of this untapped resource would have a
significant positive impact on the hinterland economy.
 Encourage the development of off-farm and non- farm activities in the hinterland.
 Availability of ample labor force could also be considered as an opportunity for
investment promotion in the hinterland.

4.7.2. Challenges
 The strategic location aggravates the young generation to migrate to the neighboring
cities intern adversely affect the labor force.
 Declining farm size: the high population pressure in the hinterland and the limited
possibility of expanding the total land area has generally led to a reduction in the per
capita land size available for farming.

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 The livestock sector and the coffee product do not supported by technology. Agriculture
products are exported as raw material. The advantage of exporting raw material had no
advantage compared with value added products.


The Historical Development of the Boditi Town

5.1. Pre-foundation
The project town was covered withagricultural lands and forest like other towns in the region
more over, there were various sort of animals and plants.
5.2. Foundation of the Town
Present location was because of the presence of periodic market in the area. Gesuba emerged as
small village. In about1943 the reason behind its foundation at its Secondly, the town is located
along the main road where many caravan traders passed and met from Arssi, Koysha, Kembata,
Hadya, Alaba, Sidamo etc…Thirdly, its suitable climate and topography for settlement2. At their
early period of its foundation, the tukuls were gathered around Aroghe Arada ( old town) today
Adisu Qidame ( New Saturday market ). Gradually various government institutions like court,
police station, health center, Schools, etc were setup. In fact all these establishments were made
of thatched roofs having rural type of settlement3. Because many government offices were

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transferred and more and more settlers were attracted.4The first settlement area of the town was
around Aroge Arada and St. mary church. Gradually settlement was expanded to around “Addis
ketema “(New town) during the period of Dejazmach Woldesemayat .Besides settlement extends
to Sodo Bar; Bolo river area, road leading to shento etc…5

5.3. Naming of the Town

Mariam safar According to elders, the name is said to have been probably derived from one of
the early inhabitants of the town, Dido Adare . He was believed to be the pioneer to establish
trade center, which later developed in to the town’s name. 6 In the absence of any other source,
the above story would remain the only source of information regarding the naming of the
town.Besides different safars (quarters) are also created in the town namely.

1. Aroghe Arada ( old market ) :- It was the firstwhere the presentsaturday market is

2. Warka safara quarter named after a big sycamore around the present post office is
3. Menoria safar
- A quarter that extends from Town’s administration office up to senior secondary
school. It was so named because the quarter is mainly residence area.’ Menoria
safar’ literally means residence quarter.
4. Mehal ketema
It is the center of the town, where the municipality, woreda administration, tele etc. town are
situated on the right and left side of the road.

5. It is a quarter located around the church of st.mary.

6. Shewa Bar safar
- This is a quarter in the vicinity of tobbaco factory towards the out let to Addis
Abeba .
- ‘Shewa Ber’ literally means the gate of shewa.
7. Sodo Ber Safar

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- a quarter situated towards the direction of wolayta sodo. ‘ Sodo Ber’ literally
means the gate of sodo. 7
5.4. Development trend of the town

In this case, we can observe various sort of Socio-economic systems based on different state

5.4.1.During the reign of Haile Hlasie (from 1943-1967).

At this time, Modern Education is introduced in the town with the opening of primary schoolin
1946. Then it was lifted to junior level in 1965. At this time,
Health Service

In 1966 the first clinic was founded to provide health service by government. It began its
service with two dressers, Ato Minta and Ato Gatachew Gobena in the former police station.

In the history of the town, cholera epidemic broke out between 1961-1964 and affected a
number of dwellers and still the period has remembered as “ Yecholera Zemen”( The age
of cholera).10

Transport and communication

During the period of Italian occupation the Italian built dry-weather road from Addis Abeba
to wolayta sodo. This road passes through the then open land, where the present town is
situated. As stated earlier, the t own had evolved along this main road.

Later, the then Imperial High way upgraded the road to the town of Addis Abeba-
Shashemene-sodo benefited the town greatly. Before the opening of this road, there had been
a number of merchant caravan route, which used to pass through the locality.11

The town had used a diseal generator since 1965. Earlier in habitants of the town were
fetching water from ‘ Wolecha’ and ‘ Woshrash’ spring, at the foot of Damota mountain. 13

Other services

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Catering service has existed in the town since the early period of its foundation. These
service were available around the market area ( Aroghe Arada) resturant) and ‘ Tejbet’
( honey mead houses ).

In the 1940s and 1950’s some of the early owner’s of modest hotels include

- Ato Asrat Abebe

- W/o Tsigie Kidanie
- Ato Bancha sherko
- Ato .Esayas Hussine .
Gradually a number of hotels were opened in 1960’s, 1970’s like Global hotel, Belete hotel,
Meaza hotel and others. Among the early owners of Tejbet’s in 1940’s, 1950,5 and 1960’s
were 14

- W/o Etaferhau

- W/o Tenfe Gebre

- .. Meselech Zikie
- .. Mamitie Alemu
- Ato Fantaye Merkneh were among others.
Flourmills had existed in the town since 1950’s. Some of the early owners of mills with
diesel engine in

the 1950’s were15

- Ato Asrat Abebe

- .. Lalamda Abshiro
- .. Bancha Sherko
- .. Anda Lalamda
- .. Rameto Hussien
- .. Umer Yiilnam
- .. Sheirf Aewl

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Gradually the Service was grown up and more and more mills were planted. Retail shops
appeared in the town since 1950’s around Aroghe Arada. Some of the early owners of such
shops were

- Ato Getachew Abakiya

- .. Lalamda Abshiro
- .. Asrat Abebe
- .. Azeze Adamu
- .. Data Negeso
- .. Amda lalamda and others.

5.4.2. During DERG regime(from 1983-2010)

During this moment, chewkare junior secondary school ( 1970 s ), Boditi secondary school (in
1982)were established.
In 1980 a bore hole was dug at ‘ Fatie’ at Sodo Ber, adjacent to senior secondary school. It
served for about 207 customers who had water meters. Later, as the population increased
additional 3 water boreholes were dug out namely ‘ kera’, ‘Dogie’ and borehole on the way
to shento. Previously, Boditi water supply service unit was under sodo water supply service.
The telephone service, which was upgraded in 2006, was introduced to the town around
1971. Boditi has got postal service since 1982

5.4.3.After the seizure of political power by EPDRP (1983-2010)

At this moment, Edget junior secondary school was opened in 1992 EC. Later on in 1999, the
clinic was upgrade to health center level and shifted to the present building. Besides, a number of
private pharmacies and clinics were opened in the town to provide service.The town becomes a
beneficiary of 24 hours hydroelectric power beginning from 1985.The telephone service is
upgraded in 2006 E.C.

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Demographic Analysis and assessment of social
services of the town
In any urban development, be it long or short term, the existing demographic and social
infrastructure data is quite essential. At first and foremost, we plan for people and it is
only when we have adequate data at hand that we can plan for people. Therefore, in any
urban plan preparation, the first aspect that should be given due attention is the study of
the existing population characteristics and urban social infrastructure. This is due to the
fact that it is vital to find out the principal balance between population size and the
mentioned services both at present time and in future planning years (2019.)

6.1. The characteristics of demography

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Different schools of thoughts agree that demographic and population characteristics can b
interchangeably used. In this case, we have to focus on characteristics associated with
population or demography. These characteristics are: population size and growth, age and
sex structure of the population ethnic and religion composition, population distribution,
population projection and the like.
6.1.1. Population size and growth of Gesuba town.

Year in Male Female Total

2012-2022 -----(----%) (-----%) -----

Gesuba is one of the towns in Offa wereda. It is also known that the plan town is
commercial and it is also an administrative center or the capital of Offa wereda.
6.1.2. Population size of Gesuba by sex composition
The table above reveals us that the sex ratio is 91 males for every 100 females
showing that male’s size is greater than female’s counterparts.
6.1.3. Age and sex distribution
Not Age and sex distribution of the town is not analyzed due to lack of current data
until housing and population census is conducted this year.
6.1.4. Age dependency ratio of the town
Age group Population Percent Dependency ratio

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Age group Total
Population ----- 100%
Dependency ratio ---

The Demographic analysis abovereveals how the dependent and independent structure of the
project town is categorized in terms of age. It also shows the dependent and independent ratio or
it states productive and non productive people in the town. This means, it agrees with the general
discussion that the younger age population of the town is lesser than the population at later ages.
Young age is an age group that are found between 0- 14years (young dependent) is calculated to
be 19260(30.4 %) of the total population. The productive age group (15-64) is calculated to be
40901 (62.9%) of the total population and the old aged population is 65 + or old aged dependents
is calculated to be 228(2.4%) of the total population. So dependent ratio is calculated to be 37.4
such kinds of dependent and independent ratio is categories are supported by productive age
Dependent ratio is the age composition rather than economic dependency since the ratio simply
depends on age. The reason for this is that the so called young dependent population(0-14) and
old age dependent population (65 and above years)who actually do not participate on economic
activities are said to be (dependent)Likewise working population (15-64)who actually participate
on economic Activities are generalized As (active population).
Source: CSA Census result of 2007 G.

6.1.5. The projected population size of the town

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Year in E.C Projected

population size


6.2. Population projection

Demographers usually make projection by using available projection methodology. In other

words, the population size of study town for ten planning years can be identified by applying
mathematical or exponential method. Generally speaking, there are 2 broadly classified methods
of population projection. Namely, Cohort component method that considers fertility, mortality
and migration along with their age and sex composition and mathematical function more
specifically exponential method. The former is used for relatively longer period of time under
different variants i.e. low, medium and high variant. 8902It requires almost all data of population
dynamics. In this specific study, a simple mathematical function (exponential) is used to project
the population size of Boditi town for the next ten planning years (2012-2021 EC

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6.2.1. Population growth rate

The annual population growth rate should be calculated first in order to project the
population size of given town in the past. Hence, in our case, house to house
survey result of 2012 EC is the base for projection in the case of Gesuba town.The
growth rate is calculated by taking the population size of Gesuba town.
Accordingly, 4.8%growthrate per annum is used to project the population size of
the project town for the next ten planning years.
The population size of Gesuba town is 63211 currently (33128 Males and
30083 Females). It will also reach 102,4 02(53667 Males and 48734 Females



7.1. Shape of the town and expansion areas
Physical Expansion
Urban planning task involves reserving appropriate and adequate urban expansion areas using the
criterion set in this regard. Some of the basic elements for the selection of expansion direction
involve people’s preference, topography, climate, proximity to the physical infrastructure such as
road, water, electricity, telephone…etc.

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Based on the above elements the city has an extensive expansion area to the north, north east,
south east, south and south west following the main high way to Sodo.
Bodity Town has a relatively elongated shape, in which the northeast to south west distance is
greater than east to west distance. The elongate shape of Gesuba town while connecting the
different parts from the center particularly northern and southern areas from the center may need a
long road distance.
Thus in order to minimize the connectivity problems the following solution can be applied:-
Thus forming different market center/ corridor / will help to develop the connectivity of these
areas with their surroundings and connecting these corridors with other development corridor by
major roads.
7.2. Climate and wind direction of the town
7.2.1 Temperature
Traditionally, the climate of Gesuba town is classified in to Weynadega type and has comfortable
temperature conditions that can be taken as one of the pulling factor to attract people from
different corners for living and investment. To evaluate the temperature of the town, a ten-year
data is used. The mean annual temperature of Gesuba is 19oc.
As it is depicted in the table below February is the hottest month for the town. The temperature
during this month reaches 21oc and it is followed by march and April, with the temperature of
20.80and 20.10c respectively. On the other and the lowest temperature for the town is recorded
during northern hemisphere summer (June, July and August). Generally Gesuba has comfortable
temperature conditions that can be taken as one of the pulling factor to attract people from
different corners for living and investment.
7.2.2 Rainfall

The mean annual rainfall for Boditi town is 1220 mm. The rainfall distribution of the town
mainly is in summer (June, July and August). It is the main rainy season like any part of the

7.2.3 Wind Direction

Both speed and flow directions of wind are the fundamental data used to determine the
appropriate location of settlement and other urban activities especially for those industries

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emitting pollutants. Thus knowledge on velocity of wind is also important to establish windbreak
to reduce the speed of wind Information on the velocity and direction of wind for Gesuba town
is not available in regional metrological service agency just like other towns. However, to fill the
gap the writer collect information from relevant organization like Offa woreda agricultural and
rural development office, the prevailing wind over the town is from northeast to southwest of the
town.Therefore those industries emitting highly urban pollutant activities such as smoke and dust
particles are recommended to be located on the opposite side to the prevailing wind direction that
is towards southwest, south and west of the town respectively.

