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This chapter describes several parts of the research plan, such as

background, problems, objectives, and significance.

A. Background

This chapter describes several parts of the research plan, such as

background speaking skill a skill that is very important to know, which is a means

of communication throughout the country. other skills are no less important, such

as reading, listening, and writing, but the most frequently used to know the

language itself and to use it is speaking. Communication is very necessary to give

each other information in any situation, problem, objective, and significance.

Learning from speaking English in which the students as a foreign

language or second language. from language learning, we can see their ability to

improve, their speaking ability. The teacher himself must also use a direct

approach such as verbally interacting to find out certain aspects, without having to

directly give group work, assignments, or other things. (Richard 1990)

Human communication is important, where people need to convey to

others to say something or tell information, the speaker himself uses

communication to share information according to his language and purpose. The

speaker must be a listener and a speaker at the same time. according to Harmer

(2007) Pourhosein Gilakjani (2016)

(Clifford, 1987) Speaking is something that is very important in learning,

but speaking has not been noticed in schools for different reasons such as

grammar and the speaking part of teachers and students, speaking has long been

ignored because of written assessments and takes time. to do the speaking test


There are many ways to make students improve their speaking skills,

namely by utilizing technology that has spread today. just like social media can be

used as a platform for students. social media itself is very broad and can be used

by all people and has many sections such as social media for reading or even

video and visuals, the levels of social media such as youtube and Facebook are in

the middle and games top online makes people have their own interest. Kaplan

and Haenlein (2011).

In this era, teenagers dominate the use of social media and the internet in

the world. Social media is an application that all people access both for personal

communication and even for sharing with others without restrictions. Social

media itself also allows users to express themselves as if they want to

communicate, share, and communicate virtually. we can say that the whole world

uses social media and the internet to communicate with each other. (Meike and

Young in Sari, 2017: 5)

(Namaziandost & Ahmadi, 2019) in a research problem, it is important to

mention that speaking skills are very important because purpose communication

in this language is used all over the world. They use it either to convey

information or speech because the most useful language is English. students in

various countries, for example, Iran is one of the English language users.

The reason for doing this research in high school is because researchers

want to know and observe the ability of students who speak English at SMAN 8

Makassar. than that according to interviews with students, researchers have

received the recognition they are too shy to use english. when they are having a

conversation in front of the class which is witnessed by their friends who will

directly laugh at him if they make a mistake, and they are sometimes embarrassed

to ask again things they do not understand.

After the researcher observed the students in this school, the researcher

found that most of the students could speak English even in ordinary words, or

very simple sentences. There is a problem for students of class XI IPA SMAN 8

Makassar, the researchers found in the first observation. There are several

incidents of speaking, especially in the student environment. Most students have

problems learning to speak English but they very often use their smartphones

anytime anywhere using social media while studying.

Students are more interested and easy to understand English by using

technology compared to learning in general. The teacher who was there also said

that students prefer to use smartphones that can be used anywhere and they use

their cellphones more often under any circumstances, so what we can do is make

them interested in learning what they often do and what they like to teach. in

using social media, they will be more interested and easy to update, just arrange

an efficient way to make sure they like to improve their English, especially


Based on the discussion above, therefore this study wants to conduct a

study entitled "Using Social Media to Improve Students' Speaking Skills".

The uniqueness of this study compared to other research is that this study

uses 2 social which are very often used by students interestingly without us asking

students to open up and they can get new ways to learn to speak English after

knowing this, and the difference with research, On the other hand, researchers

usually use a lot of social media without understanding what students often open

and it is simple and easy to learn and improve their English. This research uses the

same method as previous research using descriptive quantitative research. In

conducting this research, the researcher used observation, interviews, and

documentation to collect data. by using social media as a medium of learning to

develop students' speaking skills.

B. Problem Statement

The following are questions that must be answered related to the

background of the research, there is one question is:

Does use social media improve students’ speaking accuracy?

C. Objective Research

From the problem and the explanation, that objective of the research is:
To find out that the use of social media improves students’ speaking


D. The Significance of Research

The results of the study are expected that this can contribute practically

and theoretically significantly. In theory, the results of this study can be an

important input in education, from various social media, students can find

complete learning resources, such as video song lyrics, conversations,

monologues, or knowledge information, in improving students' English speaking

skills through social media.

Practically speaking, the findings of this study need to be taken into

account by English teachers in developing English speaking skills through social

media so that they can help students learn to speak English actively and increase

their confidence to speak and get various speaking materials.


