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Group 2

Rhima Novelin Teken (210502503015)

Erika Nofianti Sera Patabang (210502503014)

Nur Asfira Suhardi (210502503012)

Sry Ghina Muliany. K (210502503010)






Speaking is one of the most important skills along with writing, reading
and listening. This is because speaking allows us to communicate with fellow
humans, express opinions, convey intentions and messages, and express emotions
and all emotional states.

Speaker skill is the ability to pronounce articulate sounds over words to

express, express and communicate thoughts, ideas and feelings. As a form or form
of speech, it is called a tool for communicating ideas, arranged and developed
according to the needs of the listener or listeners (Tarigan, 1983:12).

Speaking is a skill in conveying messages that are done orally. Rofiuddin

and Zuhdi (1998: 13) say that speaking is a skill in pronouncing articulated
sounds or words to express, express and convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings
As a component of language skills, speaking is frequently regarded as an
independent activity. The speaking teaching activities that have been carried out
thus far are evidence of this.In practice, students are instructed to stand in front of
the class and speak, such as by telling stories or giving speeches. It is requested
that other students remain silent and listen. As a result, the teaching of speaking
was less interesting in those schools. When it's their turn, students get depressed
because, in addition to having to prepare materials, the lecturer frequently gives
too much criticism. In the meantime, other students are less invested in the
activity, with the exception of when it is their turn.
Using physical, psychological, neurological, semantic, and linguistic
factors, speaking is a human behavior. A speech tool is a physical component
that a person uses to produce language sounds when they speak. The ability to
maintain emotional stability, for example, is very supportive of speech fluency.
The neural network that connects the cerebellum to the mouth, ears, and other
body organs that participate in speaking activities cannot be separated from
All students are expected to engage in language learning activities
when learning in the classroom. We must always remember that the essence of
speaking is related to other speaking activities such as listening, reading,
writing and speaking points. Therefore, speaking classes are best focused on
two-way functional communication. The teacher's job is to develop language
teaching in such a way that class activities are dynamic and lively and children
demand it. To achieve this, several factors must be taken into account when
learning to speak: speaker, listener, topic.
In line with this, Rofiuddin and Zuhdi (1998: 14) put forward several
principles of speaking learning as follows:
1. Speaking is characterized by a meeting between two or more people who
have oral communication, there is a speaker and there is a listener.
2. There are many types of oral communication between the speaker and the
listener, ranging from people talking to public meetings in the field.
3. Speech learning cannot include all those variations or types of oral
4. Speaking learning should be functional.
The principles of speaking learning can be carried out properly if the
lecturer or teacher pays attention to the criteria for selecting speaking teaching
materials, as follows:
1. The selected material must have added value, (1) introduce new ideas, (2)
contain information that students do not yet know,
(3) help students understand the way others think, and (4) encourage
students to read without being told to.
2. Increase the intelligence of students.
3. Expand the vocabulary that students can master in sufficient numbers.

4. Reading materials provide the possibility for lecturers to ask questions,

namely (1) making pictures, (2) reprocessing information in the text, (3)
performing role-playing games, conversations.
5. The arrangements correspond to the student's skill level.
6. Lecturers' essays consisting of, (1) in accordance with educational
objectives, (2) in accordance with the spirit of Pancasila, (3) in accordance
with learning objectives, (4) in accordance with the theme, and (5) not
contrary to applicable values.

B. Linguistic Factors to Support The Effectiveness of Speaking

1. Pronunciation Provisions
Speakers need to get used to pronouncing the sounds of the
language accurately. Mispronunciation of speech can interfere with the
listener's thinking. Of course, the phonetic and articulatory patterns used
are not always the same. Everyone has their own style, and the style of
language used depends on the topic, emotion, and goals. However, when
differences and changes are too visible and divergent, the effectiveness
of communication is compromised.
All speakers are certainly strongly influenced by their mother
tongue. For example, the incorrect suffix -can is typed with the can
pronunciation. Although we don't yet have a unified pronunciation, our
language should not be overcrowded with colloquialisms that distract
our listeners. The same applies to the pronunciation of each syllable. It is
not uncommon to hear people say words that do not have distinct
syllables.Improper or flawed pronunciation of language sounds will
cause boredom, unpleasantness, or less attractive so that it can distract
the listener, interfere with communication, or the wearer is considered

2. Intonation Provisions
Sound pressure usually falls on the last syllable or the penultimate
syllable, then is placed on the first syllable. For example , the words
peyanggah, brave, opportunity, put pressure on pe-, pem-, ke-, certainly
sounds awkward. In this case, the listener's attention can turn to the
speaker's way of speaking, so that the subject matter or message
conveyed is less noticed. As a result, the effectiveness of communication
is certainly impaired.

