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The American Journal of Sports


The Effect of the Mulligan Knee Taping Technique on Patellofemoral Pain and Lower Limb
Anne Hickey, Diana Hopper, Toby Hall and Catherine Y. Wild
Am J Sports Med published online February 22, 2016
DOI: 10.1177/0363546516629418

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AJSM PreView, published on February 22, 2016 as doi:10.1177/0363546516629418

The Effect of the Mulligan Knee

Taping Technique on Patellofemoral
Pain and Lower Limb Biomechanics
Anne Hickey,* BSc(Hons), Diana Hopper,* PhD, Toby Hall,* PhD, MSc, and Catherine Y. Wild,*y PhD
Investigation performed at Curtin University, Bentley, Australia

Background: Patellofemoral pain (PFP) affects 25% of the general population, occurring 2 times more often in females compared
with males. Taping is a valuable component of the management plan for altering lower limb biomechanics and providing pain
relief; however, the effects of alternative taping techniques, such as Mulligan knee taping, appear yet to be researched.
Purpose: To determine whether the Mulligan knee taping technique altered levels of perceived knee pain and lower limb biome-
chanics during a single-legged squat (SLSq) in adult females with PFP.
Study Design: Controlled laboratory study.
Methods: A total of 20 female patients with PFP, aged 18 to 35 years, participated in this study. Participants performed 3 to 5
SLSq on their most symptomatic limb during a taped (Mulligan knee taping technique) and nontaped (control) condition. During
the eccentric phase of the SLSq, the 3-dimensional kinematics (250 Hz) of the knee and hip and the ground-reaction forces (1000
Hz) and muscle activation patterns (1000 Hz) of the gluteus medius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis oblique were measured.
Participants’ perceived maximum knee pain was also recorded after the completion of each squat.
Results: Between-condition differences were found for hip kinematics and gluteus medius activation but not for kinetics or vastus
medialis oblique and vastus lateralis muscle activity (timing and activation). Compared with the nontaped condition, the Mulligan
knee taping technique significantly (P = .001) reduced perceived pain during the SLSq (mean 6 SD: 2.29 6 1.79 and 1.29 6 1.28,
respectively). In the taped condition compared with the control, the onset timing of the gluteus medius occurred significantly ear-
lier (120.6 6 113.0 and 156.6 6 91.6 ms, respectively; P = .023) and peak hip internal rotation was significantly reduced (6.38° 6
7.31° and 8.34° 6 7.92°, respectively; P = .002).
Conclusion: The Mulligan knee taping technique successfully reduced knee pain in participants with PFP. This is the first study to
establish a link between Mulligan knee taping and the reduction of PFP in conjunction with decreased hip internal rotation and
earlier activation of gluteus medius.
Clinical Relevance: The Mulligan knee taping technique may benefit the clinical environment by providing an alternative
evidence-based treatment plan for PFP.
Keywords: retropatellar pain; lower limb; biomechanics; single-legged squat

Patellofemoral pain (PFP) occurs in 25% of the general pop- knee and are exacerbated by patellofemoral joint loading2,19
ulation,8,21 being twice as prevalent in females than such as during squatting and negotiating stairs.2,14,19
males,7,17 and is encountered frequently by sports medicine Inequity of activity28,32 or onset timing17 between the
practitioners.15,22 Symptoms usually occur in the anterior vastus lateralis and vastus medialis oblique muscles during
knee loading may cause patellar maltracking, a biomechani-
y cal factor proposed to contribute to PFP. For example, in peo-
Address correspondence to Catherine Y. Wild, PhD, School of Phys-
iotherapy and Exercise Science, Curtin University, Bentley, WA 6102 Aus- ple with PFP, onset of vastus lateralis activation was found
tralia (email: to significantly precede vastus medialis oblique during stair
*School of Physiotherapy and Exercise Science, Curtin University, negotiation.12,25 Evidence suggests that a 5-millisecond delay
Bentley, Australia. in onset of vastus medialis oblique activation relative to
One or more of the authors has declared the following potential con- vastus lateralis increases patellofemoral joint loading, thus
flict of interest or source of funding: This study was supported by a grant
from the International Mulligan Concepts Teachers Association. T.H. is supporting the link between abnormal vastus medialis obli-
a Certified Mulligan Concept teacher and provides courses in the Mulli- que and vastus lateralis muscle activation and PFP.34
gan Concept, for which he receives a teacher’s fee. Despite this evidence, not all studies reported delayed activa-
tion of vastus medialis oblique.9
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. XX, No. X
DOI: 10.1177/0363546516629418
In regard to management of PFP, level 1 evidence sup-
Ó 2016 The Author(s) ports patellar taping,3,10,39 which is included in the best

