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A. Background

English has become an international language because many people in the

world use it as a means of communication. It has been learnt by the Indonesian

students as a foreign language and it serves as complusory subject or local

content subject starting at elementary school up to university level. As a foreign

language, it is seriously learnt by many people to have a good prospect to be

community of international world. To learn English, everyone has to know both

skill and components. Those skill are listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Meanwhile the components are pronunciation, vocabulary, and gramatical.

There are some defenition of vocabulary according some expert.

Vocabulary is Linse (2005:121) said that vocabulary is the collection of words

that an individual knowns. Other expert, Neuman and Drawyer as cited in Bintz

(2011:44) said that vocabulary can be defined as word the words someone must

know to communicate effectively: words in speaking (expensive vocabulary) and

words in listening (reseptive vocabulary). While Hornby (2006:1645) defined

vocabulary as all the words that a person knows or uses when they are talking

about particular subject in particular language.

Vocabulary can not be separated from the language because vocabulary is

a part of language. Without mastering vocabulary, student may be discouraged in

making use of language learning change round them such as watching English

program, reading some kinds of English book. Therefore, Teaching vocabulary

has a very esential role in enabling Indonesia student to master English as thei

foreign language. In fact, vocabulary mastery has become a big problem for most

indonesian students.

Vocabulary seems easy to be mastered, but it is actually quite hard

eventough it could be teach by some interesting techniques or strategies.

Generally, teacher teaches vocabulary word by word in order to make students

understand both the word in meaning. Vocabulary must be taught in detail. A

teacher should be able to make students understand and make sure they would not

forget the words they have learned before leaving in the class. Because usually the

students knew the word but in the next day they often forget.

Using a new vocabulary is not only fun, but also the best way to

remember all new vacabulary. At least try to use three new vocabularies every day

when communicating with others even though in practice we are still stammering

or the language we use there is wrong grammar.

Mastery of vocabulary is very important in achie mastery of language the

more vocabulary one has the more time ideas and ideas a person has. Purwo (Aris

Yunisah, 2007: 11), Suggests the vocabulary mastery is a measure of a person’s

understanding of the vocabulary of a language and ability to use the vocabulary is

part of mastery of language because if someone masters the language, it means

that the person has mastered the vocabulary.

The phenomenon that occurred when the researcher was doing PPL II

(Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan) activities at SMP Negeri 2 Baubau, Students had

difficulties in increasing their English vocabulary. The difficulty is because there

are still many students who have not been able to answer the questions in front of

the class when teacher gave questions. It makes students confused because they

lack vocabulary to answer questions from the teacher. And students were

saturated and bored during the indoor learning process, so that they are didn’t

concentrate and less enthusiastic when receiving learning.

Ansory (2008:2) said that so far, most schools only prioritize an in-door

learning system which tends to be static and boring. As a result, not a view of the

students are discouraged or lazy to study. In response to this phenomenon, an idea

emerged how to create a learning system that is fun and enjoyable without

reducing the subtance of the learning material.

So the researcher takes the initiative to conduct research in SMP Negeri 2

Baubau, Especially in class VII because author want’s to apply outdoor learning.

Husamah (2013) said that outdoor learning is a learning procces that is designed

to allow students to learn direct learning materials on the actual object, so the

learning will be more obvious. The adventages of outdoor learning are student can

encourage their motivate in learning with a fun learning environment, use of

instructional media that concrete, using natural materials that already exist around,

can foster the ability to explore and can give pleasure to the child when the study

without feeling bored and tired because of lack of interest in the learning teaching.

Outdoor learning could also foster the strengthening of the concept to be given to

children. In an effort to increase the student’s vocabulary skills through the

outdoor learning. With the above statement the reseacher propose titles on “

Increasing Students Vocabulary Mastery Through Outdoor Learning

Method At The First Grades Of SMP Negeri 2 Baubau”.

