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A Very good evening to one and all present here.

A special word of good evening to our Honourable chairperson

Principal, our Vice Principal, my dear teachers and my fellow mates.

From being the cute shy students in frocks and shorts who found it difficult to say ‘Hi’, to the confident saree-clad
ladies and gentlemen in formal today, we find it even more difficult to say goodbye. After growing up in CHY for
all these years it's not going to be easy to move on. But I’m not going to keep on ranting saying bye is difficult.

Let me quote Dr Seuss here. “Do not cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened. “

There's a famous Nigerian proverb that says “it takes a whole village to raise a child” the meaning of this proverb
is that the upbringing of a child can only be accomplished by the collective efforts of a community of people.
They train the child in the ways of the village and even discipline them so they can grow up to be successful and
independent human beings.

Everyone in the village gets involved in this process of raising the child: moms and dads, cousins, grandparents,
and even neighbours.

In the same spirit as the African proverb, I want to submit to each person sitting here on this momentous occasion
that it takes the whole CHY community to raise a whole person.

My name is Nimay kaushik and on behalf of Chrysalis High Yelahanka class of 2023, I want to thank each person
in the CHY community who has helped me come to this point in my life, where I have the opportunity to walk
across this stage having finished ten rigorous years of preparation. I thank the CHY Community for stepping into
this role and inspiring the students, with your humility and burning desire to see young people turn the world up-
side down. Thank you for constantly working to place this school in a position where we can grow and see the
founding vision expanded, which I quote “Preparing children for the exam called LIFE”, faculty thank you for
constantly presenting us with content that has challenged our minds. I'm fully persuaded that no other school on
the planet has faculty that are as lovable as you all are.

Honourable Mr Sawal, madam principal, madam vice principal and all the staff and faculty, your tireless work has
paved the way for each and every single student here at CHY to have the best experience possible, Thank you

Without the help of each group of people whom I just named, it would be impossible for every child to be sitting
where they are today, each person is invaluable on the quest that we have been on for the last ten years to become
whole persons,

and though we haven't reached the pinnacle of wholeness just yet, I can assure you that because of the training,
development, love, and relationship we have received, we have been adequately equipped to walk out the journey
towards being whole persons.

Nelson Mandela said that education is the single most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. Class of
2023 let me tell you the world is ready for us to come up with every tool we have been equipped with during our
time at CHY. The world has searched and searched and searched for the answers to its problems but soon it is go-
ing to have to search no more because we have been equipped to bring them the answers.

I'll leave you today with the words of Harriet Tubman “every great dream begins with the dreamer, always re-
member you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars and to change the

I want to denouement this speech by saying that God, I thank you that you have endued the class of 2023 with
power from on high to be your witnesses in the bounds of the earth may we go with boldness.


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