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2 Hickey et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

practice guidelines for PFP.4 Additionally, tailored taping ligamentous or soft tissue injury, neurological deficits, and/
such as the McConnell concept28,29 appears superior to or an allergy to rigid strapping tape. Subjects were also
untailored taping. The effects of McConnell patellar taping excluded if they were involved in a current rehabilitation pro-
on participants with PFP have been shown to improve gram or had received Mulligan knee taping previously. The
onset of vastus medialis oblique activation during stair or Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee
step negotiation11 and a single-legged squat (SLSq).31 approved (PT260/2013) this study, and all participants pro-
This supports the notion that patellar taping facilitates vided written informed consent before testing.
vastus medialis oblique activation.31
In the gluteus medius, similar to the knee muscles, Experimental Protocol
delayed onset and reduced duration of activation have
been correlated with PFP during stair negotiation.5 Despite Upon arrival to the Motion Analysis Laboratory, participants
this evidence, no research is available pertaining to the underwent anthropometric measures of height (calibrated
effects of knee taping on gluteal muscle activation in stadiometer; to the nearest 0.1 cm) and body mass (calibrated
patients with PFP, therefore highlighting the need for fur- bathroom scales; to the nearest 0.2 kg). Forty-two retroreflec-
ther investigation. tive markers (12.7-mm diameter) were secured to each par-
Mulligan knee taping is an alternative technique pro- ticipant for a static calibration trial, based on a modified
posed for managing PFP33 that aims to indirectly correct version of the University of Western Australia static lower
patellar maltracking by changing hip rotation, a factor in limb marker set (Figure 1, A and B). Specific markers were
PFP.36 Rigid tape is applied under tension in a spiral then removed for the dynamic trials (SLSq trials), based on
around the knee, avoiding the patella completely. The a modified version of the University of Western Australia
aim is to alter tibiofemoral rotation, which is believed to dynamic lower limb marker set (Figure 1, C and D), allowing
reduce hip internal rotation. This procedure has been 3-dimensional (3D) motion of each participant’s test limb to
shown to significantly reduce peak knee and hip shear be captured. The 3D motion of each participant’s test limb
forces in adolescent ballet dancers during ballet-specific was recorded with an 18-camera passive 3D motion analysis
movements.20 Similarly, Howe et al24 reported a reduction system (250 Hz; Vicon; Oxford Metrics Inc). A calibrated mul-
in hip shear forces and knee and hip moments in female tichannel force platform embedded in the laboratory floor
recreational runners (N = 29). However, currently no evi- (1000 Hz; Advanced Mechanical Technology Inc) was used
dence is available on the effectiveness of the Mulligan to collect the 3 orthogonal components (vertical, anterior-
knee taping technique on pain, lower limb biomechanics, posterior, and medial-lateral) of the ground-reaction force
or muscle activation patterns in PFP. (GRF) generated by each participant during the SLSq.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine Muscle activity of the gluteus medius, vastus lateralis,
whether the Mulligan knee taping technique altered pain and vastus medialis oblique during the movement task
and lower limb biomechanics during an SLSq in adult was recorded after standard preparation. Electrode place-
females with PFP. It was hypothesized that during an ment sites for each of the 3 muscle bellies included vastus
SLSq, the Mulligan knee taping technique would decrease lateralis, placed at two-thirds of the distance from the
knee pain, alter peak joint angles, and decrease peak joint anterior superior iliac spine to the lateral side of the
forces and moments at the knee and hip as well as alter the patella (while the subject was seated with the knee in
timing and activation of vastus lateralis, vastus medialis slight flexion); vastus medialis oblique, placed at 80% of
oblique, and gluteus medius muscles. the distance from the anterior superior iliac spine to the
joint space at the anterior border of the medial ligament
(while the subject was seated with the knee in slight flex-
METHODS ion); and gluteus medius, placed at 50% of the distance
from the iliac crest to the greater trochanter (while the
Participants subject was lying on her side).13 All electrode placement
sites were then confirmed via isometric contractions of
Twenty females with PFP, aged 18 to 35 years (mean age, each muscle (leg extension for vastus lateralis and vastus
22.7 6 2.7 years; height, 169.2 6 6.2 cm; and mass, 65.5 6 medialis oblique and hip abduction for gluteus medius).
12.1 kg), participated in this study. Recruitment occurred After standard preparation (shave, abrade, alcohol swab),
through local sporting clubs, a local university, and the com- 2 bipolar Ag-AgCl surface electrodes (2-cm interelectrode
munity. Participants were screened, using an activity-based spacing; Blue Sensor Type M-OO-S; Medico Testing Solu-
assessment, for signs and symptoms indicative of PFP by tions) were placed over each electrode placement site in
a qualified physical therapist. Female volunteers were line with the orientation of the muscle fibers, and a refer-
included if they had a minimum 8-week history of anterior ence electrode was placed on the tibial tuberosity of the
or retropatellar pain, insidious in nature, which was aggra- test limb. Data regarding muscle activity of the gluteus
vated by a minimum of 2 of the following activities: stair medius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis oblique of
climbing, squatting, jumping, running, prolonged sitting or the test limb were collected with an 8-channel Octopus
kneeling, and/or isometric quadriceps holds. Females were Cable Telemetric system (1000 Hz; bandwidth, 10-500 Hz;
excluded from the study if they had a history of knee osteoar- Bortec Electronics Inc). Kinematic, kinetic, and electromyo-
thritis, patellar tendinitis or tendinopathy, patellar subluxa- graphic (EMG) data were time synchronized by use of Vicon
tions or dislocations, lower limb surgery or fractures, Nexus software.

