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Courses offered : SSC – CGL / CHSL, AP / TS - SI / PC (E.M /

Words denoting Governments

1). Mobocracy - Rule or government by masses.
2). Aristocracy - Government by the nobles.
3). Autocracy - Government by one person.
4). Bureaucracy - Government by officials.
5). Democracy - Government by the people.
6). Plutocracy - Government by the rich
7). Oligarchy - Government by a few persons.
8). Totalitarianism - A system of government in which only one party is allowed to function.
9). Secular - A government in which all religions are honored.
10). Meritocracy - A political system governed by superior intellects.
11). Gerentocracy - A political system governed by old people.
12). Kakistocracy - Rule by bad people.

Words Denoting Persons

1). Stoic - One who never shows any difference between pleasures and pains.
2). Optimist - One who looks at the bright side of things.
3). Pessimist - One who looks at dark side of things.
4). Theist - One who believes in God.
5). Atheist - One who doesn’t believe in God.
6). Fatalist - One who believes in fate.
7). Teetotaler - One who never touches any alcoholic drinks.
8). Cannibal - One who eats human flesh.
9). Pacifist - One who craves for peace.
10). Martyr - One who dies for a noble cause.
11). Spendthrift - One who spends money extravagantly.
12). Truant - One who stays away from school without leave.
13). Bourgeois - A member of middle class.


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14). Usurer - One who lends money at exorbitant rates.

15). Insolvent - One who can’t pay one’s debts.
16). Censorious - One who is always finding faults.
17). Scapegoat - One who is made to bear the blame due to others. / A person who is blamed for
something that someone has done.
18). Credulous - One who believes others easily.
20). Demagogue - A political leader who stirs up people with his oratory.
21). Garrulous - One who talks too much.
22). Reticent - One who doesn’t talk much.
23). Illiterate - One who can neither read nor write.
24). Linguist - A person who studies languages.
25). Polyglot - One who speaks many languages.
26). Altruist - A lover of others.
27). Egoist - One who thinks of only himself.
28). Ambidextrous - One who can use both the hands equally well.
29). Eccentric - A person of odd habits, unconventional.
30). Widower - A man whose wife is dead.
31). Widow - A woman whose husband is dead.
32). Fanatic / Bigot - One who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm in religious matters.
33). Quack / Charlaton - One who dishonestly claims to have medical knowledge and skill.
34). Refugee / Fugitive - One who flees away from a danger.
35). Lexicographer - One who compiles a dictionary.
36). Veteran - A person with a long experience.
37). Versatile - One who is gifted with several talents.
38). Iconoclast - One who destroys religious images.
39). Agnostic - One who doubts the existence of God.
40). Glutton - One who eats too much.
41). Introvert - One whose thoughts are turned inwards.
42). Extrovert - One whose thoughts are turned outwards.
43). Plagiarist - One who steals the ideas of others.


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44). Hedonist - One who lives for pleasures. / One who strongly believes that pleasure or happiness is the
most important goal in life.
45). Epicure - One who takes pleasure in eating or drinking. / A person who enjoys high quality food and
46). Bellicose - One who is fond of fighting / war.
47). Imposter / Hypocrite - A person who pretends to be what he is not.
48). Intestate - A person who has died without having made a will.
49). Eavesdropper - One who secretly listens to the conversations of others.
50). Cynic - One who sneers at human motives.
51). Connoisseur - One who is expert in judging food / music/ art.
52). Punter - One who gambles / bets.
53). Recluse - One who withdraws from society and lives alone.
54). Anarchist - One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in state.
55). Psephologist / Pollster - One who studies election trends by means of opinion polls.
56). Cosmopolitan - A citizen of the world/ One who thinks that the whole world is a family.
57). Arbitrator / Intermediary - A person appointed by parties to settle their disputes.
58). Mercenary - A professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army/ One who does anything for
59). Turncoat - One who changes sides.
60). Diffident - One who lacks confidence.
61). Prodigy - A child with unusual / remarkable talent.
62). Dandy - A person who pays too much attention to his appearance.
63). Duffer - An incompetent or stupid person.
64). Renegade - A person who abandons a party, movement goes over to the other side.
65). Novice / Tyro / Neophyte - A person without training or experience in a skill or subject.
66). Transgressor - One who breaks the law.
67). Itinerant - One who journeys from place to place.
68). Fastidious - One who is difficult to be pleased / Not easily pleased by anything.
69). Orator - A proficient public speaker.
70). Spokesman - One who speaks for others.
71). Curator - One who is in charge of a museum/zoo.


