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Forty Hadith

for the


‫ٱلرِنَٰمۡح ه‬ ‫ه‬
‫ٱَّللِ ه‬
ِ ‫ح‬ِ ‫ٱلر‬ ‫ِمۡسِب‬


‫ُ ه‬ َ َ
‫صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬
ِ ‫قال َر ُسول اَّلل‬

َ‫ون بها‬ َ ُ ََْ ً َ َ ََْ ‫َ ْ َ َ ََ ُه‬

ِ ‫من حفِظ لَع أم ِِت أربعِني ح ِديثا ينتفِع‬
ً َ ً َ َ َ ْ ََْ ُ‫ْ َََُ ه‬ ْ َ
‫ِِف أم ِر دِين ِ ِهم بعثه اَّلل يوم ال ِقيامةِ ف ِقيها َعل ِما‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) has said:
He who memorizes for my ummah forty
ḥadīth (traditions) by which they are
benefited in the affair of their dīn (religion),
Allah shall raise him on the Day of
Resurrection as a sage and scholar.

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 2, pg. 156; Al-Ikhtiṣās, pg.2

Hadith No. 1
Why the name 'Ramaḍān'?
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

ُّ ُ ُ َ ُ ‫ه َ ُ ِ َ َ َ َ َ َ ه‬
َ‫اذلنُوب‬ ‫إِنما س ِّم رمضان ِِلنه يرمض‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
Surely, the month of Ramaḍān has been
named so because it scorches away the sins.

Kanz al-Ummāl, H: 23688

Hadith No. 2
Ramaḍān: The Name of God
ُ ‫َ َ ه‬
‫عليه السالم‬
‫الصا ِدق‬ ‫قال‬
َ ُ َ َ ‫ان َو ََل َذ َه‬
ُ َ ََ َ َ ُ َُ َ
‫ب َر َمضان َو َل‬ ‫َل تقولوا هذا رمض‬
َ ‫ه‬ َ ْ َ ْ ْ ‫ان‬َ َ ََ ‫َ َ ََ َ ُ َ ه‬
‫اس ٌم مِن أسماءِ اَّللِ َل‬ ‫جاء رمضان فإِن رمض‬
َ‫الزائ ُل و‬
‫ب ه‬ ُ ‫يَج ُء َو ََل يَ ْذ َه‬
ُ ‫ب َو إ هن َما يَج ُء َو يَ ْذ َه‬
ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ ُ ُ َ
‫ك ْن قولوا ش ْه ُر َر َمضان‬ ِ ‫ل‬
Imam Ṣādiq (ʿa) has said:
Say not, "This is Ramaḍān" and "Ramaḍān
has departed" and "Ramaḍān has arrived"
for surely, Ramaḍān is one of the names of
Allah, The Mighty, the Glorious, who neither
arrives nor departs. Surely, arrives and
departs that, which is ephemeral, Instead
say: "The month of Ramaḍān".

Al-Kāfī, 4, pg. 70

Hadith No. 3
Ramaḍān: The Month of Revelation of the Holy
َ ِ
‫عليه السالم‬
ِ ‫قال‬
ً ‫َ ْ َ َ َ َ ُ َ ه ُْ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ ه‬
‫اصة‬ ‫فإِن قال فلِم جعِل الصوم ِِف شه ِر رمضان خ‬
َ َ ََ َْ َ ‫َ َه‬
َ‫ان ُهو‬ ُّ َ ُ
‫دون َسائ ِ ِر الش ُهورِ قِيل ِِلن شهر رمض‬
ْ ُْ َ ََ ُ‫ه ُْ ه َََْ ه‬
‫الشهر اذلِي أنزل اَّلل تعاَل فِيهِ القرآن‬
Imam Riḍā (ʿa) has said:
If one asks, "Why is the fast was put
exclusively in the month of Ramaḍān and not
in the other months?" it would be said, "(this
is) because the month of Ramaḍān is the
month in which Allah, the Exalted, had
revealed the Qurʾān."

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 18, pg. 190

Hadith No. 4
Reward for Recitation of the Holy Qurʾān during
َ ِ
‫عليه السالم‬
ِ ‫قال‬
َ‫اَّللِ َع هز و‬ َ ْ ًَ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َََ ْ َ
ِ ‫من قرأ ِِف شه ِر رمضان آية مِن كِت‬
ُّ َ
ُ ‫الش‬ َ ْ ُْ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ‫َ ه‬
ْ ‫آن ِف َغ‬
ِ ‫ور‬‫ه‬ ‫ِن‬‫م‬ ِ ‫ه‬‫ْي‬
ِ ِ ‫جل َكن كمن ختم القر‬
Imam Riḍā (ʿa) has said:
He who recites a verse from the Book of
Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, in the
month of Ramaḍān, is like one who has
recited the entire Qurʾān in the months
other than it.