B. Problem Identification

Based on the background of the study, it can be indentified problems

related to this research as follows:

1. The students vocabulary is low

2. The students lack of motivation in learning English vocabulary

3. The students still does not know how to mention the vocabulary without


C. Scope of the Research

This research is focused on how to improve the students vocabulary

mastery by doing the English learning in outdoor class especially in school

environment. The researcher will attempt to find out the good way to enrich the

students vocabulary through mention the things in surrouundings and interpret the

collect of vocabulary by practice it.

D. Problem Statement

Based on the description of the background of the problem above, the

problem that can be formulated in this research is : “Does learning vocabulary

through Outdoor Learning Method increase students vocabulary of the first grades

at SMP Negeri 2 Baubau?”.

E. Objective of the research

The objective of the reseach to find out the data about “Increasing of The

Students Vocabulary Mastery Through Outdoor Learning Method of Smpn 2


F. Significant of the Research

This result of this research are expected to be useful theorically and

practically. Theoritically, this research is to enrich the theory of teaching

and improving students’ vocabulary in Outdoor Learning. practically, this

research is useful for :

1. For this students, this research is expected to be useful to make the

students more interested and motivated in improving mastery their


2. For the other researcher, this research is expected to be usefull for

those who are interested in conducting relevant studies with this

various research objects.




A. Literature Review

1. Vocabulary

a). Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is important in learing a foreign language.It is one element

that links the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing all together. In

order to communicate well in foreign language, students should acquire a

sufficient number of words and know how to use them accuratelly. According to

(Schimtt, 2000) vocabulary is a list of words arranged in alphabetical order with

their defenitions. A word, in most linguistic analyses, is described as a set of

properties, or features, each word is a combination of its meaning, register,

association, grammatical behavior, written form (spell), spoken form

(pronounciation), and frequency. To master a word is not only to learn seven

otheraspect. All these properties are called word knowledge.

According to Burns (2010:295) says that vocabulary means the stock of

words used by a person, class of profession. From the definition, we can infer that

vocabulary is a stock or list of words with explanation of their meanings used to

make up a language by a person. According to John (2000: 16), vocabulary is

knowledge of knowing the meanings of words and therefore the purpose of a

vocabulary test is to find out whether the learners can match each word with a

synonym, a dictionary-tape definition, or an equivalent word in their own

language. In learning vocabulary automatically they have to know the meaning of

words themselves and can use it in sentences.

In fact, most people still need some vocabulary rules in order to gain a

good sense of language. The words that someone choose affect how good the

impression he makes and how react to serve a specific purpose of the language.

b). Types of Vocabulary

Harmer (1991) distinguishes two types of vocabulary, there are: (a) Active

vocabulary, it refers to vocabulary taht students have been taught are learned and

them expected to be able use, (b) Passive vocabulary, it refers to vocabulary they

may not be able to produce. Good (2005) divided vocabulary in to four parts


1) Oral vocabulary consists of word actively used in speech that comes

readily to the tongue of the one’s conversation.

2) Writing vocabulary is stock of words that comes readily to one’s finger

vocabulary. It commonly used in writing.

3) Listening vocabulary is stock of words, which a person can understand

when hear it.

4) Reading vocabulary is the words where the people can recognize when

they find it in written material.

The same research related with Kasim (2011) stated that every person has

three types of vocabulary as follows: active, reserve, and passive vocabulary.

Active vocabulary was the words customarily used n speaking. Reserve

vocabulary was the words used in writing, we rarely used in speaking. Passive

vocabulary was the words vaguely. We never used them either speaking and

writing. It could understand when listened and read.

c). High frequency vocabulary

High frenquency vocabulary consists of words that are used very often in

normal language, use in all four skills an across the full range of situation of use.

