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Matter - anything that occupies space and has
form or shape. DISCOVERY OF X-RAYS
Mass - quantity of matter contained in any - Amazing features about the discovery
physical object. of x-rays:
Weight - force exerted by a body under the 1. Quite by accident
influence of gravity. 2. Fewer than a dozen contemporaries of
ENERGY - Ability to do work Roentgen had previously observed
- The law of conservation of energy states x-radiation, but none of these other
that energy may be transformed from one physicist had recognized its significant
form to another, but it cannot be created or investigated it.
or destroyed. 3. Followed his discovery with such
➔ POTENTIAL- is the ability to do work by scientific vigor that within little more
virtue of position. than a month he had ascribed to
➔ KINETIC- the energy of motion: it is x-radiation nearly all the properties
possessed by all matter in motion: a recognized today.
moving automobile, a turning windmill
wheel, a falling guillotine blade. BASIC RADIATION PROTECTION
➔ CHEMICAL- is the energy released by a
chemical reaction. ➔ FILTRATION- usually aluminum,
➔ ELECTRICAL- is represents the work inserted into x-ray tube housing so that
that can be done when an electron low energy x rays emitted by the tube
moves through an electric potential are absorbed before they can reach the
difference (voltage) patient.
➔ THERMAL (HEAT)- is the energy of ➔ COLLIMATION-restricts the useful beam
motion at the molecular level. to that part of the body requiring
➔ NUCLEAR- is the energy that is examination and thereby spares
contained within the nucleus of an atom adjacent tissue from unnecessary
- Energy emitted and transferred through ➔ INTENSIFYING SCREENS (IS)- reduce
matter. the exposure of the patient to x-rays by
IONIZING RADIATION more than 95% compared with
examinations without IS.
- Capable of removing an orbital electron
from an atom with which it interacts. ➔ PROTECTIVE APPAREL-lead aprons
and gloves

Air Kerma
- Radiation exposure or intensity
- measured in C/kg or Roentgen(R)
- amount of charge (electrons) liberated
per kilogram of Ai(Ionization)
1R = 2.58x10*-4 C/Kg

Absorbed Dose
- measured in Gray (Gy) or Rad
- amount of energy deposited/ absorbed
per kilogram of tissue
1Gy = 1 Joule/Kg Example:
100 Rad = 1 Joule/Kg ● What is
1Rad = .01 Gy- the
velocity of a ball that travels 60 m in 4s?
Dose Equivalent ● After an impact involving a
- measured in Sieverts (Sv) or Rem non-functioning satellite, a paint chip
leaves the surface of the satellite at a
- Express the quantity of radiation
speed of 96 m/s. After 17 seconds, how
received by radiatioworkers.
far has the chip landed?
1Sv = 1 Joule/Kg
Answer: d=vt
100 Rem = 1 Joule/Kg
● How long will your trip take (in hours) if
1Sv = .01 Rem you travel 350 km at an average speed
Activity of 80 km/hr?
- Unit of radioactivity Answer: t=d/v
- unit of the quantity of radioactive
material and not the radiation emitted NEWTON’S LAWS OF MOTION
that material
1Ci = 3.7x10*10 Bq
1. LAW OF INERTIA- a body will remain at
rest or continue moving with a constant
velocity in a straight line unless acted
Special Quantities of Radiologic Science and on by an external force.
Their Units

- Sometimes called “speed”
- Measure of how fast something is going,
the rate of change of its position with
- Where d represents the distance, and t
is time 2. LAW OF FORCE - push or pull on an
- states that the force applied to
move an object is equal to the
mass of the object times the
- Where m is mass and a is
Example: - ↑Velocity ↑Momentum
Find the force on a 55kg mass accelerated at
14m/s2. WORK
Answer: - Force applied times the distance over
F = ma which it is applied.
= (55kg)(14m/s2) Work = Fd
- Units of work are the joule (J) in SI and
SI unit of force is the NEWTON (N). In the CGS the erg in CGS.
system the unit is the dyne (1N = 103 dyne)
Example: Find the work done in lifting a suitcase
3. To every action there is an equal and opposite weighing 90N to a height of 3m.
WEIGHT Work = Fd
- Is a force on a body caused by the =(90 N)(3 m)
downward pull of gravity on it. =270J
- Weight of an object is equal to the
product of its mass and the acceleration
of gravity
- Rate of doing work
Wt = mg
- The SI unit of power is the joule/second
- Unit of weight are the same as those for (J/s), which is called the watt (W). The
force: newtons and dynes. In the British British unit of power is the horsepower
system is measured in pounds. (hp).
1hp = 746 W
Example 1000W =1kW
A student has a mass of 75kg. What is his P = Work/t
weight on earth? On the moon?

