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Literature Practice Worksheets

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

by John Boyne

Your Complete Practice Worksheets Guide (For Grades 7-8)

Multiple Choice Questions, Short Answer & Short Essay Questions,

Mid-Book & Final Test

Multiple Choice Questions

The Multiple Choice Questions in this Practice Worksheets Guide will test a student's
understanding of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. The questions are broken out into sections,
so they focus on specific chapters within the book. This allows you to test and review the book as
you proceed through the unit.

Short Answer Questions

Short-answer questions are open-ended questions that require students to create an answer. They
are commonly used in examinations to assess the basic knowledge and understanding (low cognitive
levels) of a topic before more in-depth assessment questions are asked on the topic.

Short Essay Questions

Short Essay Questions listed in this section require a one to two sentence answer. They ask students
to demonstrate a deeper understanding of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by describing what they
have read, rather than just recalling it. The short essay questions evaluate not only whether students
have read the material, but also how well they understand and can apply it. They require more
thought than a multiple choice question, but are shorter than the essay questions.

Mid-Book Test (Easy, Medium and Hard)

Final Test (Easy, Medium and Hard)

Answer Keys

©2017 BR Inc.
Multiple Choice
Chapter 1
1. What does Bruno arrive home to find the maid Maria doing in the opening of
Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?
(a) Packing his belongings. (c) Weeping uncontrollably.
(b) Trying to start the car engine. (d) Killing a mouse in the kitchen.

2. What color hair is Bruno’s mother described as having in Chapter One: "Bruno
Makes a Discovery"?
(a) Black. (c) Red.
(b) Blond. (d) Brown.

3. What is the name of the butler in Bruno’s household in Chapter One: "Bruno
Makes a Discovery"?
(a) Lars. (c) Karl.
(b) Daniel. (d) Martin.

4. How long ago had the Fury been to Bruno’s house in the opening of Chapter One:
"Bruno Makes a Discovery"?
(a) A week ago. (c) Three weeks ago.
(b) A month ago. (d) A year ago.

5. By what nickname does Bruno secretly refer to his sister Gretel in Chapter One:
"Bruno Makes a Discovery"?
(a) “A Sorry Sight.” (c) “A Hopeless Case.”
(b) “The Brat Packer.” (d) “A Lost Cause.”

6. Whose father is described as a green-grocer in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a

(a) Lars’s. (c) Martin’s.
(b) Daniel’s. (d) Karl’s.

7. Whose father is described as being a teacher in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a

(a) Karl’s. (c) Daniel’s.
(b) Martin’s. (d) Lars’s.

8. How many floors in total is Bruno’s house in Berlin said to be, including the
basement, in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?
(a) 2. (c) 5.
(b) 3. (d) 6.

9. What does Bruno consider to be the best thing about his house in Berlin,
according to the author in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?
(a) The tree house. (c) The moat.
(b) The garden. (d) The banister.

Chapter 2
10. How old is Bruno in the beginning of the novel?
(a) 8. (c) 9.
(b) 12. (d) 7.

11. How many floors, including the basement, comprise Bruno’s family’s new home
in Out-With?
(a) 2. (c) 3.
(b) 5. (d) 6.

12. How does Bruno define his father’s office in the story, both in Berlin and in Out-
(a) “On Strict Orders of the Fury.”
(b) “Enter At Your Own Risk.”
(c) “Out Of Bounds At All Times And No Exceptions.”
(d) “A Place Where Top Priority Business Occurs.”

13. What are the names of the three best friends of Bruno’s that he must leave
behind in Berlin?
(a) Shmuel, Lars, and Karl. (c) Karl, Daniel, and Martin.
(b) James, Peter, and Paul. (d) John, Jesse, and Michael.

14. How many other maids join Maria in service at Bruno’s family’s home in Out-
With in Chapter Two: "The New House"?
(a) 3. (c) 6.
(b) 2. (d) 5.

15. What is the young soldier carrying downstairs when Bruno first sees him in
Chapter Two: "The New House"?
(a) A bouquet. (c) A box.
(b) A gun. (d) A doll.

16. Bruno says of his father and all fathers in Chapter Two: "The New House" that
“fathers are supposed to be” what?
(a) “Serious.” (c) “Rich.”
(b) “Superior.” (d) “Strict.”

17. Whom does Bruno complain to about the move his family has made in his new
bedroom in Chapter Two: "The New House"?
(a) Lars. (c) Peter.
(b) Maria. (d) Shmuel.