High frequency vocabulary consists of 2000 word families, which are about 87%

of the running words in formal written text and more and more than 95% of the

words in informal spoken text.

d). Low frequency Vocabulary

The low frequency vocabulary on the other hand, covers covers only small

proportion of the running words of a continous text, it means that low frequency

vocabulary is rarely, used in common activity of English language. This group

includes well over 100.000 word families.

e). Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary mastery refers to the number of words someone knows. The

term mastery is not restricted to simply recognize the maening of certain words. In

other words, it is more precisely defined as “to know a word” because the learners

are said to have a good vocabulary mastery if they are able to recognize the

meaning but also to know form, gramar, collection, meaning, and word

formulation (Ur, 1991). In relation to writing subskills, vocabulary mastery can be

defined as a number of vocabulary or words in the memory of users or learners.

The vocabulary test which will be utilized to measure the learners “ vocabulary

mastery is dealing with the measurement of productive skills that is the

vocabulary knowledge required for writing (Nation, 2012).

According to Thorn burry (2002) stated that vocabulary learning is

deemed as an issue of remembering long lists of English words as the goal

language. Language first appear as a word , whole languages have words.

However, when we are more familiar with vocabulary, we not only know about

the word obtained for use in speech or writing. The students cannot do well in

comprehension without large vocabulary, for the passages involve a range of

words much wider than that of daily conversation.

When the students are learning a language, vocabulary is the most

important thing to learn first. Worth mastery of vocabulary is significant for

anyone who learns to language employed in listening , speaking, writing ad

reading beyond grammar. A learner of the foreign language will speak easily and

accurately, write simply, or understand what he or she reads or hears if he or she

has the adequate vocabulary and has an ability to use it accurately.

From the explanation above, it deals how to receive and create the

language. The students’ should learn a very large vocabulary to understand or to

give a respond of language, the students vocabulary will grow as long as the

students improve their vocabulary and they want to be vocabulary mastery.

f). The Problem of Vocabulary
According to Paul Nation (1994) stated that there are several strong

reasons for which the vocabulary components of language course needs to be

carefully planned. Firstly because different vocabulary gives greatly different

return for learning, it is important to make sure that learner have a good control of

high frequency words of the language before moving on the less frequent

vocabulary. Secondly, most language teaching course make vocabulary learning

more difficult that it should be as a result of the way vocabulary in the course is

sequenced. Grouping, opposites, synonyms, and items in a lexical set together

courses. Interference that result in confusion for the learners it is simple matter

to avoid this problem. Thirdly, vocabulary learning opportunities and the

quality of vocabulary learning can be greatly increased through the careful

design of both vocabulary and other skill activities.

Many problem faced when Indonesian students learn a target language

such as English in vocabulary is they cannot understand what the connection

between the new vocabularies they have learned with the function of the

vocabulary word, and then they cannot apply their new vocabulary in their

mind for communication. According to Hall J. Eugene (1993) State that Term

used to classify word based on their functional categories are called part of

speech. The classification 10 of the words of a language in this way is dependent

on their function in communication. Noun can occur in certain places in sentence

and serve certain function. Verb, adjective, and adverb also occur in certain laces

in sentences and serve special function. In English, the functional categories

include pronouns and interjections.

2. The Concept of Outdoor Learning Method

a). The defenition of Oudoor learning

According to John. M. Echols in the English Indonesian dictionary,

outdoor activity is derive from the word “outdoor” meaning outside, and activity

means the routines. So, outdoor activities are learning outside the classroom.

According to Wikipedia outdoor education or outdoor learning can be simply

defined as experimental learning, in, for, or about the outdoors. The term outdoor

education, however is used broadly to refer to a range of organized activities that

take a place in variety of ways in predominatly environtments.

Sugiarty (2013) said that outdoor learning method is one of method by the

teacher to ask the students to study outside the classroom. This is to see the

phenomenon direcly in order for the students to get close to the environment.

Teacher acts as a facilitator to guide students to study indepedently, active,

creative, and close to nature

Moreover, Komaruddin, in Husamah (2013) said that oudoor learning

method is the activities out of school that contain activities outside the

classroom/school and the other in the wild; such as : playing in the yard of school,

parks, village, agriculture/fishing, camping, and activities that are andventurous

and the development aspects of the relevant knowledge.

