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The 12 most useful phrasal verbs for actions.

Some are transitive. This means the object can go BOTH in the middle of AND after the phrasal verb.

For example (e.g.): Put your coat on. Put on your coat. These are both good.

Others are non-transitive. This means the object can go EITHER only in the middle of OR only after
the phrasal verb.


Intransitive, only in the middle - Put the money in the bag. NEITHER Put in the bag the money NOR
Put in the money in the bag.

Intransitive, only at the end - Get on the bus. NOT Get the bus on.

Here is a list of today’s phrasal verbs, showing which are transitive and which aren’t.

The object of each phrasal verb is represented by a star *.

Pronouns ALWAYS go in the middle of transitive phrasal verbs and only in the same position as the
object in intransitive phrasal verbs.

1. Take * out (of) take something / someone out (of something / somewhere). Take it out.

2. Put * in Put it in.

3. Do * up * anything you wear that has a fastener (zip, buttons etc) Do it up.

4. Get in * car, taxi, small boat, bath, shower, pool, water. Get in it.

5. Get off * big boat, bus, train, horse, bike, plane. Get off it.

6. Get on * big boat, bus, train, horse, bike, plane. Get on it.

7. Get out of * car, taxi, small boat, bath, shower, pool, water. Get out of it.

8. Take * off * anything you wear. Take it off.

9. Put * on * anything you wear. Put it on.

10. Put * down * Put it down.

11. Pick * up * Pick it up.

12. Hang * up * Hang it up.

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