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【天使在线 0-3 核心养育课】

蓝色部分是 Dorothy 老师的回答


Apart from the physical body, Is that the other three bodies will born in
different age ? Are these three bodies exist in a man all the time(always
there), but they are hibernating until the right time they will born?

The word “birth” is used but is I think may be easier to picture like
this. They are all thereat birth but become independent at different stages
during childhood. At around 7 years old the etheric from the mother, family,
kindergarten, environment , nature which has been used by the child to grow
and develop their physical body finishes that work and is released to work on
the child’s imagination and memory. The etheric in this transition also
becomes an independent “body” which is individual to the child. From 7 to 14
the etheric and the soul forces in the environment - the teachers, the way the
education is brought, awaken the feeling soul forces in the child. At puberty
these forces become more personalized and independent. Think of the
intense feelings that teenagers have to deal with and the resistance
teenagers have to being told what to do by their parents. During the time
between 14-21, the thinking and I of the child become more active through
the right moral education and by 21 hopefully the I is able to take its place as
the moral centre of the young adult who now is able to direct his will, feeling
and thinking life in purposeful and compassionate ways.

2. 我听老师讲 7-14 岁是发展星辰身的关键期,然后 14 岁星辰身出生,这里的


The teacher said the etheric body born in age of 7, so 7-14 is the time for
children to develop etheric body or soul body? As you said during this time the
adult need teach them with soul, isn’t that help them to develop their soul
body? And you said the soul body born in age of 14, what does the meaning
of this kind of born? It seem that this “born” doesn’t mean it suddenly emerge
or it has been mature.

Steiner education between 7-14 is given in a way that awakens depth of the
feeling soul life through stories, songs, art, movement. This becomes an
individualized and independent body around puberty. 14-21 is the phase
when thinking is awakened in the child. The feeling soul life becomes much
more intense with the development of sexuality and the wish to relate. It is a
struggle for the teenager to slowly control the soul life, become independent
from parents and find balance using the thinking facilities which is emerging.
Teenagers wish to find an identity which is self chosen, to configure their soul
life in their own way. The I forces, which bring consciousness and balance
gradually can hold the centre and manage the three soul forces -willing,
feeling and thinking.

What’s the difference between of three fold and four fold of human being?
I feel they are so similar to each other and not easy to distinguish.

Rudolf Steiner used many different ways to describe the human being. Each
way gives us a different perspective. The 4 fold shows us the different levels
of reality in the kingdoms of nature on our planet earth – and where our place
is. The perspective of the four fold human being relates us human beings to
the 4 kingdoms of nature and shows that we are different from the animal
world in that we have an I – we have an individual consciousness, can reflect
and have a sense that we are spiritual beings.
The three fold is an inherent formative archetype which lives on all levels. The
human being can be said to be body, soul and spirit. The soul can also be
divided into the three soul forces – willing, feeling and thinking. The phases of
childhood can be divided into 3 phases, and each of those phases can be
subdivided again into the 3 fold. The bones in the head are three fold -bony
fixed skull (thinking), movable jaw (willing) middle face with eyes nose years
( feeling). Hands and feet, all parts of our body can be subdivided into a three
foldness. There is always a polarity of opposites and a mediating balancing

4.关于三元,wiling feeling thinking 都属于心魂 soul,还是 wiling 对应

body,feeling 对应 soul,thinking 对应 spirit?

About the three fold: the three forces of the soul: willing, feeling and thinking.
Why they are all belonging to the soul? It’s easy for people to consider that,
the willing is corresponded to the body, the thinking is corresponded to the
spirit, and only feeling is corresponded to the soul. This really make me

The three forces of soul all interpenetrate fully the human physical body
although they have most concentrated in different regions of the body. They
all work together but in the different phases of childhood each one has a time
of being dominant. The three forces of soul are together often called the astral
body – a clairvoyant would see the astral body as a ovid shape of different
colours and symbols which extend beyond the physical body. Steiner also
gave insights into the 3 foldness of body soul and spirit. Our will is the most
unconscious and acts mostly through our metabolic and limb system. Our
feeling life is experienced in our chest and breathing, our thinking in our head.
The three forces work together or sometimes in opposition to each other! ( eg
We think one thing and do something completely different!) With spiritual
development we connect to the spiritual world through our thinking. It is all
very complex and I find its best to learn about these concepts by allowing
them to flow through our thinking rather than trying to nail them down.
Something to reflect on over time.
Steiner said – thinking brought into wiling is the basis of freedom, and thinking
brought into willing is the basis of love.