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AJSM Vol. XX, No. X, XXXX Mulligan Taping and Patellofemoral Pain 3

Figure 1. (A) Anterior view of marker placements for static calibration trial. Marker placement sites for both the right and left limbs
according to a modified version of the University of Western Australia lower limb static marker set include anterior superior iliac
spine; posterior superior iliac spine; lateral thigh rig (3 markers); medial and lateral femoral condyles; lateral tibia rig (3 markers);
posterior tibia (superior and inferior); anterior tibia; medial and lateral malleoli; calcaneus; superior and inferior calcaneus; first
metatarsal head; fifth metatarsal head; and midway between the first and fifth metatarsal head. (B) Posterior view of marker place-
ments for static calibration trial. (C) anterior view of marker placements for dynamic trials. Specific markers are removed before
the dynamic trials. Marker placement sites for both the right and left limbs according to a modified version of the University of
Western Australia lower limb dynamic marker set include the anterior superior iliac spine, posterior superior iliac spine, lateral
thigh rig, lateral tibia rig, calcaneus, first metatarsal head, and fifth metatarsal head. (D) Posterior view of marker placements
for dynamic trials.

Mulligan Taping Technique before testing began and between each testing procedure
to ensure that skin sensation returned to normal level38
After marker and electrode placement, taping was applied as well as to allow ample rest to avoid fatigue. Maximum
to each participant’s test limb (Figure 2), defined as the perceived knee pain during the performance of an SLSq
participant’s most symptomatic limb. The order of the tap- was recorded by use of a verbal numeric rating scale
ing condition (Mulligan technique) and the control (no from 0 to 10 (0 = no pain, 10 = maximal pain), which is
tape) was randomized by use of a random number genera- a practical, reliable, and valid method of calculating per-
tor. Mulligan knee taping was applied with the patient ceived pain.26
standing and the leg placed such that the hip and knee
were internally rotated and knee flexed to 20°. While the
Data Processing
participant was in this position, 2 superimposed layers of
38-mm rigid tape were applied in a spiral fashion under After data collection, a 3D model of each participant’s test
tension from the lateral aspect of the neck of fibula, ending limb was created with a custom-written Labview program
on the anterolateral aspect of the femur. The tape passed (Labview v2011 SP1; National Instruments), based on each
over the tibia, inferior to the medial joint line and behind participant’s static calibration trial and inertial proper-
the knee. Once the patient assumed a normal standing ties.16 The kinematic, GRF, free moment, and center of
position, the tape became tighter, altering rotation at the pressure data were filtered by use of a zero-phase-shift,
tibiofemoral joint and hence inducing hip external rota- fourth-order, low-pass Butterworth digital filter (fc =
tion. To minimize variability among participants, all tap- 10 Hz; determined via residual analysis)40 before the lower
ing was performed by the chief investigator (A.H.), who limb kinematics, joint forces, and moments were calcu-
had expertise in this method of taping. lated.6 The peak 3D knee and hip joint angles, forces,
and external joint moments (normalized to body mass) dis-
Single-Legged Squat played by each participant during the eccentric phase of
the SLSq were calculated.
After a standardized warm-up and task familiarization, Raw EMG signals were demeaned (zero-offset removal),
each participant performed 3 to 5 viable SLSq on the test full-wave rectified, and then filtered using a zero-phase-shift,
limb. Each squat was performed at a comfortable pace to second-order, low-pass Butterworth filter (fc = 20 Hz) to
a depth of 45° of knee flexion. During each trial, partici- obtain linear envelopes (mV) closely representing the muscle
pants were instructed to place their arms across their chest tension curves. The timing of the onset of muscle activation
as well as flex their nonweightbearing limb to approxi- relative to the beginning of the SLSq (eccentric phase; deter-
mately 90° of knee flexion, with neutral hip alignment. mined with an integrated profile method),1 as well as the
Participants were provided with 5 to 10 minutes of rest peak amplitude of each muscle, was calculated.

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4 Hickey et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

