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G1: Gaming Industry:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. What are the rules and laws (like age restrictions) that affect video games?
2. How does the economy (money and jobs) affect video games?
3. Do people's choices and habits (like playing on smartphones) impact the
gaming industry?
4. What new technologies (like virtual reality) can change how we play games?
5. Are there any big events (like government decisions) that can affect the
gaming world?
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the gaming industry (like popular games and loyal
2. Are there weaknesses (like issues with game quality or competition)?
3. What opportunities (like new game genres or global markets) can the gaming
industry explore?
4. Are there threats (like government regulations or new gaming trends) that
might hurt the industry?

G2: FMCG and Consumer Durables:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government rules (like safety labels) affect products we buy?
2. What happens to products when the economy is good or bad?
3. Do people's choices (like wanting eco-friendly products) change what
companies make?
4. How do new technologies (like online shopping) change how we buy things?
5. Are there big events (like trade agreements) that affect what products are
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of FMCG and consumer durables companies (like well-
known brands)?
2. Are there weaknesses (like product recalls or changing consumer tastes)?
3. What opportunities (like new markets or trends) can these industries tap into?
4. Are there threats (like economic downturns or competition from online
retailers) that might impact the industry?

G3: Hospitality Sector:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government rules (like hotel safety regulations) affect the hospitality
2. What happens to hotels and travel when the economy is doing well or not so
3. Do people's choices (like preferring Airbnb) change how they travel and where
they stay?
4. How do new technologies (like online booking apps) change how people
book and experience travel?
5. Are there major events (like natural disasters or pandemics) that can affect the
hospitality sector?
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the hospitality sector (like popular tourist
2. Are there weaknesses (like seasonal variations in demand or concerns about
3. What opportunities (like new travel trends or eco-friendly initiatives) can the
industry explore?
4. Are there threats (like unexpected events or changing travel preferences) that
might challenge the sector?

G4: Automobile Industry:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government regulations (like emissions standards) impact the
automobile industry?
2. What happens to car sales when the economy is strong or weak?
3. Do people's choices (like wanting electric cars) affect the kinds of cars
companies make?
4. How do new technologies (like self-driving cars) change the future of
5. Are there significant events (like trade tensions) that can impact the auto
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the automobile industry (like well-established
2. Are there weaknesses (like high manufacturing costs or competition from new
mobility options)?
3. What opportunities (like eco-friendly vehicles or expanding into new markets)
can the industry explore?
4. Are there threats (like economic downturns or changing consumer
preferences) that might challenge the sector?

G5: Pharma Industry:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government rules (like drug approval regulations) affect the
pharmaceutical industry?
2. What happens to drug sales when the economy changes?
3. Do people's choices (like preferring generic drugs) impact the pharmaceutical
4. How do new technologies (like personalized medicine) shape the future of
5. Are there major events (like public health crises) that can affect the pharma
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the pharmaceutical industry (like innovative drugs
and research capabilities)?
2. Are there weaknesses (like patent expirations or pricing controversies) in the
3. What opportunities (like breakthrough treatments or expanding into
emerging markets) exist for pharma companies?
4. Are there threats (like regulatory challenges or competition from generics)
that might impact the sector?

G6: IT/ITeS Industry:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government regulations (like data privacy laws) impact the IT/ITeS
2. What happens to IT investments when the economy changes?
3. Do people's choices (like remote work preferences) affect the IT sector?
4. How do new technologies (like artificial intelligence) transform the tech
5. Are there significant events (like cybersecurity breaches) that can affect the
IT/ITeS sector?
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the IT/ITeS industry (like cutting-edge technology
and global reach)?
2. Are there weaknesses (like cybersecurity vulnerabilities or talent shortages) in
the sector?
3. What opportunities (like digital transformation services or expanding into
emerging markets) exist for IT companies?
4. Are there threats (like data breaches or competition from global rivals) that
might challenge the industry?

G7: Travel Industry:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government policies (like travel restrictions) impact the travel
2. What happens to travel and tourism when the economy changes?
3. Do people's travel preferences (like eco-tourism) influence the industry?
4. How do new technologies (like online booking platforms) change the way
people travel?
5. Are there major events (like natural disasters or pandemics) that can affect the
travel sector?
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the travel industry (like popular tourist destinations
and diverse travel options)?
2. Are there weaknesses (like seasonality or concerns about safety) in the sector?
3. What opportunities (like experiential travel or tapping into emerging markets)
can the travel industry explore?
4. Are there threats (like unexpected events or competition from alternative
accommodations) that might challenge the sector?

G8: Retail Industry:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government regulations (like trade policies) impact the retail
2. What happens to retail sales when the economy changes?
3. Do people's shopping preferences (like online shopping) influence the retail
4. How do new technologies (like e-commerce platforms) reshape the retail
5. Are there significant events (like supply chain disruptions) that can affect the
retail sector?
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the retail industry (like well-established brands and
diverse product offerings)?
2. Are there weaknesses (like competitive pricing pressure or inventory
management challenges) in the sector?
3. What opportunities (like omnichannel retailing or sustainable practices) can
the retail industry explore?
4. Are there threats (like economic downturns or changing consumer
preferences) that might challenge the sector?