The discussion in this chapter describes the purpose of the literature,

related ideas, conceptual framework, and hypotheses.

A. Literature Review

I. Some Pertinent Ideas

This related idea deals with speaking, Media Social, Speaking and using social

media to speaking.

a. Speaking

Speaking discusses several things, The concept of speaking, Types,

components of speaking skills, the speaking class activities, and Problems,

speaking performance types and Evaluation speaking.

1) Concept of Speaking

Speaking is a language in which speaking skills are very important

for learners and teachers. Bygate (2002) we can see skills improve,

which has been explained by the fact that the knowledge of the

speakers use the language and make their abilities active which is

necessary to perform the original situation.

Also, speaking is the activity of conveying information or

something by verbally or verbally knowing the meaning of words

(Chaney, 1998). It can be concluded that the process of language

creation and interaction can be called speaking.

We can know the master of speaking in many ways, namely

practicing alone using social media, in this era, there are many features

that we can use to communicate or share information, such as

practicing using English videos, and listening to social media. so that

with this it makes it easier for people who want to learn because it is

easy to access, as well as many applications that can be used to

practice speaking English so that it can make students more confident

of what they have learned.

From the explanations according to experts, we can see that the

speaking concept itself is a very useful and inportant and is needed in

today's era to communicate anywhere and learn anything, in an

increasingly sophisticated world and to make speaking skills better and

by using technology such as social media, which is very easy and

allows us to learn to speak easily and can learn anywhere.

2) Types of Speaking

Types of spoken language include language courses, teaching

listening and speaking, and types of spoken language. (Brown)

a. Monologue

A person who speaks alone using spoken language for quite a

long time, such as a lecture, speech, news broadcast, etc. Even

in the monologue, the speaker should not be interrupted until the

end so that the listener can understand or not.

b. Dialogue

Dialogue itself is an oral conversation carried out by speakers of

more than one person who can share information with each

other, and to maintain social and transactional relationships.

3) The Components of Speaking Skill

Kay (2003: 100) discusses several elements of speaking

assessment, namely accuracy, and fluency.

1. Accuracy

(Brown, 2001 : 268) Accuracy in which speech is organized to

focus on grammatical and discourse elements and phonological

elements and provides opportunities for students to participate in

everyday life. Accuracy refers to the ability to produce correct

sentences in natural interactions, pronunciation.

a. Pronunciation

states that the use of words in our language must follow the

existing rules so that we avoid ambiguity and understand the wrong

meaning that may arise. a way to convey something that is

explained as pronunciation.

b. Vocabulary

Vocabularry is a language where science studies the

meaning or meaning of the word, where the first thing we must

know in a language is the vocabulary itself. for us to use in

communicating, because of the language components, we must

know and support students' ability to speak English, namely with

their vocabulary. limited knowledge of vocabulary, will make it

difficult for them to speak or convey what they want.

c. Grammar

As for things that are not important, namely the factors that

affect a language, students' speaking skills are where students must

know the rules and functional grammar. This grammar itself is

where we organize or organize our language, following these

grammatical rules so that it is structured and produces complete

sentences and proper speech.

2. Fluency

Fluency is where a person can quickly use the language

quickly and accurately and according to the rules of the language,

from proper pronunciation and correct and correct grammar. the

ability of fluency itself, where we continue to speak spontaneously,

without having to think and spend a long time saying something. so

fluency or fluency is needed for normal conversation and to make

the conversation run smoothly.

Fluency is a continuous discourse, where sentence and

word order are even very complex aspects, as well as word

elements, while the characteristics of fluency are:

a. whole conversation or continuous story

b. an assessment of the ideas conveyed that is easy to understand

c. language or what is conveyed as it is in everyday life

d. convey like a real situation

The components speaking skill described above regarding the

accuracy of the ability to produce correct sentences and fluency where

the fluency of the language is produced and the comprehension of the

ability to understand the language, this study will examine the

accuracy component of students which will examine pronunciation,

grammar, and vocabulary.

4) Classroom Speaking Activities

in teaching speaking Harmer (2001:348-352) must make

learners interested and make them communicative, as for activities that

can be done such as:

1. Acting using a script

students are given dialogue or a script, which they will act out, and

give them time, to practice their speaking before performing.

2. Communication game

students are trained to make them active in speaking, when they are

given learning to solve puzzles or draw and even compose, making

them interact speaking to friends and opponents.