7.3 Topography and river of the town

The relief of the town is characterized by plain, gentle slopes, and steep slope along river side.
And it ranges from 1869 meter to 2163 meter above sea level. /.Look Fig 6.2/ .However, the land
form of the town is dominated by gentle slope. The height of the town descends from southwest
to northeast and north west following the main asphalt and even lower to the north again
following the main asphalt road. On the other hand, the height decreases from the center towards
all directions except southwest. The average elevation of the town is 1900 meters above sea
level. In general when topography of the town is analyzed, most places have similar
configuration in which the dominant landform is plain which is suitable for urban development.
Furthermore, the topography also creates a conducive environment for the town to be selected as
an ideal place for settlement and commercial center. Along river side of Gesuba town the
topography has a sloppy nature of Bolo river in the east and Walacha River from north to south
bordering the western border of the town.
Fig:-6.2 Topography Map of Bodity tow

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Environmental Analysis of Gesuba Town
8.1. Natural constraints of Gesuba town
Ethiopia is one of the fast growing countries among the east African countries having double
digit economic growth for the fast ten consecutive years. Following this economic development,
cities in Ethiopia emerging fast and the rate of urbanization is un precedential. SNNPRG has the
great share of Ethiopian urbanization and where Gesuba town is its prominent figure.
Urbanization can be a welcome engine for socio-economic development,innovation, and
employment creation, it can also bring about a number of challenges, most of which aremanifest
within the sphere of urban environment. The major environmental challenges such as; crowded
living conditions, poor disposal of wastes, inadequate drainage system, pollution of water and
air,degradation of the urban hinter land & the periphery and the decline of the urban green frame.
Boditti town shares similar environmental challenges as the data shows from primary data
collection through questionnaires and field observation.
Natural constraints of Gesuba town
Gesuba town now a day has faced serious environments problems. Some of the problems are
natural and the other is due to the intervention of human beings. The following are the major
constraints of the town.
 Deforestation /firewood &charcoal/and for construction purpose a number of trees
were cleaned without replacementSoil erosion (gully formation).
 Active soil erosion is the major constraint of the town. Especially severe soil
erosion is common in south Eastern around Cherake river catchment and south
western Around Wlacha river catchment at Sivae Kebele and north wester around
walach river catchment of Adekoysha kebele are part of Gesuba.
8.2. Major Cause of Soil Erosion of Offa Woreda
 Almost absence of adequate open channel drainage networks along road sides;
 Therefore, flood protection /control structures like culvert/bridge water way
openings should be designed in this area.

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Some of the major causes of soil erosion include

 The south western part of the town is mountainous and undulating slop associated
with mount -----,
 Densily populated condition of woreda leaded to over cultivation and over
 Shortage of appropriate storm water drainage system,
 Intensive rainfall;
 Landscape of the woreda is slopy.
 Urbanization and associated cutting of trees for settlement and for other purposes
aggravate the situation.
 Due to the above factors the upper layer of the Soil in the eastern part of the town
has eroded and replaced by other soil transported from the high land areas.
8.3. Measures need to be taken to Avert the problem of Soil Erosion
In order to mitigate the risk of the Gully erosion
A. Gabion
Gabions are large, multi-celled, welded wire or rectangular wire mesh boxes, used in channel
revetments, retaining walls, abutments, and check dams.
B. Purpose
Rock filled baskets, properly wired together, form flexible monolithic building blocks used for
construction of erosion control structures. Gabions are used to stabilize steep or highly erosive
C. Corrosion Resistance of Gabions
The wire mesh or welded wire used in gabions is heavily galvanized. For highly corrosive
conditions, a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coating must be used over the galvanizing.

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D. Flexibility
An outstanding advantage of the gabion is its flexibility. This property is especially important
when a structure is on unstable ground or in areas where scour from waves or currents can
undermine it.
E. Durability
Gabions are durable because they support plant growth, which develops a living coating for the
wire mesh and stones. Frequently, the wire basket is only needed for the first few years, because
the voids between the individual stones fill with soil, silt, and roots, which act as a bonding agent
for the stones.
F. Strength
Steel wire baskets have the strength and flexibility to withstand forces generated by water and
earth masses. The pervious nature of the gabion allows it to absorb and dissipate much of the
energy developed. A compact gabion structure may remain long after a massive rigid structure
G. Permeability
Hydrostatic heads do not develop behind the gabion wall. The wall is pervious to water and
stabilizes a slope by the combined action of draining and retaining. Drainage is accomplished by
gravity and by evaporation as the porous nature permits air circulation through the structure.
Moreover, as plant growth invades the structure, transpiration further assists in removing

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moisture from the backfill. This system is much more efficient than weep holes in standard
masonry walls.
H. Economy
Gabion installations are more economical than rigid or semi-rigid structures for a number of
reasons. The following are among the more important ones.
 Little maintenance is required.
 Gabion construction is simple and requires no skilled labor. Preliminary foundation
preparation is unnecessary. The surface needs only to be reasonably level and smooth.
 Since gabions are porous, no costly drainage provision is required.
I. Landscaping
Because gabions permit the growth of natural vegetation and maintain the natural environment of
the area, they provide attractive and natural building blocks for decorative landscaping.

8.4. Steps of feeling the eroded place by Gabion

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At the dawn stream of Meseret Kirstos

Church and at the back of mount Damota
private school the existing land feature and
environment is exposed to land degradation
and soil erosion. Therefore the new plan
should consider relocation of existing
settlements, land degradation exposed open
should not be allocated for and socio-
economic activities and rather will be
reserved as buffer for forestation of
environmental protection.

8.5. Environmental Issues

• Lack of open space. The town lacks open spaces . The number of open spaces and play
grounds are very small as compared to the population of the town. There is only 8 green
areas in the town. From these 6 are developed and two are not developed.
• Absence of preserved urban parks.

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• Lack of sport Fields and play grounds,

• Lack of road medians, road shoulders and quarters green development,
• Lack of City plaza and areas and its green development,
• Lack of river side, gorges and eroded land areas green development,
• Shortage of urban agriculture,
• Shortage of spaces around private residence and government and non-government
organization for green development,
• Lack of area for nursery and seedling development.
8.6. Solid waste Management
The town has no solid waste disposal site in the town. Waste is thrown on the road side
everywhere in the town particularly at the center at the back of St. Merry church, at Chew kare
and at Fate and on the road sides .
Therefore, an open dumping a waste disposal method which is simple and inexpensive is
recommended for the town. Accordingly, taking in to account different location criteria, the
most feasible area recommended for waste disposal the area beyond the existing abattoir place.
 It is advised to be located in the urbanization control area that can comply with the prevailing
wind over the town.
 Poor waste management can be a common manifestation of the town.
 Solid waste can be seen as a major problem and seen everywhere in the town.

Source of Solid waste

The town produces about 500 cubic meter amount of solid wastes from different sources. The
following are the major sources of solid waste of the town.
A, Market Place
 Poor waste management system
 Absence of container for solid waste at nearby distance
 The existence of large amount of agricultural wastes during market days
B. Waste from commercial institutions

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Due to the smaller number of bars, hotels, restaurants etc, in the town wastes from commercial
institution is very small. However, due to poor waste management techniques, the existing
commercial institutions generate enormous waste daily.
C. Waste from individual house
The domestic wastes generated from individual house include
 vegetable and fruit leftover,
 Ash,
 animal residue,
 Plastic, textile, paper etc.
 Among the above solid waste types, the share of agricultural wastes and animal residue
are the highest.
The following are the problems of domestic waste
 Most of the residence don’t have their own landfill site within their compound
 There is no temporal waste transfer site,
 There is lack of awareness about environmental pollution,
 The majority of the resident dispose the solid waste on roadsides.
D, Solid Waste disposal site
One of the main causes for problem in relation to solid waste is the absence of disposal site in the
town. At present there are numerous informal disposal sites
The illegal dumping sites of the town include.
 The market area
 Bus station area
 Along the street
E. Mitigation Measures
To meet the problems of solid waste the following measures are recommended
• Encouraging the existing association
• Prepare public awareness raising forum at different time about environmental problem
• Purchasing at least one solid waste dumping truck in the long run and use local transport
means like carts and tractors.

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• Purchasing at least 5 containers and place them in major sources such as market place
hotels, chat exchanging place etc..
• Prepare waste disposal site which are reserved on the map at western periphery of the
town .
8.7. Liquid Waste Management
The town also has liquid waste problem. Some of the problems in the town include;-.
 Absence of sewerage system
 Shortage of toilet
 Shortage of Public bath
 Absence of disposal site
Problems in relation to liquid waste
 Most hotels, bars and restaurants don’t have their septic tanks.
 Shortage of public toilets and shower
 Absence of disposal site
 Absence of vacuum track for transport the waste
 Therefore, much attention should be given to educating the community. Further, the
following measures are recommended.
 Encouraging the residential houses and commercial institutions to prepare their own
toilet as well as septic tank
 Constructing at least public toilet and shower at six major source areas such as around
market,, commercial areas etc..
 Discouraging those individual disposing their wastes on informal places
 Preparing dumping site on the western periphery of the town near the proposed solid
waste site.
8.8. Planning Solutions and recommendations for Environmental Issues of
Gesuba Town
1. The town should have solid waste disposal site in the town on this newly preparing plan
on the site around South West (at Sivae) or South East (at Fate) direction of the town.

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Because the wind direction of the town is from NE (AdeKoysha area) to SW (Sivae area)
towards mount Damota.
2. The town also should have liquid waste disposal site in the town on this newly preparing
plan on the site around South West direction of the town due to the above mentioned
3. The Plan of the town should an appropriate composition of open spaces and green areas
as 40:30:30 ratio according to the newly ratified SNNPRG Improved Urban
Administration proclamation.
4. The plan should preserve places of river side, gorges and eroded land areas in association
with green development rather than barren land.
5. The plan should incorporate preserved urban parks, rather than environmental protection.
6. Eroded land should be protected and under taken a forestation and reforestation in rainy
summer season as long run solution. Additionally construction of Gabions, Culverts and
Check dams should be under taken as immediate solution.
7. Buildings should be constructed far from eroded areas by leaving adequate buffer land;
especially Walacha and Cherake rivers catchment.
8. Enough space for sport Fields and play grounds in relation to the coming ten years youth
population projection.
9. The size on new plan should incorporate appropriate road medians, road shoulders and
quarters green development.
10. Space for City plaza and areas and its green development.
11. Appropriate space for urban agriculture.
12. The plan should have spaces around private residence and government and non-
government organization for green development.
13. Spaces for nursery and seedling development around SE of around Cherake river and SW
around Walacha river.
14. Adequate drainage net-work should b be constructed.

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9.1.Economic Base of the city
9.1.1. Major Revenues and expenditures of the Study Area

Boditi city endowed with different natural landscape and favorable whether condition which
enhance the city development to be fast and livable environment. Beside the city is vicinity to

Wolayita Sodo and Shone. Boditi city topographically had plain structure and developed by
keeping the former plan makes the city well structured block and road net work. Having this
advantage, the city administration can promote investment advantages.

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Title Planned Executed Planned Executed d Executed Planned Executed Planned Executed
market shade
tax from cattle
road service
abattoir service
house rent
land levy
finis &other
building and
fence permit
house valuation

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building permit
targa sale
bid document
land transfer

Table source: Gesuba town revenue authority office, 2012

Regarding its municipal revenue; the data for the five years indicates that the municipalrevenue
showing steady growthand still depends on limited tax sources indicating that revenues are not
exhaustively collected intern hinders the infrastructure development of the city which can be
only executedby municipal revenue.




15000000 2006


From the graph we understand that in 2008e.c building permit had better income source for the
municipality. The rest revenue titles had the same record showinginsignificant change i.e. from
2004 up to 2005 the municipal activity going by the same acceleration.

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 Municipal revenue should be improved to sustain the city development.