Proper intonation is a special charm of language and an important

factor. The problem you're dealing with isn't very interesting, but putting
the right intonation into the problem makes things interesting.
Conversely, if the birth is shallow, it will almost certainly be dry and less
able to speak.

3. Word Choice (Diction)

Word choices (diction) ought to be varied, precise, and
clear.Clearly, the intended audience can comprehend the point easily.If
the spoken words are already familiar to the listener, they will be more
engaged and easier to comprehend.For instance, words that are commonly
used will undoubtedly perform better than words that are overly grandiose
or of foreign origin.Although unfamiliar terms pique curiosity, they
impede smooth communication.Word choice must always be tailored to
the topic at hand and the audience (the listener).If the speaker speaks
clearly in the language he speaks, in a way that truly reflects who he is as
a person and as a speaker, the listener will be more interested and happy
to listen.
4. Smoothness
A speaker who speaks fluently makes it simple for the listener to
understand what he is saying. Even in between the disconnected parts of
the speaker's speech, we frequently hear inserted sounds, such as slipping
ee, oo, and aa sounds, which are extremely disturbing to the listener. On
the other hand, speakers who speak too quickly also make it hard for the
audience to understand what they are saying


A. Understanding Brainstorming Method

Brainstorming is one of the approaches that has the concept of developing
the ability to speak to students, because brainstorming prioritizes the role of
developing ideas through contributing suggestions. brainstorming means paying
more attention to the chosen topic, then thinking about the possibilities of words,
phrases, and sentences related to the topic to talk about. This is the first source to
develop students' speaking skills. According to Moedjiono, et al (in, M. Subana,
2009: 105), Brainstorming is a method of giving birth to ideas by the way
students are asked to come up with as many ideas as possible. Brainstorming is a
technique of free association to awaken intellectual energy.
The brainstorming technique or contributing suggestions is one method for
coming up with ideas. M. Subana says that brainstorming (2009:105) refers to a
brilliant idea that emerges out of the accumulation of ideas and provides solutions
to specific issues by presenting all ideas at once. Brainstorming is a creative and
impulsive process. When it comes to speaking activities, brainstorming means
paying more attention to the topic that has been chosen and then considering the
possibility of words, phrases, and sentences that are related to the topic that will
be discussed, such as in class discussion practice. The first resource for improving
students' speaking abilities is this one.Moedjiono et al. (in M. Subana, 2009) say
that at the student level:105), Brainstorming is a technique for coming up with
ideas because students are asked to think of as many ideas as they can. Free
association, or brainstorming, is a method for generating intellectual energy. The
teacher starts brainstorming with a single word or a single idea, and then the
student or students develop it.
The use of brainstorming in teaching focuses on the practice of
communicative language, but in another way uses English as direct or everyday
communication to convey opinions and information. With this method, students
will be immersed in using the target curriculum or four skills, which help them to
be brave and not afraid of being commented on by others.
There are two types of brainstorming. It should be selected based on its
advantages and disadvantages for maximum benefit.
a) Structured brainstorming : Group members will sit in a circle. The
leader facilitates brainstorming. The facilitator will write down their
ideas in the form of a rotation on the board. These exercises will be
performed in a certain order until everyone contributes an idea. If a
member is not prepared for his idea, it can pass, later he can give an
idea or pass again.
b) Unstructured brainstorming: Group members can sit in a circle or in
class in any form of arrangement. There is no order of response. The
facilitator will motivate everyone to give their ideas.
According to Roestiyah, the advantages of the Brainstrorming method are as

a. Children are actively thinking about expressing their opinions.

b. Train students to think quickly and logically.
c. Stimulate students to always be ready to argue regarding the problems
given by the teacher.
d. Increase student participation in receiving lessons.
e. Less active students get help from clever friends or from teachers.
f. The occurrence of healthy competition.
g. Children feel free and happy.
h. The atmosphere of democracy and Discipline can be cultivated

According to Roestiyah, some of the disadvantages of the Brainstorming method

are as follows:

a. The teacher does not give enough time for the students to think well.
b. Fewer children are always left behind.
c. Sometimes smart children monopolize conversations.
d. The teacher only accommodates opinions, never formulates conclusions.
e. Students do not immediately known whether their opinions are
f. Problems can develop in unexpected ways.