3. Group discussion

Activities to provide opinions on things that were discussed

together and then conveyed, making them active in expressing their

opinions and thoughts.

4. talk or presentation

students are asked to prepare a talk or presentation, which they

have prepared which they will present and make them speak in

front of their friends.

5. Questionnaire

where students ask questions or prepare a question to be answered,

and they prepare their work or discussion. students design their

own topics or what they want to make.

some of the class activities described above act use scripts,

group discussion, simulations, roleplays, in this study itself chose class

activities, namely dialogues such as acting from scripts to train them

and previously had time to practice and remember from videos or

dialogue scripts that they learn or watch.

5) Problem speaking

To develop the knowledge to deal with oral communication

problems, researchers first need to know the real nature of those

problems and the circumstances in which 'problems' are constructed

In this research, most of them have an average, poor and very poor score on

the pre-test. Linguistics is the scientific study of language about words, grammar,

and phonology. in general linguistics itself from vocabulary, grammar and


a. Bad Grammar

The problem that exists in students is bad grammar where sentences must be

structured and appropriate so that students are sometimes bored to memorize or

forget to follow the word structure, so it takes time and effort to understand the

rules of the word that must be used.

b. Lack of Student Vocabulary

Another student problem is the lack of mastery or knowledge of words, from

basic words in terms of meaning and understanding of vocabulary. the use of

words that are just the same or repeated so that they do not make students develop

in speaking, not only that because they do not want to find out. The meaning of

new words that they may see just because they are learning an ordinary or

common language, even basic language or words.

c. Mispronunciation

In speaking, pronunciation is very important in language, because to

communicate or interact with fellow humans, it is necessary to have the correct

pronunciation so that the other person can understand. errors in students were

obtained. During interviews, most students' problems were from pronunciation,

even though they knew some words but their pronunciation was sometimes wrong

because many words almost had the same pronunciation.

6) Types good speaking

There are several types of good speaking skills according to Brown

(2004:271) :

a. Active response

students who can actively answer or respond, thus making them more
daring to express their opinions.

b. Transactional

students who speak or dialogue to convey information or ideas they

want to convey.

c. Interpersonal

Interpersonal dialogue, namely speaking or communicating facts or

information to be conveyed.

d. Broad or monolog

A long summary or information presented or discussed by students

briefly themselves, monologues can be made or planned or directly.

7) Evaluation of Speaking

Teachers should take on varied roles in speaking activities

classroom. Harmer (2007) identifies three duties for teachers in the

classroom when it comes to teaching oral expression. In teaching oral

expressiveness, Harmer (2007) proposes three tasks for teachers:

1. Prompter

Students are occasionally perplexed, elements of what to

say next, and as a result, they lose the interest and fluency that we

ask of them. Teachers who act as whistleblowers are required to

follow certain regulations in order to assist them by giving discreet

suggestions. This can be accomplished by offering support

(without disrupting the discussion) or by asking them to step down

from their position.

2. Participants

When pupils are asked to generate language, the teacher

should be a skilled facilitator. This can sometimes be accomplished

by carefully and enthusiastically preparing an activity. To assist

with the activity, encourage student participation, or maintain a

creative atmosphere.

3. Provider of Feedback

Teachers should allow pupils to assess their own work.

However, it's necessary to consider the likelihood that excessive

correction will cause children to be distracted from their speaking


2. Social Media

There are several things discussed in social media, namely media social

definition, types and advantages of social media, the procedure for using

social media.

1) Definition of Social Media

(Gibbins & Greenhow, 2016) Social media is defined as any

technology that allows sharing of knowledge via the internet. Using social

media is the way to improves listening, speaking skills, students will get

an enthusiastic welcome from the students if it suits their path and


Social media is a platform where we can interact and even watch

content and create and communicate online, this platform has been used by

almost everyone from any circle so social media must be used properly,

and we must know the uses and functions of social media itself.

2) Types of Social Media

In addition, according to Puntoadi (2011: 34) that there are several

The types of social media are as follows:

a. WhatsApp: is a messaging application that people use to

exchange messages or information online at no cost because of

using the internet, by using this social media we are given many

features such as video calls, telephone, voice notes, etc., so it is very

useful for people who want to interact quickly anywhere. and


b. YouTube: is a social media where visual displays such as videos

are made by people with various types of content, ranging from

everyday life to even knowledge from all over the world. we can

conclude that youtube social media is very useful if we are lazy to

read with this we can immediately watch while learning whatever

we are looking for.

c. Instagram: that social media where you can post or share videos,

photos, or anything you want. Instagram that social media you can

use to know other people in another country, you can see their

content and comment on or interact with them.

d. Twitter: is the social media if you want to post quotes or

statements you need, and post or see content about a letter, so you

can use this social media.

