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‫مرشد القارئ‬

The literal meaning of ‫ تــجويــد‬is to do well but has been de ned as reading the letters with all of their
It is ‫( فــرض كــفايــة‬only one person has to learn from the community)to learn all the rules but ‫ فــرض عــني‬to
recite with ‫تجويد‬
The bene t of learning ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ــجوي ـ ـ ـ ــد‬is to protect ourselves from clear errors (ّ‫ )ل ـ ـ ـ ــحن ج ـ ـ ـ ــلي‬and from hidden
errors (ّ‫)لحن خفي‬
A ّ‫ ل ـ ــحن ج ـ ــلي‬is clear to everyone and is haram to read in this way if the reciter becomes aware of his
The four types of ‫ـاي‬ ّ ‫ ل ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـحـن ج ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬are: adding a letter, omitting a letter, changing a letter or changing a
A ّ‫ ل ــحن خ ــفي‬is when the reciter changes the ‫ ص ــفات‬of the letters and is only recognisable to someone
who studied ‫ تجويد‬. It is ‫ مكروه‬to recite the Quran with it if the reciter is aware of the mistake
A vowel is the ‫ حركة‬while the consonant is the letter
A ‫ مش َّدد‬letter is pronounced twice once with a ‫ ساكن‬and the next with the harakat
A tanween is the equivalent of a ‫ْن‬
The ‫ اســتعاذة‬means to seek refuge while the ‫ بــسملة‬is read at the start of recitation or for the start of a
The word ‫ فصل‬means separate
The word ‫وصل‬ ْ means joint
The word ‫ اال ّول‬means the rst
The word ‫ الثاني‬means the second
The word ‫ كل‬and ‫ جميع‬means all
Both the ‫ اس ـ ـ ـ ـ ــتعاذة‬and the ‫ ب ـ ـ ـ ـ ــسملة‬are read in 3 situations: the beginning of a surah, starting from the
middle of a surah and after having started already he nishes a surah and is going to begin
For the rst situation he can do 4 things : join everything or join the rst and separate the second
or separate everything or separate the rst but join the second
For the second situation he can do 2 things : separate everything or join the rst to the second
but not join the second (the other two at not recommended for beginners)
For the third situation he can do everything except joining the rst and separate the second
In the ‫ قـ ــرآن‬Allah says ‘and recite the ‫ قـ ــرآن‬with Tartil’ ( ً‫) َو َرتِّ ـ ـ ِل الـ ــقرآ َن تـ ـ ْـر ِت ـ ـيْال‬.Ali ‫ رضـ ــي اهلل عـ ــنه‬mentions that
this refers to ‘Excellence in (the recitation of) letters and (having) knowledge of waqf’ (‫ـج ِو ْي ـ ــد الح ـ ـ ُـر ْوف‬ ْ ‫تَ ـ ـ‬
‫)ومع ِرفَة ال ُو ُق ْوف‬
The viewpoint of Khalil ibn Ahmad al-Farahidi and Ibn al Jazari is that there are 17 exit points:
1) The empty space in the mouth where ‫ ُ ْو‬or ‫ ِْي‬or ‫ ا‬come from
2) The lower throat where ‫ ء‬and ‫ ه‬come from
3) The middle throat where ‫ ع‬and ‫ ح‬come from
4) The upper throat where ‫ غ‬and ‫ خ‬come from
5) The back of the tongue when it touches the soft palate is where the ‫ ق‬comes from
6) The back of the tongue but not as back as for ‫ ق‬when touching the hard palate is where the ‫ك‬
comes from