EARTH: gravity=9.8m/s2 , MOON:
A technologist lifts a 0.8 kg x-ray film cassette
from the floor to the top of a 2m table with an
EARTH: gravity=9.8m/s2 accelaration of 3m/s2 . What is the power
Wt = mg exerted if it takes 1.2 s?
=75kg(9.8m/s2 )
First find F.
MOON: gravity=1.6m/s2 F=ma
Wt = mg =(0.8kg)(3m/s2)
=75kg(1.6m/s2 ) =2.4N

MOMENTUM Next find work:

- The product of the mass of an object Work = Fd
and its velocity, represented by p. =(2.4N)(2m)
p = mv =(4.8J)
- The greater the velocity of an object,
the more momentum the object
Now P can be determined:
P= Work/t - Improved Rutherford’s description of
= 4.8J/1.2s the atom.
=4W - Bohr’s model was a “miniature solar
system” in w/c the electrons revolved
about the nucleus in prescribed orbits
The Atom or energy levels.

ATOM X-ray Interaction with Matter

- They thought all matter was composed FIVE X-RAY INTERACTION WITH MATTER
of 4 subtances: earth, water, air and fire,
● Classical Scattering
modified by four basic essences: wet,
dry, hot and cold. ● Compton Effect
● Photoelectric Effect
● Pair Production
● Photodisintegration
- English Chemist
- According to Dalton, an element was
Low energy xrays- interact with the whole atom
composed of identical atoms that
reacted the same way in chemical Moderate- interact with the electrons
reactions. High Energy- interact with the nuclei
- For example, all oxygen atoms were
alike. They looked alike, they were CLASSICAL SCATTERING
constructed alike, and they reacted - Energies below 10 keV
alike. However, very different from - Sometimes called Coherent or
atoms of any other element. Thompson scattering
- Physical combination of one type of - Incident photon interacts with a target
atom with another was visualized as atom, causing it to become excited. The
being an “hook and eye affair”. target atom immediately releases this
excess energy as a secondary or
J.J THOMSON scattered photon with wavelength equal
- English Physicist ( λ = λ’) to that of the incident atom and
- He described the atom as something therefore equal energy.
like “plum and pudding”, where the plum - Change in direction of the x-ray without
represented negative electric charges a change in its energy.
(electrons-corpuscles), and the pudding - No energy transfer and therefore no
was a shapeless mass of uniform ionization.
positive electrification.
ERNEST RUTHERFORD - Occurs between moderate energy xrays
- 1911 British Physicist and outer shell electrons.
- He disproved Thomson’s model of atom. - It results in ionization of the target
- Introduced nuclear model, w/c atom, change in photon direction, and
described the atom as containing a reduction of photon energy.
small, dense, positively charged center - The wavelength of the scattered xray is
surrounded by a negative cloud of greater than that of the incident xray.
randomly located electrons. He called - Such radiation is the source of most of
the center of the atom “nucleus”. the occupational radiation exposure
that radiologic technologist receive.
- 1913, Danish Physicist PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT
- Interactions with inner shell electrons of
target atoms, so that x-ray is not
scattered but totally absorbed.
- The incident photon disappears, and the
K-shell electron, now called a
photoelectron, is ejected from the atom.
- Characteristic x-rays are produced
following a photoelectric interaction in a
manner similar described earlier.
- The ejection of a K-shell photoelectron
by the incident x-ray results in a
vacancy in the K shell, and corrected by
an outer shell e, dropping into vacancy,
accompanied by the emission of x-ray.
- These characteristic xrays are also
secondary radiation/scattered radiation,
and contribute nothing of diagnostic

- Occurs with xrays that have energies
greater than 1.02 MeV.
- The photon interacts with the nuclear
force field, and two electrons that have
opposite electrostatic charges are
created, one positively charged
(positron), and one negatively charged.

- Energies above 10 MeV, can escape
interaction with electrons and the
nuclear electrostatic field and be
absorbed directly by the nucleus.
- When this happens, the nucleus is
raised to an excited state and
instantaneously emits a nucleon or
other nuclear fragment.

- The study of the effects of ionizing
radiation on biologic tissue.
- Diagnosis
- Therapy

Human Radiation Response

- The effect of x-rays on humans is the
result of interactions at the atomic level.

― If the radiation response increases in severity

with increasing radiation dose, it is called a
deterministic effect and occurs within days after
the radiation exposure.‖ ―if the incidence of the
radiation response increases with increasing
radiation dose, it is called a stochastic effect and
is not observed for months or years.