3) The Advantages of Social Media

Social media has a very broad function for all circles and has a

function or role in the continuity of student learning in finding

educational information, world information and other general matters

where people can communicate remotely. This social media itself

makes it easier for people to recognize and know what the outside

world is like, so it is very easy to access it.

There are many advantages to using social media methods, such as:

a. Students now have more time to access and open social media,

so they can learn anywhere and anytime, and can interact even

outside of school.

b. Social Media allows students to get used to seeing content or

interactions from around the world, where we can access

anything and get any information.

c. Social Media creates interest in learning in students, which

makes them happier to learn because what they use is more

modern and easy for them to understand.

d. Students can practice speaking using various materials that are

shared with them through social media such as images, text

messages, and audio, as well as video clips.

4) Procedure for using social media

The following are techniques for using social media methods:

a. Introduction

As an introduction, there are various kinds of exercises that

can be used, including:

1. Individuals open social media that have been

determined by the teacher on their respective


2. People open the app and first set their phone language

to English

3. Then ask them to watch videos or listen to songs on

social media or open applications that inform English

material or content.

b. Ground Rules

At the initial meeting, the teacher must explain what is

expected and what rules will govern what is opened on social

media in the future, such as what should be allowed to be opened

and not in classroom activities. Activities to choose the social

media used, methods of participation, and regulations are all

discussed. If students discuss and revise the operating rules before

starting the lesson. Once ground rules are established, the teacher

(or each student) must ensure that they are accepted.

c. Next meeting

Each follow-up meeting requires a consistent format that

communicates the teacher's goals to students and links the session

to previous and future sessions.

While a course is in progress, for example, the following

outline may be displayed.

1. Welcoming new members or visitors;

2. Check the work of the previous week;

3. Students report the progress of their work or unfinished


4. Overview of the day's tasks;

5. Today's mission completed;

6. Progress review;

7. The project continues to the next session;

8. Closing session.

d. Encouraging Participation

Many students only use social media without using it

properly and correctly, they should be told to open anything that

helps them improve their language and speech, with the habit of

social media, they will have more information and English

vocabulary which is finally able to make them active and

participate in the current class activities.

c. Speaking Use Social Media

Steps to Apply the Method of using social media in learning To conduct

effective learning using social media, follow these steps:

1) Where the teacher asks students to prepare cellphones and open

social media that will be used by each student and provide rules

that will be carried out.

2) The teacher regulates what they will do such as understanding

the meaning, how to pronounce it, intonation, and how to

express what will be displayed.

3) Determine what shows they will watch and they will discuss

and practice directly so that they can be active in speaking.

4) During the discussion the teacher observes whether they watch

and open their social media properly.

5) Based on the results of using social media, they present the

main idea or practice or convey what they see.

6) Review the use of social media by asking for input from

participants as feedback for further improvement.

Then the steps in implementing the method are:

1. The advantages of using social media are:

a) Stimulate students' skills in the form of ideas, initiative

ideas, and the habit of speaking English every day by

opening their social media.

b) learn English in a relaxed and not boring way.

c) Expand their information by looking at outside information.

d) Cultivate the habit of reading, listening, and speaking from

English teaching information that can be accessed anytime

and anywhere.

C. Conceptual Framework

In learning English before providing information, the teacher himself

has the responsibility to make students interested in learning and to make

students motivated and enthusiastic to take part in learning. In this speaking

learning, the teacher must know what learning or platform they should use, as

we can see nowadays, students are more interested in modern learning than

using books or just reading, then they are told to learn and memorize it, as for

things that can be used now, namely learning speaking using social media.

Social media is a platform that is accessed by all circles, which we can

use in lessons, such as WA and Youtube, social media contains a lot of

information and learning that we can use because they are definitely

interested in learning in a relaxed manner.

As for the conceptual framework for students' speaking skills, seeing

the needs of SMA 8 Makassar. students whose speaking skills are very

minimal, and in the learning process or outside of learning they only focus on

their smartphones, this makes researchers conduct research to use social

media to improve their speaking skills. especially accuracy.

