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Q1: These 2 adverbs complete the classic Federal Express ad slogan "When it ____, ____ has to

be there over night"?

The crrect Answer is: absolutely, positively

Q2: The crispy remains after pork fat has been rendered are called these, AKA pork rinds?

The crrect Answer is: cracklings

Q3: Next up the pay scale from sergeant is this sergeant who won't comfort you along with a

The crrect Answer is: staff

Q4: There's a shape in the name of this device that makes vegetable noodles?

The crrect Answer is: a spiralizer

Q5: Rivaling the goldfish as the most popular aquarium pet, it's native to Venezuela &
adjacent islands?

The crrect Answer is: the guppy

Q6: This racket sport is named for the Duke of Beaufort's country seat?

The crrect Answer is: badminton

Q7: "Big bucks, no whammies!"?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Press Your Luck</i>

Q8: The ultimate hitchhikers, these suckerfish attach themselves to other fish, like sharks?

The crrect Answer is: remora

Q9: A girl in the Buster Brown comic strip gave her name to these girls' shoes that have a
strap over the instep?

The crrect Answer is: Mary Janes

Q10: This Dutch variety is similar to Edam, except that its extra butterfat makes it creamier?

The crrect Answer is: Gouda

Q11: "Hi, cher" isn't necessarily a pop star greeting; "cher" means this endearing term?

The crrect Answer is: dear

Q12: In 1993 Richard Chamberlain starred as Professor Henry Higgins in a revival of this

The crrect Answer is: <i>My Fair Lady</i>

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