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Haileyanna wilcox


Class 2120

30 November 2023

Food Truck Festivals: A Unique Cultural Experience

Since the beginning of time, food has been a necessity for basic human survival. It is something

that has been celebrated for centuries. Food varies in texture, smell, and taste across the globe.

Although food is uniquely distinct for each human culture, it is viewed as something that brings people

together. I decided to embrace the culture of food enthusiasm to understand the significance of food in

our modern society. A significant number of my friends are food enthusiasts and have an obsessive

passion for food and its culture. Although I enjoy eating food, I usually avoid trying foods from different

cultures that I do not consume on a regular basis.

I grew up in a household that had negative feelings towards meat, which caused me to feel

restricted in my comfort zone in terms of food. Many times, during outings with my friends, I felt left out

when they would discuss the different types of foods they have tried, while I would have nothing to

contribute to the conversation. I decided to submerge myself in this culture of food enthusiasm by

attending the Atlanta Food Truck Festival.

Before attending, I was nervous about the type of food that would be available, but I was

nonetheless extremely excited to attend the festival to try this new experience. Before attending this

festival, I had a preconceived notion that food enthusiasts were experienced with risk-taking and were

very carnivorous. I attended the Atlanta Food Truck Festival because it promoted an amicable

environment of indulging in new foods and brought together individuals from different social and ethnic

backgrounds. As I stepped out of the car, the aroma of waffles, sushi, and noodles overwhelmed my

sense of smell. The food trucks were parked in a field enclosed within a metal fence decorated with

neon Christmas lights.

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