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Arredondo 1

Jose Luis Arredondo

Instructor. McCann

English 1301 125

September 6, 2023

Expectations, Communication, and Credibility

When it comes to college writing, you are going to be expected of a lot of things. Evidently, you

are going to have to be responsible for your own work and will need to be open and flexible, not

only so you can meet strict deadlines, but so you can also allow yourself to open up to different

perspectives, which in the end will help make your writing all the more concise. You’ll also need

to know to be persistent and to also take risks when it comes to your writing, giving your own

knowledge and understanding on different topics along with some sense of creativity as your

instructor will usually be expecting your full engagement on the subject matter. When it comes to

communicating your writing, it’s important to note that it needs to be comprehensible, logically

ordered, and irrefutable, essentially ensuring that your readers take you seriously by effectively

supporting your claims with proper citations and evidence throughout it all. Ordering your

writing properly is the most important part of all as it’s the basic structure which holds up your

text to begin with. To do this, you’ll need to understand that in order to help your readers actually

digest what you’re writing, you’ll need to start things off slowly. Begin with simple claims and

ideas, and as you go on, gradually introduce more information and better claims just so you don’t

end up overwhelming and deterring your readers before you even get to explain what you’re

writing about.

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