6 1.28, compared with the no tape condition, 2.29 6 1.79

(P = .001 [95% CI, 21.49 to 20.51]).
Overall, participants displayed significantly less peak
knee adduction (P = .023) and hip internal rotation align-
ment (P = .002) when Mulligan knee tape was applied com-
pared with the control condition (Table 1).
Despite these kinematic differences between conditions,
participants in the Mulligan knee tape compared with the
control condition displayed similar external peak knee
extension (4.57 6 2.40 vs 4.54 6 2.36 Nm/kg; P = .795
[95% CI, 20.29 to 0.22]), abduction (3.04 6 1.62 vs 2.87
6 1.69 Nm/kg; P = 0.097 [95% CI, 20.37 to 0.03]), and
internal rotation (0.11 6 0.56 vs 0.14 6 0.64 Nm/kg; P =
.874 [95% CI, 20.43 to 0.37]) joint moments. Participants
in the Mulligan knee tape compared with the control con-
dition also displayed no differences in external peak hip
extension (11.49 6 7.15 vs 11.99 6 8.16 Nm/kg; P = .744
[95% CI, 22.66 to 3.66]), abduction (11.74 6 4.01 vs
11.19 6 3.81 Nm/kg; P = .506 [95% CI, 22.22 to 1.13]),
or internal rotation (3.01 6 2.38 vs 3.39 6 2.20 Nm/kg;
P = 0.488 [95% CI, 21.50 to 0.74]). Similarly, participants
displayed no between-condition differences (P . .05) in the
3D joint forces acting at the knee and hip.
In terms of muscle activation, participants did display sig-
nificantly (P = .023) earlier activation of the gluteus medius
when the Mulligan knee tape was applied compared with
the control group (Table 2). However, no significant differen-
ces were detected in the peak amplitude of the vastus medi-
Figure 2. The Mulligan taping technique. Tape was applied
alis oblique, vastus lateralis, or gluteus medius muscles or
while participants stood with their hip and knee internally
the onset timing of the vastus medialis oblique and vastus
rotated and the knee flexed to 20°. Rigid tape was applied
lateralis relative to the start of the SLSq (Table 2).
from the neck of fibula, passing anteriorly over the tibia to
secure internal rotation of the tibia at the knee, and passing
below the medial joint line and behind the knee. The chief
investigator (A.H.) secured the tape on the participant’s thigh, DISCUSSION
and a second piece of rigid tape was then applied over the
This is the first study to investigate the Mulligan knee taping
top in the same manner.
technique in patients with PFP and its effect on knee pain, as
well as the 3D knee and hip joint angles, forces, moments and
Statistical Analyses muscle activation patterns. As hypothesized, the results of
An a priori power analysis indicated that 20 participants this study indicated that Mulligan knee taping is effective
were sufficient to detect a standardized group difference in reducing knee pain in participants with PFP when per-
for an effect size of 0.6 (alpha level of .05, power level of forming a symptom-exacerbating task, such as an SLSq.