7) The centre part of the tongue when it touches the palate above it is where ‫ ج‬or ‫ ش‬or ‫ي غير امل ّد ّية‬
8) The side or edge of the tongue when it touches the upper molars of either side (left is easier
than right and from both is the hardest) is where ‫ ض‬comes from
9) The side or edge of the tongue and the tip of the tongue when it touches the gums of one
pre-molar to another is where ‫ ل‬is from
10) The tip of the tongue touching the gums of one canine to the other is where ‫ ن‬is from
11) The tip of the tongue and the top of the tip when touching the gums of the lateral and central
incisors is where ‫ ر‬is from
12) The tip of the tongue when it touches the gums of the upper central incisors is where ‫د‬,‫ ط‬and
‫ ت‬are from
13) The tip of the tongue touching the edge of the upper central incisors is where ‫ذ‬,‫ ظ‬and ‫ ث‬are
14) The tip of the tongue touches both central incisors is where ‫س‬,‫ ص‬and ‫ ز‬are from (slight gap in
the touching)
15) The inside of the bottom lip when touching the envelope of the upper central incisors is where
‫ ف‬is from
16) The meeting of the lips is where ‫ واو غير امل ّديّة‬and ‫ ب‬and ‫ م‬are from
17) The nasal cavity (‫ش ْوم‬ َ ) is where ‫ ُغنّة‬comes from
ُ ْ‫خي‬
The teeth in order are: central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, pre-molars, molars and wisdom
In ‫ صفات‬there are two types: ‫ صفات الزمة‬and ‫صفات عارضة‬
The rst (‫ )ص ـ ــفات الزم ـ ــة‬are permanent characteristics where the letter cannot be pronounced without
These ‫ صفات‬are of two types: ‫( متضا ّدة‬has opposite) and ‫( غير متضا ّدة‬has no opposite)
All of the ‫ صفات متضا ّدة‬are:
1. Literally ‫ ه ـ ـ ــمس‬means a whisper but in ‫ ت ـ ـ ــجوي ـ ـ ــد‬it means to allow the breath to ow and it’s letters
are ‫س َكت‬ َ ‫ص‬ ٍ ‫خ‬ ْ ‫ش‬ َ ‫فَ َحثَّه‬
2. Literally ‫ جه ـ ـ ـ ـ ــر‬means to announce loudly but in ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ـ ــجوي ـ ـ ـ ـ ــد‬it means to imprison the breath and it’s
letters are all the letters besides the letters of ‫همس‬
3. Literally ‫ ش ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ّدة‬means strength but in ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ـ ــجوي ـ ـ ـ ـ ــد‬it refers to the the sound being imprisoned and it’s
letters are ْ‫ط بَ َكت‬ ِ َ‫ا‬
ٍّ ‫ج ُد َق‬
4. Literally ‫خ ـ َوة‬ ْ ‫ ِر‬means softness but in ‫ ت ــجوي ــد‬it means to allow the sound to ow and it’s letters are
all the letters besides the letters of ‫خ َوة‬ ْ ‫ ِر‬and ‫سط‬ ّ ‫تَ َو‬
5. The middle(where sound ows but is imprisoned) between both is ‫ب ـ ْي ِن ّية‬/‫ســط‬ ّ ‫ تَ ـ َو‬and literally means
in-between and it’s letters are ‫( ل ْن ُع َمر‬though it’s not an individual ‫ صفات‬as it has a bit of both)
6. Literally ‫ اس ـ ـ ـ ــتعالء‬means to elevate but in ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ــجوي ـ ـ ـ ــد‬it means to elevate the back part of the tongue
and it’s letters are ‫ضغ ٍْط ِقظ‬ َ ‫ص‬ ُ (All these letters all have ‫ تفخيم‬due to the rising of the tongue)
َّ ‫خ‬
7. Literally ‫ اس ــتفال‬means to lower but in ‫ ت ــجوي ــد‬it refers to the lowering of the tongue and it’s letters