Atomic Composition of the Body

Molecular Composition of the Body

- In 1665, Robert Hooke. ‘’biological - Approximately 15% of the molecular
building blocks’’ composition of the body
- In 1673, Anton van Leeuwenhoek. ‘’living - Long-chain macromolecules that
cells’’ consist of a linear sequence of amino
- In 1838, Schneider and Schwann acids connected by peptide bonds
showed conclusively that in all plants - Twenty-two amino acids are used in
and animals, cells are the basic protein synthesis
functional units. - The linear sequence, or arrangement, of
- In 1953 Watson and Crick description of these amino acids determines the
the molecular structure of precise function of the protein molecule.
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
- Human Genome Projection.

- Five principal types of molecules are
found in the body
- Four of these molecules—proteins, lipids
(fats), carbohydrates (sugars and
starches), and nucleic acids—are

- The most abundant molecule in the
body, and it is the simplest.
- It consists of two atoms of hydrogen
and one atom of oxygen (H2O) and
constitutes approximately 80% of - The generalized formula for a protein is
human substance. CnHnOnNnTn, where the subscript ―n
- water molecules exist both in the free refers to the number of atoms of each
state and in the bound state, that is, element in the molecule; T represents
bound to other molecules. trace elements.
- shape - 50% of the mass of a protein molecule
is carbon,
Homeostasis - the concept of the relative - 20% oxygen,
constancy of the internal environment of the - 17% nitrogen,
human body
- 7% hydrogen,
Catabolism - Breaking down into smaller units
- 6% other elements
of macromolecules
Anabolism - the production of large molecules
Enzymes -are molecules that are necessary in
from small
small quantities to allow a biochemical reaction
to continue even though they do not directly
enter into the reaction.

Hormones -are molecules that exercise

regulatory control over some body functions,
such as growth and development.
Antibodies -constitute a primary defense - Located principally in the cytoplasm
mechanism of the body against infection and - Forms in the nucleus.
disease. Two types of RNA
messenger RNA (mRNA)
Lipids transfer RNA (tRNA)
- organic macromolecules composed - These molecules are involved in the
solely of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. growth and development of the cell
- represented by the general formula, through a number of biochemical
CnHnOn pathways, most notably, protein
- lipids are composed of two types of synthesis
smaller molecules:
◦ glycerol and ◦ fatty acid. Nitrogenous base: an organic base that
- are concentrated just under the skin contains nitrogen;
and serve as a thermal insulator from
the environment.
Purine: a nitrogenous base that has a double-
- serve as fuel for the body by providing
ring structure; one of two general categories of
energy stores.
nitrogenous bases found in DNA & RNA; either
adenine or guanine
- first considered to be watered, or Pyrimidine: a nitrogenous base that has a
hydrated, carbons, single- ring structure; one of the two general
- Carbohydrates are called saccharides, categories of nitrogenous bases found in DNA&
Monosaccharides, Disaccharides RNA; thymine, cytosine or uracil
◦ Chemical formula for glucose, a Base-Pairing Rules: the rules stating that
simple sugar, is C₆H₁₂O₆ cytosine pairs w/ guanine & adenine pairs w/
◦ Polysaccharides are large and thymine in DNA & adenine pairs w/ uracil in
include plant starches and animal RNA

- deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA)
- Ribonucleic Acid
- Located principally in the nucleus of the
cell acid (RNA)
DNA serves as the command or control molecule
for cell function

- DNA serves as the command or control
molecule for cell function
- DNA contains all the hereditary
information that represents a cell and,
of course, if the cell is a germ cell, all the
hereditary information of the whole Double Helix: shape of a DNA molecule formed
individual. when two twisted DNA strands are coiled into a
―DNA is the radiation-sensitive target molecule. springlike structure & held together by
hydrogen bonds b/t the bases
HUMAN CELLS Two types of Cells
1. Somatic Cells
The two major structures of the cell are; 2. Genetic Cells
- nucleus and the cytoplasm.
Nucleolus Meiosis
- Most of the RNA is contained in a - Genetic material can change during the
rounded structure. division process of genetic cells.
- makes up the bulk of the cell and TYPES OF CELLS
contains great quantities of all
molecular components except DNA.
Endoplasmic reticulum
- is a channel or a series of channels that
allows the nucleus to communicate with
the cytoplasm.
- large bean structure.
- engine of the cell.
- are the site of protein synthesis.