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 93, pg. 344

Hadith No. 5
Reward of the Month of Ramaḍān
‫ُ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّللِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫سئِل رسول‬

َ ُ ََ َْ ََُْ َ َ ُ ََ ‫َ َ ُ َ ه‬
‫اب ش ْه ِر‬ ‫ثو‬ ‫يا رسول اَّللِ ثواب رجب أبلغ أم‬
َ َ‫لَع ث‬ َ ‫ُ ه‬ َ ََ َ َ
ِ ‫و‬ ‫َر َمضان فقال َر ُسول اَّللِص ليْ َس‬
َ َ ََ
ٌ ‫ان ق َِي‬
‫اس‬ ‫رمض‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) was asked:
O' Prophet of Allah! Which of the two
months possesses a greater reward, Rajab or
the month of Ramaḍān?
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) replied:
Nothing can be compared to the month of
Ramaḍān in terms of reward.

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 97, pg. 49

Hadith No. 6
Ramaḍān: The Month of God
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

‫َ ََ َ ُ َ ُْ ه‬
ُ ‫اَّللِ َو ُه َو َرب‬ ْ ‫ان َش‬ُ َْ َ
‫يع‬ِ ‫ر‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ان‬‫ض‬ ‫م‬‫ر‬ ‫و‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ر‬
ِ ‫ه‬ ‫شع ب‬
َ ُْ
ِ‫الفق َراء‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said: Shaʿbān is my
month and the month of Ramaḍān is the
month of Allah, The Exalted, and it is the
springtime for the poor.

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 97, pg. 68

Hadith No. 7
Ramaḍān: The Chosen Month
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

َ ُّ ْ ‫ه هَ َه َ َه‬
‫ار م َِن الش ُهورِ ش ْه َر َر َجب‬
َ ‫اخ َت‬ ‫إِن اَّلل عز و جل‬
َ َ َ َ َ
‫َو ش ْع َبان َو ش ْه َر َر َمضان‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
Surely, Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, has
chosen from amongst the months (and
granted preference to), the months of Rajab,
Shaʿbān and the month of Ramaḍān.

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 27, pg. 53

Hadith No. 8
Ramaḍān: The Great Month
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

ُ ‫يم يُ َضاع ُِف ه‬

ِ‫اَّلل فِيه‬ ٌ ‫ان َش ْه ٌر َع ِظ‬َ َ ََ َْ َ ‫ه‬
‫إِن شهر رمض‬
ُ ََْ َ َ ِ ‫ه‬ ُ ْ َ َ َ َ َ ْ
ِ‫ات و يرفع فِيه‬ِ ‫ات و يمحو فِيهِ السيِئ‬ ِ ‫اْلسن‬
َ ‫ه‬
ِ ‫ادل َرج‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
Surely, the month of Ramaḍān is a great
month. Allah multiplies in it the good deeds,
erases in it the sins and elevates in it the

Wasāʾil al-Shīʿah, vol. 10, pg. 312

Hadith No. 9
Ramaḍān: The Chief of the Months

‫عليه السالم‬ ٌّ ِ َ ‫قَ َال‬

ُ ‫َ َ ُ ْ َ ْ ُ َ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َ ِ ُ ُّ ُ َ َ ه‬
‫أتاكم شهر رمضان و هو سيِد الشهورِ و أول‬
ِ‫الس َنة‬

Imam ʿAlī (ʿa) said:

The month of Ramaḍān has approached you.
It is the chief of all months and the first of
the year.

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 42, pg. 193

Hadith No. 10
Ramaḍān: The Beginning of the Year
ُ ‫َ َ ه‬
‫عليه السالم‬
‫الصا ِدق‬ ‫قال‬

ُ‫الس َن ُة َو َرأْس‬
‫ت ه‬ َ َ َ ْ َ َ
ِ ‫إِذا َسل ِ َم شه ُر َرمضان َسل ِ َم‬
َ َ َ ‫ه‬
‫الس َنةِ ش ْه ُر َر َمضان‬
Imam Ṣādiq (ʿa) said:
If the month of Ramaḍān remains safe and
sound (with respect to sins), the (entire) year
shall remain so (too); the month of Ramaḍān
is the head of the year.
Wasāʾil al-Shīʿah vol.10, pg. 311

Hadith No. 11
Ramaḍān: The Month of Mercy
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

ٌ‫خ ُرهُ عِتْق‬ َ ٌ َ ْ َ ُ ُ َ َْ َ ٌ َْ َ ُُ ‫َ ُ َ َ ْ ٌ َه‬

ِ ‫و هو شهر أوُل رْحة و أوسطه مغ ِفرة و آ‬
‫َ ه‬
ِ‫مِن انلار‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) has said:
It (Ramaḍān) is the month, whose beginning
is mercy, its middle forgiveness, and its end
emancipation from the fire (of hell).

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 93, pg. 342

Hadith No. 12
Excellence of the Month of Ramaḍān
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

‫َ ُّ َ ه ُ ه ُ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َ ْ ُ ه‬
ٜٜٜٜٜ ِ‫أيها انلاس إِنه قد أقبل إَِلكم شهر اَّلل‬
ُ َ ْ َ ُ ُ ‫َ ْ ٌ ُ َ ْ َ ه َ ْ َ ُ ُّ ُ َ َ ه‬
‫شهر هو عِند اَّللِ أفضل الشهورِ و أيامه أفضل‬
ُ َ َْ ُُ َ َ َ َ ‫َْ َ ُ ه‬ َ َ َ ‫ْ َه‬
‫اَل و ساَعته أفضل‬ ِ ‫اَلهِ أفضل اللي‬ ِ ‫ام و َل‬ ِ ‫اِلي‬
‫ت‬ َ ‫ه‬
ِ ‫الساَع‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
O' People! Surely, the month of Allah has
approached you… The month which, with
Allah, is the most virtuous of the months. Its
days are the best of the days and its nights,
the best of the nights and its hours, the best
of the hours.