are all the letters besides the letters of ‫( اســتعالء‬All these letters all have ‫ تــرقــيق‬due to the lowering
of the tongue)
8. Literally ‫ اط ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـبـاق‬means to cover but it in ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـجـوي ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــد‬it refers to the when the centre of the tongue
touches or encompasses the palate and it’s letters are ‫ص‬,‫ض‬,‫ ط‬and ‫( ظ‬All these letters also
have ‫)استعالء‬
9. Literally ‫ ان ـ ـ ـ ــفتاح‬means to open but in ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ــجوي ـ ـ ـ ــد‬it refers to when the centre of the tongue lies open
and does not touch the palate and its letters are all the letters besides the letters of ‫اطباق‬

All of the ‫ صفات غير متضا ّدة‬are:

1. Literally ‫صفير‬ َ means to have a whistling sound and is found in ‫ص‬،‫ س‬and ‫ز‬
2. Literally ‫ لني‬means softness and is found in ‫ َ ْو‬and ‫َْي‬
3. Literally ‫ انحراف‬means inclination because the exit points are similar and is found in ‫ ل‬and ‫ر‬
4. Literally ‫ تــكريــر‬or ‫ تــكرار‬means to repeat something and in ‫ تــجويــد‬it refers to the tongue shuddering
against the palate and is found in ‫ر‬
5. Literally ‫ـفشي‬ ّ ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ـ‬means to spread out but it in ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ــجوي ـ ـ ـ ــد‬it means to spread the breath of the mouth
and is found in ‫ش‬
6. Literally ‫ قــلقلة‬means shaking but in ‫ تــجويــد‬it refers to them being read with an echoing sound and
it’s letters are ‫ُقطب ج ّد‬
7. Literally ‫ اســتطالــة‬means to lengthen but it ‫ تــجويــد‬it refers to lengthening the sound until the end of
its exit point and it is found in ‫ض‬
The second(‫ )صفات عارضة‬are temporary characteristics which are only found in certain situations.
All of the ‫ صفات عارضة‬are:
‫ اظهار‬.1
‫ ادغام‬.2
‫ اخفاء‬.3
‫ اقالب‬.4
‫ تفخيم‬.5
‫ ترقيق‬.6
‫ م ّد‬.7
‫ َقصر‬.8
‫ حركة‬.9
‫ سكون‬.10
‫ س ْكت‬.11
The poem for the above is ‫(اظــهار ادغــام وقــلب وكــذا‬line 1) ‫( اخــفاء وتــفخيم ورقّ اُخــذا‬line 2) ‫وامل ـ ّد والــقصر مــع التحـ ّـركــي‬
(line 3) ‫ُح ِكي‬ ‫( وايضا ً السكون والسكت‬line 4)
There are 3 letters under which the letters fall under regarding their pronunciation:
1. The rst are those always read with ‫ تفخيم‬and it’s letters are all the letters of ‫استعالء‬
2. The second are those always read with ‫ تـرقـيق‬all the letters other than the letters of ‫ تـفخيم‬and the
mixed letters
3. Sometimes read with either depending on the scenario and it’s letters are the ‫ا‬, the ‫ ل‬in ‫ اهلل‬and
The ‫ ا‬is only read full mouth when proceeded by a ‫ تـ ــفخيم‬letter it is also read ‫ تـ ــفخيم‬and if proceeded
by a ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ــرق ـ ـ ـ ــيق‬letter then it will also be read ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ــرق ـ ـ ـ ــيق‬e.g ‫ زاد‬or ‫( ق ـ ـ ـ ــال‬if ‫ ر‬comes as ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ــرق ـ ـ ـ ــيق‬it has the same