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72). Posthumous - A child born after the death of its father.

73). Acrobat - One who performs spectacular gymnastic feats.
74). Funambulist - One who walks on a tight rope.
75). Bilingual - One who speaks two languages.
76). Stowaway - One who hides away on a ship to obtain free passage.
77). Pedant - A person who over emphasizes rules or minor details.
78). Foundling - An abandoned child of unknown parents who is found by somebody. / A young child who
is left by its parents and then found and cared by somebody else
79). Hypochondriac - A person who suffers from an imaginary illness.
80). Kleptomaniac - A person who cannot control his or her desire to steal things.
81). Contemporary - One who lives at the same time as another.
82). Florist - One who deals in flowers.
83). Prophet - A person who foretells future events.
84). Parasite - A person who lives on the earnings of others.
85). Blonde - A woman with light coloured hair.
86). Brunette - A woman with dark hair.
87). Amateur - One who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession.
88). Bankrupt - One who is unable to pay one’s debts.
89). Bohemian - One who doesn’t follow the usual rules of social life.
90). Philanderer - One who makes love without any serious intention.
91). Coquette - A girl / woman who flirts with men.
92). Cynosure - A centre of attraction.
93). Feminist - One who works for the welfare of women.
94). Gourmand - A lover of good food / A person who enjoys eating large amounts of food.
95). Gourmet - A connoisseur of food.
96). Emigrant - One who leaves his country to settle in another country.
97). Immigrant - A person who comes to a country from his own country for settling.
98). Sadist - A person who derives pleasure inflicting cruelty on others.
99). Pedestrian - One who goes on foot.
100). Samaritan - One who helps the needy and helpless.
101). Uxorious - One who is extremely fond of one’s wife.


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Courses offered : SSC – CGL / CHSL, AP / TS - SI / PC (E.M /

102). Effeminate - A man whose manners are more like that of a woman.
103). Mediocre - One who is neither intelligent nor dull.
104). Burglar - One who breaks into a house in order to steal something.
105). Notorious - A person who is well known in an unfavourable way.
106). Masochist - One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself.
107). Horticulturist - One who studies the art of gardening.
108). Alumnus - A former student of a school / college / university.
109). Ascetic - A person leading life of strict self discipline.
110). Raconteur - One who is skilled in telling stories.
111). Inmate - A person who is kept in a prison / mental hospital.
112). Traitor - One who is not loyal to his / her own country, friends or relatives.
113). Scion - Person, a young member of a family who was born into famous rich family.
114). Hermit - A person who lives in solitude in a simple way especially for religious reason.
115). Trailblazer - A person who is first to discover something new and makes it possible and popular for
others to follow / A person who is first to do something.
116). Baron - A person who owns a large part of a particular industry.
117). Libertine - A person who leads an immoral life and is interested in pleasures especially sexual
118). Venerable - One who is greatly respected because of wisdom.
119). Triumvirate - A group of three powerful people.
120). Impersonate - To play the part of and function as some other person.
121). Parvenu - A person of obscure position who has gained wealth / someone from a low class position
who has suddenly become rich or successful.
122). Philistine - One who doesn’t care for art and literature.
123). Volunteer - One who offers one’s services.
124). Artist - One who practices one of the fine arts.
125). Skeptic - One who is always doubting.
126). Plaintiff - A person who files a suit.
127). Janitor - One who takes care of a building.
128). Milliner - One who makes or sells women’s hats.
129). Advocate - One who supports or speaks in favour of something.