80%), whereby perceived knee pain was used as the primary Despite this improvement, not all participants had reduced
outcome variable.18,35 Descriptive data (mean 6 SD) were pain with the application of Mulligan tape. In fact, 1 partici-
calculated for demographic characteristics, including age, pant displayed greater knee pain with the Mulligan taping,
height, and mass of the participants. The distribution of and 3 participants displayed no change between the condi-
the data was examined by use of plots as well as Kolmo- tions. Thus, consistent with recommended clinical practice,33
gorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests. A series of paired t it would be prudent to evaluate the effect of Mulligan tape on
tests were used to compare the differences between the pain during an SLSq or other functional provocative activi-
taped and control conditions in perceived pain levels as ties and remove the tape if it is not immediately effective.
well as the knee and hip joint angles, forces, moments, While there appears to be no published literature regarding
and muscle activity during the eccentric phase of the the effectiveness of the Mulligan knee taping technique in
SLSq. All data were calculated by use of the SPSS package reducing knee pain in patients with PFP, this result is com-
(version 21; IBM Corp), and the alpha level was set at .05. parable with previous studies that have analyzed the McCon-
nell knee taping technique during similar tasks.31,32,35 Ng
and Cheng,35 Mostamand et al,32 and Mostamand et al31
RESULTS reported a similar percentage improvement in pain reduction
with McConnell knee taping application during the perfor-
Participants experienced significantly less knee pain when mance of an SLSq by participants (male and female) with
performing an SLSq with Mulligan knee tape applied, 1.29 PFP.

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AJSM Vol. XX, No. X, XXXX Mulligan Taping and Patellofemoral Pain 5

Peak Knee and Hip Angles During the Eccentric Phase of a Single-Legged Squata

Mulligan Tape Group Control Group P Value (95% CI)

Knee angle, deg

Flexion 58.87 6 8.89 58.73 6 12.78 .941 (24.44 to 2.64)
Adduction 1.43 6 3.92 2.14 6 4.15 .023b (0.12 to 1.35)
Abduction 5.76 6 5.28 5.53 6 5.53 .604 (20.53 to 1.26)
Internal rotation 20.76 6 11.85 22.98 6 38.35 .716 (210.67 to 14.58)
External rotation 12.99 6 10.49 13.22 6 37.77 .971 (212.98 to 13.06)
Hip angle, deg
Flexion 54.69 6 13.32 54.10 6 14.82 .729 (24.32 to 1.69)
Adduction 16.23 6 6.42 16.11 6 7.38 .887 (21.96 to 1.35)
Abduction 0.87 6 2.96 1.26 6 2.85 .470 (20.72 to 1.47)
Internal rotation 6.38 6 7.31 8.34 6 7.92 .002b (0.81 to 3.05)
External rotation 2.52 6 8.08 2.03 6 8.17 .116 (20.001 to 1.16)

Data are reported as mean 6 SD.
Significant within-group difference (P  .05).