G9: Financial Services:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government regulations (like financial laws) impact the financial
services industry?
2. What happens to financial investments when the economy changes?
3. Do people's financial choices (like digital banking) influence the financial
4. How do new technologies (like fintech innovations) transform the financial
5. Are there significant events (like financial crises) that can affect the financial
services sector?
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the financial services industry (like trust and
2. Are there weaknesses (like regulatory compliance challenges or cybersecurity
risks) in the sector?
3. What opportunities (like digital banking solutions or expanding into new
markets) exist for financial institutions?
4. Are there threats (like economic volatility or competition from fintech
startups) that might challenge the industry?

G10: Textile Industry:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government regulations (like textile production rules) impact the
textile industry?
2. What happens to textile sales when the economy changes?
3. Do people's clothing preferences (like sustainable fashion) influence the textile
4. How do new technologies (like 3D printing in fashion) reshape the textile
5. Are there significant events (like trade tariffs) that can affect the textile sector?
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the textile industry (like versatile materials and
fashion trends)?
2. Are there weaknesses (like fast fashion backlash or ethical sourcing concerns)
in the sector?
3. What opportunities (like sustainable fashion practices or innovation in textile
manufacturing) can the industry explore?
4. Are there threats (like economic downturns or changing consumer values) that
might challenge the sector?

G11: Real Estate:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government regulations (like property laws) impact the real estate
2. What happens to real estate sales when the economy changes?
3. Do people's housing preferences (like urban living trends) influence the real
estate sector?
4. How do new technologies (like smart home innovations) reshape the real
estate market?
5. Are there significant events (like housing bubbles) that can affect the real
estate sector?
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the real estate industry (like property appreciation
and location importance)?
2. Are there weaknesses (like market volatility or housing affordability issues) in
the sector?
3. What opportunities (like sustainable housing solutions or property
management tech) exist for real estate companies?
4. Are there threats (like economic recessions or zoning changes) that might
challenge the industry?

G12: Transportation and Logistics:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government regulations (like transportation safety laws) impact the
transportation and logistics industry?
2. What happens to transportation and logistics when the economy changes?
3. Do people's shipping preferences (like e-commerce trends) influence the
4. How do new technologies (like GPS tracking and autonomous vehicles)
reshape transportation and logistics?
5. Are there significant events (like natural disasters or trade disputes) that can
affect the sector?
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the transportation and logistics industry (like global
supply chain networks)?
2. Are there weaknesses (like fuel price volatility or supply chain disruptions) in
the sector?
3. What opportunities (like sustainable logistics practices or last-mile delivery
innovation) can the industry explore?
4. Are there threats (like economic recessions or cybersecurity risks) that might
challenge the sector?

G13: Media and Entertainment:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government regulations (like media content rules) impact the media
and entertainment industry?
2. What happens to media and entertainment when the economy changes?
3. Do people's entertainment choices (like streaming trends) influence the
4. How do new technologies (like streaming platforms and virtual reality content)
reshape the media and entertainment landscape?
5. Are there significant events (like content piracy issues) that can affect the
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the media and entertainment industry (like content
creativity and audience engagement)?
2. Are there weaknesses (like declining TV viewership or digital piracy concerns)
in the sector?
3. What opportunities (like digital content distribution or international
expansion) exist for media and entertainment companies?
4. Are there threats (like shifting consumer preferences or content censorship)
that might challenge the industry?

G14: EdTech and Education Industry:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government regulations (like education standards) impact the EdTech
and education industry?
2. What happens to education when the economy changes?
3. Do people's learning preferences (like online education trends) influence the
4. How do new technologies (like online learning platforms and personalized
education) reshape education?
5. Are there significant events (like school closures during crises) that can affect
the sector?
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the EdTech and education industry (like digital
learning tools and educational accessibility)?
2. Are there weaknesses (like the digital divide or quality concerns) in the sector?
3. What opportunities (like personalized learning solutions or expanding into
new markets) exist for education companies?
4. Are there threats (like digital security risks or changing education regulations)
that might challenge the industry?

G15: Defence Manufacturing:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government regulations (like arms export policies) impact the defense
manufacturing industry?
2. What happens to defense manufacturing when the economy changes?
3. Do people's views on defense (like support for military technology) influence
the sector?
4. How do new technologies (like advanced weaponry and cybersecurity)
reshape defense manufacturing?
5. Are there significant events (like international conflicts) that can affect the
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the defense manufacturing industry (like advanced
defense systems and government contracts)?
2. Are there weaknesses (like ethical concerns or budget constraints) in the
3. What opportunities (like defense innovation partnerships or international
collaborations) exist for defense companies?
4. Are there threats (like geopolitical tensions or changing defense priorities)
that might challenge the industry?

G16: Healthcare Industry:

 PESTLE Analysis:
1. How do government regulations (like healthcare policies and drug approvals)
impact the healthcare industry?
2. What happens to healthcare when the economy changes?
3. Do people's healthcare choices (like telemedicine adoption) influence the
4. How do new technologies (like medical advancements and electronic health
records) reshape healthcare?
5. Are there significant events (like healthcare crises) that can affect the sector?
 SWOT Analysis:
1. What are the strengths of the healthcare industry (like medical innovations
and healthcare expertise)?
2. Are there weaknesses (like healthcare access disparities or data privacy
concerns) in the sector?
3. What opportunities (like telehealth services or research collaborations) exist
for healthcare organizations?
4. Are there threats (like public health emergencies or regulatory changes) that
might challenge the industry?

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