9.1.2. Urban expenditure

The city municipality has budget for recurrent expenditure (including salary and perdiem) and capital
expenditure to execute all municipal service. Currently the city had severe problem implying insufficient
capital budget allocation for infrastructure development. To alleviate this problem it is mandatory to
increase its capital budget.

n 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Table source: Gesuba town finance & economy office, 2012




30000000 capital



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

9.2. Municipal man power

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Organizationalstrength depends up on skilled man power they have; in which the organization
carry out tasks to achieve the targeted goal. As Boditi municipality, experts expected to serve the
public with know-how of spatial planning and implementing the plan.

Boditi municipality had 87% employees are active age group and experienced expertise in major
positions. New structure positions almost half of them are still vacant and in the future it will be
fully occupied.

Municipal Man Power

occupie vacant
Intendedma d positio
man power n power position n
land administration
land information system
urban capacity building
urban planning &
housing development&admi
human resource management
planning evaluation
food security & job opportunity

misrak one centre

me'erab one centre
mehal one centre
age category 24 up to 49 87%

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salary scale 300 up to ≥1000 100%

municipal material condition

managerial chair
office building

Source: Gesuba municipality.

Regarding the basic instrument for plan implementation ex. surveying is missing. Without it plan
implementation is difficult and leads to surveying error.
 The city municipality should have surveying material is mandatory.

9.3. Activities of small scale enterprise in Gesuba town

The other economic wing of Ethiopian national policy comprises cities where the place for
emerging industrialist. This idea of small scale industry development has its root from the major
economy key of the country ADLI means agriculture development led to industrialization. This
industrialization in turn based on agro-processing industries could be developed in vicinities of
excessive agricultural productive cities. So cities are the major area to create employment and
industrialists and foster cities development as a whole.

With this regard, Gesuba town has excessive agricultural product in its surrounding rural
kebelesgives greater employment opportunity.

Gesuba town also has the strategy to overcome the problem of highly growing young
unemployment by organizing in small scale enterprise with different skill and academic level.
But the sector has still gap to reach the demand of shades and market integration as well as
financial supply.

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2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

femal tota mal femal tota mal femal tota mal femal mal femal
Title male e l e e l e e l e e e e
dairy farm

Source: Gesuba town enterprise office 2012e.c

The activity of small scale enterprise in the cities considered as the first footsteps to generate
investors and employers of tomorrow. Encouraging and backup the existing enterprise means
opining the way for the new comers and also creating wealthy generation who will reinvest in his
country should be the vision of all nations.
By this Bodty city enterprise office did many things to younger population who where coming
with different knowledge and attitude. Some of them started with small capital grown and
graduated from enterprise to medium industrialist.
But the data indicating that most enterprises confined within the same activity seems there is no
diversified business plan study which exactly shows the demand of the market and what should
be supplies to the market comes in to question.
 Need for diversified business plan for enterprises.

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800 farm

600 polutary

400 service

200 construc-

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

9.4. Land provision

Land is capital asset to start investment. Every activity carried out on land and without land
nothing possible. Even though land is limited in its nature, especially in urban areas the
availability of developed land depends on the capacity of municipal revenue. So, land provision
for small scale enterprises is not easy task.

Because small scale enterprises get land with no expense but only government takes the negative
externality (expense on behalf of enterprises) so municipalities have due to prepare developed
land. Data's show that enterprises land demand very high and land supply very low due to its
zero return to municipality.

land preparation & provision

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
participant area participant area participant area participant area participant area
activities s m² s m² s m² s m² s m²

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The total land provision from to year shows progressive.But most enterprises still do not get land
showed as zero in the table.
 The new plan should consider space for small scale enterprise.
9.5. Unemployment level of the Town
It is true that most Ethiopian population dominated by young population. If this young
population engaged in different activities; the city will become economically efficient due to the
productivity of labor as labor is one of the main inputs for the production process.
Table unemployment level of Gesuba town

9 upto 1up to employe unemploye active age %unemployme

Year degree TVET 12 8 d d/ce d sum population nt rate

In 2008 e.c. unemployment rate is increasing. This figure as Gesuba town implies that,more than
16 young out of hundred had no job. So it needs special attention should be given to address the
young population.
 By promoting investment and by organizing the young population creating job
opportunity is mandatory.
9.6. Financial institute of the city

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Gesuba town financial institute are limited in number and not sufficient to serve even the current
demand. Commercial bank of Ethiopia established in recent years & started to serve the
customer but do not have its own building.
Omo micro finance from 2007 up to 2011
description 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 total
number of customers
amount of credit
commercial bank of Ethiopia Gesuba branch
number of customers
amount of credit

The data indicated that commercial bank of Ethiopia started credit service to the customers.But
Omo micro finance widely delivering credit service for those who organized by small and
medium scale enterprises. The demand for credit sharply increasing and additional saving and
credit institution should be needed to overcome the future financial demand.


ber of
4000000 cus-

nt of
1000000 creadi
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Beside this, there is insufficient infrastructure development to modernize the service.

Generally Gesuba town need big intervention trough:-

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Infrastructure development is crucial.

Space for additional financial institution must be reserved.
9.7. Trade
Trade is the heart of economic growth of the city. Goods and services exchanged though trade. The
characteristics of the trade activity of southern region mostly dominated by retail trade and had long chain
to reach the consumer. As other cities in the region, boditi city mostly dominated by retail trade
characterized by simple restaurant and drinking houses produced manually at home. Even though it
employs big number of work forces, these types of trade have weak economic linkage to produces wealth
for the nation.
Table trade activity of Gesuba town

service sector No of firms retail sector No of firms

restaurants & drinking house consumer goods
pension garment
transport fruits & vegetable shop
entertainment skin hides &shoe shop
school grain & animal forage
pharmacy wood &metal shop
beauty salon spice ,salt& honey
car service construction material
construction contractor butcher
tailor pharmacy
broker jewellery &beauty material

others motor fuel & lubricants

sum plastic shoe
wholesalers others
coffee sum
grain simple industries
salt hides &tannery
alcohol &beverage flour mill

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ranching wood &metal shop

fruits & vegetables sum

Gesuba town trade activity indicates that as a city basic areas of business do not establishes due to the city transit for Wolayita Sodo,Arbaminch, and other cities along the route should get
sufficient service from bodity city. As Wolatyta Sodo is concentrated by many services and institution,
Bodity city is needed to handle spillover services. So:-
 Space for many pensions and hotels are needed (evenly distributed commercial centre).
 space for agro-processing industry.(excess livestock population induces more skin and hide
tannery) and
 Space for modern coffee processing and packing industry.

9.8. Access to general market center

Open markets are the root of urban economy which links the agricultural output of the rural area
to the urban industrial product in order to exchange goods and services in which societies satisfy
the demand of each other. In many Ethiopians cities market days are organized two times in the
week with different days. In addition to major marketing days; there are Gulit markets that
practiced with in village to satisfy the daily consumption.

(See the picture below)

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Gesuba open market is in its structure well structured and placed in a good position. The shades
and the pavements are well constructed and safe for both consumers and traders. Easley
contaminated products like meat and related out-puts are sold under shade. Fruits especially
avocado had special market centre to carryout to Addis Ababa. Other products like red haricot
bean sold within the market in proper place.
But Gesuba market in its current situation seems saturated. Even after two or three years, the
open market will be crowded and cannot accommodate the future demand.
 Needs expansion area to accommodate the future development effect.
The current situation of the cattle market even very suffocated. In holydays, it is very hard to
manage. So
 Needs relocation aligned with the cattle flow direction.
 Additional Gulit space is needed in the new villages to reduce consumers commute.

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Identified Issues
Most government and public service centre confined within the down town hinders the
development of business activity.
The existing open market centre could not accommodate the future economic growth.
Strong intervention for small scale business enterprises needed.
Due attention for agro-processing industries.
Financial institutions need to be established and strengthened.
The existing cattle market area not sufficient and suitable for marketing activity.
limited numbers of service rendering investment; like pension, hotels e.t.c
Space for farmers who expropriated due to planning expansion.

9.9. Recommendation
 The city administration should give special attention to change the main business area
which is currently occupied by administration office.
 Promote investment in order to create job opportunity for those jobless young people.

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 Give special attention for livestock production to encourage urban agriculture and ensure
sustainable development at all.
 Backup and organize those youngest who enrolled at different academic level
 Increase municipal revenue to enable the municipal service efficient.

Planning intervention
 Creating new business centres to the vicinity of industry zone and to the out let areas of
major cities in order to foster the city development is mandatory.
 Additional space for open market is needed.
 Suitable space for cattle market.
 Introduce urban agriculture for those farmers who expropriate due to planning expansion.
 Reserving site for service sector in order to cater the economic activity of the city.
 Reserving site for shades (workshopand product display shop) for small scale enterprises.
 Reserve Site for modern market centre for fruits and coffee product.
 Reserve site for Agro processing Industries Establishment.
 Reserve space for financial institution.

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10.1. Educational institutionsin the town

Education is one of social services which requires special attention before making decision
about any development plan. According to the data collected fromBoditi education office, there
are 22 educational institutions. These are 3 kindergarten schools 15 primary schools(six
privately owned schools, nine government owned primary schools, 2 high schools(9-10) one
preparatory school and 1TVET college.

10.1.1. Trend of student's enrolment in Boditi town.

The enrolment condition of the student from 2007-2011 is stated by comparing the enrolment
trend of one year with another below.
in each academic years (EC)
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Kindergarten school
Primary school
High school

The Student enrolment condition in all schools is observed to increase from year to year. So
good opportunities have to be created to attract private investors to participate in the investment
activity of educational services .This in turn creates favourable condition to fill the gap in the
educational institutions.

10.1.2. School by Student Class room and classroom to student ratio

1stSchool level kindergarten

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Number of school 12 including Preregular education classes. number of class rooms 23

student in 2009 EC 2875 1:125

2ndSchool level primary school

Number of school 15 Number of class rooms 104 students in 2009 EC 12696 1:122
3rdSchool level high school
NO of schools 2 No Of classrooms 35 No of students 6265 1:179.The class room to student ratio
is one of those indicating factors measuring the quality and efficiency of education system. A
lower ratio in comparison to the national standard which is 1: 50 and 1: 40 for primary and
secondary school respectively. This means under utilization of resource and higher ratio
indicates overcrowding and less interaction between students and teachers. Class room to student
ratio for high school is calculated to be 1:178 Indicates that there is shortage of class rooms for
high school.

10.1.3. Teachers to Student ratio

Teacher to student ratio is other quality measurement indicator in learning and teaching process
which is calculated by dividing the total number of students to total number of teachers. The
teacher to student ratio of Boditi town is indicated in the following table.

10.1.4. School level kindergarten

Number of teachers 46 number of students 2880 ratio1:62 sex male 32 sex female 30 School
10.1.5.Primary school
Number of teacher 234 number of student 12696 ration 1 : 54 sex male 129, sex female 105,
qualification degree 38, advanced diploma=14
10.1.6. School level high school
Number of teachers 37 number of students 6265ratio 1:169 sex male 24 sex female 13
qualification diploma 7 degree 30.
Source: surveying data 2009 EC

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Teacher to Student ratio is to show that the lower the ratio is the higher the opportunity of
contact between teachers and students to check home works and class works as means to
provide support to students individually and vice versa. One can observe from the above table
that the overall teacher to student ration for primary school is calculated to be 1 to 54 this means,
the primary school as such has no a serious problem concerning qualification of
teachers.Qualification is another quality and efficiency measurement indicator of education
system.According to the standard set by minister of education, teachers who teach primary
school should have qualification at a minimum diploma (TTC) and degree respectively.
Therefore, certificates owned teachers have to be replaced at least by teachers in order to
maintain the quality of education.
10.1.7. School Age population (SAP) and enrolment projection
The school age population size and En size of town is calculated by applying
available formula on the age structure of population of the town.
Similarly, student enrolment projection is calculated using available formula based
on three to five consecutive academic years enrolments of 5 School age
population (SAP) and student enrolment (EN) in the Planning years (2009-10)
School 2009-2010 Existing In EC Planning Year required 2019-20 EC
level Sap EN Clas Pr % Sap EN Class Pr % School
1 Kinderga 4421 2875 23 65% 7162 6845 60 96% 10
2 Primary 2720 12696 104 467 440 16946 309 384% -
school % 7
3 High 6265 35 140 7245 13656 75 188% 2
school 4472 %

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Source: - survey data and federal democratic republic of Ethiopia population

census commission 2007/2008G.C
SAP school age populationequals enrolment pr. equals percentage as it can be
seen from the table above, there is and will be higher student participation than
school age populationparticularly for primary school. The main reason for higher
participation of enrolment than school age population (SAP) is that the existing
schools are serving not only town population but also population of the
surrounding peasant associations. I.e. in some cases, the reason for lower school
age population number is attributed to factors including those which are quite
essential during plan preparation.
Accordingly, attendants of specified school level students whose age boundary is
out of the subscribed age boundary. Source Survey dataAugust 2012 EC.
10.2. Health services
 The current population size of the town under consideration is assumed to
be 63211 and it is projected to be 102402at the end of planning year
(In2019 EC.
 As long as one health station is recommended for 25 thousand people and
one health station is available,it is recommendable to propose the site
foradditional four health stations.
Health services are one of social infrastructure that should be assessed in socio-
economic study of given studytown. The study team attempted to collect data from
concerned organs about health related issues. In this case, both private and
government health institutions were taken in to consideration. Although both
government and private institutions render health services to the community, the

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study team restricted it self to collect relevant health related data from government
health institutions because of the fact that the main objectives of government
health institute is directly attached to provisions of health services at minimum cost
to general community.
Health is the wealth of given society and only healthy people can contribute to
socio/economic development of that society. The major way through which
community health protection can be facilitated directly to the related availability of
health institutions and health professionals giving services in each of them in order
to reach at certain conclusions about the quality and efficiency of health services at
minimum cost in the town.
The fact that the main objective of governmental health institutions is directly
attached to provision of health services for economically marginalized segment of
society who are incapable of getting services from the private health
institutions,the study team limited itself to assess capability of governmental health
institutions and finally draw some conclusions and forward recommendations for
future remedy.
10.2.1. Health Institutions
According to the information gained from town health station, there are totally
about eight health institutions of all sorts owned by both private and government
including Pharmacies and rural drug venders are considered as health
institutions in this particular study.