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 96, pg. 356

Hadith No. 13
Ramaḍān: The Best of the Months
ُ ‫َ َ ه‬
‫عليه السالم‬
‫الصا ِدق‬ ‫قال‬

ُ ْ‫ان َو قَل‬
َ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ َ ُ َ ‫َ ُ ه ُ ُّ ُ َ ْ ُ ه‬
‫فغرة الشهورِ شهر اَّللِ و هو شهر رمض‬
َْ َُ َ َ َ َ
‫ش ْه ِر َر َمضان َلْلة الق ْد ِر‬
Imam Ṣādiq (ʿa) said:
The best of the months is the month of Allah
- the month of Ramaḍān - and the heart of
the month of Ramaḍān is the Night of Qadr
(laylat al-Qadr).

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. pg. 386

Hadith No. 14
The Night of Qadr
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

َ ‫يم َش ْه ٌر ُم َب‬
ٌ‫ارك‬ ُ ‫َ ُّ َ ه ُ َ ْ َ َ ه‬
ٌ ‫ك ْم َش ْه ٌر َع ِظ‬ ‫أيها انلاس قد أظل‬
َْ ْ َ ‫َش ْه ٌر فِيهِ ََلْلَ ٌة الْ َع َم ُل ف‬
ٌ ْ ‫ِيها َخ‬
‫ْي م َِن ال َع َم ِل ِِف أل ِف‬
‫ش ْهر‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
O' People! Surely, a great month has
enveloped (“shaded”) you—a blessed
month. A month, in which there is a night,
deeds in which are better than the deeds
(done) in a thousand months.

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol.96, pg. 342

Hadith No. 15
Gift of Allah's Month
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

َ َ
ٌ‫ادة‬ ْ ُ َُْ َ ٌ َْ ْ ُ ُ ََْ
‫أنفاسكم فِيهِ تسبِيح و نومكم فِيهِ عِب‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
Your breath in it is glorification (of Allah) and
your sleep in it is worship (of Allah).

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 96, pg. 356

Hadith No. 16
Fasts of the Month of Ramadan
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

ُ َ ‫ه‬ ُ ‫ان َش ْه ٌر فَ َر َض ه‬ َ َ ََ ُْ َ
‫اَّلل َع هز َو َجل َعليْك ْم‬ ‫شهر رمض‬
َ ً ْ ‫يمانا ً َو‬ َ ‫ام ُه َف َم ْن َص‬
‫احت ِ َسابا خ َر َج م ِْن‬ َ ‫ام ُه إ‬
َ ‫ص َي‬
ُ‫ُذنُوبهِ َك َي ْو َم َو َ َدلت ْ ُه أُ ُّمه‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
The month of Ramaḍān is the month in
which Allah, The Mighty, The Glorious, has
made its fasting obligatory upon you. So he
who fasts in this month in a state of belief
and with the intention of recompense, shall
become free of his sins just as he was on the
day when his mother gave him birth.

Tahdhīb al-Aḥkām, vol. 4, pg. 152

Hadith No. 17
Ramaḍān: The Month of Spiritual Striving
ُ ‫َ َ ه‬
‫عليه السالم‬
‫الصا ِدق‬ ‫قال‬

‫َ َ َ َ َ ُْ َ َ َ َ ََ ْ ُ َُْ َ ُ ْ َ ه‬
‫إِذا دخل شهر رمضان فأج ِهدوا أنفسكم فإِن‬
َ ُ َ ْ ُ َْ ُ َ ُ ََْْ ُ ‫َُ ه‬
ِ‫فِيهِ تقسم اِلرزاق و تكتب اْلجال و فِيه‬
ٌََْ َ ْ َ َ ُ َ َ ‫ُ َْ ُ َُْ ه ه‬
‫يكتب وفد اَّللِ اذلِين يفِدون إَِلهِ و فِيهِ َللة‬
ْ‫ْي م َِن الْ َع َمل ِف َألْف َشهر‬ َ ‫الْ َع َم ُل ف‬
ٌ ْ ‫ِيها َخ‬
ِ ِ ِ
In his testament to his sons, Imam Ṣādiq (ʿa)
When the month of Ramaḍān arrives, exert
yourselves, for surely it is in this month that
livelihood is distributed, the hour of death is
ordained and the travel to Allah is written,
those that will travel to Him. In it is a night,
deeds in which are better than deeds in a
thousand months.

