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DATE: 25.01.


Grade: VII SUBJECT: English Paper II MAX MARKS: 40
1. Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
2. You will NOT be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes.
3. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
4. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.


A. ‘The devil’s in the basket,’ I said and twisted it out of his hand.
1. The above action highlights_______________ the speaker. (1)
i. the irresponsible behaviour of
ii. the happiness experienced by
iii. the empathetic nature of
iv. All of the above
2. ‘I stumbled twice and there was an unaccustomed clumsiness in gripping the bolt’
Here unaccustomed can be replaced with (1)
i. unfamiliar
ii. unimportant
iii. unhappy
iv. extreme
3. What was the bright idea the invisible man came up with? Did the bright idea help the
speaker escape the trouble? (3)
4. Who was more sharp- eyed between the two detectives? The younger one or the older
one? Give two evidences to justify your answer. (3)
5. What in the story terrorised the speaker and why? (2)
6. If nose is to the mind of the dog then the __________ is to the mind of a seeing man. (1)
7. The speaker was afraid of the blind man approaching him as he feared his ________. (1)
8. You are the younger urchin. You meet the invisible man after twenty years. Create a short
conversation between the two. (minimum - ten dialogues) (3)

B. ‘But what can be done for a heinous act has been committed.’
1. How has the poet used the above line to create an impact on the readers? (2)
2. The line which shows that age doesn’t matter but the crime committed does is (1)
i. O! Even a minor is far from being acquitted.
ii. His pleads fall back onto deaf ears
iii. A scenario of no second chances has been depicted
iv. Everyone steers clear of him even though he admitted
3. If __________________is to the final sentence then convicted is to the final mark. (1)

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4. A hefty price was paid for being in a state of (1)
i. sorrow
ii. happiness
iii. entice
iv. repentance
5. What according to the poet could bring a ray of hope in life? (1)
6. What actions of the person in the poem portray the diminishing self-esteem? (2)
7. You are the head girl/head boy of Vidyashilp Academy. What two reforms would you try
to bring in the present system of your school to help your schoolmates who might get
labelled and treated differently at times? (2)

Reading Programme
1. The instance which showed that the Jews lived at the mercy of the Nazis is (1)
i. A doctor was forced to cook for the Nazi family
ii. Maria was taken to the new house along with Bruno’s family
iii. Gretel keeps the track of the war
iv. Bruno takes goodies for Shmuel
2._________ _is one of the most naïve characters in the novel because ______________ (2)
i. Gretel, she accepted what her father and Herr Liszt taught her.
ii. Pavel, serves the family happily.
iii. Mother, believes in her husband’s thoughts.
iv. Herr Liszt, he is forced to teach the Nazi kids.
3. Bring out the comparison between Bruno's old living situations in Berlin to his new living
situation. (3)
4. Describe the view from Bruno’s window. (2)
5. Bring out the irony in the given extract
As he is marched along with the other prisoners, "he [wants] to whisper to them that
everything was all right, that Father was the Commandant, and if this was the kind of thing
that he wanted the people to do then it must be all right" (2)
6. You are the gas chamber. Share your feelings in a paragraph of 50 words. (3)
7. Do you think Bruno’s father would have changed at the end of the story? Justify your answer.

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