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Journal of Biomechanics 32 (1999) 163—164

Neandertal knees and ankles:

a comment on Miller and Gross
Erik Trinkaus  *
Department of Anthropology, Campus Box 1114, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130, USA
 U.M.R. 5809, du C.N.R.S., Laboratoire d+ Anthropologie, Universite& de Bordeaux I, Avenue des Faculte& s, 33405 Talence, France
Received 23 July 1998; accepted 24 September 1998

I was pleased to see the application of current bio- surrogate measure for this load arm across ecogeographi-
mechanical analytical techniques [SIMM (Delp et al., cally diverse human populations. Across two temperate
1990)] to the interpretation of past human locomotor climate recent human samples (US Amerindians and
efficiency by Miller and Gross (1998). The appropriate Euroamericans), this moment arm is highly correlated
application of such methodologies will greatly assist with femoral length (r"0.952), tibial length (r"0.971)
those of us who study human paleobiology to compre- and femoral plus tibial length (r " 0.999). Yet, Nean-
hend the adaptive significance of both past changes dertal leg proportions make them highly significantly
in human biology and the nature of modern human different (P(0.0001) from both recent human samples
variability. However, I have difficulty accepting some in each comparison, with their load arms being longer
aspects of their interpretation of Neandertal locomotor than predicted by their tibial lengths. When patellar
efficiency. thickness and tibial tuberosity projection are divided by
They used mean percentage differences in the ratios of the resultant load arms, the Neandertal ratios do remain
knee and ankle moment arms to tibial length to adjust significantly higher than those of the recent human sam-
a modern male based model for muscle moment calcu- ples (0.156 $ 0.016 versus 0.125 $ 0.011 and 0.128
lations. At the knee, patellar thickness and tibial tuberos- $ 0.010 for the patella, and 0.307$0.034 versus $0.271
ity projection (anterior tuberosity to mid-condyles) were $ 0.024 and 0.234 $ 0.025 for the tibia).
used as measures of the quadriceps femoris moment arm, However, the ultimate issue is whether the Neandertals
and at the ankle the posterior pedal moment arm (mid had a more effective arrangement for their knee exten-
talar trochlea to calcaneal tuberosity) was employed to sors, and that involves assessing whether the required
approximate the triceps surae moment arm. Although contractile force of quadriceps femoris for a given body
the patellar, proximal tibial and posterior pedal skeletal size was significantly different from those of recent hu-
measures are reasonable approximations (on dry skeletal mans in similar activities. In a clinical context, body
remains) of the actual moment arms (or a portion thereof weight as the external load to a lower limb joint is
in the case of the patellar thickness), scaling them to tibial normally constant. In a comparative framework, that
length has consequences. Tibial length, except in unusual cannot be assumed. Indeed, the same hyperarctic body
athletic activities, does not represent the actual load arms proportions which gave the Neandertals short tibiae also
for these muscles. gave them broad trunks and high lean body masses for
The normal locomotor load arm for quadriceps their statures (Ruff, 1994; Ruff et al., 1997; Trinkaus,
femoris is the perpendicular from the knee axis of rota- 1981). Incorporating the differential body masses to stat-
tion to the line between the hip and ankle joints. Since ure (or leg length) into the analysis may well eliminate
Neandertals had hyperarctic body proportions with rela- most if not all of the differences between the samples.
tively short tibiae (Holliday, 1997), tibial length is a poor The normal locomotor load arm for triceps surae is
the distance from the talocrural axis of rotation to the
region of ground reaction force, normally around the
* Correspondence address: Dept. of Anthropology, Campus Box metatarsophalangeal articulations during the primary
1114, Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO 63130, USA. Tel.: 001 314 935 propulsive portion of the stance phase. Consequently, the
5207; e-mail: anterior pedal moment arm (mid talar trochlea to distal

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164 E. Trinkaus / Journal of Biomechanics 32 (1999) 163—164

metatarsal 1 head) best approximates this value skel- plantarflexor moment arms, at least through the ranges
etally. When the ratio of the posterior pedal moment arm of normal locomotor knee flexion (usually )40°)
to the anterior one is compared between Neandertals and ankle rotation ($20°). Reanalysis incorporating
(0.444 $ 0.034) and recent humans (0.430 $ 0.038 and appropriate load arms, full body proportions and differ-
0.387 $ 0.028 for prehistoric Egyptians and US Amerin- ential body masses may yield significantly different
dians, respectively), the difference between Neandertal results.
plantar flexor mechanical advantages and those of the
recent human samples is greatly reduced from the 13 and
30% provided by Miller and Gross (3.3 and 14.7% on References
average; P" 0.305 and 0.003, respectively). Incorpora-
tion of the greater relative body masses of the Neander- Anderson, J.Y., Trinkaus, E., 1998. Patterns of sexual, bilateral and
tals would further reduce the difference. inter-populational variation in human femoral neck-shaft angles.
Furthermore, Miller and Gross (1998) compared the Journal of Anatomy 192, 279—285.
Neandertal mean values only to a single modern (Euro- Delp, S.L., Loan, J.P., Hoy, M.G., Zajac, F.E., Topp, E.L., Rosen, J.M.,
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modern industrial-society populations are experiencing cal engineering 37, 757—767.
significant postcranial gracilization relative to pre-indus- Holliday, T.W., 1997. Postcranial evidence of cold adptation in Euro-
trial human populations (Anderson and Trinkaus, 1998; pean Neandertals. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 104,
Ruff et al., 1993; Trinkaus and Hilton, 1996). Conse- 245—258.
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cular hypotrophy. Such models therefore are seriously Ruff, C.B., Trinkaus, E., Walker, A., Larsen, C.S., 1993. Postcranial
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mean sample values removes any possibility of compar- In: C.B. Stringer, (Ed.), Aspects of Human Evolution. Taylor and
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