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10.2.1. Existing and future requirement of health institution

Health Institution
Year in EC population finding Hospital Health
2012 Existin
2021 required
SourceBoditi health station 2012 E.C.
The above table indicates that there is no health extension which is vital for
imedate service.
The survey indicates that private entrepreneurs own all pharmacies and rural drug
venders. The government health institution it self is constrained facilities including
shortage of senior health professionals.
10.2.2. Health Professionals
The availability of health professionals on sufficient base is another quality of
efficiency indicator of health provisions. Health professionals along with their
qualification. The following table indicates health professionals along with their

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3.4.2 Health Professional by Qualification in Gesuba town

No Health professionals Doctor(Specialist) Total Remark
Male Female
1 Doctor(General)
2 Health Officer
3 Nurse
4 Health Officer
5 Laboratory technician
6 Health assistant
7 Pharmacist
Source: - Survey data 2012EC
As it is shown in the table above, there will be shortage of professionals. If the
problem is not solved in the future. There will be also a negative impact on health
services to be delivered to the community. The problem of health services is not
limited to shortage of health professionals but also absence of essential medical
equipment or facilities.
10.2.3. Ten Top Disease
During the field surveys conducted in the study town, it is attempted to obtain
information concerning current ten top diseases in the town. According to the data
obtained from health station, the ten top diseases during this time are assessed.
Accordingly, thediseases are shown based on the degree of their seriousness below.
1 Intestine parasite

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2 pneumonia
3 Typhoid fever
4 Malaria
5 Skin disease
6 Tuberculosis
7 Stomack ache
8 dysentery
9 Hypertheion
10 heart ache
The data obtained from health station implies that the above ten top disease are
indicated based on the degree of seriousness.
10.3. Housing
Assessing the existing housing unit especially residential housing units are found to be one of the
basic issues that only urban development planners should take in to account before they make
decisions. This is because the residents of urban need it. So the residents of Gesuba town are not
exceptional. In Gesuba town, it is assessed that the availability of housing deficits. According to
the data obtained from Gesuba municipality, 5193 residential housing units are assessed for
the total of 12394 households. Hence, the total housing backlog during this year is 7201 which
means; about 7201 households do not have their own residential housing units.Existing housing
gap and future housing requirement

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Year in EC Population HHS AHHS HU HH: HU Bag log


2012 EC … 5.1 1:2.3

2016 5(.1 1:1

2021 5.1 1:1


11.1. Municipal Services
11.1.1. General market

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There is one market places in Gesuba town located in the central parts of the town. Monday
market which is found in Mirab K/Ketema in BodityDoge Kebele. The market area is accessible
and central to the surrounding areas.
Due to their accessibility and centrality, large number of people exchange commodities coming
mainly from Offa, SodoZuria, Bayra Koysha, Kawo Koysha, and Humbo woredas. The
centrality is good.
market Photo
Major problems are
The problem is congestion, thus the market should be enlarged. The above photo shows that due
to congestion people exchange commodities along the coble stone. Since the area is plain during
rainy time the water logged there and difficult for trade activities. /Fig:-7.1/
Solution to the problem
 The houses which encroached the market surrounding cleared and added to the market
area and he market also should further expand to the cattle market.
 Proper drainage ditch should construct in the market.
 Making computable between “The major market”, “ YehiwotKa church” and “livestock
market “is necessary.
 With both market areas loading and unloading of goods done thus fright terminal is

Fig:7.1 The Major Market Place of Gesuba Town

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The second market in the town is KidameGebeya”

Major problems are
 Since the area is plain during rainy time the water logged there and difficult for trade
 Large area of the market is unoccupied.
 The to market area are near to each other, thus spatial distribution should consider since
the new plan is expanded three times from the previous plan area.
Solution to the problem
 Using the area for bus terminal since the area is large and a route way to Bedessa.
 Proper drainage ditch should construct.
 Additional market area and gulit areas (mini markets) should be established in the new
settlement or expansion areas for replacing these market area.
11.2. Live Stock Market
The cattle market is located adjacent to the Tuesday market and it occupies the supply nature
topography particularly entrance and outlet of the cattle area.
Major problems are
Relatively there is enough space for now but during national holydays large cattle enter in the
market and at that time there is congestion.Since the livestock market is located on sloppy side it
is highly exposed to storm water and associated erosion.Due to congestion and sloppy nature of
cattle market area ,it is difficulty for fright to load and unload sheep and cattle.
Solution to the problem
The cattle market which is located adjacent to the main market should further go or relocate in
relation to the new slaughter hose direction. Since there is large cattle and sheep population in
the wereda enough area for cattle loading and unloading should be reserved along the cattle
market area.
Thus the relocated cattle market can be an additional area to the main market since it is located

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Fig:-7.3 Enough area for fright loading is needed around the cattle market are

11.3. Abattoir service

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The slaughter house of Gesuba town has accessibility in all direction and also there is enough
area in the compound for developing it. Besides relatively good abattoir service are constructed
in the compound.
Major problems are:-
There slaughter house of bodily town found along the residence and it became the central area of
the town now a days. In the compound hides and skin drying room created bad odder near the
resident of the area particularly during loading of the hides and skin as a result a lot of objection
is created by the nearby resident of the town.
Solution to the problem:-
The slaughter house of Gesuba town should be relocated further to south west. For the future
planning year enough area should be allocated for the slaughter house in the new plan.

11.4. Bus Station

The bus station of Gesuba town is located at accessible site and along the major asphalt road.
The Major Problem of the existing Bus station
The bus station is not enough for the next ten planning years ,because on average about 201
minibus and 203 medium transport and 17 large buses on daily base facilitate the transportation
from Bodity to these 15 town and rural kebelles.
Major problems are
 It is located adjacent to fuel station which expose for different accidents.
 The area is not enough space now and even for future planning years.
 Relocating the bus station and another bus station is needed, the location around Saturday
market area which can have accesses both to the main road and the road that join to
Table:-7.1 Inter and Intra urban transport linkage
N.o Origin Destination Distance Travel frequency a day
inKM minibus Medium 24--29 Large

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1 Gesuba Sodo

2 Bekilo sagno

3 Lasho
4 Tebela
5 Hawassa
6 Halale
7 Saula
Total 201 203 17
Source;- Gesuba town transport department,2010E.C

There is a regular communication between on the above towns and rural kebelles. At present a
number of coble-stone roads within the town opened connecting sefers with other sfer by the
town administration and municipality. The town residents and investors participation in the
internal road construction like other towns is indispensable. Thus time and again discussion and
convincing with town residents and investors is needed.Even if the majority of the residents of
the town move from one part of the town to another on foot these internal transport has taken
place within the town by Bajaj and Motorbike and surrounding areas with minibus.On average
162 Bajaj legally registered facilitate the transportation activities, particularly from the center
towards different parts.Thus terminal for Bajaj not far from the main road is needed to facilitate
and control transport activities.

11.5. Fright Terminal

11.5.1. Freight terminal
There is no formal freight terminal in the town. At present freights are informally loaded and
unload near the open market and near the road sides.The existing informal freight terminal is not
ideal place. Fright terminal may locate around market areas and along the outlet of Sodo area
where large frights are passed.
11.5.2. Taxi terminal

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There are about 162 registered Bajaj taxi in Bodity town. As to the town transport department
terminal for the Baja taxi is needed and it is preferably shroud locates on the secondary road and
the other one is one car training center is needed.

11.6. Traffic Accident in the town

The traffic accident of Bodity town is mainly happened due to not giving priority to the
pedestrian, technical problem of vehicle,absence of pedestrian walkways, absence of road cross
along the main asphalt absence of taxi terminal in the town, absence of road side traffic signs and
light, narrowness of roads, high speed drive of vehicles within the area, lack of awareness of
pedestrian using zebras are another causes of traffic accidents.
Table:-7.2 Number of car accidents within Gesuba town,2009-2011 E.C
2009 2010 2011
N.o Type of Measurement

1 Number death In number

2 Loss on Property In Birr

Accident In number

3 Accident type

3.1 Serious In number

3.2 Simple In number


Source: - Gesuba town Road Transport Department, 2012 E.C.

Major accident prone areas in the town are from Fate Keble to NOC fuel station, the
wideness of the town square not related with the road size and from the town square to

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Saturday market.

11.7. Fire Brigade

In Bodity town there are about 5335 resident’s houses and many trade and administration
houses.Most of the resident’s houses are built side by side or without leaving space
(crowded)and there are large blokes.Inaddtion the numbers of urban dwellers are increasing even
about part of three ruralkebelle population are included with the planning boundary.The
establishment of institutions like Bodity University, large population will come in the town.Thus
if fire accidents starts it is difficult to control, it is easily passes from one house to other. These
and other factors urge the importance of fire brigade in the town.
Planning is one solution to control such and other unprecedented accidents.and the town
administration should plan to have fire brigade within the town.

12.1. Road network and linkage
The urban development through physical, social, economic and technological integration is
achieved with good transport system. Urban centers with poor transport services is meaningless
in each and every socio-economic activities undertaking in the town.
Gesuba town is linked to some urban and rural centers by road transport. Only the main road to
Shashemene,and Sodo is asphalt. All roads that link the town with other rural centers are gravel
road. The existing road of Gesuba town is poor which is not well designed, under standard and
not provoke the movement of both vehicles and passengers, except asphalt road. Gesuba has
feeder roads rather than Shashemene, Sodo, and to other weredas and rural kebeles.

12.1.1. Measure roads in the town are:

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• Asphalt Road: 7 km, Cobblestone Road 16.08 km, Gravel Road 3 km, Red-Ash Road
8.40 km, Earthen Road 120.77 km And other rural roads,
Most of the roads are narrow, less than standard. On most of the roads no pedestrian
walkway and walkway for animals, even there is pedestrian walkway it is not safe.
Almost all pedestrian move along the middle of the some roads. At some roads storm
water flows uncontrollably over the road surface.