- contain enzymes capable of digesting
cellular fragments and sometimes the TISSUES AND ORGANS
cell itself.
- help to control intracellular


Cell proliferation
- is the act of a single cell or group of
cells to reproduce and multiply in
RADIOBIOLOGY As the LET of radiation increases, the ability to
produce biologic also increases.
LESSON5(1): Fundamental Principles of

Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau

- 1906, 2 French Scientist Bergonie and
- The law states that the radiosensitivity
of living tissue varies with maturation Note:
and metabolism of the tissue being
- The standard radiation, by convention,
is orthovoltage x-radiation in the range
of 200 to 250 kVp.
- (This type of x-ray beam was used for
many years in radiation oncology and in
essentially all early radiobiologic
- Diagnostic x-rays have an RBE of 1.
- LOWER RBE(less that 1)
- HIGHER RBE (greater than 1)

Linear Energy Transfer and Relative Biologic

Physical Factors that affects Radiosensitivity Effectiveness of Various Radiation Doses

1. Linear Energy Transfer

2. Relative Biologic Effectiveness
3. Protraction and Fractionation

Linear Energy Transfer (LET)

- a measure of the rate at which energy is
transferred from ionizing radiation to
soft tissue
- Another method of expressing radiation
quality and determining the value of the
radiation weighting factor (WR) used in
radiation protection
- Expressed in units of kiloelectron volt of
- When mice are irradiated with
energy transferred per micrometer of
track length in soft tissue (keV/μm).
- 3.1

As LET increases:
- ionization occurs frequently TWO WAYS OF LENGTHENING THE TIME OF
- Increases the ability to produce biologic IRRADIATION
- increases the probability of interaction
with the target molecule
- The dose is delivered continuously but
at a lower dose rate.
Relative Biologic Effectiveness
- The dose is delivered at the same dose OXYGEN-ENHANCEMENT RATIO (OER)
in equal portions at regular intervals. OXYGEN EFFECT
- Tissue is more sensitive to radiation
NOTE: when irradiated in the oxygenated or
aerobic state than when irradiated
under anoxic (without oxygen) &
hypoxic (low oxygen) condition


- It has been used in radiation oncology

Biological Factors that affect Radiosensitivity

1) Oxygen Enhancement Ratio (OER)
2) Age
3) Recovery
4) Chemical Agents Age
5) Hormesis - The age of a biologic structure affects
its radiosensitivity.
Oxygen Enhancement Ratio - Humans are most sensitive before birth.
- Ratio of the dose necessary to produce - After birth, sensitivity decreases until
a given effect under anoxic conditions maturity, at which time humans are
to the dose necessary to produce the most resistant to radiation effects.
same effect under aerobic conditions - In old age, humans again become
somewhat more radiosensitive

Exercise 2

When experimental mouse mammary

carcinomas are clamped and irradiated under Recovery
hypoxic conditions, the tumor control dose is - If the radiation dose is not sufficient to
106 Gyt. When these tumors are not clamped kill the cell before its next division
and are irradiated under aerobic conditions, the (interphase death), then given sufficient
tumor control dose is 40.5 Gyt. What is the OER time, the cell will recover from the
for this system sublethal radiation damage it has
- This intracellular recovery is
attributable to a repair mechanism
inherent in the biochemistry of the cell.
- Some types of cells have greater
capacity than others for repair of
sublethal damage.

- If a tissue or organ receives a sufficient
radiation dose, it responds by shrinking.
- Interphase Death: occurs when the cell
dies before replicating

Chemical Agents
1) Radiosensitizers
2) Radioprotectors

- Agents that enhance the effect of
Ex. halogenated pyrimidines, methotrexate,
actinomycin D, hydroxyurea, and vitamin K

- Radioprotective compounds include
molecules that contain a sulfhydryl
group (sulfur and hydrogen bound
together), such as cysteine and

- The biologic responses to low exposures
to toxins or other stressors
- “Regardless of radiation hormesis, we
continue to practice ALARA (“as low
reasonably achievable”) vigorously as a
known safe approach to radiation
Nonlinear: Threshold and Nonthreshold

LESSON5(2): Fundamental Principles of


Radiation dose response relationships

- A radiation dose-response relationship
is a mathematical relationship between
various radiation dose levels and Note:
magnitude of the observed response
"Skin effects resulting from high-dose fluoroscopy
follow a sigmoid-type dose response relationship.’’