English Classroom

English Teacher

Teaching Speaking Skill

Use Media Social

Youtube Whatsapp

Speaking Accuracy

Figure 1 : Conceptual Framework

D. Hypotheses

From research theories understanding, this study formulates follow the

hypotheses :

a. Null hypothesis (Ho) : Students' English speaking skills develop

through using social media.

b. Alternative hypotheses (H1) : Students’ English speaking skills have

significance before and after the result.

Students speaking skill have difference pretest and posttest they use social media

to improve speaking skills, we can see from table 2.3 that there is a significant



This research method discuss about desaign of research, place and

population, the instrument, the procedure data collection and data analysis.

A. Design Research and Experiment Procedure

In the research, the researcher applied quantitative research and research

design used a pre experimental . The participates as an experimental group. The

researcher conduct pre, post-test and group treatment as shown in the following


01 X 02

Where : 01: Pre Test

X : Treatment

02 : Post Test

(Gay : 2006)

This experimental procedure was carried out with the following steps:

1. The preparation stage, includes:

a. Research design

b. Literature study

c. Selection of media and learned platforms and research instruments.

d. Validation of learned media and research instruments.

2. The initial research implementation phase includes:

a. Group the sample in one research class.

b. Carried out a pretest define to the condition student English skill

before that posttest is carried out.

c. Collected pre-test data and analyze the initial results before the

treatment is carried out.

3. The treatment process for use social media platforms in learning is as


a. Conditioned the research classroom and equipment;

b. Opened of learned, conducted by subject teachers;

c. Brief explanation of the social media platforms used in a taught

speach by researchers;

d. Asked each student to use their respective cellphones to open

predetermined social media such as YouTube or Whatsapp.

e. Played videos or speaking learning content, using their respective

social media so that students don't get bored and can learn with

visuals, audio and can see the expression of the content that has been

selected by the researcher;

f. Provided direction on using social media correctly wherever and

whenever to improve students' English speaking skills.

4. The final research implementation stage includes:

a. Group the sample in the same class in the study.

b. Carry out the students’ English skills condution after the treatment is

carried out.

c. Collected of post-test results

5. Processed and analyzed data after getting the final results or post-test we

saw or distinguished from pretest result.

6. Conclude the results of the research The above research procedures were

be arrange in a systematic way. The explanation of the above procedure

can be seen in the picture.

Preparation phase

Research implementation


Treatment or use of social media

in improving English speaking
Processing and analysis of data


Processing and analysis of data

Social media has an effect on

improving speaking in class X
students at SMAN 8 Makassar.
Figure 2. Experimental Procedure Flowchart

B. Research Place

Place where has been conducted in SMA Negeri Makassar which is

located on Jl. Andi Mangerangi 2, No. 24 Bongaya, Kec. Tamalate, Makassar

City, South Sulawesi.

C. Population and Sample

a. Population

The participants who were researched in this study are grade XI IPA 2

students of SMA Negeri 8 Makassar which consists of 20 students.

b. Samples

in this study, this sample was taken from students or individuals who

volunteered to be researched and used as samples, researchers used

purposive sampling where we carried out the selection process so that we

also knew about the population we wanted to study.

This research take the sample use sampling technique from Arikunto

(2010:183) this is the selected by process to take the subject that have no

based on level, but from the specific purpose. The total of 20 students

choose from the researcher.

D. Defenition Operational and Variable

1. The research variables in this study have two there are :

a. Independent

The variable of this study that use social media is the independent.

b. Dependent

The variable of this study that use social media is the dependent of this


2. Operational Definition

a. Students use social media

Each student's use of social media and share information and share

found content with their classmates and receive feedback and practice

whnat they have watched, Puntoadi (2011: 34).

a. WhatsApp: is a messaging application that people use to

exchange messages or information online at no cost because of

using the internet, by using this social media we are given many

features such as video calls, telephone, voice notes, etc., so it is very

useful for people who want to interact quickly anywhere. and


b. YouTube: is a social media where visual displays such as videos

are made by people with various types of content, ranging from

everyday life to even knowledge from all over the world.

b. Speaking Skill

Speaking skills refer to our skills to convey and re-practice what they

have seen and got from social media.

1. Accuracy in which speech is organized to focus on grammatical

and discourse elements and phonological elements and provides

opportunities for students to participate in everyday life.