Utilities are not installed properly and not at standard position on road structure. The
ditches aloud for storm water are small in size and clogged by silt and garbage during

The following problems are identified concerning to the road of the town.
- Some of the roads side are not protected by ditch and culvert /other constructed structure
so as to make the existing road safe.
- Most of the roads are narrow, less than standard, so people and animals walk along the
runoff way,
- People dump solid west along the road,
- Some households construct their house in contact with streams,

Not protected by ditch

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12.1.2.Road network and Transportation

The existing road net work as shown on the map, it is organic in outer part of the town and
girded in the center but not well hierarchical. Some roads have no regular width and length. So it
is difficult to determine the total coverage area of the existing road. The town has one bus
station, but no parking lot and other related services.
 The roads have to be standard in size and structure,
 All the utility lines have to be on proper aliment,
 Drainage lines have to be adequate and at proper position of the road cross-section,
 Properly constructed roads save life and property.
(Proposed road net work of Bodity Town)

Proposed Road cross-section of various width (30m -10m)

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12.2. Storm water drainage

Bodity Town is flat along asphalt road and slopping towards left and right. Due to fast
urbanization, the inner city covered by more impervious layer such as, roofing, asphalt road,
cobble stone road, gravel road, earth pressed road which generate a significant amount of runoff.
This aggravates the soil erosion and flood occurrences and also reduces water infiltration and
water holding capacity of soil at down streams. The generated runoffs from inner-city and
hinterland drain by natural as well as manmade storm water drainage line sometime run on the
open and agricultural land.
This runoff has a threat for erosion and as same time the natural water way increasing in width
and depth and also the drains create problem on traffic movement.
In order to reduce the problem, the municipality tries to look different measure such as
construction of drainage lines, diverting runoff from the road ditch to the natural drains etc but
the coverage still very low as compared to total need.

The study basically adopts the following steps:
 Data collection This involved both primary and secondary sources. The primary data
collection was conducted through field surveying, observation and focused on the
conditions, coverage of natural and artificial drainage channels. The secondary data that is
precipitation collected from Ethiopian Meteorological Services (EMS); and written

S. Data group Data type Source

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1 Rainfall - Rainfall intensity Ethiopian Metrological
- Number of rainy days agency
2 Catchment - Area - Base map
- Elevations - Base map
- Lengths - Base map
- Surface coverage condition - Field survey, and land
use map
- General catchment - Field survey
alignment, shape and type
3 Channel data - Original ground elevation - Base map
- Length - Base map
- Existing condition - Field survey and base
- Outlet point and condition map
4 Water bodies - Discharge - Field survey
5 Flood history - Peak flood history - Local person
Table 1 Primary and Secondary data sources

As described above, data of channel and catchment characteristics are taken by interpolation
and/or scale reading from map. This means the accuracy of the data depend on the accuracy of
the base map and measurements on the base map. In case some deviation is noted from the actual
ground condition, the user advised to adopt channel bed level, bed slope and flow direction on
the actual land. See drainage network map. During implementation the existing condition it
needs some adjustment depend on the land feature.

12.3. Drainage network map

 Data processing-The data collected from primary and secondary sources have processed
using appropriate formulas and practical methods of design.

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The symbols and formulas used during the data processing have been mentioned in Table 2 and 3

Symbol Description Unit

Ld Drainage length Meter

Ad Cross-sectional drainage channels area Meter Square
Ac Area of catchments Hectare
qp Storm water runoff discharge Meter cube/sec
Qd Discharging capacity of the pipe or drainage Meter cube /sec
D Internal Pipe diameter, drains meter
Y Height of maximum drainage channel meter
B Width of a Drainage channel meter
V Velocity Meter/sec
S Slope of a channel or a pipe No unit

Tc Time of concentration hr

I Rainfall intensity mm/hr

C Runoff coefficient No unit

R Hydraulic mean depth A/P m2/m

H Channel elevation Meter

H Elevation difference in the catchments from Meter
the farthest to the point of interest.
N Manning's roughness coefficient No unit

L Distance from the farthest point catchments of meter

the drainage area to the point of discharge.
T Return Period Year

Table 2 Symbols used in this drainage study.

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No Description Formula

1 Rational formula Q=0.00278CIA

2 Velocity V=(R2/3 S½) /n

Pipe diameter ( 3
3 full ) D= (0.074 Q/S½) 3/8

4 Discharging capacity of Q= A(1/n) R 2/3 S½

drainage channel
5 Time of concentration Tc =3.64*(1.1-c)L0.83*S-0.33
6 Intensity I = a/(b+td)c
Table 3 Formulas used for computation of storm water drainage line

12.4. Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this storm water drainage study is to mitigate the flood problem of the
town by providing efficient drainage network and flood protection structures.
Pertinent to the prevailing drainage problems, the following solution and directions have been set
a. To identify and critically analyze the existing urban storm water drainage in the town
with more emphasis on inundation area.
b. To improve the existing drainage infrastructures by computing their discharging capacity
and investigating their physical conditions of the town.
c. To study the magnitudes of existing drainage problems, identify their-relations and then
determine the intensities of the impacts of rainfall and runoff.
d. To prepare an urban storm water drainage plan which will guide the concerned
stakeholders to initiate and implement during intervention program.
e. To identify and formulate of short and long term storm water drainage line and related
mitigating measures.

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12.5. Study Area

The study area of the town more focuses on : -
 The existing drainage;
 Flood prone area of the town;
 Gully areas formed by storm water;
Since the root of natural drains is meandering and people construct their residence at the edge of
stream. A deep gorge formed at different points of the town cause lose of property.

In some area, natural as well as man- made drains have less capacity to carry the coming runoff
due to under size and full of sediments in the drains.

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Road Side Gully Erosion Around Kidame Gebaya to Bedessa New Road
During high intensive rainfall, soil particle detach by the impact of rain drop. The detached soil
particle and other unwanted material transported by runoff and deposited at natural drains. The
storm water along its way to natural drain, it has got natural drops of topography. This drops of
ground provokes high scouring and erosion of water ways.
Also there is a deep gorge at the junction of storm water from the town and the natural drains.
There is a deep scour at the end of manmade ditches ( lined and unlined).

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In order to reduce the problem, the municipality tries to look different measure such as
construction of long drainage lines without flow energy dissipation, diverting runoff from the
road ditch to the natural drains etc, but the coverage still very low as compared to total need. The
ditches and end of ditches are not protected from storm erosion.



In the Context of this study, storm water defined to include at least the following types of
effluent through which they generally differ in quality, quantity and in its origin
I. Rain generated runoff which comes from surfaces of streets, walkways, roofs, developed
and undeveloped areas and hinterlands.
II. Water that comes from flushing of streets, water tanks, pipelines, washing of cars etc.
III. The rise ground water above the bottom level of storm ditches, the water enter either
through manholes, or on the side of drains etc.

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IV. Leakage water i.e. water which comes from leaking and damaged water supply pipe

Since storm water dispose directly to the natural drains, it is required to be free of any domestic
sewage, sludge and industrial and commercial wastes which are pollutant to nature and which
contain large amount of organic loads (BOD), grease, toxic and other environmentally
hazardous, suspended and dissolved substances.

12.7.Basis for the Study

The final engineering design work of storm water drainage channels, conduits, ditches and other
relevant hydraulic structures in the above target areas has been executed(on local development
plan) based on:-

 The existing storm drainage lines;

 The proposed road net work and its hierarchy;
 The revised pervious plan;
 Proposed land use;
 Rainfall intensity;
 Slope of the area;
 Flood prone area;
 The size of catchments; and
 Surface condition

12.8.Coverage of Existing Drainage Services

Existing drainage service coverage in Boditgenerally can be considered inadequate, both in
quality as well as in coverage. The type of drainage facilities in the town are rectangular masonry
channel, earthed channel, and natural water way. The drainage facilities have a problem of
eroding drainage channels, sedimentation due to milled slope, vegetation growth in the drains,
disposing solid waste in the drains,so the runoffs cannot transport unwanted materials.

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The causes of sedimentation are:-

- Absence of silt trap structures;
- Absence of sufficient capacity of drainage structure;
- Poor workmanship;
- Disposing of solid waste which cannot be transport by runoff in to drainage line;
- Disposing surplus solids along drainage line; and

12.9. Existing storm water drainage condition

Access Road Facilities

a) General: - As far as road service coverage concerned, Bodity have moderate road net
work and the road quality problem. The town has some asphalt, coble stone roads and
earthen or graveled roads.
b) Types of Available Roods in the town.
 There is some asphalt road from Shashemene exit to Welayeta Sodo exit.
 Others are cobblestone, gravel and earthed surfaced Roads. Earthed surface roads
affect the dwellers health, during dry season, it become dusty. During rainy time,
it becomes muddy. At the time of high intensive rain fall, all dust and mud will be
washed and transport by runoff. Due to frequent happening of this phenomenon
the road will deteriorate from year to year.
The existing drainage lines are masonry ditches along the asphalt road, which carry low amount
of runoff at the center of the town and at cobblestone roads. Generally, the provision of urban
storm water drainage infrastructure/facilities and urban drainage management in Bodity town is
almost ignored or those constructed are not at proper position. Because of this Road surface and
edge, land, and urban utilities degaredate and major problems related to urban drainage are
The town have small coverage of manmade storm water drainage line at sides of Asphalt road
and not compatible at coble roads. But the capacity is higher at asphalt road and smaller at
cobble roads, coverage is less as compare to total need of drainage.

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As a final note, all the storm water which is generated within Bodity town as internal source
flows into many directions until it joins to a stream.
Bodity suffers from urban drainage management problems. The existing urban storm water
drainage facilities are almost none, even the storm water drainage lines provided is becoming
flood source to the downstream infrastructure/environment. This is because the drains have no
inlet as well as outlet resulting degradation to the downstream infrastructure and utilities. This
has resulted in environmental degradation problem through Road and land degradation, soil
erosion and water pollution. Because of the absence of urban drainage management and poor

urban storm water drainage lines design, the existing drainage facilities got silted-up or
blocked by silts and various solid waste materials. The cumulative/ultimate effect of these is on
urban road base and surface, utilities and prime urban land degradation. Generally, urban
drainage management in Bodity town is neglected which results in the degradation of urban
infrastructure and utilities.

The existing situation of the urban drainage management and systems in Bodity town.
 general urban drainage system in Bodity town,
 existing urban drainage lines/facilities,
 flood prone areas,
 existing storm water management practices,
 the existing condition of natural water ways or rivers,
 the coverage and existing condition of urban storm water drainage facilities (such as urban
storm water drains, culverts, bridges),
 The types and pavement type of urban storm water drainage lines along with Roads and
the condition of the whole urban drainage system have also been assessed.

It is also studied the challenges to manage the urban drainage system in the town. In the end the
integration and density of urban storm water drainage and road infrastructure have been dealt in

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12.10. Technical Problems Identified During Surveying of Existing Storm

Water Drainage Line in the Town are:-
 Slope:- Slope is a determinant factor for the dimension and velocity of runoff. Slope of
drainage line has more potential to facilitate the coming runoffs whereas, in low laying area,
the velocity of the runoff is reduced and create sedimentation alongside drainage line. The
sedimentation reduces the carrying capacity of the drainage channel which causes flooding
on the surfaces of road and adjacent area.
 When the storm joins the natural drains, it forms a gorge by eroding naturally gently sloping
 Absence of silt trapping structure: - There is no silt trapping structure at the inlet of the
drainage line so that the drainage line is filled by silt, gravel and none decomposable urban
solid waste during peak runoff period. The sediment blocks the drainage line and this causes
over flow on the surface of road and surrounding area.
 Improper dimension:- The dimension of drainage channel is a decisive factor to convey the
coming runoff. In some parts of the town, the drainage channel cannot convey the coming
runoff from the existing catchments. In this case excess runoff creates and overflows on the
surface of road and adjacent area.
 Ignorance of diverting road side drains at upper part of the town to nearest natural drains,s
leads high quantity of storm to the middle of the road.

12.11. Drainage problems in the town

Natural drains are not protected and also there is no buffer along the natural drains.Natural drains
cut deep gorge, along their root to streams. There is high storm along the road in the town and
cause erosion problem at some parts of the town

There is also occurrence of water logging at flatter area, during this rainy season. There were
areas where Ground water table emerges ground surface in dry season also. Drainage ditches are
constructed beyond the road span, away from road edge and at higher elevation than the road.
Therefore, they are none functional.

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12.12.Social and Regulation Problems Related to the Existing Drainage Line

 Waste dumping:- People who have less awareness, carelessly dispose every household waste
in to the drainage channel. Some people never feel responsibility for the drainage line; they
just dump every waste which are not easily transported by the runoff. Waste and sediment
settle on the drainage line and some time create bad smell.
 Lose of regulatory polices:- Even if there is law but only few persons governed by laws
while some of them out of the rule, no-body take care of drainage, what they are doing in the
water ways and water body
 Awareness: - Some dwellers in the town have less aware for the effect of disposing waste in
the drainage channel. Simply dispose any unwanted material directly in water ways.