In addition, Husamah (2013) said that outdoor method is a learning

procces that is designed to allow students learn direct leaning materials on the

actual object, so the learning will be more obvious. The advantages the outdoor

learning are the students can encourage their motivate in learning with a fun

learning environment, use of instructional media that concrete, using natural

materials that already exist around, can foster the ability to explore and can give

pleasure to the child when the study without feeling bored and tired because of

lack of interest in the learning in teaching. Outdoor learning could also foster the

strengthening of the concept to be given to children.

Based on the some of the defenition above, the researcher concluded that

outdoor learning was a learning that was conducted outside the room or outside

the school, such as the school of yard, gardens, parks, and so on. Through this

method, learning would be more interesting and exciting, beacuse the learning

procces was based on the fact, the students not only imagine it, but also they can

experience and be direcly involved in the lesson. So, the students would easily to

understand the material who presented by the teacher

b). Concept underlying the approach of outdoor learning

Concepts underlying the approach to outdoor learning Yuliarto in

Husamah (2013), namely:

1) Education has not put the child as a subject.

Every child with speacial needs and unique, they have advantages

and disadvantages. So, the procces uniformity and uniqueness woill kill

the child. Uniqueness of children with special needs have a place and look

for more opportunities for children to develop.

2) The child world a world of play, but many lesson do not convey

the passing game.

3) The child’s age is the age of the most creative in human life, but

the world less education provides an opportunity for development

of creativity.

c). Outdoor learning objectives

Learning in the classroom, sometimes makes students feel bored with the

exsiting classroom conditions. They are easy to feel bored, so that learning

activities become less maximal. Real learning can not only be done in the

classroom, but also outside the classroom.

Some of the goals that can be obtained in learning outside the classroom as

are follow:

1) Be able to make each individual develop their personal creativity

and initiative.

2) Able to relize the potential possessed by each individual for the

soul, body and spirit and spirit to be more optimal.

3) Provide an opportunity for learners to feel directly on the material

being submitted.

4) Encourage learners to develop their skills as well as student interest

in activities outside the classroom.

5) Helps to develop relationships between teachers and students better

with a variety of experiences that can be found in the wild.

6) Provide opportunities and learning experiences directly for


7) Able to utilize existing resources in the outside environment and

surrounding communities as a medium of learning.

8) Inculcate in learners if the world is learning vehicle that is fun.

d). The steps of outdoor learning

According to Oemar Hamalik (Iptu Prihantoro), 2010). Argued that the

procedures for preparing the learning with outdoor learning (outdoor activities)

are as follows:

1) The teacher formulated carefully the planned learning experience.

2) Determine the form of activities to be used, outdoor learning


3) The teacher seeks to present a challenging and motivating


4) Determine the timing of the activities

5) Determining the route of outdoor learning can be done one class


6) Students may work individually or in groups

7) Students actively participate in the formulation of experience

8) During that the teacher explained about the rules in learning with

outdoor learning

e). The benefit of outdoor learning

According to suyadi (in Husamah, 2013: 25), mention that the benefits of

learning outside the class include:

1) The mind is clearer

2) Learning will be fun

3) Learning is more varied

4) Learn more recreative

5) Learn more real

6) The child is more acquainted with the real and wide world

7) Embedded image that the worl as a class

8) Wahana learn will be wider

9) Work the brain more relaxed

f). The disadvantages of outdoor learning

According to Sudjana and Rivai (in Husamah, 2013: 31), some of the

weaknesses that often occur in the implementation of outdoor learning activities

revolve around the technical arrangements of time and learning activities, among


1) Less learning activities are prepared beforehand that causes no time

students are taken to the destination not to do the expected learning

activities so there is the impression of the playing games.

2) There is an impression of teachers and students that the activity of

studying the environment takes a long time so spend time to study

in the classroom

3) The narrowness of the teacher’s view that learning activities only

occur it the classroom.