18. The soldier that Bruno sees leave his parents room in Chapter Two: "The New
House" is described as having what color hair?
(a) Blond. (c) Red.
(b) Gray. (d) Black.

Short Answer Questions
1. What does Bruno arrive home to find the maid Maria doing in the opening of
Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

2. What color hair is Bruno’s mother described as having in Chapter One: "Bruno
Makes a Discovery"?

3. What is the name of the butler in Bruno’s household in Chapter One: "Bruno
Makes a Discovery"?

4. How long ago had the Fury been to Bruno’s house in the opening of Chapter One:
"Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

5. By what nickname does Bruno secretly refer to his sister Gretel in Chapter One:
"Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

6. Whose father is described as a green-grocer in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a


7. Whose father is described as being a teacher in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a


8. How many floors in total is Bruno’s house in Berlin said to be, including the
basement, in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

9. What does Bruno consider to be the best thing about his house in Berlin,
according to the author in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

10. How old is Bruno in the beginning of the novel?

11. How many floors, including the basement, comprise Bruno’s family’s new home
in Out-With?

12. How does Bruno define his father’s office in the story, both in Berlin and in Out-

13. What are the names of the three best friends of Bruno’s that he must leave
behind in Berlin?

14. How many other maids join Maria in service at Bruno’s family’s home in Out-
With in Chapter Two: "The New House"?

Short Answer Questions Key
1. What does Bruno arrive home to find the maid Maria doing in the opening of
Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

Packing his belongings.

2. What color hair is Bruno’s mother described as having in Chapter One: "Bruno
Makes a Discovery"?

3. What is the name of the butler in Bruno’s household in Chapter One: "Bruno
Makes a Discovery"?

4. How long ago had the Fury been to Bruno’s house in the opening of Chapter
One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?
A week ago.
5. By what nickname does Bruno secretly refer to his sister Gretel in Chapter One:
"Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

“A Hopeless Case.”
6. Whose father is described as a green-grocer in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a

7. Whose father is described as being a teacher in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a

8. How many floors in total is Bruno’s house in Berlin said to be, including the
basement, in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

9. What does Bruno consider to be the best thing about his house in Berlin,
according to the author in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

The banister.
10. How old is Bruno in the beginning of the novel?


Short Essay Questions
1. How does Bruno come to discover his family is moving in Chapter One: "Bruno
Makes a Discovery"? How does Bruno respond?

2. What conversation takes place between Bruno and his father regarding their
move in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

3. How would you describe the character of Bruno based on the reading of Chapter
One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

4. Who does “the Fury” refer to in the novel? What information does the reader
learn about the Fury in Chapter Two: "The New House"?

5. Would you describe Bruno’s character as “innocent” in the novel? How

“innocent” are Bruno’s parents?

6. How does Bruno compare his new home to his old one in Chapter Two: "The
New House"?

7. How does Gretel go about attempting to cheer up her brother in Chapter Three:
"The Hopeless Case"?

8. What does Bruno show Gretel in his room in Chapter Three: "The Hopeless
Case"? How does Gretel respond?

9. How is the setting beyond the fence described in Chapter Three: "The Hopeless

10. What does Gretel ask about the people in the camp in Chapter Four: "What they
Saw through the Window"?

11. What is Gretel’s response to the mystery of the fence and what is beyond it in
Chapter Four: "What they Saw through the Window"?

12. How old is Gretel in Chapter Four: "What they Saw through the Window"? How
does Bruno feel about his sister?

13. How does Bruno’s mother feel about her family’s relocation to Out-With? What
are her main concerns about this setting?

14. What is Bruno’s father’s position within the German military? What is
the reason for his relocation?

Short Essay Questions Key
1. How does Bruno come to discover his family is moving in Chapter One: "Bruno
Makes a Discovery"? How does Bruno respond?

Bruno comes home from school one day to discover his family’s maid packing up his
bedroom. Bruno has always lived in Berlin and therefore he is greatly distressed by this
move. Bruno's distress increases when he discovers the family will be moving to a house
in the middle of nowhere.
2. What conversation takes place between Bruno and his father regarding their
move in Chapter One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

Bruno begs his father to allow them to return to Berlin, but Bruno's father explains that the
job has been given in this new place is a very important job and that it is imperative to his
father's career that they all remain where they are.
3. How would you describe the character of Bruno based on the reading of Chapter
One: "Bruno Makes a Discovery"?

