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Q1: "All my soul within me burning", we see here this singer of 1999s "Candy" returning

with such name as??

The crrect Answer is: Mandy Moore

Q2: In 1987 an average of 2 new products a day were introduced that could be cooked in
this device?

The crrect Answer is: microwave oven

Q3: Term for a list of items to be dealt with at a meeting?

The crrect Answer is: an agenda

Q4: Lie on one of these to force your core to work harder during an abs workout?

The crrect Answer is: a foam roller

Q5: At one of the dollar stores, you can get an 8-digit desktop or pocket one of these?

The crrect Answer is: a calculator

Q6: (Kelly of the Clue Crew watches ropes of candy be split on the conveyor belt at the See's
candy factory.) As the candy moves down the conveyor belt, a splitter cuts it into ropes, &
this French-named device cuts it to a certain length?

The crrect Answer is: a guillotine

Q7: The 1985 hit heard here was a tribute to this singer:"Oooh, ooh, I'm missing you /Tell
me where the road turns..."?

The crrect Answer is: Marvin Gaye

Q8: Neptune's largest moon, it orbits the planet in the opposite direction of the rest of the
The crrect Answer is: Triton

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