Timing of Muscle Onset and Peak Muscle Activity During the Eccentric Phase of a Single-Legged Squata

Muscle Mulligan Tape Group Control Group P Value (95% CI)

Onset timing, ms
Gluteus medius 120.6 6 113.0 156.6 6 91.6 .023b (5.44 to 66.5)
Vastus lateralis 122.5 6 80.8 135.4 6 87.9 .174 (210.9 to 36.7)
Vastus medialis oblique 125.5 6 77.0 136.6 6 81.0 .308 (211.0 to 33.1)
Peak amplitude, mV
Gluteus medius 57.57 6 25.07 57.95 6 28.55 .870 (24.42 to 5.85)
Vastus lateralis 147.25 6 44.41 147.72 6 56.84 .921 (210.65 to 9.66)
Vastus medialis oblique 194.20 6 144.81 174.62 6 104.45 .184 (249.33 to 10.16)

Data are reported as mean 6 SD.
Significant within-group difference (P  .05).

While the outcomes in the present study and those in externally rotate to compensate for the tibiofemoral tape
the literature are consistent, the likely mechanism of tension.23 While no difference in tibial rotation was seen
action between taping techniques appears variable. It has as a result of taping, a reduction in hip internal rotation
been hypothesized that McConnell patellar taping opti- was displayed in the taping condition compared with the
mizes the patellar tracking pattern and alters the timing control (see Table 1). Interestingly, Howe et al24 reported
and activation of the vastus medialis oblique and vastus no difference in peak hip internal rotation angle between
lateralis, subsequently resulting in a reduction of patello- the Mulligan knee taping and control (no tape) conditions
femoral pain.2,11,21,28,31 The changes achieved by the (18.2° for each group). However, unlike the subjects in
McConnell taping technique are possibly due to the direct the present study, the subjects in the Howe et al study
influence that tape has on the patella, components of were healthy without pain, which may explain the
which include medial glide, tilt, or rotation, individualized between-study differences. Given this knowledge, it may
to the requirements of the patient.28,29 be theorized that the decreased hip internal rotation dis-
Conversely, unlike the McConnell technique, the Mulli- played by participants in the Mulligan knee taping condi-
gan technique does not entail contact with the patella,33 tion was compensatory to reduce tibiofemoral tape tension,
which is thought to reduce PFP by altering tibiofemoral potentially contributing to the decreased knee pain. Yet,
rotation and reducing hip internal rotation.23 In support due to the uniqueness of this research, further investigation
of this argument, the positions of the knee and hip are sug- is required to confirm this theory.
gested to alter patellofemoral joint mechanics by increas- In contrast to the present study, previous research has
ing lateral patellofemoral joint stress27,36 and thereby demonstrated Mulligan knee taping to reduce normalized
contribute to PFP.30,37 To achieve this, Mulligan tape is (to body mass) anteroposterior knee and hip joint forces,
applied in such a way to create tension in external tibial mediolateral hip joint forces, and sagittal plane knee and
rotation at the knee, theoretically inducing internal tibial hip joint moments.20,24 These between-study differences
rotation. Consequently, to achieve a normal position of may be due to the low-impact nature of the SLSq used in
the foot during gait, the femur is forced to relatively the present study compared with a dynamic landing

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6 Hickey et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

movement20 and running,24 and this factor requires fur- gluteus medius activity. This research has provided valu-
ther investigation and clarification. Furthermore, moderate able insight into the effect of the Mulligan knee taping
evidence exists for an increase in external knee flexion technique on management of PFP and the underlying bio-
moments (small effect) after patellar taping, during the per- mechanical influence it may have on the lower limb.
formance of functional, symptom-exacerbating tasks.3
These between-study differences may be due to the fact
that patellar taping has a direct effect on the patella and ACKNOWLEDGMENT
thus on knee extensor muscle activity.2,11,21,28,31 Therefore,
the mechanism for reducing knee pain is vastly different The authors acknowledge Paul Davey, Jenny Lalor, and
between each taping technique. Ashlee Howe for their contributions to this study. The
Literature demonstrates that in contrast to Mulligan authors also thank the participants for their time, without
taping, tape applied directly to the patella affects vastus whom this study could not have been conducted.
medialis oblique and vastus lateralis timing and activation
in persons with PFP.11,31 In a meta-analysis of patellar REFERENCES
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