Characteristics of Radiation dose-response

- Linear threshold
- Non-linear threshold

“Either threshold or non threshold”

Linear: Threshold and Nonthreshold

RADIOBIOLOGY Main-chain scission
LESSON7-8: MOLECULAR RADIOBIOLOGY - Main-chain scission is the breakage of
the backbone of the long-chain
- Measurement of Viscosity determines
the degree of main-chain scission
- If the initial ionizing event occurs on the
target molecule (DNA)
- Process of side spurs created by
irradiation & attached to a neighboring
INDIRECT macromolecules or to another segment
- If the initial ionizing event occurs on a of the same molecule
distant, noncritical molecule - Effect: increases the viscosity of the
- The energy is transferred to the target macromolecular solution
Point Lesion
IRRADIATION OF MACROMOLECULES - Any change that results in the
IN VITRO impairment or loss of function at the
- Irradiation of macromolecules outside point of a single chemical bond
the body or outside the cell - Not detectable
- Considerable radiation dose is required
to produce a measurable effect At low radiation doses, point lesions are
considered to be the cellular radiation damage
IN VIVO that results in the stochastic radiation effects
- Irradiation of macromolecules within the observed at the whole-body level
living cell
- More sensitive in their natural state FREE RADICALS


VITRO - Poisonous to the cell & therefore acts as
1. Main-chain Scission a toxic agent
2. Cross-linking - Formed by combination of two OH*
3. Point lesion (OH*+OH*=H2O2)
- Formed by combination of two
Hydroperoxyl radicals
(HO*2+HO*2= H2O2+O2)

Hydroperoxyl Radical (HO*2)

- The principal damaging product of
radiolysis of water
- Formed by combination of H* and
oxygen (O2)
(H*+O2= HO*2)


- DNA is the most important molecule in
the human body.

- ‘’For the cell to die after radiation
exposure its target molecule must be
HIT- occurs when radiation interaction occurs with




- Applies to biologic targets
- Enzymes, viruses, bacteria
➔ LOW LET, ABSENCE OF OXYGEN - When the radiation dose reaches a level
➔ LOW LET, PRESENCE OF OXYGEN sufficient to kill 63% of the cells (37%
OF OXYGEN - A measure of the radiosensitivity of the
PRESENCE OF OXYGEN - Low D37: highly radiosensitive
- High D37: highly radioresistant

- At Very High LET: cell survival kinetics

follows the single-target, single- hit
- At Low LET: cell survival kinetics
follows the multi-target, single-hit


- Applies to more complicated biologic
- Human cells
- It represents a threshold

- This is constantly related to
radiosensitivity of the cell.

➔ Larger Do - it indicates radioresistant

➔ Small Do - this indicate radiosensitive

- This is related to the cell ability to
recover from sublethal damage.
- This is used to measure the capacity to
accumulate sublethal damage and the
ability to recover from the damage.


- The average time from one mitosis to
- Human Cells: approximately 24 hrs
- Neurons: hundreds of hrs
RADIOBIOLOGY received, a series of signs and
LESSON10-11: DETERMINISTIC EFFECT symptoms occur that lead to death
within a matter of hours to days. First,
severe nausea and vomiting begins,
Acute Radiation Syndrome
usually within a few minutes of
Central Nervous System Death
- Death requires radiation doses in excess Acute Radiation Lethality
of 50 Gyt (5000 rad) and results in
death within hours.

Hematological and Gastrointestinal Death

- Hematologic death and GI death follow
lower exposures and require a longer
time for death to occur.

Hematologic Syndrome
- Radiation doses in the range of
approximately 2 to 10 Gyt (200–1000
rad) produce the hematologic
syndrome. The patient initially
experiences mild symptoms of the Two periods are associated with acute
prodromal syndrome, which appear in a radiation lethality
matter of a few hours and may persist 1. Prodromal Period
for several days.
2. Latent Period

Gastrointestinal Syndrome
- Radiation doses of approximately 10 to
Prodromal Period
50 Gyt (1000–5000 rad) result in the GI
syndrome. - At radiation doses above approximately
- The manifest illness period 1 Gyt (100 rad) delivered to the total
begins with a second wave of body, signs and symptoms of radiation
nausea and vomiting followed sickness may appear within minutes to
by diarrhea. The victim hours. The symptoms of early radiation
experiences a loss of appetite sickness most often take the form of
(anorexia) and may become nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a
lethargic. The diarrhea persists reduction in the white blood cells of the
and becomes more severe, peripheral blood (leukopenia).
leading to loose and then
watery and bloody stools. Latent Period
Supportive therapy cannot - After the period of initial radiation
prevent the rapid progression of sickness, a period of apparent
symptoms that ultimately leads well-being occurs, which is called the
to death within 4 to 10 days of latent period. The latent period extends
exposure. from hours or less (at doses in excess of
50 Gyt) to weeks (at doses from 1 to 5
Central Nervous System Syndrome Gyt).
- After a radiation dose in excess of - The latent period is sometimes
approximately 50 Gyt (5000 rad) is mistakenly thought to indicate an early
recovery from a moderate radiation - Acute radiation lethality is measured
dose. It may be misleading, however, quantitatively by the LD50/60, which is
because it gives no indication of the approximately 3.5 Gyt (350 rad) for
extensive radiation response yet to humans. With clinical support, humans
follow. can tolerate much higher doses; the
- The latent period that follows can maximum is reported to be 8.5 Gyt
extend as long as 4 weeks and is (850 rad)
characterized by a general feeling of
wellness. There are no obvious signs of
illness, although the number of cells in
the peripheral blood declines during
this time.