5. 如果说矿物和石头只有物质身,有生命的植物具有以太身,那么水呢?流动

As we say the stone just has the physical body, and the plant has the etheric
body, but how about the water? Is the flowing water the same as the still
water? When a fruit be picked down from the plant, and when a block be cut
off from a tree, do the fruit or the wood block still have their etheric body?

There is a difference between the etheric forces and the carriers of etheric
forces. Only in a living body does the etheric become a body. Water carries
the etheric forces. Plants, animals and humans are made up mostly of water.
A running stream will have strong etheric forces (think about the flow form
sculptures which have been created to increase the etheric in water) than a
still pond, but also a still pond if in the sunlight will have good etheric forces.
Naturally grown and healthy fruit and vegetables when picked and fresh retain
their etheric forces well for a few days. Biodynamic fruit and vegetables have
very strong etheric forces. Gradually though once the fruit or vegetable has
been picked the etheric forces will dissipate and the fruit or vegetable will
decompose. Some plants – eg willow will stay alive for up to a year after
being picked – very strong etheric!

How to help children make the transition from dreaming to waking? That is,
how to make an appropriate transition to intellectual learning?
We can support children’s transition from dreaming to waking slowly, by
encouraging them to participate in artistic and domestic activities, given good
stories, lots of movement etc. Even in class 1 children are taught very much
through imaginative stories, movement and learning that has a play element.
The intellectual element does not truly awaken until puberty and will happen
naturally if the child has had the right elements earlier in their childhood and
the process towards using the intellect has not been forced early.

7. 在《儿童健康指南》这本书里看到新生儿能够看到人头顶上的辉光,在很多

In the book "Children's Health Guide"(by Dr.Michaela), it says newborns can

see the aura above people's heads. In many spiritual books, it is mentioned
that everyone has aura. Is this aura related to the etheric body and the astral

The aura that clairvoyants can see may be a combination of seeing the
etheric – as a life body and the astral body (aura) which is full of moving
colours and symbols, which changes with our willing feelings and thoughts.
We all have an etheric body and an astral body. And yes it is said that babies,
who are so close still to the spiritual worlds can see the auras of the adults
around them. Perhaps they see the spiritual dimension of the human being
hovering above the head? They may also sense the quality of the etheric in
their environment. I imagine a little seeding. A warm light filled place to grow
will be much more inviting than a dark cold place. Babies are the same!

8.看到施泰纳先生逝世于 1925 年,当时的人们还远没有体验到我们当下的科技、


Steiner passed away in 1925, people at that time were far from experiencing
our current technology and Internet life. This influence from technology is so
great, is it possible that it has broken the life phases theory in Steiner's
Anthroposophy? In other words, the growth of life may inevitably been brought
forward. Does this mean that this part of the theory needs to be updated?

The biological, soul and spiritual requirements for healthy development

remain the same. Our role as parents and carers is to protect the child from
the influences in our world which would disrupt that archetypal unfolding in
childhood. And we must be awake to these technological influences and their
effect on us also. We need to read and educate ourselves. In anthroposophy
we talk about the forces of materialism (called Ahriman) who want to
dominate and take away our spiritual dimension. These forces must be made
to serve us and our cultural aims rather than controlling us and taking away
our I. We need to be awake to what is coming towards our children and
It is true that children are more awake earlier and earlier these days, and
because of this more nervous and unhealthy, and therefore it is even more
important to provide the right experiences in early childhood. Everything in its
own time according to the unfolding of the child. To be in a supportive
network of families who feel the same way can be very important.
Our ability as human beings to transcend the avalanche of technology and
more worrying artificial intelligence coming towards us is a strong I – our
spiritual core. We will need to be able to discriminate between what is moral
and true and what is not. Waldorf education is perhaps the only education
which through the nurturing of the whole human being during childhood gives
the best chance that we can decide to remain spiritual beings.

Further question is, the modern human body is no longer just a natural body
(mineral kingdom), heart bypass, mechanical prosthetics have been added to
our body, and even mobile phones have become an extension of our body
(like the brain that stores memory images externally, as a communication
organ other than the mouth and ears) , does it also have an impact on the four
fold theory of human beings?

The people who design all these pieces of technology do not take the spiritual
aspects of the human being into consideration. As we depend more and more
on external technology our spiritual core and our spiritual evolution, as well as
our etheric and soul forces may be compromised. Steiner told us that this is
the age of the consciousness soul. We need to wake up and consider what is
healthy for us and what is not. We need to make careful choices for ourselves
and our children. We need to develop our own strong I forces so that we can
best guide our children through increasingly challenging times.

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