function e.g ‫ صراط‬or ‫)فراق‬
The ‫ ل‬in the name of ‫ اهلل‬is read ‫ تفخيم‬if proceeded by a ُ or َ and ‫ ترقيق‬if proceeded by a ِ
The ‫ ر‬can come in 3 situations:
1. A ‫ ر متح ـ ـ ّـرك‬is read ‫ ت ـ ــفخيم‬when it has a َ or a ُ and ‫ ت ـ ــرق ـ ــيق‬with a ِ this this the same for a ‫ ر مشـ ـ ـ ّدد‬but
for a ‫ ر َم ـ ْـملوءة‬it is read with ‫ ت ــرق ــيق‬and it is a ‫ ر‬which has a َ which inclines towards a ِ and and an ‫ا‬
into a ‫ ي‬the only place it is in the Quran is in ‫ سورة هود‬in the word ‫مجريها‬ ٓ
2. A ‫ را سـ ـ ـ ــاكـ ـ ـ ــنة‬which is proceeded by a ‫ متحـ ـ ـ ـ ّـرك‬letter which either has a َ or ُ then it will be read with
‫ تـ ــفخيم‬and with a ِ with ‫ تـ ــرقـ ــيق‬but there are three exceptions 1.If the ِ is temporary like in the word
ِ ‫ ِا ْر‬so is read with ‫ ت ـ ـ ــفخيم‬2. If followed by a letter of ‫ اس ـ ـ ــتعالء‬in the same word like ‫ ِم ـ ـ ـ ْـرص ـ ـ ــادا‬or
‫ج ـ ـ ـ َعي‬
‫ ِا ْرص ــادا‬or ‫ ل ــباملِ ــرص ــاد‬or ‫ ِف ــرق ــة‬or ‫ ِق ـ ْـرط ــاس‬it is read with ‫ ت ــفخيم‬3. If the ِ is not in the same word as the ‫ْر‬
then it is read with ‫ ت ـ ــفخيم‬e.g ‫رب ارح ـ ــمهما‬ ّ and even if the ِ is temporary it is still read with ‫ ت ـ ــفخيم‬like
‫ ام ِ ارتـابـوا‬or ٰ‫ م ِـن ارتـضى‬or ٰ‫ مل ِـن ارتـضى‬or ‫ان ارتـبتم‬ ِ (If ‫ وقـف‬is done a ‫ ّر‬it is read with ‫ تـفخيم‬when it has a َ or ُ
and ‫ ترقيق‬when it has a ِ
3. A ‫ را س ــاك ــنة‬when proceeded by a ‫ س ــاك ــن‬which is proceeded by a ‫ متح ـ ّـرك‬is it is a َ or ُ then it will be
read with ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ــفخيم‬e.g ‫س ـ ـ ـ ـ ْـر‬ ْ ‫خ‬ ْ ‫ َع ـ ـ ـ ـ‬and when it is a ِ it will be read with ‫ ت ـ ـ ـ ــرق ـ ـ ـ ــيق‬like ‫( ِذ ْك ـ ـ ـ ـ ْـر‬If a ‫ ْر‬is
ُ and ‫ـص ْر‬
preceded by a ‫ ْي‬it will always be read with ‫ ترقيق‬if ‫ وقف‬is done upon it)
If the ‫ ن‬or ‫ م‬is ‫ مش ّدد‬then it is read with ‫ غنّة‬like ‫ َع ّم‬or ‫ِا ّن‬
The ‫ ْم‬will be read in 3 ways:
1. Literally ‫ اخ ــفاء‬means to cover and happens when a ‫ ْم‬proceeds a ‫ ب‬and so it is read with ‫ ُغ ـنّة‬like
‫( َربّه ْم بهم‬this pronunciation is called ‫وي‬ ّ َ‫شف‬َ ‫ اخفاء‬as the ‫ م‬is pronounced from the lips)
2. Literally ‫ ادغ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــام‬means to incorporate so if two ‫ ْم‬come back to back then they will combined as
one and read with ‫ ُغنّة‬e.g ‫َك ْم ّمن‬
3. Literally ‫ ِاظ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــهار‬means to make clear so if the ‫ ْم‬is followed by any letter besides ‫ ب‬and ‫ م‬the ‫ ْم‬is
read without ‫ ُغنّة‬like ‫اَنْ َع ْمت‬
The ‫ ْن‬will be read in 4 ways:

1. If a ‫ ْن‬comes before ‫ء‬،‫هـ‬،‫ع‬،‫ح‬،‫ غ‬and ‫ خ‬it is pronounced without ‫ ُغنّة‬like ‫انْ َع ْمت‬
2. If a ‫ ْن‬comes before any letters of ‫ يَ ـ ْـر َم ــلون‬then ‫ ِا ْدغ ــام‬takes place but it has no ‫ ُغ ـنّة‬like ‫ ِم ـ ْن ربّ ـ ِهم‬if it is
a ‫ ل‬or ‫ ر‬and has ‫ ُغ ـنّة‬if it is on the remaining letters (‫ )يَ ـن ْ ُمو‬like ‫( ِم ـ ْن ِن ـ ْع َم ٍة‬if the ‫ ي‬or the ‫ و‬have a ْ then