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12.13.Selection of Potential Storm Water Drainage Routes

Selection criteria
In the final stage of study, only main and sub main roads of the town have been selected to be
designed. The drainage routes have been identified, ranked and then selected based on the
following criteria.
 Economic, social and historical significance of the area to be served by a drainage system;
 Intensities and extents of prevailing storm water drainage and environmental sanitation
related problems in that particular area;
 The extent and quality of the existing storm drainage services;
 Types of available road systems in the area;
 Future development and potential of the area;
 Prevailing flooding and erosion problems in that area;
 The topography and relative location of the area within the structural plan of the town i.e. is
a core area, peripheral area etc;
 Costs of construction, associated with environment impacts and other relevant factors; and
 Aesthetic value of the area.
Storm water drainage network design should not be create any problem on traffic, private and
government property and should not be a bottleneck for future development.


Drainage Facilities
Using some economic, social and topographic criteria roads, closed (pipe), open ditch and other
drainage structure must be recommended to save the road, human life and property. In a town
like Bodity, which are many other top priority needs, to provide every access road with a storm
drainage line with short period of time, it is not to be a feasible option from different

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perspectives. So the implementation must be taken step by step. During implementation we must
consider the following:-
 Use equal or the next grater commercially available diameter of pipe size;
 Use equivalent multiple of pipes or replace by slab/box culvert for pipe greater than the
maximum commercially available diameter;
 The drainage channels are joined at junctions such that invert elevation of the upstream is
no lower than that of the downstream; and
 The municipality should maintain the existing drainage channel frequently and should
also expand, phase by phase, the coverage of the storm water drainage line network
according to its priority and financial capacity. The main priority should be given to the
main drainage channels and flood prone area.
During selection of drains, the drains type should be strongly considered before decide the
channel type.

The proposed storm water drainage line have three alternative shapes, these are circular,
trapezoidal and rectangular. Choosing of alternative shapes depends on:-

 Aesthetic value
 Maintenance cost
 Capacity of municipality in financial and manpower
 Material availability
 Other
The maximum allowable estimated shape due to traffic mobility, aesthetic value, space and
shape of storm water drainage line needs a certain modification without changing the cross
sectional area of drainage channel and slope. In some area due to lack of space, they can choose
rectangular channel by reducing width and increasing depth. In some area during implementation
by comparing and contrasting the existing condition they can modify the dimension by
considering slope.

Some of cross- sectional shapes of drainage line are:-

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Alternative b. Both circular and open storm water drainage line


Alternative c. Rectangular storm water drainage line

12.15. Design Criteria

12.15.1. Estimation of Runoff Quantity (qd)
The commonly known as Rational Formula is used to measure the quantity of peak storm runoff
from particular catchment area with its characteristics. For watershed of area larger than 20 ha
and less than 50 ha the modified rational method is employed. In this method, reduction of peak
flow mainly due to surface storage is considered. Tests indicated that for large catchments the

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peak is reduced by about 20 percent. This is estimation but it differs according the character of
vegetation covers, slope, soil texture and structure. This percent of runoff remain on the
catchments by infiltrating to the ground, retention and detention.
qp = 0.00278 CIA
qp = peak discharge (m3/s)
i = Rainfall intensity in (mm/hr)
A = Catchment area in ha
C = Runoff coefficient (unit less)

12.15.2.Drainage Area (Ad)

The area which contributes a certain volume of runoff to determines the size of drainage channel
with relate to topographic slope.

3. Run-off Coefficient (C)

Run-off coefficient indicates the permeability or run-off generating capacity of a given
watershed or catchment. Due to lack of measured figures, a usual practice is directly adopted
from literature values for catchments assessment. Since, the town is composed of different types
of surface conditions, the following mean run-off coefficients which are relevant to urban and
semi-urban are applied.

Type of catchment or surface Run-off Coefficiente(C)

Roof 0.70 to 0.95
Asphalt pavement 0.85 to 0.95
Macadam Road 0.25 to 0.60
Gravel Drive area 0.15 to 0.30
Residential area 0.25 to 0.75

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Sandy Soil 0.05 to 0.20

Heavy Soil 0.13 to 0.35
PastureLand 0.40 to 0.70
Forest Area 0.50 to 0.85
Industrial Area 0.50 to 0.90
Table 4 Typical of Run-off Coefficient Values (C)
Sources E.K Garg (2003), Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering
12.15.3. Rainfall and Rainfall Intensity (I)
The National Metrological Agency is the organization responsible for the collection of
meteorological data.

Monthly Total Rain Fall in mm

Stn. Name :- Wolaitasodo

Fe Ma Ju Au Se No De
Year Jan b r Apr May n Jul g p Oct v c
125. 222. 101. 136. 133. 120.
2006 4.4 25.0 5 1 142.6 7 7 258.6 62.1 4 37.6 9

186. 259. 225. 248.

2007 74.1 35.1 90.9 4 225.0 0 8 244.9 6 23.2 15.0 0.0

134. 225. 190. 206.

2008 6.1 15.1 10.9 86.7 136.7 5 4 241.5 6 8 131.6 0.0

128. 146. 164.

2009 13.5 21.3 29.2 9 125.0 60.6 95.4 122.3 99.9 3 45.5 0

145. 189. 199. 112. 130.

2010 16.2 97.1 0 4 280.8 3 9 97.4 7 34.2 18.7 19.8

115. 202. 106.

2011 4.5 9.5 43.2 68.4 270.8 4 8 201.9 6 25.2 138.4 10.5

199. 314. 135.

2012 1.2 1.8 10.1 2 139.3 89.0 3 246.7 8 26.8 #N/A 17.2

196. 342. 159. 252. 124.

2013 47.4 7.5 6 8 80.8 1 8 232.9 5 77.5 44.8 #N/A

127. 132. 198. 179. 307.

2014 33.9 50.0 3 90.1 237.1 9 8 229.0 2 7 111.2 8.7

2015 0.6 6.2 40.2 122. 192.4 161. 135. 77.8 79.4 69.5 127.4 62.4

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9 0 5

Rainfall Intensity
Bell’s Rainfall Intensity Equation is used for computing the design rainfall intensity
( b+ T c )c
Where i = Rainfall intensity in mm/hr
Tc = Rain fall duration (Time of concentration) in hr
a, b and c are regionally applicable constants in most cases”c” approaches unity
and” b” is taken to be 0.3
Intensity of rainfall is the amount of rainfall per unit time. The relationship between Rainfall
Duration and Intensity is graphically expressed by IDF curve, which is shown in Fig No 1.One of
the prime tasks in runoff estimation procedure to development of Intensity Duration Frequencies
curves (IDF Curves) to show the relationship between intensity and duration of rainfall in respect
to the return period. The curves shapes directly depend on the value of Intensity and duration. In
urban condition choosing of recurrences interval depends on the size, economy and safety of the
town. The choosing of return period is very important for the decision and choosing of rainfall
intensity. To design the drainage network of the town, fifty years of average recurrence interval
is adopted and the maximum rainfall duration is 60 minutes.
Other factors which affect the quantity of storm water are:-

 Area of the catchments;

 Shape and slope of the catchments;

 Obstacle during the flow of runoff, e.g. trees, bushes, grasses

 Initial state of the catchments area with respect to wetness;

 Density of drainage network;

 Rain fall intensity;

 Soil type, texture and structure; and

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 Vegetation cover.

After the analysis of the 10 years rainfall data, IDF curves and equations are developed to
compute discharge in the above rational formula.
51. 034 65 .792 76 . 961
i2= i5= i 10=
0 .3+ t d , 0 .3+ t d , 0 . 3+t d

91 .719 102 .875

i 25= i 50=
0 . 3+t d , 0 . 3+t d

240 2 (years )
Intenisty in hr/mi

200 5 (years )
160 10 (years)
120 25 (years )

80 50 (years)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time in minute

Fig 4

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12.16. Time of Concentration (Tc)

Time of concentration is the time required from a drop of rainfall to travel from the further end
of the catchment to the point of interest. It is estimated by using the Air port formula.

Tc = 3.64 (1.1 –c) L0.83


Tc = Time of Concentration (hrs)

L = Flow length from the remotest point up to the point of interest in km
H = Elevation difference in m
C= Runoff coefficient (Unit less)

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12.17. Flow Velocities

Manning’s formula is used to determine the flow velocities in drainage

V = 1/n * R2/3 * Sd1/2

Where V = Velocity of flow in m/s

R = hydraulic radius in m
Sd = Slope of energy grade line
n = Manning’s roughness coefficient

a) Minimum Flow Velocities (V)

The minimum flow velocity is the movement of runoff with out deposition of particles. The
velocity of flow in drains depends on hydraulic radius(R), the invert slope of the conduits and
roughness coefficients of the water ways. To prevent or reduce the further deposition of solid
waste materials in the channels, a minimum permissible flow velocity at design discharge is
specified to be 0.8m/s.

b) Maximum Velocities
Maximum Velocities are set usually for preventing scouring and erosion of drainage conduits
and structures. To prevent scour and other undesirable effects of high velocity flow, a maximum
permissible flow velocity is also specified to be 5m/s.

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Design of drainage cross-section

Drainage cross-section Calculation

Pro. X-sec.(Y)&bed
Ca.are Ce. W.out fr. Rec. with f.
a Board bo.
R. Intencit Cof. Velo X- D or Sid. of widt
ID y Dis Q . Area W D^2 Dia rect. Y .With F.B h
p1 23.28 60 0.6 2.33 1.01 2.31 1.52 2.9 1.71 1.52 1.82 1.52
p2 80.12 60 0.6 8.02 1.01 7.94 2.82 10 3.18 2.82 3.12 2.82
p3 22.2 70 0.6 2.59 1.01 2.57 1.6 3.3 1.81 1.60 1.90 1.6
p4 106 70 0.6 8 1.01 12.3 3.5 16 3.95 3.50 3.80 3.5
p5 21.5 70 0.6 2.5 1.01 2.49 1.58 3.2 1.78 1.58 1.88 1.58

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p6 133.4 70 0.6 15.6 1.01 15.4 3.93 20 4.43 3.93

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12.18. Roughness Coefficient (n)

The hydraulic friction coefficient is determined by roughness of drain channels. Selected
roughness coefficient are depends on the smoothness of the material 0.016 is used for concrete
(cement pipe) and 0.017 for stone lined channel.
12.19. Discharge Capacity of Drainage Channels
Manning’s formula is used to determine carrying capacity of drains
Qd = AV
R 2 S 1
d 3 d 2
Q= A d∗

Where Qd = Discharge of drainage channel m3/s

Ad = Cross sectional area of drainage channel in (m2)
Rd = Hydraulic mean radius in m
Sd = Bed slope
n = Roughness coefficient
11.20.Locations and Spacing of Manholes and Other Structures
Manholes are generally provided at every bend, junction, change of gradient and change pipe
size. For closed conduits running in straight line, manholes are provided at regular intervals.
Manhole spacing adopted are:
11.21. Storm Drainage structures
1. Intermediate Structures
Street inlets are an opening to provide on the side or on starting point of drainage lines. The
inlet design should full fill the requirement of collection of runoff from street and adjacent
area dispose safely without creating any problem.
These types of structures are:
a) Inlet structures or inlet boxes with or without silt trap facilities (for closed conduits)
b) Grilles placed across or along flow direction
c) Junction manholes
d) Inspection manholes
e) Drop Manholes
f) Drop structures
g) Box or pipe culverts for road crossings

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Manhole and Culverts

Manhole is an opening on the channel line through which a person can enter the drainage line
and make necessary inspections and repairs. If pipe channel is used, it should be installed at
every change of alignment, gradient and diameter of the conduits. Manhole chamber should
be large enough to allow necessary examination and clearance of drains.

Pipe, box or slab culverts are provided at road crossings. For the design purpose the whole
width of the road is considered as a length of the culvert. In actual case, the length depends
upon the width of footpath and carriageway width. Pipe and box culverts should have
sufficient cushioning to prevent breakage due to ground surface loading or heavy track
 Use equal or the next grater commercially available diameter of pipe size,
 Use equivalent multiple of pipes or replace by slab/box culvert for pipe greater than
the maximum commercially available diameter,
 The drainage channels are joined at junctions such that invert elevation of the
upstream is no lower than that of the downstream,

2. Structures
End structures are important to overcome the problem of erosion or sliding of support
structures. Some of them are retaining walls, energy dissipating structures, box and slab
culverts and drop structures.