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Courses offered : SSC – CGL / CHSL, AP / TS - SI / PC (E.M /

130). Patriot - One who loves and supports his / her country and is willing to defend it.
131). Outrider - A person in a vehicle or on horseback escorting another vehicle.
132). Adonis - An extremely handsome Youngman who creates flutters in the hearts of beautiful woman.
133). Bombshell - An extremely beautiful young woman.
134). Sexagenarian - A person who is between age of 60 to 69 years.
135). Septuagenarian - A person who is between age of 70 to 79 years.
136). Octogenarian - A person who is between age of 80 to 89 years.
137). Nonagenarian - A person who is between age of 90 to 99 years.
138). Centenarian - A person who is between age of 100 years old.
139). Somnambulist - One who walks in sleep.
140). Somniloquent - One who talks in sleep.

Words denoting Places

1). Millinery - The place where fashionable women hats are sold.
2). Stable - The place where horses are kept.
3). Kennel - The place where dogs are kept.
4). Cellar - An underground place for storing wine/ other useful things.
5). Barracks - The place where soldiers live.
6). Pen - The place where sheep or cows are kept.
7). Hutch - The place where rabbits are kept.
8). Sty - The place where pigs are kept.
9). Aviary - The place where birds are kept.
10). Apiary - The place where bees are kept.
11). Aquarium - The place where fish are kept.
12). Orchard - The place where fruit trees are grown.
13). Archives - The place where government records are kept.
14). Convent - A residence for the nuns.
15). Orphanage - A home for orphans.
16). Mint - The place where money is coined.
18). Lunatic Asylum - A home for lunatics.


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Courses offered : SSC – CGL / CHSL, AP / TS - SI / PC (E.M /

19). Infirmary - A home for old age people.

20). Cemetery - The place where dead bodies are buried / burnt.
21). Hangar - The place where aero planes are kept.
22). Casino - A place with gambling tables.
23). Sanatorium - Place for the sick to recover health.
24). Arsenal - A building where weapons and military equipment are stored.
25). Abattoir - The place where the animals are killed for their meat / slaughterhouse.

Words Denoting Sciences

1). Zoology - Study of animals.
2). Botany - Study of plants.
3). Entomology - Study of insects.
4). Etymology - The study of origin and history of words.
5). Ethnology - The study of human races.
6). Ornithology - The study of birds.
7). Seismology - The study of earthquakes.
8). Numismatics - The study of coins.
9). Acoustics - The study of sound.
10). Anthropology - The study of mankind.
11). Anatomy - The science dealing with the structure of animals, plants or human body.
12). Bibliography - The study of history of a list of books on a subject / A list of books on a particular subject.
13). Odontology - The scientific study of teeth.
14). Archaeology - The study of the ancient civilizations.
15). Genetics - Science of heredity.
16). Rhinology - Study of nose diseases.
17). Ophthalmology - Study of eye and eye diseases.
18). Nephrology - Study of kidney.
19). Pathology - Study of diseases.
20). Dermatology - Study of skin.
21). Endocrinology - Study of hormones.


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Courses offered : SSC – CGL / CHSL, AP / TS - SI / PC (E.M /

22). Neurology - Study of nervous system.

23). Ichthyology - Study of fish.
24). Gerontology - Study of diseases related to old age.
25). Toxicology - Study of toxic substances and poisons.
26). Zymology - Study of enzymes.
27). Meteorology - Study of weather.
28). Theology - Study of religion.
29). Linguistics - Study of Languages.
30). Paleontology - Study of fossils.


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Courses offered : SSC – CGL / CHSL, AP / TS - SI / PC (E.M /


Words denoting governments 10). Apiary - The place where bees are kept.

1). Mobocracy - Rule or government by masses 11). Aquarium - The place where fish are kept.