Many things teachers need to think about. One of them is learning

outdoors will be the main attraction so many people who come to witness. The

center of attention of students will be directed to everywhere because of their

learning position in the open. Therefore, as an intelligent teacher, certain tips are

needed to overcome the weaknesses of the outdoor learning model.

a. Mastery of English Vocabulary for Junior High School

Jeremi Harmer (Longman, 1995) states, one of the problems in teaching

vocabulary is the selection of appropiate vocabulary to teach on a certain level and

certain students as well. Therefore, the main problem in vocabulary teaching is

how to identify the vocabulary to be taught at each level of learning that suits the

needs and the level of students’ abilities.

B. Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework in actual research is that the researcher want to see

the effectiveness of using teaching vocabulary through outdoor class toward

student’ vocabulary mastery for the first grade at SMPN 2 Baubau.

Teaching English


Pre-test Treatments Post-test

Students’ vocabulary

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework

C. Hyphothesis
Based on the theoretical and conceptual framework above, the following

hypothesis is formulated by the researcher:

1. Ha (Alternative hypothesis)

There is significant increase in vocabulary mastery of students by

conducting English learning through outdoor learning method

2. Ho (Null hypothesis)

There is not significant increase in vocabulary mastery of students by

conducting English learning through outdoor learning method



A. Design of the Research

According to Sugiyono (2013:111), the are fews of quantitative research

design that are used, such as pre-experimental design, true experimental design

and quasy experimental. This research applies pre experimental design as

quantitative method, that is One-Group pretest and posttest design which aims at

examining the effectivness of using learning vocabulary mastery through outdoor

learning method at the first grade of SMP Negeri 2 Baubau. The design of this

research is described as follow:

O1 x O2


O1 : Pre-Test

X : Treatment

O2 : Post-test

The design above tells the first step is given a pre-test for students. A pre-

test is a test that students have to do in a class. The purpose of the pre-test is to

know how far students basic vocabulary before get the treatment.

The treatment of this study is applied the learning vocabulary through

nature toward English vocabulary perfomance. In the next step students will be

gave a posttest.

The post-test is a test that students have to do after the treatment. The

purpose of the posttest is to analyze the students’ improvement in vocabulary


B. Variable of the Research

In the research there are two variables, as follows:

1. The independent variable is Nature learning (X)

2. The dependent variable is Vocabulary mastery (Y)

C. Time and Place of the Research

This research was conducted at SMPN 2 Baubau year of 2021/ 2022.

D. Population

According to Sugiyono (2011:9) population is generallization region

consisting of the objects/subjects that have certain qualities and charateristics are

determined by the investigator to be studied and then drawn conclution.

The population of this research are the seventh grades students of Smpn 2

Baubau in academic year 2021/2022. The numbers population are 274 students,

which are dividied into Nine class (VII 1, VII 2, VII 3, VII 4, VII5, VII 6, VII 7,

VII 8, VII 9) and each class consist of 32 students.

E. Sample

In the selecting the sample of the study, the researchers uses Cluster

random sampling. In this case, there are Nine classes in Smpn 2 Baubau, while

class VII 5 consist of 32 students is selected as the sample of this study.

F. Instument of The Research

1. Test

The test consisted of pretest and postest. Pretest is administrated to find

out the students’ English learning ability on English vocabulary, while postest

is administrated to find out the improving of students’ vocabulary after using

outdoor learning around.

Data Collection

The technique of collecting data used in this research are:

1. Pre-test

The researcher would be given a pre-test to the students. the purpose of

the pre-test is to determine the level of understanding or towards the

subject matter to be studied. There are 20 items that consist about question

of describing of words. this type of test is a written test and in the form of

multiple choice.

