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Discourse Analysis

Name: Nadya Nurrabani

Class: Morning A
Introduction to Linguistic

1. What are the differences between cohesion and cohesive?

2. Is turn-taking important when we have a conversation?

3. How much content is in discourse analysis?

4. Is background knowledge can influence someone to speak by the words that they say?

5. What is interpreting discourse?

Name: Dhia Firial Al-Aathira

Class: Morning A
Introduction to Linguistic

1. What is Discourse Analysis?

2. Could you please explain what is meant by Discourse Analysis itself can be classified
as written and spoken?

3. Something that studies how to structure what is being talked about is called?

4. Another important concept of interpreting discourse besides cohesion is the concept

of “coherence”. So, what is coherence?

5. A word or phrase used to indicate that you are not really sure (to save your word or
someone) is called?

Name: Gifa Bunga

Class: Morning A
Introduction to Linguistic

1. Discourse analysis can be used to analyze what kind of text?

2. Analysis that is related to conversations is?

3. A conventional knowledge structure in memory for specific fillings is called?

4. What is implicature?

5. When can you use a hedge?

Name: Aulia Nabila

Class: Morning A
Introduction to Linguistic

1. a

2. b

3. c

4. d

5. e

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