2). Aristocracy - Government by the nobles. 12). Orchard - The place where fruit trees are
3). Autocracy - Government by one person.
13). Archives - The place where government
4). Bureaucracy - Government by officials.
records are kept.
5). Democracy - Government by the people.
14). Convent - A residence for the nuns.
6). Plutocracy - Government by the rich.
15). Orphanage - A home for orphans.
7). Oligarchy - Government by a few persons.
16). Mint - The place where money is coined.
8). Totalitarianism - system of government in which
17). Monastery - The place where monks live.
only one party is allowed to function.
18). Lunatic Asylum - A home for lunatics.
9). Secular - A government in which all religions are
honoured. 19). Infirmary - A home for old age people.

10). Meritocracy - A political system governed by 20). Cemetery - The place where dead bodies are
superior intellects. buried / burnt.

11). Gerentocracy - A political system governed by 21). Hangar - The place where aero planes are kept.
old people.
22). Casino - A place with gambling tables.
12). Kakistocracy - Rule by bad people.
23). Sanatorium - Place for the sick to recover

Words denoting places 24). Arsenal - A building where weapons and

military equipment are stored.
1). Millinery - The place where fashionable women
hats are sold. 25). Abattoir - The place where the animals are
killed for their meat / slaughterhouse.
2). Stable - The place where horses are kept.

3). Kennel - The place where dogs are kept.

4). Cellar - An underground place for storing wine/

other useful things.

5). Barracks - The place where soldiers live.

6). Pen - The place where sheep or cows are kept.

7). Hutch - The place where rabbits are kept.

8). Sty - The place where pigs are kept.

9). Aviary - The place where birds are kept.


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Courses offered : SSC – CGL / CHSL, AP / TS - SI / PC (E.M /

ANIMAL TRAITS 7). Amputate - To cut off a part of a person’s body

in the part of surgery.
1). Feline - Cat like.
8). Elegy - A poem of lamentation on the death of
2). Equine - Dog like.
someone / A sad song or poem.
3). Bovine - Cattle like.
9). Obituary - A notice of the death of a person in a
4). Asinine - Ass like. newspaper.

5). Serpentine - Snake like. 10). Nepotism - Undue favour shown by a person in
power to his relatives.
6). Leonine - Lion like.
11). Sinecure - An office / post with no work but
7). Lupine - Wolf like. high pay.
8). Piscine - Fish like. 12). Convalescence - The period of gradual recovery
9). Porcine - Pig like. or health after illness.

10). Vulpine - Fox like. 13). Perseverance - Constant effort to achieve

14). Windfall - A crazy bit of unexpected good
1). Floriculture - Growing of flowers. fortune / unexpected piece of good fortune.
2). Arboriculture - Growing of trees and shrubs. 15). Utopia - Something which is perfect ideal but
3). Viticulture - Growing of grapes. impracticable.

4). Pisciculture - Rearing of fish. 16). Clandestine / Surreptitious - Done secretly.

5). Sericulture - Rearing of silkworms. 17). Concubinage - Living together of a man and a
woman without being married to each other /
6). Horticulture - Growing of fruits and vegetables. cohabitation.
7). Apiculture - Rearing of bees. 18). Economical - Careful in spending of money /
time etc.
8). Aviculture - Rearing of birds.
19). Reveille - Military waking signal sounded in the
9). Moriculture - Growing of mulberry trees.
10). Mariculture - Rearing of marine animals.
20). Dyke - A wall built to prevent the sea / river
General objects from flooding an area.
1). Obsolete - Something no longer in use. 21). Fauna - The animals of a particular region.
2). Fatal - Causing/ending in death. 22). Flora - The plants and vegetation of a region.

3). Posthumous - Occurring after death. 23). Edible - Fit to be eaten.

4). Autopsy - The examination of a dead body to 24). Potable - Fit for drinking.
find the cause of death.
25). Fable - An animal story with a moral.
5). Epitaph - Words inscribed on a tomb.
26). Antidote - A medicine given to counteract
6). Knell - The sound of the funeral bell. poison.