2. Treatment

The treatment on increasing vocabulary mastery through outdoor

learning method. Giving treatment finished for Six meeting. In this

research, the researcher used some procedures. The procedures in giving

the treatment are as follows:

a) Greeting

b) Cheking the students attendance

c) Giving information about the object of learning activity

d) Researchers instructs students remain calm when

receiving lesson

e) Researchers tell students about learning vocabulary

through outdoor learning

f) The researchers take the students out of the classroom

to look for vocabulary about nature in the school


g) Asking the students to write the object in their book

h) Controling the student’s activity

i) Giving time the students to memorizing the vocabulary

j) Asking students to present and explain what vocabulary

they got while in the school environtment

k) Clossing the lesson

3. Post-test

`The last step in collecting data is giving the post-test. it will be given

after the treatment would finish. The post-test is purposed to know the

result of students’ achievement after the students’ have been given

teaching treatment. Same with pre-test, there are 20 items that consist

about question of describing of words. this type of test is a written test and

in the form of multiple choice

H. Technique of Data Analysis

The data analysis was used in the research consist are of two stages. The first

stage is to analyze the data from the instrument. The second is the analysis of the

research question. The techniques of data analysis applied in this research is

vocabulary mastery calculated by using SPSS 21.0.

1. Descriptive Statistic

Creswell, (2012: 182) state that descriptive statistic is require to indicate

general tendency )mean, mode, and median), the spread of score (variance,

standard deviation, range), besides that, the descriptive statistic is also use to

display the minimum and maximum score. To determine the effectiveness of

learning English vocabulary by outdoor learning, the test will be administering.

The result of the test will be analyzed by the following steps:

a. Test

The vocabulary mastery test will be used for evaluating the students’ vocabulary

mastery in English. The test in this research use multiple choice test. and the

scoring criteria as follows:

1). If the answer wrong, it score 0

2). If the answer correct it score 1

3).The score will be obtained by using the raw score which are than conferted to

final score using scale of 100 using the following formula:

Raw Score
Final Score = X 100
Ideal Maximum Score

(Source:Sudijono, 2013:318)

Table 1. Classifying of Scoring of Vocabulary Mastery

No Score Range Criteria Score on Letter

1 91-100 Excellent A

2 81-90 Very Good B

3 71-80 Good C

4 61-70 Fair D

5 51-60 Poor E

6 ≤ 50 Very Poor F

(Source: Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, 2015)

2. Inferential Statistic

Sugiyono (2013: 209) explained that inferential statistic is a

technique of statistic used to analyze the simple data and the result will

be apply to population. This type of this statistic will appropriate used

if the sample take from the obvious population and the technique of

determining the sample from the population is cluster selected.

To test hypotheses in this study used paired sample test by using

SPSS 21.0 program windows. The hypothesis is examined by applying

the test with the value of significant (α) = 0.05or 5%.

The criteria of receiving or rejecting the hypothesis are as follows:

a) If t-test > t-table, So H1 is accepted and H 0 is rejected (there is

significant improving in students’ vocabulary mastery

achievement after and before the application of learning

English through outdoor learning strategy at the first grade

students at Smpn 2 Baubau.

b) If t-test< t-table, so H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected (there is not

any significant improving in students’ vocabulary mastery

achievement after and before the application of learning

English through outdoor learning method at the first grade

students at Smpn 2 Baubau.

I. Schedule of the Research

The research will be carried out within four months, from June to August 2022.

This research schedule is as follow:

No Activity June July August

1 Research Preparation √

2 Data Collection √

3 Data Analysis √

4 Making of Report √



A. Finding of the Research

1. Descriptive statistic

Creswell, (2012: 182) state the descriptive statistic is recquired to indicate

general tendency (mean, mode, and median), the spread of score (variance,

standard deviation, and range), besides that, the descriptive statistic is also used to

display the minimum and maximum score.

a. Analisis descriptive of Pre-test

The descriptions below analyzed the data by using SPSS 26 version to get

the mean scores, minimum, maximum, and standard deviation. The result of

student’s scores obtained from the pre-test result in the Pre-experimental class

could be seen in the following table :

Table 2. Students Score on Pre-Test in Pre-Experimental

Mean Score 57.19

Minimum 25

Maximum 80

SD 16.653

From the computation of the data was found that the mean score of the

pretest in the class was 57.19; the deviation standard was 16.653; the minimum

score was 25 and maximum score 80.

