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Increasing vocabulary student’s using fairy tales (by Nur asfira suhardi)



A. Background
Vocabulary is the vocabulary of words. A person's vocabulary is
the set of words known to a person or other entity, or that are part of a
particular language. Vocabulary is the main part that must be present in the
preparation of a sentence in each language. Its existence becomes one of
the determinants of the assessment of the qualities possessed by a speaker
or writer in his interactions.

According to Richard, learning vocabulary is one of the most

important components in learning a foreign language (1990:22). The
vocabulary has been set as a list of words. We cannot communicate
effectively without language. Richards and Renandya (2002) assert that
vocabulary is a basic component of language ability and provides much of
the basis for how effectively learners speak, listen, read, and write. Carl D.
Fries (1945:959) believes that the realization of vocabulary is important in
learning a foreign language, where students are required to master word
for word so as to allow the increase in the vocabulary of the student. 

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is

the basic component and the most important component in learning
English. With an increase in vocabulary, students can communicate well
and correctly, and by obtaining vocabulary, many students can also
interact with others. They can also read and express what they feel and can
express their maxims using English. Those are some of the important
things in learning English.
Vocabulary is very important for English teaching because, without
it, students cannot express their own thoughts or those of others. In other
words, students' ability to construct sentences and other language skills
such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking English largely depends
on their vocabulary learning. As a result, a student learning English is
expected to understand and be able to understand the language wording
system that he will learn in order to improve his vocabulary. 

In fact, there is still a low vocabulary among students, as shown by the

results of observations made by researchers at SMPIT AL Fatih Makassar on
August 15, 2022. Based on the results of question-and-answer observations
from several students and teachers, the researchers concluded that, in general,
students experience obstacles in expressing ideas, feelings, or what they want to
say because of the lack of student vocabulary in English.

The limitations of students in learning vocabulary are caused by the

learning methods used, which tend to be less effective. Teachers still use a
lecture method that is more focused on the teacher, so that learners tend to be
more passive with this learning pattern. Students tend to do other activities, and
teachers do not focus on the ongoing learning process. The teacher teaches only
according to the steps in the textbook; therefore, there must be an appropriate
method to use in English language learning, especially in speaking skills. This
forces researchers to find solutions so that the learning process can take place
effectively so that students can more easily understand the subject matter. The
solution that researchers offer is to use fairy tales.

Fairy tales provide entertainment and further topics for discussion. They
are entertaining and brief, linguistically rich while lacking grammatically complex
and speaking syntactically more than many other forms of literature. Fairy tales
are a source of vocabulary, grammatical structure, and syntax. And besides, the
fairy tale is quite short, to keep students interested long enough to get to a
happy ending. The repetition of words and phrases is one of the very helpful
features of fairy tales for the person who is learning. language. The context
created by the story, the predictable pattern of events, and the language and
images all act to support the reader's understanding of unfamiliar words.
Children will take words they like, and in this way, the story offers space to
improve vocabulary.
B. Research Question
Based on the background that has been described above, which
shows the difficulty of students in increasing their vocabulary, Then the
formulation of the problem in this study is "whether by using fairy tales,
students can improve the vocabulary of class VIII students" (SMPIT Al
Fatih Makassar).

C. The Objective of The Research

The purpose of this study is to find out whether using fairy tales
can improve the vocabulary of class VIII students of SMPIT Al Fatih

D. Significance of the research

In terms of theoretical significance, the results of this study
are expected to be an additional reference for future researchers
who have the same interest in increasing students' vocabulary using
fairy tales.
For practical purposes, the results of this research are
expected to contribute to those in need, such as training for writers
to develop skills in conducting research in terms of scientific
investigation. while for teachers, as input to be more creative in
using fairy tales to improve students' vocabulary. And lastly, the
results of this study are also intended for students as information
about how to use fairy tales to improve their vocabulary.

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