Manifest Illness
- The dose necessary to produce a given
syndrome and the mean survival time
are the principal quantitative measures
of human radiation lethality
- The period of manifest illness is
characterized by possible vomiting, mild
diarrhea, malaise, lethargy, and fever.
Each of the types of blood cells follows
a rather characteristic pattern of cell
depletion. If the dose is not lethal,
recovery begins in 2 to 4 weeks, but as
long as 6 months may be required for
full recovery.
Mean Survival Time
LD50/60 - As the whole-body radiation dose
- LD50/60 If experimental animals are increases, the average time between
irradiated with varying doses of exposure and death decreases. This
radiation—for example, 1 to 10 Gyt (100– time is known as the mean survival time.
1000 rad)—the plot of the percentage.
- The LD50/60 is the dose of radiation to
the whole body that causes 50% of
irradiated subjects to die within 60 days.
LOCAL TISSUE DAMAGE - Extremely high doses of x-radiation
- When only part of the body is irradiated, cause erythema in all persons so
in contrast to whole-body irradiation, a irradiated.
higher dose is required to produce a - Analysis of persons irradiated
response. Every organ and tissue of the therapeutically with superficial x-rays
body can be affected by partial-body has shown that the skin erythema dose
irradiation. required to affect 50% of those
- Atrophy is the shrinkage of an organ or irradiated (SED50) is about 5 Gyt (500
tissue caused by cell death. rad).
- Another response of the skin to
radiation exposure is epilation, or loss of
Effects on the Skin
- The tissue with which we have had the - Moist desquamation desquamation
most experience is the skin. Normal skin
consists of three layers: an outer layer
(the epidermis), an intermediate layer of Summarizes the potential effects of high-dose
connective tissue (the dermis), and a fluoroscopy
subcutaneous layer of fat and
connective tissue

- Damage to basal cells results in the

earliest manifestation of radiation injury
to the skin.

Effects on the Gonads

- Human gonads are critically important
target organs. As an example of local
tissue effects, they are particularly
sensitive to radiation. Responses to
doses as low as 100 mGyt have been
observed. Because these organs
produce the germ cells that control
fertility and heredity, their response to
radiation has been studied extensively.

➔ Gametogenesis
- Germ cells are produced by
both ovaries and testes, but
Erythema they develop from the stem cell
- These skin effects follow a nonlinear, phase to the mature cell phase
threshold dose-response relationship. at different rates and at
- Small doses of x-radiation do not cause different times.
Progression of germ cells from the stem cell examination included total cell counts
phase to the mature cell. and a white blood cell (leukocyte)
differential count. Most institutions had
a radiation safety regulation such that, if
the leukocytes were depressed by
greater than 25% of normal level, the
employee was given time off or was
assigned to non- radiation activities
until the count returned to normal.

Hemopoietic System

● bone marrow
● circulating blood
Lymphoid tissues
1. lymph nodes
2. Spleen
3. thymus.

Pluripotential stem cell

- All cells of the hemopoietic system
apparently develop from a single type of
stem cell.
Lyphocytes, Granulocytes, Thrombocytes and
Response of Ovaries and Testes

Radiation Effects
● Granulocytes
- Rapid rise in # followed by rapid
decrease & slower decrease
- Recovery takes 2 months

● Thrombocytes
- Decrease in platelets occurs
slowly due to longer time for
HEMATOLOGIC EFFECTS precursor cell to reach maturity.
- If you were a radiologic technologist in - Minimum level – 30 days &
practice during the 1920s and the recovery – 2 months
1930s, you might have visited the ● Erythrocytes
hematology laboratory once a week for - Less sensitive than other blood
a routine blood examination. Before the cells
introduction of personnel radiation - very long lifetime in peripheral
monitors, periodic blood examination blood.
was the only monitoring performed on - Total recovery may take 6
x-ray and radium workers. This months to a year.
CYTOGENETIC EFFECTS Single-Hit Chromosome Aberrations
- Radiation-induced chromosome - A chromosome hit produces a visible
aberrations follows Nonthreshold rel. derangement of the chromosome
- High doses of radiation cause - represents severe damage to the DNA
chromosome aberrations. 1. Chromatid deletion
- Unable to see chromosomal aberrations 2. Isochromatids
under a dose as low aas 100 mGyt. (10 3. Chromatid fragments