Bruno is the main character of the novel; he is nine years old. Bruno is a precocious child
who has clearly been spoiled by his parents and their comfortable lifestyle. Bruno enjoys
his own routines, his freedom to play as he likes, and the city that has been his home
since he was born.
4. Who does “the Fury” refer to in the novel? What information does the reader
learn about the Fury in Chapter Two: "The New House"?

The more knowledgeable reader knows upon reading the descriptions in the narrative that
the Fury is really the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, who was the leader of Germany during World
War II, the time period in which this novel is set.
5. Would you describe Bruno’s character as “innocent” in the novel? How
“innocent” are Bruno’s parents?

The author has gone a long way to establish the innocence of his main character. At the
same time, the reader realizes that Bruno's parents are less than innocent. Bruno's father
has accepted the command of a concentration camp where Jews were imprisoned and
murdered during World War II.
6. How does Bruno compare his new home to his old one in Chapter Two: "The New House"?

Bruno is disappointed with the new house because it is smaller than his previous home
and because it is in the middle of nowhere. Bruno complains to his mother, but she is too
busy to listen. Bruno complains to the maid, but she is too respectful to respond much.
7. How does Gretel go about attempting to cheer up her brother in Chapter Three:
"The Hopeless Case"?
Bruno goes into his sister Gretel's room and complains about the house. Gretel tries to
reassure Bruno that they will only be at Out-With, what they both believe is the name of
the house, for the foreseeable future. Gretel thinks this is only a few weeks.

One Week Quiz A
Name: Period:
This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 15.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many glasses are in Bruno’s mother’s fancy set that are being cleaned for
the party in Chapter Fifteen: "Something He Shouldn't Have Done"?
(a) 50. (c) 64.
(b) 12. (d) 26.
2. What happens when Bruno watches a dog on the other side of the fence in
Chapter Fifteen: "Something He Shouldn't Have Done"?
(a) Lieutenant Kotler kicks the dog.
(b) Lieutenant Kotler shoots the dog.
(c) Lieutenant Kotler screams.
(d) Lieutenant Kotler shoots into the air.
3. What two words comprised the common Nazi salute during the Third Reich?
(a) “Nazi Furor.” (c) “Hich Nazi.”
(b) “Semper fidelis.” (d) “Heil Hitler.”
4. What covers the walls in Bruno’s father’s office in Chapter Five: "Out of Bounds
at All Times and No Exceptions"?
(a) Mahogany bookshelves. (c) Maps and battle plans.
(b) Dark draperies. (d) Photographs of Hitler.
5. When does Shmuel say his date of birth is in Chapter Ten: "The Dot that Became
a Speck that Became a Blob that Became a Figure that Became a Boy"?
(a) September 18, 1935. (c) June 12, 1933.
(b) July 13, 1934. (d) April 15, 1934.

Short Answer Questions
1. What is Bruno’s response when his father asks him in his office in Chapter Five:
"Out of Bounds at All Times and No Exceptions,” “What do you think? … Of your
new home. Do you like it?”
2. For how long does Bruno say he’s been exploring when he meets the boy on the
other side of the fence in Chapter Ten: "The Dot that Became a Speck that Became
a Blob that Became a Figure that Became a Boy"?
3. Whom does Bruno recall his mother having said they “never should have let
come to dinner” in his memory of leaving their home in Berlin in Chapter Five: "Out
of Bounds at All Times and No Exceptions"?
4. What is the meaning of the word “ergo,” used in Chapter Five: "Out of Bounds at
All Times and No Exceptions”?
5. Where does Shmuel tell Bruno he’s from in Chapter Ten: "The Dot that Became a
Speck that Became a Blob that Became a Figure that Became a Boy"?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C 3. D 5. D
2. B 4. A

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What is Bruno’s response when his father asks him in his office in Chapter Five:
"Out of Bounds at All Times and No Exceptions,” “What do you think? … Of your
new home. Do you like it?”
“No. I think we should go home.”
2. For how long does Bruno say he’s been exploring when he meets the boy on the
other side of the fence in Chapter Ten: "The Dot that Became a Speck that Became
a Blob that Became a Figure that Became a Boy"?

Almost 2 hours.
3. Whom does Bruno recall his mother having said they “never should have let
come to dinner” in his memory of leaving their home in Berlin in Chapter Five: "Out
of Bounds at All Times and No Exceptions"?
“The Fury.”
4. What is the meaning of the word “ergo,” used in Chapter Five: "Out of Bounds at
All Times and No Exceptions”?

5. Where does Shmuel tell Bruno he’s from in Chapter Ten: "The Dot that Became a
Speck that Became a Blob that Became a Figure that Became a Boy"?



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