it is read with ‫ اظهار‬like ‫ ُدنْيا‬or ‫ ُبنْيان‬or ‫ ِقنْوان‬or ‫صنْوان‬ ِ
3. Literally ‫ اق ـ ـ ــالب‬means to change where if the ‫ ْن‬comes before a ‫ ب‬then it will be changed into a ‫ْم‬
like ‫ص ٌّم بُ ْك ٌم‬
4. If ‫ ْن‬comes after anything other than the letters of ‫ اظهار‬or ‫ ادغام‬or ‫ اقالب‬it will be read with ‫ُغنّة‬
Literally ‫ َم ـ ـ ـ ّد‬means to lengthen but in ‫ تـ ـ ــجويـ ـ ــد‬it refers to lengthening the sound in the letters of ‫ م ـ ـ ـ ّد‬or
the letters of ‫لني‬
The letters of ‫ م ّد‬are ‫ ْو‬after a ُ or a ‫ ْي‬after a ِ or an ‫( ا‬which is always preceded by a َ )
The ‫ م ـ ـ ّد اص ـ ــلي‬is that where the letters of ‫ م ـ ـ ّد‬is no ‫ ء‬or ْ after it like ‫ح ـ ـيْها‬ ِ ‫ نُ ـ ـ ْو‬and it’s duration is one alif
(‫صر‬ َ ‫) َق‬
The ‫ م ّد فَ ْر ِعي‬is that where the letters of ‫ َم ّد‬are followed by a ‫ ء‬or a ْ .
The ‫ َم ـ ّد‬which is caused by a ‫ ء‬has two types: ‫ َم ـ ّد ُم ـتَّصل‬where the ‫ ء‬is in the word like ‫س ـ ْو ٌء‬ ُ or ‫صل‬ ِ َ‫َم ـ ّد ُم ـنْف‬
where the ‫ ء‬is part of the next word like ‫س ُك ْم‬ ِ The duration of both of these is 3 or 4 alifs (‫سط‬
ِ ُ‫في اَنْف‬. ّ ‫)تَ َو‬
The ‫ َم ـ ـ ّد‬which is caused by a ْ is of two types: ‫ـلس ُكون‬ ّ ‫ض لـ ـ‬ ُ ‫ امل َـ ـ ّد الـ ــعا ِر‬can be read as any length as the ْ is
temporary due to stopping like ‫ تَ ـ ـ ْع َلمون‬and ‫ َم ـ ـ ّد الزم‬which is on a permanent ْ like ‫ أا ْل ـ ـئ ٰن‬or ‫ ق‬it’s length
is 5 alifs (‫ )طُــول‬but has 4 categories: 1)‫ امل ـ ّد الزم ِك ــلمي ُم ـث َ ّقل‬e.g ‫ـال لِ ــني‬ ْ ‫ضـ‬
َ 2)‫خفَّف‬ َ ‫ امل ـ ّد الزم ك ــلمي م ـ‬e.g ‫ ءآلن‬3)‫امل ـ ّد‬
َّ‫ الزم حـرفـي ُمـثَقل‬e.g ‫ آ ٓلـ ٓم‬and 4)‫خفّف‬ َ ‫ املـ ّد الزم حـرفـي مـ‬e.g ٓ‫ ق‬the term ‫ كـلمي‬means the letter of madd and sukun
are in the same word while ‫ حــرفــي‬is found in a letter (‫)حــروف ُمــقطّعات‬.The term ‫ مــث ّقل‬means the sukun is
due to ‫ ادغام‬while ‫خفّف‬ َ ‫ ُم‬is not with ‫ادغام‬
The ‫ مـ ـ ـ ـ ّد‬from the letters of ‫ ل ـ ـ ــني‬are of two types: If after the letter of ‫ ل ـ ـ ــني‬there is a temporary ‫ س ـ ـ ــكون‬it
can be read with any 3 if the durations but if it is permanent then it is ‫ مـ ّد لـني الزم‬e.g ‫ص‬ ٓ ‫ ٓكـ ٰهيٰ ٓع‬or ٓ‫ـسق‬ٓ ‫ٓحـ ٓم ٓع‬
and it’s duration is ‫توسط‬ ّ or ‫طول‬ but ‫طول‬ is preferred
The term ‫ قــطع‬literally means to cut but in ‫ تــجويــد‬it refers to the stopping at the end of an ayah and is
not allowed otherwise
The term ‫ وقـ ـ ــف‬literally means to stop but in ‫ تـ ـ ــجويـ ـ ــد‬it refers to stopping at the end of word for a long
enough duration to renew the breath with the intention of continuing
The term ‫ سكت‬literally means to remain silent but in ‫ تجويد‬refers to stopping without taking a breath
The ‫ وقف‬has 3 conditions:
1. The condition of the Qari’ which is four types: 1)‫ وق ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــف االخ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـتـبـاري‬which is an examinatory stop
where the Qari’ is stopped by a teacher it is ‫ ج ـ ـ ـ ـ ــائ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــز‬if he continues from that word if it does not