Cytogenic is the study of the genetic of cells

particularly cell chromosomes

Single-hit Chromosome Aberrations

Normal Karyotype
- The human chromosome consists of
many long strings of DNA mixed with a Multi-Hit Chromosome Aberrations
protein and folded back on itself many
- For certain types of cytogenetic
analysis of chromosomes, photographs
are taken and enlarged so that each
chromosome can be cut out like a paper
doll and paired with its sister into a
chromosome map, which is called a
- After approximately 10 years of
scientific investigation, in the year
2000, the human genome was mapped.
This was a worldwide project involving
many different laboratories. Humans
have about 35,000 genes distributed
along the DNA of the 46 chromosomes.
Many human health effects have now
been associated with aberrations
identified for specific genes and
researchers are finding ways to correct
these genetic defects or replace them. A
wonderful example is brca1 and brca2,
located on chromosomes 17 and 13,
respectively, that are associated with
breast cancer. It is now possible to
perform molecular genetic counseling
and advise patients of their risk for
breast cancer, other cancers, and other
health risks. It is hoped that we will soon
be able to identify radiation-induced
aberrations and alert patients and
radiation workers to possible future risk

- No threshold
- Probability of the effect increases with
increasing dose
- Latency
- The stochastic dose-response
relationship is linear.
● Nuclear Bomb Incident (Atomic
○ Biological effect: Acute
Radiation Effect - Prodromal

- Studies of large numbers of people
exposed to a toxic substance require
considerable statistical analyses.
- Epidemiologic studies of people
exposed to radiation are difficult
because; ● Chernobyl Incident
(1) the dose usually is not known ○ 30 people were affected
but is presumed to be low, and ○ 28 were dead
(2) the frequency of response is
very low.

● The Goiania Incident

○ Brazil
○ 270 people affected
○ 90 were affected largely in
comes of biological affects
➔ 1960’s- several hundred cases were
- Radiation induced cataracts occur in the
posterior pole of the lens.
- Radiosensitivity of the eyes is age
- High LET radiation have high RBE for
the production of cataracts.
- 10 Gyt (1000 rad), cataracts develop in
nearly 100% of those who are irradiated.
- Threshold after an acute x-ray exposure
is approximately 2 Gyt (200 rad).
● Three Mile Island Incident - The threshold after fractionated
○ 8 mSv were release exposure is probably in excess of in
○ No biological response excess of 10 Gyt (1000 rad).
- Occupational exposures to the lens of
the eye are too low to require protective
LOCAL TISSUE EFFECTS lens shields for radiologic technologists.
- In computed tomography, the lens dose
can be 50 mGyt (5 rad).

● At worst, humans can expect a reduced
life span of approximately 10 days for
every 10 mGyt.
○ Whereas the average life
shortening caused by
occupational accidents
amounts to 74 days, for
CHROMOSOMES radiation workers, life is
- Irradiation of blood-forming organs can shortened by only 12 days.
produce hematologic depression as a ‘’Radiologic technology is a safe occupation’’.
deterministic response or leukemia as a
stochastic response.
- Chromosome damage in the circulating
lymphocytes can be produced as both a
deterministic and a stochastic response.
- Individuals accidentally exposed with
high radiation doses continue to show
chromosome abnormalities for 20 years
after the exposure.

➔ 1932- Cyclotron used to accelerate
charged particle to very high energies
➔ By 1940 nearly every university physics
department had one and was engaged
in high energy experiments.
➔ 1949- first cataract reported
- Radiation-induced leukemia follows a
linear, nonthreshold dose-response
- Radiation-induced leukemia is
considered to have a latent period of 4
to 7 years and an at-risk period of
approximately 20 years.
● Studies from early American radiologist;
○ They served as a radiologist and
radiation oncologist without the
benefit of modern radiation
○ Most radiologist received doses
100 rad/year.
○ There is no evidence of
radiation induced leukemia in
radiologic technologists
○ 1940’s – 1050’s in Great Britain,
patients with ankylosing
RADIATION INDUCED MALIGNANCY spondylitis were treated with
radiation to cure the disease.
Atomic bomb ○ 20 years until patient cured
started dying from leukemia.
● Nearly 100,000 died from the blast and ● spinal bone marrow had
early effects. received 100-4000 rad.
● Another 100,000 received a high dose ● relative risk from the
but survived. study was 10:1
● The remainder received less than 10
● Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
(ABCC) - radiation-induced leukemia also can be
● received high doses. reported for radiation-induced cancer.