B. Purpose of Using Brainstorming

The purpose of using the Brainstorming method is to explore students'
speaking abilities through the process of conveying ideas or everything that can be
thought of by students or learners to respond to problems raised by their teachers
or lecturers

Brainstorming aims to:

a. Maximize the participation of all students in the classroom,

especially providing an opportunity to convey their ideas.
b. To stimulate all students to actively participate in speaking
activities in class
c. Encourage students to be skilled in expressing their opinions

C. Brainstorming Method Execution Techniques

Based on the previous description, brainstorming is a method used to
gather ideas by asking students to vocalize many possible ideas on a given topic.
It also runs both before and while you speak.
Basically brainstorming has a scope as a suggestion contribution
technique in the classroom is as follows:
a. Students are given the opportunity to choose the topic they want to convey
or talk about.
b. Choosing several possible ideas related to the topic, at this stage, the student
conveys only a few ideas from the chosen topic. They only convey ideas in
the form of statements in the form of words, phrases, or as information
c. Evaluation of Ideas At the same time, students are given the opportunity to
evaluate the ideas discussed. They come up with off-topic ideas. Then
organize your ideas in a clear order. The order of these ideas is very clear to
help someone speak. Brainstorming can be done in groups or individually.
When practicing in groups, you must act as a recorder and take
responsibility for writing down the ideas that arise. In this case, you don't
have to worry about grammar, spelling, etc., or the accuracy of the group
members' explanations. Here it is important to get as much explanation of a
given basic principle as possible in as little time as possible. If you do it by
yourself, basically someone is doing the same thing. He also had to record
the ideas that came to him as he spoke. He has two key principles to keep in
mind when brainstorming. First, no consideration was given to whether the
ideas generated were right or wrong, whether they were important or not, or
whether they could be implemented. During this process, it is important to
collect ideas that are as relevant as possible to the topic being discussed.
Secondly, the occurrence of overlapping ideas is not evaluated and is
therefore considered natural
d. In the learning process the speaker records everything that comes to mind.
Brainstorming is generally done before speaking activities and can be done
individually or in groups
In the implementation of this method, teachers or lecturers provide
problems that are able to stimulate the learned mind so that they are able to
respond. The teacher or lecturer should not respond to the opinion of the
learner, whether true or false, nor should he conclude it. The teacher only
accommodates all the questions so that all students studying in the classroom
have their turn to come up with their ideas.
Every important step in the process of brainstorming, ignorance of the
steps will meet incomplete or adverse results.
Skipping the steps in a brainstorming session can be a costly and time-
consuming mistake. If all the steps are done correctly, it is very powerful to
find a better solution.

a. Choose a group: the facilitator must select no fewer than 5 or more than
20 members.
b. Define goals: The facilitator must build goals and explain why he or
she wants to brainstorm. He will find out about all the members who
are interested and happy for the chosen central question. Let people
make noise, shout, laugh, and enjoy.
c. Define roles- facilitators must decide on the role of leader, recorder,
d. Explain the rules: the facilitator must explain the rules to each person
before the discussion begins. Everyone should be clear about the
e. Start the discussion: start the round of discussion, they have to take a
few rounds and come up with ideas.
f. Record ideas: Ideas should be recorded and compiled.
g. Pushing ideas : wait for ideas, do not rush, participants should get
enough time to think and present a better idea.
h. End with wild ideas.

The use of Brainstorming strategies in improving speaking skills has a

fundamental advantage that is obtained through the process. The series of
learning processes using this brainstorming method is that it has the advantage
of encouraging students to actively think, express their opinions and stimulate
students to always be ready to think. With advantages such as encouraging
students to actively think, expressing their opinions and stimulating students to
always be ready to have an opinion, it will obviously arouse the intellectual
energy possessed by students. Another acceptable advantage of using this
brainstorming method is that it stimulates students to practice more actively in
speaking through commenting on a problem or problem by paying attention to
linguistic aspects and non-linguistic aspects so that the value of speech skills
obtained is increased and can obtain achievements.
Tarigan, Henry Thunder. 1983. Language Teaching and Learning Strategies.
Bandung: Space.
Rofi'uddin, Ahmad & Zuhdi, Darmiyati. 1998. Indonesian Language and
Literature Education in the Higher Class. Jakarta: Ministry of
Education and Culture
Subana, M, 2009. Teaching and Learning Strategies Indonesian Various
Approaches, Technical Methods and Teaching Media. Bandung, CV.
Faithful Library
Roestiyah N.K. 2012.Teaching and Learning Strategies. Jakarta: PT. Rineka

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