Al-Kāfī, vol. 4, pg. 66

Hadith No. 18
Ramaḍān: The Month of Good Deeds
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

َََْ َ ُ‫ه‬ ُّ َ َ َ َ ُ َ ‫ه‬

‫إِن ش ْه َرك ْم هذا ليْ َس َكلش ُهورِ إِنه إِذا أقبل‬
ْ‫كم‬ُ ْ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ْ ‫َ ْ ُ ْ َ ْ َ َ َْ َ َ َ ه‬
‫إَِلكم أقبل بِالَبكةِ و الرْحةِ و إِذا أدبر عن‬
ُ َ َ َ ْ ٌْ َ َ َ ُ ُّ َ ْ ُ َََْ
ِ‫وب هذا شهر اْلسنات فِيه‬ ِ ‫ان اذلن‬
ِ ‫أدبر بِغفر‬
ٌَ َُْ ْ َ ْ ُ َ ْ َ َ ٌََ َ ُ
‫ْي فِيهِ مقبولة‬
ِ ‫مضاعفة و أعمال اْل‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
This month of yours (Ramaḍān) is unlike the
other months. Surely, when it approaches
you, it does so with blessings and mercy and
when it turns away from you, it does so with
forgiveness of sins. This is a month, in which
benefactions are multiplied, and in which
good deeds are accepted.

Wasāʾil al-Shīʿah, vol. 10, pg. 312

Hadith No. 19
Ramaḍān: The Blessed Month
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

َ َ َُ ٌْ َ َ َ ََ ُْ َ ْ ُ َ َ َْ
‫ار ٌك ش ْه ٌر‬ ‫قد جاءكم شهر رمضان شهر مب‬
ُ‫ام ُه ُت َف هت ُح فِيهِ َأب ْ َواب‬َ ‫ك ْم ص َي‬
ُ َْ َ ُ‫ه‬
‫ف َرض اَّلل علي‬
َ َ

ٌ‫ني فِيهِ ََلْلَ ُة الْ َق ْدر َخ ْْي‬ ‫ه‬

ُ ‫الش َيا ِط‬ ُّ َ ُ َ َ ْ
ِ ِ‫ان و تغل فِيه‬ ِ ‫اْلن‬
ْ‫م ِْن َألْف َشهر‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) has said:
Surely, the month of Ramaḍān, the blessed
month, has come to you. The month, whose
fasts Allah has made obligatory upon you. In
it, the doors of Paradise are opened up and
in it the devils are fettered, and in it is the
Night of Qadr, which is better than a
thousand months.

Tahdhīb al-Aḥkām, vol. 4, pg. 152

Hadith No. 20
The Month of Ramaḍān and Seeking

‫عليه السالم‬
‫ِني‬ ُ ‫قَ َال أَم‬
َ ‫ِْي ال ْ ُم ْؤ ِمن‬

‫اَل ْستِغفارِ َو‬ َْ‫ك‬
ِ ِ ‫ْثة‬
َ َ َ َ ُ َ
‫َعليْك ْم ِِف ش ْه ِر َر َمضان ِب‬
‫ك ُم ْاْلَ َال ُء َو أَماه‬ُ َْ ُ َ ْ ُ َ ُ َ ُّ ‫ُّ َ َ َ ه‬
‫ادلَعءِ فأما ادلَعء فيدفع بِهِ عن‬
ُ َ ُُ َ ْ ََ ُ َْ ْ
‫وبك ْم‬ ‫اَلستِغفار فيمَح ذن‬ ِ
Imam ʿAlī (ʿa) said:
It is incumbent upon you to seek forgiveness
and supplicate excessively in the month of
Ramaḍān. As for the supplication, by means
of it the calamities are warded off from you,
and as for the seeking of forgiveness, it
erases away your sins.

Al-Kāfī, vol. 4, pg. 88

Hadith No. 21
Ramaḍān: Opening of the doors of Paradise
‫ُ ه‬ َ َ
‫صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬
ِ ‫قال َر ُسول اَّلل‬

ُ‫ِْيان َو ُت َف هت ُح فِيهِ َأب ْ َواب‬ ُ ‫ُت َغ هل ُق فِيهِ َأب ْ َو‬

َ ِ‫اب اَنل‬
َ ْ َ
ِ ‫ْلن‬ ِ ‫ا‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
In it (the month of Ramaḍān) the doors of
Hell are closed and the doors of Paradise are

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 96, pg. 363

Hadith No. 22
The Month of Ramaḍān and Iʿtikāf
ُ ‫َ َ ه‬
‫عليه السالم‬
‫الصا ِدق‬ ‫قال‬

ْ َ َ ْ‫َّلل َعلَي‬
ُ ‫َْ ََ َُ ُ َ ه َ ه َ ه‬
‫آِل ِِف شه ِر‬ ِِ ِ ‫و‬ ‫ه‬ ‫َّلل صَّل ا‬
ِ ‫ِاعتكف رسول ا‬
َ‫ك َف ِف اَثلهانية‬ َ َ ْ ‫َْ َ ْ َْ ُ َ ُ ه‬ َ َ ََ
ِ ِ ِ ‫ْش اْلو ِل ثم ِاعت‬ ِ ‫ع‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ِف‬ ِ ‫ان‬ ‫رمض‬
َ َ َ ْ ُ َْ ْ َ َْ
‫ْش ال ُو ْس َطى ث هم ِاعتَكف ِِف اثله ِاثلَ ِة ِِف‬ ِ ‫ِِف الع‬
ْ ََْ ُ َْ َ ََْ َْ ‫ُه‬ َ َْ ْ َ َْ
‫ْش‬ َ
ِ ‫كف ِِف الع‬ ِ ‫اخ ِر ثم لم يزل يعت‬ ِ ‫ْش اْلو‬ ِ ‫ال ع‬
َ َْ
‫اخ ِر‬ َ
ِ ‫اْلو‬
Imam Ṣādiq (ʿa) has said:
The Messenger (ṣ) of Allah (initially)
observed the iʿtikāf during the first ten days
of the month of Ramaḍān. Later, he
observed it during the middle ten days of the
holy month. Then, he observed it during the
last ten days of the month and did not cease
doing so in the last ten days of the month.