Thyroid cancer
- has been shown to develop in three
groups of patients whose thyroid glands
were irradiated in childhood.
1. Ann Arbor series and the
Rochester series
- They treated shortly
after birth for enlarged
thymus with up to 500
2. 21 children natives of Rongelap
Atoll in 1954.
- These children received
radiation doses about
12 Gyt (1200 rad)
Bone Cancer - Early 1960s, when approximately 5000
- Two population groups have contributed miners were active in nearly 500
an enormous quantity of data showing underground mines and 150 open-pit
that radiation can cause bone cancer. mines.
1. radium watch-dial painters. - 4000 uranium miners have been
- 72 bone cancers in about 800 observed and they have received
workers have been observed in estimated doses to lung tissue as high
50 years. as 30 Gyt (3000 rad)
- Relative risk was 122:1 - The relative risk was approximately 8:1.
2. Patients treated with radium for arthritis
and tuberculosis. Liver Cancer
- Thorium dioxide (ThO2) in a colloidal
suspension known as Thorotrast.
- Radiation that was emitted produced a
dose in the ratio of approximately
100:10:1 of alpha, beta, and gamma
radiation, respectively.

Skin Cancer
Breast Cancer - skin cancer usually begins with the
- Additional studies have produced development of radiodermatitis.
results suggesting that - Significant data is available on patients
radiation-induced breast cancer treated with orthovoltage (200-300
developed in patients treated with kVp), and superficial x-rays (50-150
x-rays for acute postpartum mastitis. kVp)
- The dose to patients ranged from 0.75 - Latent period is about 5-10 years.
to 10 Gyt (75 to 1000 rad). - The relative risk for exposure range of
- The relative risk factor in this population 500 to 2000 rad, the relative risk was
was approximately 3:1.) 4:1
- For exposure of 4000 rad to 6000 rad
Tuberculosis the relative risk is 14:1
- was for many years treated by isolation
in a sanitarium. During the patient’s
stay, one mode of therapy was to induce
a pneumothorax in the affected lung;
this was done under
non–image-intensified fluoroscopy.
Many patients received multiple
treatments and up to several hundred
fluoroscopic examinations

Lung Cancer
- Early in the 20th century, it was
observed that approximately 50% of
workers in the Bohemian pitchblende
mines of Germany died of lung cancer.
- American uranium miners active in the
Colorado plateau in the 1950s and
LESSON15: STOCHASTIC EFFECTS ➔ Effects on Fertility
- Those that are available
STOCHASTIC EFFECTS indicate that, even when
radiation is delivered at the rate
of 1 Sv per year, no noticeable
Nuclear Reactor Incidents depression in fertility is noted
- Low-dose, chronic irradiation
1. Three Mile Island incident in 1979. does not impair fertility.
- Approximately 2,000,000 people
resided within an 80-km (50-mile) ➔ Irradiation in Utero
radius. - The embryo is a rapidly
- approximately 330,000 cancer deaths developing cell system, it is
in these persons. During the total period particularly sensitive to
of the radiation incident, the average radiation.
dose to persons living within a 160-km - 2 weeks of fertilization, the
(100-mile) radius was 15 μGyt (1.5 most pronounced effect of a
mrad); to those within the 80-km high radiation dose is prenatal
(50-mile) radius, it was 80 μGyt (8 death
mrad). - The first 2 weeks of pregnancy
- The Fukushima nuclear disaster of may be of least concern
March 2011 was the result of a because the response is
magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami. all-or-nothing.
Unlike Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, - Radiation exposure in utero
Fukushima involved six reactors. All of does retard the growth and
the reactors suffered damage and development of the newborn
reactors 1, 2, and 3 contributed to high - The relative risk of childhood
radiation exposures and radioactive leukemia after irradiation in
fallout over a sizeable population. All utero is 1.5.
were boiling water reactors, but several ➔ Major Organogenesis
containment vessels were breached. - 2nd through the 12th week
- skeletal and organ
abnormalities can be induced
- A dose of 100 mGyt (10 rad)
during organogenesis

Relative Risk of Childhood Leukemia After

Irradiation in Utero by Trimester
Average Annual Risk of Death
Summary of Effects

- The effects of low-dose, long-term

irradiation in utero can include the
following: prenatal death, neonatal
death, congenital abnormalities,
malignancy, impaired growth, genetic
effects, and mental retardation.
- However, these abnormalities are based
on doses greater than 1 Gyt, with
minimum reported doses in animal
experiments at approximately 100
- No evidence at the human or animal
level indicates that the levels of
radiation exposure currently
experienced occupationally or
medically are responsible for any such
effects on fetal growth or development.

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