Accuracy refers to the ability to produce correct sentences in

natural interactions, pronunciation.

E. Research Intrument

The instrument has importance function, from Sugiono (2009:92), the

research use to be observes, the significant conduct the research, main instrument

that use this research was speaking test to collect data and the administred do post

and pretest.

This study uses a speaking test instrument, which is used to measure the

variables being studied, the researchers themselves also provide pre-test and post-

test, this instrument itself is one of the important things because to know the

ability of what is being studied, to determine the results of this research.

F. Data Collection Procedures

The method of collecting this data is where the researcher gives a test in

the form of a speaking test to collect data, this speaking test is to determine the

speaking ability of the students who are being studied for data collection, at the

initial meeting a pre-test will be given before being given treatment and at the end

to find out the results, namely post-test after we give teaching.

1. Pre test

The pre test doing before the researcher give the treatment or the lessons

about speaking, the researcher give the pretest to get students score before

do the treatment, that give the speaking test to get score to decide this

research give the treatment, in the pretest student interview one by one to

come the researcher in front of table, and give them speaking test.

2. Post-test

Post test is the students doing the speaking test after the researcher give

the treatment, the post test was to define that students speaking skill have

difference after researcher give treatment and lesson about speaking. The

test from the researcher it was the same in pre test, like the instrument

research is speaking test.

G. Technique analysis data

Data were analyzed through an assessment rubric that refers to Heaton

1988. The rating scale measures accuracy, and understanding as follows:

1) Accuracy

Table 1.1 The rating scale measurement.

Classification Score Criteria

Excellent 6 There is not wrong in
the pronountiation,
grammar, vocabulary
and high skill
Very good 5 Have a good pronoun,
grammar, vocabulary
and that all correct.
Good 4 Good pronoun,
grammar, vocabulary
but still have missed.
Average 3 The standard skill they
not low pronoun,
grammar, vocabulary.
Poor 2 Low pronoun,
grammar, vocabulary
but still have
Very poor 1 There’s no knowledge
about pronoun,
grammar, vocabulary.
(Heaton 1988)

a. The score students use the formula :

a student score : gain score/maximum score x 100

(Marlan 2012)

b. Classified the students score’ follow the measure scale :

Tble 1.2 Students Speaking Classification

No Score Classification

1 0-20 Very poor

2 21-40 Poor

3 41-60 Average

4 61-80 Good

5 81-100 Very good

c. Calculated mean score use SPSS (Statistical Program for Social


d. Used SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Sciences) to find SD,

mean pretest, posttest.

e. Find the pretest, posttest, sd score to define the significance by use

SPSS (Statistical Program for Social Sciences).

f. Computed the students’ score by using spss (Statistical Program

for Social Sciences).


This is part that has 2 sessions about discussion and finding. the finding is the

presentation of data. the researcher finding Chapter I. While discussion

explanation of the finding. The discussion provides the description and

interpretation of the further explanation of the findings. Where possible please

make images:

A. Findings

The research finding deal with the students' questions after finding

result from the speaking test analysis get the rated frequency, percentage,

mean, and significance score. the data from the findings can be seen as

follows :

1) The Rate Frequency and Percentage

The Rate Frequency and Percentage pretest and posttest from data

analysis, that is found social media has improved the students'

speaking skills. it is shown by the result score of students' performance

including students' speaking accuracy, data analysis.

Tble 2. 1 using social media improves students' speaking accuracy

Pre-test Post-test
Frequency Persentage Frequency Persentage
Very poor 1 5% 0 0%
Poor 2 10% 0 0%
Average 8 40% 2 10%
Good 6 30% 6 30%
Very good 3 15% 12 60%
Excellent 0 0% 0 0%

Table 2.1 indicates accuracy pretest is average. 8 (40%) of 20 students got an

average score. 6 (30%) have good scores and very good scores just 2 (10%).and

the poor score is just 3 students 15% and the last very poor score is just 1 student.

then in the posttest, among the dominant 12 students, 60% had a very good score,

and 6 students had 30%. After that just 2 students get an average score of 10%

then there are no students who got poor or very poor scores.

2) Descriptive Statistic of The pretest & posttest

The DS refers to min, max score, mean score, and Std dvition . The

researcher calculated descriptive statistics of both pretest, posttest the

significant difference both. Descriptive statistics students speaking

including accuracy. The significance data analysis terms of accuracy.