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 16, pg. 274

Hadith No. 23
The Month of Ramaḍān and Divine Books
ُ ‫َ َ ه‬
‫عليه السالم‬
‫الصا ِدق‬ ‫قال‬

َ ْ َ
‫ت ِم ْن شه ِر َر َم َضان َو‬ ْ ‫ت َم َض‬ ٍّ ‫نَ َزلَت ا َ هتل ْو َر ُاة ِف س‬
ِ ِ ِ
ْ َ ْ ‫ْش َة ََلْلَ ًة َم َض‬َ ْ ‫َت َع‬ ْ َ َ‫يل ِِف ِا ْثن‬ُ ْ َْ َ َ َ
‫ت ِم ْن شه ِر‬ ‫ْن‬
ِ ‫ْل‬
ِ ‫نزل ا‬
ْ‫ْش َة َم َضت‬ َ َ ‫اِن َع‬َ ِ ‫ور ِِف ََلْلَ ِة َث َم‬
ُ ‫ان َو نَ َز َل ا َ هلز ُب‬
َ َ ََ
ْ ََْ َ َْ ُ ْ َُْ َ ََ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ْ
‫ِمن شه ِر رمضان و نزل القرآن ِِف َلل ِة القد ِر‬
Imam Ṣādiq (ʿa) has said:
The Torah was revealed on the sixth day of
the month of Ramaḍān, the Injīl, on the
twelfth night of the month, the Psalms on
the eighteenth night of the month, and the
Qurʾān on the Night of Qadr.

Al-Kāfī, vol. 4, pg. 157

Hadith No. 24
The Best Deed of the Month of Ramaḍān
َ َ َ ْ َ َ ُ‫ُ ْ َ َ ه ِ َ ه َ ه‬
ِ ‫َّلل َعليْهِ َو‬
‫آُلِ ِِف فض ِل ش ْهرِ َر َمضان‬ ‫ب صَّل ا‬ ِ ِ ‫ِِف خطبةِ انل‬
‫َ عليه السالم‬ ْ ْ ُ َ َ َ
‫ِْي ال ُمؤ ِمن ِني‬ ‫…قال أم‬

َ ْ َ َْ ُ َ ْ َ َ ‫َ ُ ْ ُ َ ُ ْ ُ َ َ ُ َ َ ه‬
‫ال ِِف‬
ِ ‫َّلل ما أفضل اْلعم‬ ِ ‫فقمت فقلت يا رسول ا‬
َ ْ َ ْ َ ُ َ ْ َ َ َْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ‫َ َ َ ه‬
‫ال ِِف‬
ِ ‫هذا الشه ِر فقال يا أبا اْلس ِن أفضل اْلعم‬
‫ه‬ ‫َ َ َ ه ْ ََْ َ ُ َ ْ ََ َ ه‬
‫َّلل َع هز َو َجل‬
ِ ‫ارمِ ا‬
ِ ‫هذا الشه ِر الورع عن َم‬
During the sermon of Prophet Muḥammad
(ṣ) on the virtues of the month of Ramaḍān,
Imam ʿAlī (ʿa) said:
I stood up and asked, “O Messenger of Allah,
what is the best deed in this month?” He
replied: “O Abū al-Ḥasan, the best deed for
this month is God-consciousness in that
which is forbidden by Allah, the Mighty, the

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 42, pg. 190

Hadith No. 25
Losers of the Month of Ramaḍān
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

ُ‫ان فَلَ ْم ُي ْغ َف ْر َ ُِل فَأَ ْب َع َد ُه ا َ هَّلل‬

َ َ ََ َْ َ َ ََْ ْ َ
‫من أدرك شهر رمض‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
One who perceives the month of Ramaḍān
and is not forgiven for it, Allah causes him to
be distanced.

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 74, pg. 74

Hadith No. 26
Imam Sajjad (ʿa) and the Month of Ramaḍān
ُ ‫َ َ ه‬
‫عليه السالم‬
‫الصا ِدق‬ ‫قال‬
ْ َ َ َ َ َ ‫َ َ َ ُّ ْ ُ َ ْ ُ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ ه‬
‫لسال ُم ِإذا َكن شه ُر‬ ‫ْي علي ِهما ا‬
ِ ‫لَع بن اْلس‬ِ ‫َكن‬
َ‫يح و‬ ْ‫ادل ََع ِء َو اَلتهسب‬
ُّ ‫ال ب‬‫َ َ َ َ َْ ََ َه ْ ه‬
ِ ِ ِ ِ‫رمضان لم يتَكم إ‬
ْ ‫َ ْ َْ َ َ ه‬
ِ ِ ‫ار و اتل‬
‫ب‬‫ك‬ ِ ‫الس ِتغف‬
ِ ‫ا‬
Imam Ṣādiq (ʿa) has said:
With the advent of the month of Ramaḍān,
Imam ʿAlī Ibn al-Ḥusayn (ʿa) would cease to
say anything except duʿā, tasbīḥ
(glorification), istighfār (seeking forgiveness)
and takbīr (magnifying God).

