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100 termos básicos de vocabulário em inglês

eu I

tu you

ele he

ela she

isto it

nós we

vós you

eles they

O quê what

Quem who

Onde where

Porquê why

Como how

Qual which

Quando when

então then

se if

mesmo really

mas but

porque because

não not

isto this

aquilo that

tudo all

ou or

e and

saber to know (knew, known)
pensar to think (thought, thought)

vir to come (came, come)

colocar to put (put, put)

tirar to take (took, taken)

encontrar to find (found, found)

ouvir to listen (listened, listened)

trabalhar to work (worked, worked)

falar to talk (talked, talked)

dar to give (gave, given)

gostar to like (liked, liked)

ajudar to help (helped, helped)

amar to love (loved, loved)

telefonar to call (called, called)

esperar to wait (waited, waited)

0 zero

1 one

2 two

3 three

4 four

5 five

6 six

7 seven

8 eight

9 nine

10 ten

11 eleven

12 twelve

13 thirteen

14 fourteen
15 fifteen

16 sixteen

17 seventeen

18 eighteen

19 nineteen

20 twenty

novo new

velho old

poucos few

muitos many

errado wrong

correto correct

mau bad

bom good

feliz happy

curto short

comprido long

pequeno small

grande big

ali there

aqui here

direita right

esquerda left

belo beautiful

jovem young

velho old

Olá hello

Ok ok

Claro of course
Tchau bye bye

Adeus good bye

com licença excuse me

Desculpa sorry

Obrigado thank you

por favor please

agora now

hora hour

minuto minute

segundo second

dia day

semana week

mês month

ano year

tardinha evening

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