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Selection of Layout or Alignment Line

The alignment is done along the general direction of the ground surface slope since runoff
drains through gravity flow..
The trunk lines are selected considering different path options. Then branch lines are set to
joint towards this trunk line. The branching line starts from minimum possible depth at the
remotest point from the trunk line then ends at the trunk line with the corresponding trunk line
depth. During implementation, municipality expert can be modifying drains type, size, and
slope by considering the size of carrying capacity.


The municipality should supervise and inspect drainage lines every time, and take immediate
action in order to repair the damage ones before causes serious problem.

Blocking of drainage line is the result of deposition of silt, non decomposable material,
growing of vegetation, and other miscellaneous materials. Blocking of drainage line is
frequently occurring where drainages have been laid at flatter slopes, problem of erosion
(transporting of floating material), inadequate self-cleansing velocity and no silt trap
mechanism area.

Blocking of drainage line is also caused due to disposing of ashes, rubbish, garbage, and other
materials into manholes and other opening parts of the drainage line. The main works to be

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done in the maintenance of drainage works particularly cleaning sediments, repair the broken
drains, and inefficient drains

The best recommendation to prevent blocking drainage line by different factor:

1. Establish solid waste disposal area;

2. Establish temporary garbage container in different points, the town dwellers they can
transport easily by cart and can dispose the solid waste;

3. Create awareness of the disadvantage of waste disposing at every open space in the

4. Cover open area by grasses or pre cast in order to reduce soil erosion

5. Constructing grill or wire meshes at the mouth of inlets and manholes; and

6. Construct silt trap mechanisms on inlets and long drains to trap unwanted materials.

 Adequate opening should be provided in order to convey the coming storm water without
causing overflowing on the surfaces roads;
 Silt and solid waste trap mechanism must be constructed before runoff enters into concrete
pipe , this will reduce the complexity of cleaning of the pipe drains;
 Construction of drainage channel, culverts and waterways by private owners should be
supervised and guided by structural plan and municipality;
 The municipality must be develop polices and regulation to control disposing of waste and
construction material in drainage channel, manhole, and other structure;
 Employ best method of minimizing sediment problems in waterways and drainage channel ;
 For pipe diameter greater than commercially available adopt rectangular channel or by
considering carrying capacity or use two or three pipe which are commercial available.
 The hazard of gully formation can frequently be avoided by installing properly shaped
channels protected by vegetation to absorb the energy of runoff. Once a gully is formed, it
may be more economical to allow the gully to re-vegetate with natural erosion resistant plants
rather than attempting to reshape it to the original topography with expensive earth works and
construct physical structure. Gully formation or expansion can be prevented by reducing the
amount of runoff and by providing check dams at required intervals; and

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 Construction storm water drainage line should be done in consultation with

telecommunication, water supply, and other relevant stakeholder.

12.24. Water supply

Water is the most necessary requirements for human being. If not handled well (treated), is
means for epidemic disease, if not controlled causes loss of life and property. Bodity town,
one of fast growing towns of the region, which is located from Hawasa137km. The town
becomes enlarged from time to time horizontally. This grows needs provision of
infrastructures for the growing population. Potable water is one of this infrastructures. Since
Bodityis one of the fast growing towns of the region, it needs sufficient amount of potable
water supply at present as well as in future. The total present population of the town is 63211.
The total required water for the present population will be 3160.55cubic meters per day.
Present water supply coverage of the town as informed by the office is 60.20%( town water supply
office) from existing boreholes and. There are 6 B.Hs with 2.5 to 10 l/sec discharge, and one
borehole is not functional.
It is expected that with 100% extraction, 28.5* 3600*24 = 2462,400 l/d (2462.400 mcu/day)
water is available, However, the data shows that only 929.8 mcu of water per day is produced
and supplied to community from which 23 mcu is west.(2006 E.C data from office)

The total need of potable water for the population of 63211 according to WHO standard is
(63211*50) 3160.55 mcu/day. (Excess use of water at hotels, hospital, clinics, small scale
enterprises, etc. accounts 30% over and becomes 4108.7 M3/day). But 37.76% of available
potential water in produced. If all water supplying management and all other problems were
solved and 25% west, there would be 1846.80 M3 of water is available almost less than 50%
of the need.

 Even though, the town has plenty of unconsumed water, the water provision problems
were not solved,
 However, immediate solution will be to improve water management system, and
improve efficiency of provision.

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 The office would have stuffiest professionals and equipment for farther potable water
 For sustainable supply of water, additional water sources have to be studied and will
be constructed in near future to cover the need of present population and projected
population of 2020 (102,402).

12.25. Electrical Power

 Power supply is one of the prime factors in urban development.
 Provision of electric power in Bodity town was started in 1970 E.C.
 Now days 2726 owners of electric meter in the town , (general)
 The existing power supply system for the town is Hydropower supply system from
Sodo sub-station.
 Total existing power to the station is 1000 Kilo wat,
 there are 20 transformers in the town,

Problems encountered

 It is requested by the municipality to install electric line at Gido, Bedte and Bela
villages with 40 poles.
 There is no street at most of the Town,
 There are town roads which have power interaption at most of the town,
 There are streets which do not have street light(from ajiep to Wadu, from Markato to
 When trees cut, fall on electric line and cause electric shortage

Therefore Municipality has huge task to do on power


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13.1 Existing spatial form of Boditi Town

13.1.1. Location
Gesuba town is located in SNNPR state, in Wolaita Zone. It is found along Addis Ababa-
saula road at a distance of 361 km. it serves as town admiration level and administrative and
cultural and transport center for Offa woreda in general.

13.1.2. Shape of the Town

It is known that the shape of the town is expressed by its diameter ratio Gesuba Town has 9.7
km length diameter in North-South direction and 6.05 km long diameter in West-East
direction. So the entire shape of the town nearly elliptical.

13.1.3. Plan History of the Town

Got municipal status in 1990’s E.C. Got municipal status in 1990’s and got reform status 2011
E.C respectively. First municipal plan 1950s and the first strategic plan 2012 E.C
Currently the town becomes center for commerce and transportation route for all Offa and
other woredas’kebeles and the hinterland. But it was never considers the current
developmental needs and service integrations. It had around 1373 hectare of land

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13.2. Existing Land Use of Bditi Town

The establishment of the town is physically bounded by water body and rich in ground water.
The existing settlement area of the town is about 1373ha. The newly surveyed and demarcated
as expansion area is about 3047 ha. There for the total urban area of the town is about 3047
Basically the existing land use analysis of Gersuba town is focused on the existing settlement
area. Because it is known that expansion area is coming from land from rural based
uses/Agriculture. Therefore, the existing land use of Gesuba Town is analyzed by each Land
use category as follows.
The main land use categories currently existing in the town includes; Residence, commerce,
administration, Industry/manufacturing/ services, Recreation and formal green, Road and
Transport, Forest and informal green, special functions.

13.2.1. Mixed Residential Land Use

The residential land use of Gesuba town is characterized by mixed type of uses. It is mixed
with commercial and other urban land use activities. For instance the residential land use is
mixed with other uses on block level and even plot level. It is hard to find pure residential
zone is observed in the town. Existing residential area is about 264.3 ha. It is about 19% of the
built tap area.

13.2.2. Commercial Land Use

The hinterlands of the Gesuba town and the influence area is known by agricultural products
like livestock and cash crops, teff and maiz production and it hostsa number of market
attendants on the market day. The commercial activities of the town characterized by
merchandises, non-standardized hotels shops retailer’s business activities. Most of the
commercial activities found along the main road which crosses the town from Addis to sodo.
In relation to this urban land use function, two general markets are found in the central part of
the town. It has the problem of traffic congestion lack of facilities like shades, stores. It is
expected to relocate the cattle market and general market (maksegnogebeya) places
separately, and provides facilities for the newly proposed market places.

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In general the commercial land use of the existing plan ranges from small business activities
to the market day business and material transaction which constitutes 43.78 ha of land from
the total built up area (3.1%).

13.2.3. Administration
Gesuba town is serving as town administration center anddamot gale woreda administration,
trade, cultural and transportation center. Therefore, all the town level andworeda’s offices
and other organizations situated here in Gesuba town. Most of woreda level offices
situatedalong the main asphalt road. Therefore there should be planning intervention. The
total area which is covered by the administrative land use constitutes around 19.7 ha of land
which means (1.5) from the total built up area.

13.2.4. Services
This type of land use category comprises mainly social services like education, health
servicesreligious organizations, & cultural facilities and services. Municipal services like
slaughter house, waste disposal site, municipal cemetery etc. are also categorized under this
function.The town has no municipal services such as waste disposal sites, solid and waste
disposal sites, municipal cemetery, public library and public square at all. In general the social
services covered around 119.1 ha of land (8.7%) from the total built up area.

13.2.5. Education
Educational facilities such as technical and vocational school, preparatory and high schools,
four elementary schools are found but the preparatory and high school found together.

13.2.6. Health
As a town admintration and Offa woreda center, there is district hospital which serves
residents of the town and its hinterland along with additional health center in the town. There
are private clinics without their building or formal places. Therefore, this sector requires
additional land allocation during planning period.

13.2.7. Social and Cultural services

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As far as religious services are concerned, there are eight Orthodox churches,
catholicchurches and many more protestant churches. Many other protestant believers
exercise their faith without their own churches but engaged using private individuals’
residents. Protestant cemetery and funeral occasions performed inside Orthodox Church. So
there should be allocation of land for the existing problems.

13.2.8. Municipal Services

The municipal services are basic necessities for the residents of Bodit town. The existences of
all municipal services are unquestionable. But there are no municipal services in Bodititwon
for example, sanitary land fill site, municipal cemetery, waste disposal sites and the like. So
there should be high attention must be given for the existence of services during plan
preparation in appropriate and with a compatible land use manner.

13.2.9. Utilities
The town has telephone (dialup and mobile), 24 hrs electrical light and water services, there
are also telecommunication office and postal services found in the central part of the town.
But EEPC and has no their own offices in the town. Hence land should be allocated for these
utilities service providers.

13.2.10. Recreation
At present there are green areas and stadium. No any planned /formal/ recreational facility
established by municipality. To solve this recreational facilities the planning team noted as a
planning issue for the coming planning period. Taking into account this problem, there is a
need to reserve play grounds, sport fields, public parks & formal green areas with in different
part of the town.area covered by this land use function is 13.3 ha of land.

13.2.11. Manufacturing and Storage

Currently the available manufacturing & storage activities in the town are floor mail, tobacco
processing, bottling, wood work, metal work and garages fuel stations, etc. there is
manufacturing site and show rooms development under construction in the town in order to

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capacitate small scale enterprise and related activities. In order to meet the government policy
towards developing micro-small scale enterprise and other related agro industries, much has to
be done and there is a need to reserve sites with in different part of the town.the total area of
manufacturing share from the existing share is 14.4 ha of land.

13.2.12. Transport and Road

In this land use category there is asphalt road which passes through the town from north to
south covers 11.93 km long. Most of the road structure of Boditi town can be described as
cobblestone and paved ones with earth surfaced along with surfaced and foot paths. The total
area covered by this particular land use category is 187 ha of land from the total built up areas.

13.2.13. Urban Agriculture

The soil type & climatic condition of the town is suitable for urban agriculture. The bank of
existing small rivers available in the town is potential land. The residents of Bodit town get
vegetables & fruits using these two major rivers. There are also poultry farm, cattle fattening
and related activities in the town. But great attention has to be given for this particular and
essential economic activity.

13.2.14. Special Function

Areas categorized under this function are buffer area, high tension of electric line, river banks
and marshy areas.Major high tension lines, which have high voltage power, pass through the
town. Under these high voltage power lines, there are many residential houses constructed and
living there. This is one of the major existing problems that should never be continued in the

14.1 Planning Issues, Planning objectives and the conceptual frame work

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The future land use proposals are based on detail investigation of the relevant surveying data,
socio-economic study & current growth trend of the town. More over community and stake
holders' discussion has been given considerable weight.