Al-Kāfī, vol. 4, pg. 88

Hadith No. 27
Fridays of the Month of Ramaḍān

‫عليه السالم‬ َ ‫قَ َال‬

‫ابلاقِ ُر‬

َ ُ ‫َع‬ََ ً ْ ََ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َُ ‫ه‬
‫ُج ِع َسائِ ِر‬ ‫ِإن ِِلم ِع شه ِر رمضان لفضال‬
َ ْ َ َ ُ ‫َ ُّ ُ َ َ ْ َ ُ َ ه َ ه ه‬
ِ ِ ‫َّلل صَّل اَّلل علي ِه و‬
ِ ‫ول ا‬
ِ ‫ور كفض ِل رس‬ ِ ‫الشه‬
َ َ
‫ََع َسائِ ِر ا ُّلر ُس ِل‬
Imam Bāqir (ʿa) said:
Surely, the Fridays of the month of Ramaḍān
possess an excellence over the Fridays of the
other months, just as the Messenger (ṣ) of
Allah possesses an excellence over the other

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 69, pg. 376

‫‪Hadith No. 28‬‬
‫‪Seven Excellences of Fasting in Ramaḍān‬‬
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‪:‬‬ ‫قال رسول‬
‫ً‬ ‫ان َ‬ ‫َ ْ ُْ َ ُ ُ َْ ً ْ َ ْ ََ َ َ‬
‫اسبا‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ح‬ ‫ما ِمن مؤ ِم ٍن يصوم يوما ِمن شه ِر رمض‬
‫َُْ ً ه َ ْ َ َ َ هُ َ َ َ َُ َ َْ َ َه ُ‬
‫ال أول‬ ‫َمت ِسبا ِإال أوجب اَّلل تعاَل ِل سبع ِخص ٍ‬
‫ام م ْن َج َسده َو اَثلهاِن َيتَ َق هربُ‬ ‫َ َْ ْ َ َ ُ ُ َ ْ‬
‫ْل َ َر ُ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫اْلصل ِة يذوب ا‬
‫َ َ ْ َ َ ه َ َ َ َ َ ه ُ ُ َ ِّ ُ َ َ َ ُ َ َ‬
‫َّلل تعاَل و اثلا ِلث يكفر خ ِطيئته أ ال‬ ‫ِإَل رْح ِة ا ِ‬
‫ك ِّف ُر َو ا َ هلرابعُ‬ ‫َ ه ْ ُ َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ ْ َ ُ َ ه َْ َ ه‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ات ِِف الصومِ ي‬ ‫تعلم أن الكفار ِ‬
‫آمنَ ُه اَ ه ُ‬ ‫ْلَام ُس َ‬ ‫َ ْ‬ ‫ك َر َ ْ َ ْ‬ ‫ُ َ ِّ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ‬
‫َّلل‬ ‫ات المو ِت َو ا ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫يهون علي ِه س‬
‫امة َو ا َ ه‬ ‫وع َو اَلْ َع َطش يَ ْو َم اَلْقيَ َ‬ ‫َ َ ْ‬
‫لسا ِد ُس‬ ‫ِ ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ِل‬ ‫ِمن ا‬
‫َ‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ََ ٌَ َ َ ه َ َ ه ُ َْ َ َُ َ ه‬
‫ات‬ ‫ار و السابِع أطعمه اَّلل ِمن طيب ِ‬ ‫براءة ِمن انل ِ‬
‫َ َْ ه‬
‫اِلن ِة‬
‫‪Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:‬‬
‫‪There is no believer who fasts for a day in the‬‬
‫‪month of Ramaḍān while he gives‬‬

importance to it and wishes to attain its
rewards, except that Allah, the Exalted,
grants him seven excellences: First, the
forbidden (nourishment) that had entered
into his body melts away. Second, he moves
closer to the Mercy of Allah, The Exalted.
Third, Allah expiates his sins; for do you not
know that expiations are covered with
fasting. Fourth, Allah reduces for him the
agony of death. Fifth, Allah protects him
from the hunger and thirst on the Day of
Judgment. Sixth, he is granted pardon from
the fire. Seventh, Allah feeds him from the
pleasant food of Paradise.

Mustadrak al-Wasāʾil al-Shīʿah, vol. 7, pg. 395

Hadith No. 29
Ramaḍān: The Month of Patience
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬
ُ‫َ ُ َ َ ْ ُ َ ه ْ َ ه َ ه َْ َ ُ َ ْ ه‬
‫ْب ث َوابُه اِلَنة‬‫ْب و ِإن الص‬
ِ ‫و هو شهر الص‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
And it (the month of Ramaḍān) is the month
of patience, and surely, the reward of
patience is Paradise.

