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Variant 2

Task 1.Fill in the blank with the most suitable word or phrase (IN THE CORRECT FORM):
Impending To be driven to distraction To bear a facial resemblance to Ponderous(ly)
Impeccable To search one’s mind for Presently Wistful(ly) Now that Discreet Eligible
Protective Boisterous Credulous Credible To be better off without smth To go to rack and ruin
Miserly Frugal Dowdy Forbidding To marvel at Lowly

1. While women are addicted to losing weight and they are Credulous enough to believe these
wonder claims, your investment can't go wrong.
2. Behaving with Impeccable manners is one of the strategies that builds and sustains excellent
reputation: it allows folks to trust you.
3. Now that Angie's English has improved, she feels more confident at work.
4. Bruce desperately searched his mind for a way out of the situation but couldn’t see any.
5. After all, I'm driven to distraction by the incorrect and inconsistent use of the comma in
practically every publication I read.
6. Instead of sweating underneath monstrous loads, moving as slowly and Ponderously as beasts of
burden, we cruised the trail like coyotes, heads up, alert, eyes on the horizon.
Task 2. In each sentence choose one appropriate word and underline it.
1. I’m buying a TV in/by 12 monthly installments.
2. By the time Kate retired she was a fortunate/prosperous businesswoman.
3. We would appreciate it if you would close/settle your bill as soon as possible.
4. This government believes firmly in the value of free enterprise/market.
5. I keep most of my money in a savings currency/account.
6. We had to give the customs official a bonus/bribe not to inspect our suitcases.
7. Sheila made a fortune/investment selling used cars!
8. All employees can stay at the hotel free of charge/in credit.
9. He is heavily in debt to the bank, which is not surprising – his lifestyle is very
10. The sales period was extended because of a marked reduction in/of consumer spending.
Task 3. Fill in the blank with the most suitable word.
1. In his time he had been a big star but now he was a has-been
2. If you don’t stand up for yourself, they’ll think you’re a(n) wimp
3. Going bungee jumping again? You are a(n) daredevil .
4. I took a(n) instant dislike to Ted and avoid him as much as I can.
Task 4. Translate the sentences using the active vocabulary from W.S.Maugham’ s story.
1. Він був роздратований тим, що зобов’язав себе підтримувати її дядька.

He was annoyed that he had committed himself to supporting her uncle.

2. Він не був впевнений, що його благання про допомогу не проігнорується.

He was not sure that his appeal for help would not be ignored.

3. Тепер коли ти вагітна, ти не повинна перепрацьовувати, перш за все ти маєш дбати про своє
Now that you're pregnant, you shouldn't overwork, and you should take care of your health first.

Task 5. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Wistful тужливий,задумливий
2. to reiterate щось повторити знову в розмові
3. consternation переляк
4. to snap at smb зірватися на когось, накричати
5. execrable огидний, жахливий, неприємний
Task 6. Provide or choose the BEST answer:

1. What is the main tonality of the essay “On Marriage”?

a) critical b) humorous c) ironic d) sympathetic

2. What device predominates in the characterization of the main personages in W.S. Maugham’s story
“The Escape”?
a) irony b) paradox c) sarcasm d) hyperbole

3. What is the central element used in the portrayal of the main character in the extract about Sven?
a) music b) tea party c) speech d) clothes

4. Comment on the title of the story “Art for Heart’s Sake”. What stylistic devices are used here?

Allusion: suggests a play on the familiar expression "art for art's sake," (aesthetism O. Wilde)
Pun: The use of "Heart's Sake" instead of the more common "Art's Sake"
Assonance: art — heart

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