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1. Kata-kata dasar penting :
a. Pintu = Door
b. Gerbang = Gate
c. Tribun = Tribune
d. Merah = Red ~> Gerbang Merah = Red gate
e. Kuning = Yellow~>Gerbang Kuning=Yellow Gate
f. Hijau = Green ~> Gerbang Hijau= Green Gate
g. Biru = Blue ~> Gerbang Piru = Blue Gate
h. Putih = White ~> Gerbang Putih = White Gate
i. Kamar mandi = Toilet
j. Mushola = Praying room
k. Area makanan = Food Court/ F&B Area
l. Kanan = Right ~> Belok Kanan = Turn Right
m. Kiri = Left ~> Belok Kiri = Turn Left
n. Lurus = Straight
o. Lurus Saja = Straight Ahead
p. Putar balik = Turn Round
q. Pertigaan = T-Junction
r. Perempatan = Intersection
s. Tempat penukaran tiket = Ticket Exchange/Ticket Booth
t. Tampat akreditasi = Accreditation Center
u. Ruang panitia = Organizer room / Official room
v. Tempat parkir = Parking lot / Parking area
w. Ruang media = Media room
x. Ikuti saya = Follow Me
y. Barang terlarang = Prohibited Item
z. Stadion Manahan = Manahan Stadium
aa. Tiket = Ticket
bb. Jangan = Don’t
cc. Duduk = Seat
dd. Belok Kiri = Turn Left
ee. Sebelah sana = Over There
ff. Sebelah sini = Over here
gg. Permisi/Mohon Maaf = Excuse Me
hh. Kaca = Kaca
ii. Pintu Kaca = Glass Door
jj. Pertandingan = Match
kk. Melawan = Versus
ll. Foto = Photo
mm. Rokok = Smoke
nn. Korek = Lighter
oo. Flare = Flare
pp. Jalur Cepat = Fast Track
2. Angka
A. Satu = One
B. Dua = Two
C. Tiga = Three
D. Empat = Four
E. Lima = Five
D. Enam = Six
F. Tujuh = Seven
G. Delapan = Eight
H. Sembilan = Nine
I. Sepuluh = Ten
J. Sebelas = Eleven
K. Dua Belas = Twelve
3. Menyapa/Greeting :
a. Hello! Welcome to Surakarta, please enjoy your stay
b. Hello! Welcome to Fifa World Cup U17 Surakarta
4. Menanyakan kamar mandi :
a. Contoh kalimat :
i. Jika mau ke toilet langsung saja lurus, lalu belok kanan,
setelah itu putar balik, toilet ada di depan kamar
operator, pintu warna putih
ii. You can go to the toilet, just go straight, then turn right,
then turn around, the toilet is in front of operator room,
the toilet door is white

5. Menanyakan pintu keluar :

a. Contoh kalimat :
i. Pintu keluar langsung saja lurus, lalu belok kiri, lalu
putar balik, di pertigaan belok kanan, pintu keluar
warna merah
ii. You can go to the exit, just go straight, then turn left,
then turn around, at the T-junction turn right, the exit
door is red

6. Menemukan barang terlarang saat body checking :

a. Contoh kalimat :
i. Mohon maaf Ini adalah barang terlarang, kamu tidak
boleh membawanya, akan kami amankan
ii. Excuse Me, This is a prohibited item, you are not
allowed to carry it, we will confiscate it
7. Melarang orang jangan merokok di ring 2 atau ring 1 :
a. Contoh kalimat :
i. Mohon maaf tidak boleh merokok disini, silahkan
merokok di luar
ii. Excuse Me, no smoking here please smoke outside

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