Al-Kāfī, vol. 4, pg. 66

Hadith No. 30
Giving Charity in the month of Ramaḍān
ُ ‫َ َ ه‬
‫عليه السالم‬
‫الصا ِدق‬ ‫قال‬

ُ ‫َص َف اَ ه‬
‫َّلل‬ َ َ ‫ان ب َص َدقَ ٍة‬
َ َ ََ ْ َ
‫ض‬ ‫م‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ِف‬
َ ‫َ ْ َ َ ه‬
‫ق‬ ‫من تصد‬
ِ ِ ِ
َ ََْ َ ً ْ َ َ ْ َ ُ ْ َ
‫عنه سب ِعْي نوَع ِمن ابلال ِء‬
Imam Ṣādiq (ʿa) has said:
Allah shall ward off seventy kinds of
calamities from one who gives charity in the
month of Ramaḍān.

Wasāʾil al-Shīʿah, vol. 9, pg. 404

Hadith No. 31
Reward of an Obligatory Act in Ramaḍān
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬

َ ‫َو َم ْن أَ هدى فيه فَر‬

ْ‫يض ًة م ْن فَ َرائض ا َ هَّلل ََك َن َك َمن‬
ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
َ ‫يض ًة م ْن فَ َرائض ا َ هَّلل ف‬
ُ‫يما س َواه‬ َ ‫أَ هدى َسبْع‬
َ ‫ْي فَر‬
ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ
ُ ُّ َ َ
ِ ‫ِمن الشه‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
One who performs in it (the month of
Ramaḍān) a single act from amongst the
obligatory acts of Allah is like the one who
has performed seventy obligatory acts in the
other months.

Wasāʾil al-Shīʿah, vol. 10, pg. 307

Hadith No. 32
Night of Decree

‫عليه السالم‬ َ ‫قَ َال‬

‫ابلاقِ ُر‬
َ ْ ُ ُ ْ َ ‫ُك‬ ُّ ُ ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ ‫َُ ه‬
‫َش ٍء يَكون ِِف تِلك‬ ‫يقد ُر ِِف َلل ِة القد ِر‬
ٍّ َ ‫لسنَ ِة إ ََل ِمثْل َها ِم ْن قَابل َخ ْي َو‬
َ ‫َش َو َط‬
َ‫اع ٍة و‬ ‫اَ ه‬
ٍ ٍِ ِ ِ
ْ َ َ َ ُْ َ َ َ ْ َ
‫مع ِصي ٍة و مولو ٍد و أج ٍل و ِرز ٍق‬
Imam Bāqir (ʿa) said:
All things that will come to be in the year
until the following year—from approaching
goodness, evil, obedience, sin, birth, death,
and sustenance—is decreed in the Night of

Al-Kāfī, vol. 4, pg. 157

Hadith No. 33
Increase Prayers in the Month of Ramaḍān
ُ ‫َ َ ه‬
‫عليه السالم‬
‫الصا ِدق‬ ‫قال‬
ْ َ َ َ َ َ ُ ‫َ َ َُ ُ َ ه َ ه َ ه‬
ْ‫َّلل َعلَي‬
‫اء شه ُر‬ ‫آِل ِإذا ج‬ ‫و‬
ِِ ِ ‫ه‬ ‫َّلل صَّل ا‬
ِ ‫َكن رسول ا‬
ُ َ ُ َ ََ َ َ ‫َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ه‬
‫رمضان زاد ِِف الصال ِة و أنا أ ِزيد ف ِزيدوا‬
Imam Ṣādiq (ʿa) has said:
With the advent of the month of Ramaḍān,
the Messenger of Allah (ṣ) would increase his
prayers; I also increase (my prayers), so
increase (yours as well).

Tahdhīb al-Aḥkām, vol. 3, pg. 60

Hadith No. 34
Eating of Sahūr in the month of Ramaḍān
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّلل ِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫قال رسول‬
ََ ‫َ َ ه ُ َ َْ ُ َ ََْ َ َ َ َ َ ُ َ ه‬
ِ ‫تسحروا و لو ِِبر ِع الما ِء أال صلوات ا‬
‫َّلل َع‬
َ ‫اَل ْ ُمتَ َس ِّحر‬
‫ين‬ ِ
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
Eat your sahūr (the morning meal before the
start of a fast) even if it is (mere) mouthfuls
of water, for the blessings of Allah are upon
those who eat the sahūr.

Tahdhīb al-Aḥkām, vol. 4, pg. 198

Hadith No. 35
Hunger and Thirst of the Day of Judgment

‫عليه السالم‬ ُ ‫قَ َال أَم‬

َ‫ِْي ال ْ ُم ْؤ ِمن ِني‬

َ ُ َ ُ ُ ُْ
ِ‫اذك ُروا ِِبُو ِعك ْم َو ع َط ِشك ْم ِفي ِه ُجوع يَ ْوم‬
ُ َ َ َ َ‫اَلْقي‬
‫ام ِة َو ع َطشه‬ ِ
Imam ʿAlī (ʿa) said:
Bring to mind the hunger and thirst of the
Day of Judgment, by means of your hunger
and thirst in it (the month of Ramaḍān).

