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End of study project in view of obtaining the license in

Logistics and Platforms Management

The problem of road transport in the case of

Period of the training course: from 03/06/2022 to 03/08/2022

Directed by : Framed by :
M. OUAMRI Mohamed Amine Dr. CHAKIR LAMRANI Houda

Internship supervisor:
Mr. JAGHNANI Youssef

Academic year: 2021/2022


End of study project in view of obtaining the license in

Logistics and Platforms Management

Under the theme

The problem of road transport in the

case of groupage

Period of the training course: from 03/06/2022 to 03/08/2022

Directed by : Framed by :

M. OUAMRI Mohamed Amine Dr. CHAKIR LAMRANI Houda

Internship supervisor:

Mr. JAGHNANI Youssef

Academic year: 2021/2022


General Introduction

Previously, logistics was considered a secondary function to the company in trunk definition where
the logistician, who was rarely designated by this word, limits his work to the transport of materials,
raw materials, goods ... Today, the role of logistics is totally changed since it is captive to the
coordination and organization of operations carried out by the various departments of the company
using the management of the supply chain.
The concept of supply chain, which begins with the supplier's supplier and ends with the customer's
customer, has developed very strongly over the last twenty years and is now part of the global
industrial landscape. This change in roles is essentially due to two main factors: the globalization of
markets and technical progress.
Indeed, since the Second World War, the production capacities offered were always higher than
those requested. This has led to an imbalance in terms of quantity and price and has encouraged
states to conclude free trade contracts in order to reduce the obstacles to international trade. This
globalization of economies provides companies with access to new markets, new and diverse human
skills and the segmentation of new and more profitable niches and targets to ensure their
However, the internationalization of business gives rise to new entrants as well as new products on
the markets, which leads to a fierce competition. Thus, the consumer, placed in a position of strength
by their expectations and desires, becomes more demanding, especially in terms of quality, respect of
delivery times and the importance of after-sales services.
In addition, in order to meet quality standards, to satisfy the safety requirements of customers and to
achieve their performance objectives, organizations must ensure the global optimization of their
supply chains where the key to success lies. Information systems are used for this purpose to enable
staff to capture, store, process and exchange data between departments, but also between different
partners. The new technologies have as a consequence the modification of the company's functioning
by incorporating more indicators and obtaining results more quickly. Thus, they improve
communication and rationalize physical flows with a better knowledge of the associated information
The control of performance (effectiveness, efficiency and economy), and in particular costs, helps
companies to create competitive advantages and improve their actions in terms of product quality,
storage conditions (whether merchandise, raw materials, semi-finished or finished products) and
distribution and delivery of the various items to customers.

In order to reach this performance, the companies must cordon between the various links of their
entities to know the financial department, the human resource department, the operational
department, the departments purchase supply, the department sale distribution, ... it is for that our
objective in this modest work is to put the accent on one of the famous problems contracted by the
companies: the transport and more specifically the case of groupage at the level of the road transport.

The objective is to try to raise the existing relation between the technique of the grouping and the
management of the road transport in general from benefiting from the advantages of the grouping
and avoiding their disadvantages on the one hand and to set up a procedure to facilitate the
management of the transport within the companies on the other hand.

To bring an advantageous and profitable research, it is necessary for us to organize our work well.
For this purpose, this dissertation includes, in addition to this introduction, three chapters and a
general conclusion.

We will first deal with the history of logistics and the origin of this discipline, plus some definitions
of transport and logistics. Then, the presentation of the different components of the latter and the
factors of strength and weakness of the latter (Chapter 1). The objective of this part is clearly to
situate the term study (logistics) in the literature.

We will then focus our discourse on the fishing sector: its characteristics and the presentation of the
company that is the subject of this research and its activities (Chapter 2). The aim here is to focus on
the interaction between road transport and the groupage technique, to present the research
methodology followed in this thesis and to discover the problematic of our research.

We will present and interpret the results collected. Thus, the comparison and discussion of the
detected effects (Chapter 3).

Finally, in a general conclusion, we will summarize the objectives and the problematic of the


Research Methodology
As we have built up our database, we have studied and processed some articles and books
that allow us to have more or less useful and compatible information for our memory in order to
go deeper into this very vast field.
 Works:
Among the materials that allow us to make the writing of our dissertation is the works that
deal with information in the field of the logistic chain or da logistics in general and the transport
of goods, more specifically the road transport.
 Scientific Journals:
The methodology we used for this analysis is extremely simple. We searched for articles
dealing with supply chains (whether in the title, in the abstract or in the keywords) in journals
such as "" or "Revues du management et logistique" or in "Google Scholar".
In addition, the multidisciplinary open archive "HAL", which is intended for the deposit
and dissemination of scientific documents of research level, published or not, emanating from
French or foreign teaching and research institutions, public or private laboratories. We have
completed this database by searching for articles freely available on the Internet. We also
accumulated references in a moreliberal way, by contact with other scientists or through
 Internships:
One of the ways to collect information and to solve our problematic of: "What are the
management procedures for the road transport in the case of groupage" is to have an internship of
end of study that is why we spent an internship in the company LAHOAT FISH.
The objectives of this internship, are in a first time, to try to determine, analyze and treat in
general the sector of the fishing in Morocco. Then, to have the maximum possible information of
acquisition and distribution of fish and seafood.
On the other hand, among our primary objective is to have answers to our problem based
on the idea of solving the problem of road transport in the case of grouping.
Finally, among our objectives is to have a solution adapted to the situation of transport
management on the one hand, and to set up a procedure to facilitate the management of transport
on the other hand.
 Documentation:
One of the ways of collecting and indicating information is the observation and work
through company documents that are made available to us, for example, order forms, delivery
notes, packing list, invoices, receipt slips, list of labels of goods. And other documents that allow
us to conclude and indicate information about the activity and work flow in the company.

