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Proposal for Dr Artur

I will join your team and bring you 10-15 qualified appointments per month through email
marketing for you to close 3-4 extra sales to your coaching program each month.

You'll make $8k in sales every month without having to write a single email.

As I will create and manage your campaigns.

The way I will structure your emails to bring you 10-15 extra appointments and 3-4 sales every
month is like this:

2 Social Proof emails:

• Proof
• Authority
• Teasing their dream state

2 Value emails:
• Actionable value
• Hint of what's inside the product

2 Hard sell emails:

• Hit pain points
• Show solution
• Sell

I will write the emails for you and translate them into German and take care of sending them
to your list.

The best part is… if you don’t get clients, I don’t get paid, as I work on a pay on results

The structure of my offer consists of:

A one-time setup fee of $800

Then $300 for each sale I close for you

I will work on your team as your ally for life and will work every month to make appointments
and help you make sales, because if you don't win I don't win.

I will be waiting for your response, I am available to work with you immediately and start
running this system.

Thank you!

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