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1. Socrates
Do you agree that there is a difference between the body and the soul? Explain
your answer.
Yes, there's a difference between them. The body is the physical aspect of
a person that can be seen, touched, and interacted with in the external
world. However, the soul is non-physical and the inner part that thinks,
feels, and makes decisions. The body is imperfect, temporary, and mortal,
while the soul brings life, is unchanging, and immortal.

2. Plato
What happens to a person whose 3 components of the soul are imbalanced?
If a person's three components of the soul (rational, spirited, and
appetitive) are imbalanced, they might feel disharmony. confusion, and
their inner self could be in conflict. It's like they are having different voices
inside, and they might have difficulties in making good decisions and
being at peace with themselves.
3. St. Augustine, St. Thomas, and Descartes
Do you agree with the statements about the self (body and soul) so far?
Yes, I agree that the self has both a body and a soul because people have
thoughts, emotions, and consciousness that go beyond physical
processes. The combination of body and soul makes an individual unique
and gives a deeper purpose in life.
4. Hume and Kant
Do you agree that everything start with perceptions and the mind regulates these
Yes, everything begins with what we perceive through our senses. Our
mind takes the sensations and organizes them to make sense of things. In
short, our mind's starting point is our senses-the things that we
experience through hearing, seeing. touching, and so on. Then our mind
puts them together like puzzle pieces. This helps us understand and learn
more about our world.
5. Ryle
What does it mean to you on Ryle's statement "what truly matters is the behavior
that a person manifests in his day-to-day life"?
For me, Ryle's statement means that the most important thing is the way
we act and behave in our daily lives. It's not about what we think or say,
but how they show their character through actions and the way they
interact with others. It's not enough for someone to simply talk about
something; what truly matters is how they respond to situations.

6. Merleau-Ponty
Why is mind and body inseparable?
" Mind and body are inseparable because how we experience things in this
worid comes from our thoughts and physical senses working together.
They can't easily be separated because they are bound together to help
us understand the things happening in this world.

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