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Midterm Project: Infographic Making

CEA-Free GECPCO-18 - Purposive Communication

What is Astronomy?
Astronomy is a scientific course that explores
the study of celestial objects and phenomena,
including stars, planets, galaxies, and the
universe, using principles of physics and Sputnik 1, the first satellite
observation. in space, orbited the Earth
at a speed of about 29,000
kilometers per hour),
completing an orbit around
the planet roughly every
96 minutes. This marked
the beginning of the space
age and demonstrated the
incredible speed at which
objects could travel in orbit
around our planet.

Have you heard that our home galaxy, the Milky Way, is
about 100,000 light-years in diameter and contains over
200 billion stars. Also, The Milky Way has eaten several
smaller galaxies over its history through a process
known as galactic cannibalism.

The term "cosmonaut" The term "astronaut" is

originated in the Soviet Union. commonly used by space
It is derived from the Russian agencies, such as NASA, as
word "kosmos," meaning well as by other international
"space.“ One of prominent space agencies. It comes
Cosmonaut is Yuri Gagarin, from the Greek words
was the first human into "astron," meaning "star," and
space on April 12, 1961. He "nautēs,“ meaning "sailor" or
orbited the Earth once "navigator.“ Twelve
astronauts have walked on
the Moon during the Apollo
missions between 1969 and
1972. Neil Armstrong was
the first person to set foot on
The ISS orbits the Earth at an altitude of
the lunar surface on July 20,
approximately 420 kilometers and
travels at a speed of about 28,000
kilometers per hour. It completes an orbit
roughly every 90 minutes, resulting in
approximately 16 sunrises and sunsets
per day for its crew.

Moonquakes are seismic activities that occur on the Moon,

which are caused by the gravitational interactions with
Earth. They are generally less intense than Earthquakes
but can last longer.

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