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Courses offered : SSC – CGL / CHSL, AP / TS - SI / PC (E.M /

27). Extempore - A speech made without any prior 48). Verbatim - Reproducing/ memorizing word to
preparation / something spontaneous and word.
49). Hallucination - Seeing something which is not
28). Procrastination - The sudden tendency to actually present.
postpone thing for future, dilly - dallying.
50). Parole - Release of a prisoner from jail on
29). Agenda - A list of things to be discussed in a certain terms and conditions
51). Blasphemy - Words uttered imperiously about
30). Manuscript - Paper written by hand. God.

31). Brittle / Fragile - Easily broken, delicate. 52). Bottleneck - A situation that stops an activity
from progressing / A problem that delays progress.
32). Prologue - The part that comes at the
beginning of a play / An introduction to a play. 53). Ceasefire - An agreement between two
countries / groups to stop fighting.
33). Epilogue - The part that comes at the end of a
play. 54). Testimonial - A written statement about
someone’s character usually provided by an
34). Panacea - A cure for all diseases.
employer / Evidence or proof of something good.
35). Red tapism - Too much official
55). Pseudonym - To write under a different name.
formality/Needlessly time-consuming procedure.
56). Cavalry - Soldiers fight on horse back.
36). Amnesia - Loss of memory.
One Words for manias
37). Transmigration - The doctrine that human soul
passes from one body to another. 1). Pyromania - Obsession to set things on fire.
38). Protocol - Code of diplomatic etiquette and 2). Dipsomania - Excessive obsession for drinks.
3). Gamomania - Obsession to marry again and
39). Anemia - Lack of enough blood. again.
40). Transparent - That can be seen through.
4). Kleptomania - Obsession to steal.
41). Opaque - Not able to be seen through / Hard to
5). Macromania - Obsession for huge things.
understand, unclear.

42). Exodus - Large scale departure of people /

6). Megalomania - Obsession for money name
mass departure of people and fame.

43). Destitute - Extremely poor and lacking comfort. 7). Bibliomania - Obsession for books.

44). Prototype - The first model of a new device. 8). Nymphomania - woman with uncontrollable
or excessive sexual desire
45). Sacrilege - Violation of something holy or
sacred. 9). Logomania - Mania for talking.

46). Idolatory - The worship of idols / images. 10). Anglomania - Mania for English.
47). Juxtapose - Placing a thing beside another. 11). Ergo mania - Mania for work.


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Courses offered : SSC – CGL / CHSL, AP / TS - SI / PC (E.M /

12). Mythomania - Mania for telling lies. 26). Nyctophobia - Fear of darkness.

13). Cynomania - Mania for dogs. 27). Entomophobia - Fear of insects.

PHOBIAS 28. Necrophobia - Fear of dead bodies.

1). Acrophobia - Fear of heights. 29). Telephonophobia - Fear of telephones.

30). Anthophobia - Fear of flowers.

2). Agoraphobia - Fear of open or crowded places.
31). Felinophobia - Fear of cats.
3). Cynophobia - Fear of dogs.
4). Bibliophobia - Fear of books.
5). Claustrophobia - Fear of closed places.
6). Carcinophobia - Fear of cancer.
7). Thanatophobia - Fear of death.
8). Monophobia - Fear of being alone.
9). Hydrophobia - Fear of water.
10). Pyrophobia - Fear of fire.
11). Anthrophobia - Fear of people.
12). Ornithophobia - Fear of birds.
13). Xenophobia - Fear of strangers.
14). Haemetophobia - Fear of blood.
15). Zoophobia - Fear of animals.
16). Theophobia – Theophobia – Fear of gods
or religion
17). Androphobia - Fear of men.

18). Gynaecophobia - Fear of women.

19). Anglophobia - Fear of English.

20). Demophobia - Fear of people.

21). Gametophobia - Fear of marriage.

22). Pathophobia - Fear of diseases.

23). Aerophobia - Fear of air.

24). Glossophobia - Fear of public speaking.

25). Photophobia - Fear of light.

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