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Recent studies indicate that contemporary children are increasingly drawn to

television, consequently devoting less time to active and creative pursuits. This
alarming trend can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the ubiquity of
technology and the easy accessibility of streaming services have amplified the
allure of television. Secondly, busy lifestyles, overscheduled routines, and parents'
reliance on screens as electronic babysitters contribute to this issue. Lastly, peer
pressure and societal expectations may encourage children to conform to the norm
of consuming media.
To tackle this problem, a multi-faceted approach is essential. Parents should
actively participate in their children's lives by providing opportunities for physical
activities and creative expression. Limiting screen time and setting boundaries can
also be effective. Schools should integrate more interactive and artistic activities
into their curricula to nurture children's creativity. Additionally, promoting outdoor
play, group sports, and hobby clubs can engage children and reduce screen time.
Public awareness campaigns and educational programs can emphasize the
importance of a balanced lifestyle.
In conclusion, to encourage children to allocate more time to active and creative
pursuits, it is imperative that parents, schools, and society as a whole collaborate in
implementing these measures.

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