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 93, pg. 356

Hadith No. 36
Ramaḍān: The Call of Allah
َ ‫َع ْن َعبْ ِد اَّلل ِ بْن َع هباس بْن َعبْ ِد الْ ه‬
َ‫ِب أنه ُه َس ِم َع انلهب‬
ِ ‫ل‬‫مط‬ ِ ِ
ُ ُ َ ‫هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬

ْ َ َ َ ِّ ُ َ َ َ َ‫اهلل َتب‬ ُ َُ
‫ار َك َو ت َعاَل ِِف ُك َلْل ٍة ِم ْن شه ِر‬ ُ ‫ول‬ ‫يق‬
َُ ْ َُ َْ َ َ َ َ
‫ات هل ِم ْن َسائِ ٍل فأع ِطيه‬ ٍ
‫ث َم ه‬
‫ر‬ ‫َر َم َضان ل ثال‬
ْ‫ َه ْل من‬،‫وب َعلَيْه‬ َ ُ‫ َه ْل م ْن تَائب فَأَت‬،‫ُس ْؤ َ ُِل‬
ِ ِ ٍ ِ ِ
ُ‫ُم ْستَ ْغفر فَأَ ْغف َر َِل‬
ِ ٍِ
ʿAbdullah ibn al-ʿAbbās reports that he
heard Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) say:
Every night, in the month of Ramaḍān, Allah,
the Blessed and Exalted, calls out three
times: Is there one who seeks from Me, so
that I grant him his wish? Is there one, who
turns to me in repentance so that I turn to
him (in Mercy)? Is there one, who seeks
forgiveness from Me so that I forgive him?

Mustadrak al- Wasāʾil al-Shīʿah, vol. 7, pg. 429

Hadith No. 37
Ghusl (ablution) on the Night of Qadr
َْ َ َ َ
‫عليه السالم‬
‫قال ُموَس ْب ُن َجعف ٍر‬
ُ ُ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ ََْ ََ َْ َ َ َ ْ
ِ ‫َم ِن ِاغتسل َللة القد ِر و أحياها ِإَل طل‬
ُُ ْ َ َ َ ْ ََْ
‫الفج ِر خرج ِمن ذنوبِ ِه‬
Imam Kāẓim (ʿa) said:
One, who performs the ghusl on the Night of
Qadr and enlivens it (by remaining awake)
until the appearance of daybreak, shall have
all his sins forgiven.

Wasāʾil al-Shīʿah, vol. 10, pg. 358

Hadith No. 38
Ramaḍān fasts: Shield of a Believing Servant

‫عز و جل‬ ُ ‫قَ َال‬

َ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ ُ ‫َ َ ِّ َ ُ ُ ه‬
‫ام ِة ك َما يَ ِِق‬‫و الصيام جنة العب ِد المؤ ِم ِن يوم ال ِقي‬
َ ْ ُ َ َ َ
َ‫ال ُح ُه ِف ا َ ُّدل ْنيا‬
ِ ‫أحدكم ِس‬
Allah, Honoured and Exalted is He, said:
The fasts are the shield of the believing
servants on the Day of Judgment, just as
your weapons shield you in this world.

Wasāʾil al-Shīʿah, vol.10, pg. 403

Hadith No. 39
Iftaar for Mu'min in the month of Ramaḍān
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّللِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫ق قال رسول‬

ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ً ْ َ
‫َم ْن ف هط َر ُمؤ ِمنا ِِف شه ِر َر َم َضان َكن ُِل ِبذلِك ِعت ُق‬
‫ه‬ َْ َ ْ َ َ َ ُُ ٌ ْ َ
‫يما َمَض ف ِإن ل ْم يق ِد ْر ِإال‬‫َرقبَ ٍة َو َمغ ِف َرة ِِلنوبِ ِه ِف‬
َ ْ َ ْ َ َْ ً َ َ َ ‫ََ َ ْ َ ََ َ َ ه‬
‫َب ففطر بِها صائِما أو َشب ٍة ِمن ما ٍء‬ ِ ‫َع مذق ِة ل‬
ُ‫ك أَ ْع َطاه‬َ َ ْ ََْ َ ََ ُ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ
ِ ‫عذ ٍب و تم ٍر ال يق ِدر َع أكَث ِمن ذل‬
‫اب‬َ ‫َّلل َه َذا اَثله َو‬
ُ ‫اَ ه‬

Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:

One who provides iftār to a muʾmin in the
month of Ramaḍān, shall be granted the
reward of liberating a slave (in the path of
Allah) and shall have all his previous sins
forgiven. And if he did not present anything
except milk mixed with water, or a drink of
sweet water and a date, Allah would grant
him this reward.

Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 93, pg. 317

Hadith No. 40
Farewell to the Month of Ramaḍān
‫َ َ َُ ُ ه‬
:‫اَّللِ صیل هللا علیه و آله و سلم‬ ‫ق قال رسول‬

ْ َ ْ َْ ُْ ََْ َ ‫َ هُ ه‬
‫لِشه ِر‬ ‫ال َعه ِد ِم ْن ِصيَ ِاِم‬ ‫آخ َر‬
ِ ‫اللهم ال َتعل‬
َ ً ُ َْ ْ ْ َ ُ ْ ْ َ َ
‫َو ال‬ ‫فاج َعل ِِن مرحوما‬ ‫َر َم َضان ف ِإن َج َعلتَه‬
ً َُْ ْ ََْ
‫َتعل ِِن َمروما‬
Prophet Muḥammad (ṣ) said:
O Allah, ordain not this month of Ramaḍān
to be the last one for my fasts. But should
you ordain it to be so, then make me a
recipient of your Mercy and leave me not

Ādābī az Qurʾān, pg. 398


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