Table 3. Distribution of Students' Scores on Pre-Test in Pre-

Experimental Class

No Criteria Frequency Percentage
1 Low ≤ 55 14 43.7
2 Moderate 56-70 11 34.4
3 Good 71-85 7 21.9
4 Very Good 86-100 0 0
Total 32 100

From the table 3 above, there were 32 students (43.7%) on criteria low

(≤55), there were 11 students (34.4%) on criteria moderate (56-70), there were

students 7 (21.9%) on criteria good (71-85), and there none of the students (0%)

in criteria very good (86-100). The total of students who did the Pre-test was 32

students. The total of students who did the Post-test was 32 and the question of the

Pre-test were different from Post-test. From the result of the mean, it shows that

the students vocabulary mastery before giving treatment is low criteria.

b. Descriptive analysis of Post test

The description below was the result of students scores of Post test after

doing Outdoor Learning Method. The detailed explanation were in the following:

Table 4. Students Score on Post-Test in Pre-Experimental

Mean Score 74.22

Minimum 50

Maximum 90

SD 10.558

From the computation of the data was found that the mean score for Post

test was 74.22; the deviation standard was 10.558; the minimum score was 50 and

the maximum score was 90.

The description below was the result of students’ score at Post test in the

class after doing Outdoor Learning Method in Teaching Vocabulary. The detailed

explanation were in following:

Table 5. Distribution of Students' Scores on Post-Test in Pre-

Experimental Class

No Criteria Frequency Percentage
1 Low ≤ 55 3 9.4
2 Moderate 56-70 10 31.2
3 Good 71-85 17 53.2
4 Very Good 86-100 2 6.3
Total 32 100

From table 5 above, there were 3 students (9.4%) on criteria low (≤55),

there were 10 students (31.2%) on criteria moderate (56-70), there were 17

students (53.2%) on criteria good (71-85), and there were 2 students (6.3) on

criteria very good (86-100). The total of students who did the post test was 32

students and the questions of the Post test were different with Pre test. From the

result of mean, it shows that the student’s vocabulary mastery after giving

treatment was in very good criteria.

c. Mean Score, Maximum, Minimum, and Standard Deviation in Pre-

Test and Post-Test

After conducting the test, then the data was analyzed to find out students’

vocabulary mastery. Can also be seen in the mean and standard deviation of

students in the following table:

Table 6. Mean Score, Median, Mode. Standard Deviation,

Variance, Range, Minimum, and Maximum in Pre-Test and

Mean Median Mode Std. Variance Range Minimu Maximum

Deviatio m

57.19 60.00 35 16.653 277.319 55 25 80

- 74.22 75.00 85 10.558 111.467 40 50 90

Table 6 above descibed the mean score for Pre-test was 57.19, the median

was 60.00, the mode was 35, the standard deviation was 16.653, the variance was

277.319, the range was 55, and the minimum 25 and the maximum was 80. While

the mean score for Post-test was 74.22, the median was 75.00, the mode was 85,

the standard deviation was 10.558, the variance was 111.467, the range was 40,

and the minimum was 50 and the maximum was 90. It means that the student’s

vocabulary mastery was significance in the Pre-Experimental class.

From the data above, the reseacher concluded that students, rate

percentage in Post-test were better than the percentage in Pre-test.

1. Inferential Statistic

a. Normality test

To find out that the value of students learning outcomes in the

experimental class has normal result, the researcher conducted a normality test

with the statement that if the value is > 0.5 then the students learning outcomes

are normal, whereas if the result obtained are < 0.5 then the result obtained are

abnormal result, so it is necessary to carry out further test using nonparametric

statical test. Normality test can be seen in table below.