change meaning or if it does then be begins recitation before it and if he is at the end of an
ayah he continues from the next ayah 2) ‫ وق ـ ـ ـ ــف االن ـ ـ ـ ــتظاري‬which an adjourning stop which is used
to complete the di erent Qira’at it is also ‫ـائ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــز‬ ِ ‫ ج ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ‬and the Qari’ continues from the word where
di erence of opinion is found as the objective is to complete all the Qira’at 3)‫وق ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــف االض ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـطـراري‬
which is a forced stop caused by an unintentional break in his breath like a cough he starts on
the word he stopped if the meaning will allow it or else he starts from before the word 4)‫وق ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــف‬
‫ االختياري‬where the Qari’ decides to stop at a particular place in order to renew his breath
2. The place where the Qari’ stops: 1)‫ ال ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــوق ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ــف ال ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـتّـام‬a complete stop where the sentence and the
meaning are complete so no connection (a connection is either ‫( َم ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ْعـ ـن ً ــى‬meaning) or ً ‫َل ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـفْـ ـظـ ـا‬
(grammar) if connected by grammar then the meaning is also connected but not vice-
versa).The Qari’ continues recitation from after the place of ‫ وق ـ ــف‬2)‫ ال ـ ــوق ـ ــف ال ـ ــكاف ـ ــي‬a su cient stop
where the meaning is connected but the grammar is not connected e.g …‫ واآلخ ـ ــرة ه ـ ــم ي ـ ــوق ـ ــنون‬.The
Qari’ continues recitation from after the place of stopping 3)‫ ال ـ ـ ــوق ـ ـ ــف ال ـ ـ ــحسن‬the good/sound stop
where it has a full meaning but the meaning and grammar is connected e.g ‫ الـح ـ ـ ـ ـ ـ ـمـد هلل‬.The Qari’
continues from the next ayah if he is at the end of the ayah and from a suitable place if in the
middle of a verse 4)‫ الــوقــف الــقبيح‬an undesirable stop where the sentence is incomplete and gives
a wrong meaning as it is connected to what follows in both meaning and grammar (this ‫ وق ـ ـ ـ ـ ــف‬is
not allowed unless due to an expiration of the breath).


3. The last ‫ حــركــة‬on the word of ‫وقــف‬: 1)‫ وقــف بــاالســكان‬to make ‫ وقــف‬with a ْ regardless of the ‫ حــركــة‬2)‫وقــف‬
ْ ِ‫ وقـ ــف بـ ــاأل‬which means to do
‫ بـ ــالـ ـ َّـروم‬to read the last ‫ حـ ــركـ ــة‬partially (only allowed for a ُ and ِ ) 3)‫شـ ـ َـمام‬
‫ وقف‬while indicating to the last ‫ حركة‬with the lips (only allowed for a ُ )
The ‫ سكت‬is only in four places for Hafs:
1. In Surah Muta n the ayah ‫*را َن‬ َ ‫بَ ْل‬
2. In Surah Qiyamah the ayah ‫ْ*راق‬ َ ‫َمن‬
3. In Surah Yasin the ayah ‫َم ْر َقدنا*هذَا‬ َ ِ
4. In Surah Kahf the ayah ً ‫ِع َوجا* َق ِّيما‬

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