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“Learning Styles of the Grade 4 Outstanding Pupils of Saraet Elementary School”


Output Presented to:

Virgie P. Tan Ph,D.

West Visayas State University-HCC


Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements in Reasearch Report


Ellorin, Julie Mae

Grijaldo, Rmae Grace M.

Jainga, Eddelyn M.

Malayas, Theres R.

Verano, Charmielyn L.
Background of the Study

The learning process has been one of the important aspects of human life. Students
learning styles are among the acquired factors. Based on their differences, different
students use different learning styles for their learning. In the Philippine educational
setting, learners vary in terms of their learning style. That is, each student has his or her
learning style and preferences. Some people discover their dominant learning styles, while
others use various learning styles in different circumstances (Cabual, 2021).

Learning style refers to the unique ways an individual processes and retains new
information and skills (Sevgi Sevi Yesilyaprak, 2018). This process occurs differently for

Successful students use a more active learning style. According to Nzesei (2015),
one of the most challenges in learning is for individuals to take responsibility for their own
learning. When learners take responsibility for their own learning, they attribute meaning to
the process of learning, leading to effective learning.

Hence, teachers must understand how students learn to maximize their learning pot
ential to improve their academic performance. They must establish a foundation that can
enhance and change behavior among pupils. The findings of this study will focus on the
learning styles of grade 4 outstanding pupils of Saraet Elementary School. The outcome of
this study has possible contributions to the pupils, teachers, and future researchers.

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