Table 7. Tests of -Smirnova Normality by Using Shapiro-Wilk

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
Statisti Df Sig. Statisti Df Sig.
c c
Pretes .135 32 .144 .926 32 .030

Postes .128 32 .200(*) .940 32 .077

Based on the tabel above, the normality test generated in the Shapro Wilk

test by obtaining result in the Pre-experimental class pre-test has a significant

value of 0.030 which is a value < 0.05 and the post test obtains a significant result

0.005 or <0.05. Based on the result of 0.077 or <0.05. The normality test above, it

can be concluded that the value obtained is not normal, because it does not meet

the requirements in the normal value statement or less than 0.05. For this reason,

the researcher decided to carry out further tests using non parametric statistics.

b. Hypothesis testing

To test hypothesis the research was using inferential analysis. In the case

researcher used paired sample T-test. This test was used to see whether there was

any significant difference in students vocabulary mastery after the treatment was

implemented by SPSS 21.0. The significance value alpha (α) = 0.05 or 5%. The

results of paired sample T-test as follow:

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence

Std. Interval of the

Deviatio Std. Error Difference Sig. (2-

Mean n Mean Lower Upper t df tailed)

Pair 1 pretest - posttest -17.031 14.134 3.549 -22.127 -.574 -11.935 31 .000
Table 8. Result of Paired Sample T-test

Based on the table above, it shows that number of Df 31 students after I

did non parametric test. Non parametric is statical method to test data whose

destribution is not normal. So the number of samples in this study was 31 students

who had done this non-parametric test the number of students involved to this

study. It can been seen from the table above that the value of sig (2-tailed) is 0.00.

The value is then consulted to the degree of freedom (a), then it is obtained that

the sig (2-tailed) is fewer than the degrees of freedom of these results, it can be

cocluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that any

significant effect of outdoor learning on students learning outcomes in learning

English vocabulary at SMP Negeri 2 Baubau.

B. Discussion

This research took one class of 32 students and this research used Pre-test

and Post-test as instruments. The number of students who did the Pre-test was 32

students, with different Pre-test and Post-test questions. The number students who

did the Post-test was 32 students and the Post-test question were different with

Pre-test questions.

This research was conducted to applied outdoor learning method. This

research began by giving Pre-test in the first meeting and Post-test in the last

meeting. A pre-test administrated to determine students’ initial ability in

mastering students’ English vocabulary. Students’ had an average grade of 57.19

before giving the pre-test.

Based on finding above, it can be conclude that with use of outdoor

learning method there was significant difference on students’ vocabulary mastery

before and after giving the outdoor learning method at SMP Negeri 2 Baubau.

This statement was supported by the pre-test and post-test mean score of the Pre-

experimental design which gets from 57.19 to 74.22. The result T-test showed that

the probabilily value (t count) was -11.935 and the sig (2-tailed) was 0.000 was

lower than 0.05. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the

null hypothesis was rejected. It meant, there was significant before and after

application of outdoor learning method. The mean score of Pre-test and Post-test

in Pre-experimental class got improved 57.19 to 74.22.

Depdiknas (1990) suggest that learning by using environments allows

students to find highly meaningfull relationship between abstract ideas and

pratical application in the real-word contexts, concept undertrod trough the

process of discovers, empowerment and relationships (Hamzah and Nurdin, 2011:


Sugiarty (2013) said that outdoor learning method is one of method by the

teacher to ask the students to study outside the classroom. This is to see the

phenomenon directly in order for the students to get close to the environment.

Anies (2015) The result of her research is that using outdoor learning with puzzle

blocks can improve the students caring to the environmentand also students can

easy understand the lesson about ecosystem.



A. Conclusion

Based on the result of data analysis the researcher concluded that there

was significant effect of appliying Outdoor Learning Method to students’

vocabulary mastery among first-gardes of SMP Negeri 2 Baubau. The mean

score for post-test (74.22) was higher than mean score of pre-test (57.19), at a

significant level 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that there was a different score in

the class after giving the treatment.

B. Suggestion

The research offers the following recomendations for the conclutions:

1) To improve the ability to speak English, especially in acquiring

vocabulary, we can start with the things we usually do everyday as

in this research, that is by learning vocabulary through the

surrounding environment.

2) Outdoor learning or any method should be used ehen teaching

english, especially to develop vocabulary. Because it can help

students participace in learning english.


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