Tble 2,2 Descriptive statistics speaking accuracy pretest &


Descriptive Statistic
N Min Max Mean
Accuracy pre-test 20 20 84 63.29 17,779
Accuracy post-test 20 60 95 88.79 11,199
Valid N 20

The data of the table 2.2 shows The minimum score in pre-test is

20 (very poor score) while in posttest is 60 (average score) and

maximum score in pre-test is very good 84, the score on posttest very

good 95. The pretest mean score is 63.29 and the posttest mean score

is 88.79 the standard deviation score is 17.779 while the Sd is post-test

is 11.199.

1) The Inferential Analysis between Pretest & Posttest

Table 2.3 Paired Samples Test

Paired smple test

Paired Differences Sign
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Sd. sd. One
Deviati error sided Two
Mean on mean Low Up T DF p sided p
Pair Prete
- - - -
1 st - 8.9589
20.5000 2.00329 24.6929 16.307 10.23 19 0.000 0.000
postte 7
0 3 07 3

The data table 2.3 is analyzed by using SPSS analysis within

Paired Samples Test. If the level of significance (a = 0.05) is greater

than value (sig. 2-tailed) means there is no significant difference.

Whereas, if the level of significance “a” is lower than p value (sig. 2-

tailed) means there is significant difference. From the table above, we

can see that the p value, It means that use social media can improve.

Improvement of speaking skills after use social media method can

be proven as follows:

In conclusion, the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted. Use

social media ro teach English can improve students’ speaking skills.

Thus, research question number 2 that states does social media

improve students' speaking skills has been answered. The answer is

yes, that use social media improve students' speaking skills, especially

on accuracy.

B. Discussion

This discussion presents the results of the study based on those

presented through the pretest, the treatment

1. Student Linguistics Problem

The results of the pre-test before using social media in a class by

getting a dominant score in the average section of 8 people. In this

research, most of them have an average, poor and very poor score on the

pre-test. Linguistics is the scientific study of language about words,

grammar, and phonology. in general linguistics itself from vocabulary,

grammar and pronunciation.

a. Bad Grammar

The problem that exists in students is bad grammar where sentences must be

structured and appropriate so that students are sometimes bored to memorize or

forget to follow the word structure, so it takes time and effort to understand the

rules of the word that must be used.

b. Lack of Student Vocabulary

Another student problem is the lack of mastery or knowledge of words, from

basic words in terms of meaning and understanding of vocabulary. the use of

words that are just the same or repeated so that they do not make students develop

in speaking, not only that because they do not want to find out. The meaning of

new words that they may see just because they are learning an ordinary or

common language, even basic language or words.

c. Mispronunciation

In speaking, pronunciation is very important in language, because to

communicate or interact with fellow humans, it is necessary to have the correct

pronunciation so that the other person can understand. errors in students were

obtained. During interviews, most students' problems were from pronunciation,

even though they knew some words but their pronunciation was sometimes wrong

because many words almost had the same pronunciation.

2. Treatments

In this treatment, it can be seen from the score that they got pre-test by getting

dominant average and poor and very poor scores. from the value they got, this

researcher gave treatment on the use of social media to improve speaking

accuracy, due to the use of social media that is often used by young people so that

they are interested and always use social media anytime and anywhere. This

makes researchers provide treatments where they can while learning to speak

English from the social media that they often use, namely Wa and Youtube.

This is because the use of social media method provides

opportunities for students to practice. In this case, This method includes

opportunities where students can create a cooperative climate and practice

their speaking skills. That's why after students think to use social media

Method, their speaking skills, especially in accuracy.

a) First Meeting

The first treatment given used social media "Youtube" by given a song

to sing together (Ask students one by one to help the teacher read the

lyrics of the song material on their smartphone, if there was a wrong

pronunciation, the teacher helps students to correct it and teach them

new vocabulary knowledge and grammar rules.

 Mispronunciations appears since the students never practice

and care about the important meaning of correct

pronunciations. Most students were influenced by mother

tongue as their first language when pronounce some words.

For example:

- “no” should be /noʊ/ (Know)

- “bi” should be /baɪ/ (By)

- “wir” should be /wɜːr/ (Were)

- “yung” should be /jʌŋ/ (Young)

 students still lack the vocabulary used

b) Second Meeting

Because the first treatment students still have a lot of spelling mistakes and

lack of knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, a second treatment is needed,

namely divided students into several groups by paying attention to various strata

(divide students into small groups consis of three students in one group. Then the

researcher gives some film via “Youtube” , ask them to discuss by explaining the

meaning of the film and concept to each group and asking the other team about

the film).