14.1.1. Planning Issues Identified existing land use planning problems of

Gesuba town
 Lack of road facilities (parking lots, street furniture's)
 No fright terminal, waste disposal sites, shortage of alternative mini markets
 ( service, administration, Weak integration throughout the Town)
 Lack of consideration for open spaces and recreation areas
 172 residences under high tension line and buffer
 Informal settlement
 Incompatibility land-use
 It required many land -use zoning change
 Poor connectivity between sectors
 Confinement of commercial and administration land uses to the core area and
along main road
 No implementation phasing

Problem prioritization

 Inadequate provision of infrastructure

 Incompatible land use
 Connectivity
 Housing shortage
 Inadequacy of social services
 Environmental pollution
 Safety and security
 Environmental pollution

14.1.2. Planning Principles

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The basic planning principles that are adhered in preparation of basic Plan and shall be
adhered in its implementation Strategy are:

 Being vision driven and implementation oriented;

 Consideration of ( inter Urban& Urban-rural linkages, as well as comparative
advantage & potential of the Urban Centre rural hinter land);
 Delineation of Spatial frame for Urban Centers in view of efficient land
 Ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of the society through facilitating of
Public participation, transparency and accountability;
 Promotion of balanced and economically mixed population distribution;
 Safeguarding the community and the environment;
 Preservation, Protection and restoration of Historical and Cultural heritages;
 Balancing Public and private interest;
 Being affordability and demand driven of poor Society in order to alleviate
Urban poverty, as expectation of being Urban Centers are center of
 Following the method of Urban renewal and upgrading in the presence of
urban slum areas and providing housing for all urban dwellers;
 Providing Social as well as economical services obtaining center being in short
distance to all the residents;
 Ensuring reservation of adequate open spaces and public recreation center
including future expansion of the Town;
 Following the of zoning Strictly for all land uses;
 Controlling the horizontal growth of the Town thorough infilling system as
well as high rising building to minimize expropriation of dwellers in Urban
hinter lands, development and commuting cost;
 Following no system of haphazard (Laissez faire) method in planning
 Making the Town a pleasant place of living, working and relaxing; and
 Following non-dogmatic approach in planning process and in its

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14.1.3. Planning objectives and Conceptual frame work

The objective of this study to ameliorate socio economic and planning problems stated above
and makes the town conducive, environment for human being live, work and relaxes.

The specific objectives include;-

In order to develop commercial and civic centers and achieving equitable distribution of
services, infrastructure and other facilities identification of existing urban problems, potential,
opportunities and the interaction between the town and it hinterlands are the necessary steps.
In this regard, selecting areas suitable for the towns future expansion with in context of
achieving compact city


Expansion area is an area that require for future development of town within a given planning
period. The main criteria applied on the site selection for future growth of the town area are;
 Availability of sites with reasonable slope ranges
 Effect of future shape of the town is as much as possible compact city
 Cost effectiveness in constructing infrastructures like road, culvert etc…
The studies conducted on the physical and environmental aspects of the town. This helps to
define clearly the suitable expansion area; the main expansion directions for the town are
towards North, North- East and south and South East.


Physical planning is the process of allocating resources particularly land in order to achieve
maximum efficiency with respecting the nature & welfare of community.
Based on the projected population size, urban land use plots are designed to accommodate
different land use functions. According to the population projection the population size of the
The future land use proposal based on detail investigation of the relevant socio-economic
study and current growth trend of the town is by far the most accepted method to cope up
major problems prevailed in the town. In this regard area required for residence, services and
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other function are proposed. Accordingly expected land use sizes which are allocated for
different functions are categorized as follows.
Table11.13Boditi townproposed land use by major function
Land use category Land in hectare Percentage
1 Residence - pure =

- Mixed =
2 Commerce
3 Administration
4 Service
5 Recreation
6 Manufacturing and Storage
7 Transport and road
8 Urban Agriculture
9 Special function
10 Formal & informal green
Source; - Calculated based on the proposed land use map

14.2.1. Residence
In Ethiopia the majority share of the total urban land use in urban area belong to residential
service, this also true for Bodity town. Residential zone comprise housing units and of the
facilities required to support the basic requirement of residential units.
Proposed residential zones are based on the future growth direction area of the town. These
reserved residential areas are arranged by sub-arterial and collector roads, in order to enhance
According Socio Economic Study the total number of housing units required currently is 5232
housing units and projected for the coming planning period is estimated as 15,754housing

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Taking into account the regional land policy of minimum and maximum plot size for
residential plot house hold is and 200m2 300m2respectively. The average lot size considered in
determining the space required is 250m 2 per housie hold. Hence the total area required is
541.5 ha .which includes the number of farmers expected to be displaced (500) and 172
residents under high tension line (672 x 250m2).In addition to this, plot size or plots affected
by increasing road width and 30 percent allowance for road access as well as neighborhoods
level residential facilities will be 118.15 hectares.Hence the major part of residential areas to
be proposed envisaged to all direction of the towns.
The total area proposed for residential area for the coming planning period is about 659 ha
which covers 24.3 percent of the total area.

14.2.2. Commerce and Trade

Proposed commercial land use includes the existing centers that had been already developed
along the main road side, around open market, residential villages, and sites more or less
equally accessible.
In order to enhance faire distribution of commercial activity in addition to the existing main
central business district (CBD), sub centers are proposed are proposed in different part of the
town . the existing open markets of which makesegnogebeya relocated and kidamegebeya will
be continue with same modification and upgrading the former general market and
constructing ditches shades and surfacing should not be for gotten and we also relocated the
cattle market place near to the former slaughter house.
The other thing that need great attention is upgrading of those outstanding buildings within
the main central business district and along the main road, which has great role in upgrading
the physical feature of the town.
On the other hand financial institutions like banks which would be owned by government
privet and the like should be constructed in the commercial land use. The total area proposed
for commercial activities comprise 114.25 or 3.7percent of total area.

14.2.3. Administration
Bodity town serves as the second town of wolayta zones and a seat of demote gale woreda, in
the town there are many governmental offices that occupied the main commercial center of

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the town. Due to this and other factor there is a demand of land. So for this problem solutions
forwarded are:
 To relocate administrative offices in different parts of the town
 To reserve land in the expansion area.
The total area reserved for administrative use is 43.5 which about 1.4 percent of from
the total area proposed.

14.2.4. Service
Social services are very important elements of urban Centre. Social services include
Education, Health, Culture and social welfare, public worship & municipal services. the land
requirement proposal for this services by considering different criteria's such as
accessibility, proximity , service catchments area, fairness of distribution etc..
The total area reserved for service use is about 173 which accounts 5.7 percent of total
proposed area.

a) Education
Socio Economy study team had projected sixkindergartens, two elementary, for the coming
ten planning years so as to accommodate all the children, falling under the age of 4-6
years.There are two high schools and a preparatory proposed in the planning year.

b) Health
Currently there is one district hospital without any additional health institutions like health
center, health post and so forth, twoadditional health centers and six health post proposed by
socio economic issue.

c) Civic, Cultural and social welfare

As it has been counted during the existing land use inventory there are 4 orthodox Christian
churches, 9 protestantchurches, two catholic churches and 1Muslim mosque found within the
different part of the town.
Concerning cemetery orthodox churches have no cemetery site, protestant use the land found
near to their church, catholic cemetery and, Muslim cemeteries have a part of their worshiping

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site available at different part of the town. From this it is recommended that cemetery places
for protestant, municipality and orthodox believers.
Due to the base map prepared without detail surveying the planning team again encountered
to delineate the available cemeteries in the different part of town. This inconsistency also
realized during implementation it needs great care.

d) Municipal Service
As it has been discussed in the previous chapter municipal services delivered by municipality
includes waste management, abattoir, public shower & toilet etc. For waste disposal and
abattoir services sites are selected in south west of the town.

14.2.5. Manufacturing and Storage

According government policy towards small scale industries three sites are reserved in various
part of the town. Besides this, one industrial site is also proposed in south west part. Similarly
sites for warehouse, flourmill, etc. are envisaged with different part of town, especially
adjacent to the general market and along in and out let of the town. On the other hand it is
possible to allocate non-pollutant small scale industries with in reserved area. Garages and
fuel stations are proposed along the main road which is easily accessible for vehicles.
The total area which will be reserved for manufacturing and storage activity is about1 228.2
ha which account 7.4percent of total built up area.

14.2.6. Transport and road

Existing bus station is relocated to former general market site (makesegnogebeya). Due to this
it also serves for the coming planning period. Based on the topographic nature of the town the
type of roads proposed for the town are;- major arterial (40 meter width), major and minor
collector 30m,26,20,16, 15 &14 width and local roads 12 m and 10 m width.The major
arterial road stretched along the proposed asphalt road. Major & minor collector roads are
designed to collect the flow of traffic from local road of residential zones to the main road.
The total area covered by transport & road is about 493.94 ha which 17.2 percent of
propossed area.

14.2.7. Recreation
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The recreation facilities include Public Park, sport fields, play grounds and green area etc...
Which have high value for socio economic development as well environmental
balance.Accordingly different recreational services are proposed in this strategic plan at
different part of the town. The total area covered by recreation is about 71 ha which accounts
2.3 percent of totalproposed area.

14.2.8. Urban Agriculture

Urban agriculture is the current government policy towards creating job opportunity, in
supplying agricultural products to town's residents and to keeping the ecological balance of
the town.The possible urban agriculture that would be practiced in the town are horticulture
like fruits & vegetables animal husbandry such as dairy farm, animal
breeding ,fattening ,poultry and bee hive etc. The total area reserved for urban agriculture on
structural plan is relatively the highest of all (733) ha, which accounts 24.4 percent of the total
proposed area.

14.2.9. Formal and informal green

The available forest potential well managed in different part of the town. Many of sites
reserved for forestry in this plan are in areas where natural cliffs hilltops and gorges are
dominating as well as in the places where constrained (inconvenient) to construct either
building or any infrastructure.
We all have great responsibility to keep those reserved for forestry in the strategic plan, which
have a possibility to create "Green town".
The total area reserved for forestry in the plan is 11.56 ha, which is about 0.5 percent of the
total proposed area.

14.2.10. Special function

This type of land use refers to reserve areas for unseen projects marshy (swampy) lands & the
areas affected & exposed (risky) to geological hazards
The buffer under high tension electric lines, gorges which are found in different part of the
town are restricted from any urban activities, especially those gorges swampy and high
tension line buffer areas are to be recommended to conserve.

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In addition to these there are also areas reserved for unseen land demands that may occurred
during the plan period. Give priority for those deserving land uses which are not considered
during preparing proposed land use.
The total area covered under this function is 445.94 ha which about 14.6 percent of proposed

14.3. Final Remarks

The basic plan incorporates almost all the necessary social, physical and environmental
facilities of the town. Based on this the following recommendations should have been
recommended in order to perform prospective achievement of the town.
 The proposed residential zones encompasses those activities compatible with residence
, such as open spaces, for play lots, lower services like small shopping, kindergarten,
nursery and other activities that are indicated in the strategic plan are allocated while
implementation phase.
 Financial institution governmental & nongovernmental like commercial &
construction bank, insurance, micro enterprises can share the land from proposed
commercial zones.
 Pay attention towards upgrading and renewal of those highly depressed and
deteriorated old settlements which are found with in central part of the town
 Property lines of existing function & physical features like river, gorge, valley, hills &
the rest hindrance for any urban development that could not be readily identified
during the physical survey of the town need to be carefully considered during
implementation phase.
 Similarly care should be taken when implementing the newly proposed roads and the
roads that are recommended to be widen. These proposals carried out by local
authorities by checking the physical nature of the town & by creating awareness
through discussion is better thing.
 The proposed cemetery in the east part of the town is allocated for specific religious
categories which have no burial ground needs detail analysis during implementation.
 Promote vertical growth of the town due to the town constrained by the natural

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 Creating commitment & keeping moral & willingness of technical professionals of

municipality & urban development bureau in order to make them effective change
 In order to share the responsibility, community participation is an element of human
development so it is recommended that to pay attention towards community
 Enhance economic land budgeting system due to its scarce resource
 In order to bring sustainable development of the town effort has been exerted to attract
and promote internal and external investors.
 Due to the base map prepared with detail surveying the planning team again
encountered to delineate the available gorges in the different part of town and east
 Set construction control system in order to control the sub-standard constrictions.
In general there are also many other possible recommendations that are not stated here. The
problems need not only required unreserved efforts of municipality, Boditi town
adminstration& urban development bureau planning institute but also great prevalence &
awareness of the administrative bodies and the whole community. Finally in order to resolve
the stated problems of the town great mobilization of community and other available
resources is necessary.

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