 Discussions:
Discussions or open debates are methods to gather information through questions/answers
to responsible persons within the company, for example among the questions we presented to the
manager is: what is the difference between an invoice and a packing list? and he answered us
that: ''the difference between an invoice and a packing list is that the invoice contains the name,
the price HT and TTC of the product and information concerning the company as the commercial
name, social capital and common identifier of company..., and the packing list is a technical card
of the product which contains a description of the ingérerions of the product''. Also when we
heard words from the discussions of the employees between them, these words for us are blurred
then obviously we present questions to more at least understand.
 Empirical component:
In order to have answers to our problematic, our empirical part is based on interviews and
discussions with the manager and the persons in charge of the company LAHOAT FISH.


Results and Discussion:

The empirical part of our work is based on interviews with the managers and operational staff of the
LAHOAT FISH company, i.e. the general manager (manager), the supply and storage manager, the
distribution and transport manager and the transport agents of the company.
The questions asked to the company's staff are generally divided into two groups.
1. Employee-related questions:
 Questions related to the position held;
 Questions related to the tasks performed within the company;
 Questions related to descriptions of procedures followed within the entity;
2. Questions related to the issue
 What do you think about the existing types of transport? In your opinion, is it the best way
of transporting goods?
 What do you think about the technique of groupage of goods? Have you used this technique?
 What is the relation between road transport and groupage technique?
 What are the disadvantages of this technique?
 In your opinion, what are the solutions available to take advantage of the technique of
groupage and not a problem to companies?
 In your opinion, what are the best procedures to manage the company's transportation at a
lower cost?
 How can we implement these procedures?
 How can we have a solution adapted to the transport management situation?

The answers of the staff are generally similar since they are mainly used the road transport in their
distributions, the synthesis that we can have of these answers is that:
 The road transport is the best type of transport since it is the mode that can be used in the
company, so at the level of cost it is the most expensive mode than the sea and air transport.
 The technique of groupage is characterized by the grouping of goods of several customers in
one truck, in order to avoid that a vehicle circulates half empty to transport the goods of a single
 The existing relationship between road transport and the groupage technique is a
complementary one since this technique is part of road transport;
 The disadvantage of the groupage is that the customer has to wait for his goods until he finds
another partner or other partners to group the goods in a single truck, the thing that will make
some customers dissatisfied, so, in these days of waiting the goods can be defective (case

existing in the fishing sector);


 The solutions available to take advantage of the groupage technique is to create platforms
or groups specific to this technique to avoid wasting time in order to find partners;
 The best procedures to manage the transport of the company at a lower cost is to exploit the
technique of groupage in the right way to share the costs of transport with other partners;
 The implementation of these procedures is done as mentioned above by creating
platforms, groups, websites, ... to facilitate communication between partners who will share the


General Conclusion

Today's companies, regardless of their size, reputation and personal ability to respond to a
difficult and changing market, must increasingly develop a capacity for partnership based on
permanent negotiation and distributed decision management that makes room for cooperation.
Thus, on the one hand, it must ensure a high quality of the products in strong sensitivity to the
changes of the egological environment, and on the other hand optimize its logistic chain.
In this work we have addressed a problem at the center of current concerns of companies in
the industrial sector: the optimization and improvement of the supply chain from the
optimization of a better transport procedure (case of groupage). A context of rationalization of
the additional costs of supply, production, storage and distribution inevitably leads to a
reorganization of the functions of the logistic chain within the companies. In this context, the
management of a company can see in each restructured part of the chain a source of rapid
savings. However, a viable action must go beyond the optimization of purchasing and
warehousing functions or functional storage areas to also integrate all activities contributing to
the control of flows. In Chapter 1, we defined the theoretical framework that led us to analyze
the functioning of logistics and transport. We began with a general presentation of logistics: its
history, and then presented the central place that the study of a supply chain takes in a company,
as well as transport and its different modes. This led us to define the concept of logistics and
transport and we detailed the types of
the latter.
The role of the road transport and of the technique of the groupage within the studied field
consists the object of chapter 2 in which we exposed first of all the sector of the fishing and its
characteristics. Then, we presented our sample: the LAHOAT FISH company. Finally, we
developed our methodology. This one relates to several methods and materials namely: books,
scientific reviews, Web sites, training course, documentary files and finally the discussions with
various services of the company.
Finally, chapter 3 focuses on the discussions carried out with the staff of the company
LAHOAT FISH concerning the problem of road transport in the case of groupage, these
discussions are based mainly on interviews (question/answers).

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