 There is still a wrong pronunciation

- “yung” should be /jʌŋ/ (Young)

- “liteles” should be /ˈtaɪtl/ (titles)

- "ekcept" should be / /ɪkˈsept/ (except)

- "enswer" should be /ˈɑːnsə(r)/ (answer)

 mistakes in grammar

For example, the pronoun for "I" is "my". Meanwhile, “His” for “he”,

“her” for “she”, “their” for “they” and so on. But unfortunately, there

are still errors in the use of pronouns. This means that the pronouns

used are not appropriate for the subject.

 Student's vocabulary has increased

c) Third Meeting

Because the second treatment students still have a mistakes

pronountiation and lack of knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, so

The researcher gived the third treatment was Turning a Group of

Students (The researcher changed the group of students and give them

time to seen the dialogue via “Whatsapp” and ask them to explanation

about the meaning of the conversation and make the sample and

practice the dialogue, to find out whether the students' speaking skills

improved or not). The students' vocabulary knowledge has increased

and the pronunciation errors have been reduced and the grammar is


d) fourth meeting

Because the second treatment students still have a mistakes pronountiation

and lack of knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, so The researcher gived the

third treatment was Turning a Group of Students (The researcher changed the

group of students and give them time to seen the dialogue via “Whatsapp” and ask

them to explanation about the meaning of the conversation and make the sample

and practice the dialogue, students' vocabulary knowledge has increased and the

pronunciation errors have been reduced and the grammar is correct.

3. The use of social media improve student’s speaking skills

After given treatments at meetings two, three, four, and five the researchers

gave learning to speak used social media as a treatment and at the last meeting,

after that the used social media improved speaking accuracy as we can see in the

posttest score Therefore it means to used social media to improve students'

speaking skills.Therefore, this method can be applied to SMA 8 Makassar

students, so that they are enthusiastic about improve students' speaking skills.

During treatments, researcher recorded the activities. student enjoyed. They

were interested in the topic because it was a daily issue. They were more active

and motivated to respond to their friends’ opinions. These facts are supported by

Hamid et al (2016: 2)


a. The first finding of this study implies that many English

teachers apply to learn strategies that are not effective in

teaching speaking skills and communication, and they cannot

speak fluently. Vocabulary, pronunciation as well as grammar

are taught in lists and through memorization and this makes

students forget words and pronunciation errors immediately

after learning them.

The learning objectives in speaking are not only covering

words on the word list but also retaining new words that

students have just encountered. Thus, the teacher must apply

the correct learning strategy. The first finding of this study

proves that the learning method using social media

significantly affects student achievement in speaking accuracy.

Students who are taught using the method of using social media

can improvise in speaking accuracy more than students who are

taught using recount text, and report text.

b. Finally, the second research finding of this study implies that

teachers apply to learn strategies that are not in accordance

with students' learning styles. Students who have a visual

learning style, apply techniques that involve lecturing and

taking notes and of course not in accordance with their learning

style so they are not satisfied with their learning achievements.

students are more interested in this style using visuals and fun

so that it is easy to attract their interest in learning and they are

easy to understand and remember the learning.


The data analysis consists of suggestion and conclusion.

A. Conclussion

Social media in the improvement Student speaking skills, because it

provides various speaking activities and provides time for students to practice

themselves and seen information from social media, so students are

accustomed to speaking in English. As stated in the previous chapter, most

students who talk about skills in smoothness and understanding have a bad

score on the pretest. However, the results of the results in the post-test

increased. Students have fewer pronunciation errors and only unnatural pauses

after treatment. That means using social media improves stdents speaking

accuracy especially in the 11th grade of SMA Negeri 8 Makassar.

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions above, the researchers propose the following

1. Input for teachers is where they can use teaching methods that make

students happy, and students are interested in learning, and we can use

learning using social media, where there are many lessons that can

make students improvise their way of speaking.

2. input for students, namely they can learn to use social media while

studying but students can also sort out what they have to learn about

vocabulary, speech, and even the right way of speaking, students can

access anything from their social media.

3. input for other researchers, namely that they can use them as

references or guides for writing theses, in terms of form and content,

and can even make their research more than what the author made in

this thesis itself. This study only examines some of the social media

used to improve speaking so other researchers can explore it further.


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