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Name: Jose Luis Arredondo Date: November 10th, 2023

Working with Peer Feedback

Directions: In the space provided below respond to these questions.
What are the three things you’ll change based upon your peers’ responses? Why will you change each one?
1. My peer said that I should try to write more besides the introduction. I’ll make sure to do this since I need to write
a finished essay when submitting my final draft.

2. My peer said that I shouldn’t talk about the fallacies in my articles argument I’ll make sure to make this change
since most peer reviewed articles lack fallacies to begin with.

3. Peer said that instead of talking about the appeals of rhetoric as one thing I should separate it into the three appeals.
I’ll make this change just so I can have more to write about in my essay.

What are three things you’ll keep despite your peers’ responses? Why will you keep each one?
1. My peer said that I should change how one of my in-text citations was formatted. I’ll keep the original formatting
mainly because I feel it flows well with my essay.

2. My peer said that I should start my introduction with a quote. I’ll keep my original hook since I feel it does its job
well as is.

3. My peer suggested for me to give more exposition on my chosen article in the introduction. I’ll keep my
introduction as it is since I feel I should save that information for my body paragraphs in order to better flesh them

What work do you have left to do after today to successfully complete the project?

1. I still need to work on my in-text citations.

2. I need find out how to actually cite my article in MLA format.

3. I still need to do my body paragraphs.

4. I still need to do my conclusion.

5. I still need to make sure that the title part of my essay is in proper MLA format.

6. I need to make a title that fits well with the content of my essay.

7. I still need someone to peer review the final draft I’ll eventually write
8. I need to go to my instructor for advice on my essay.

9. I still need to go to my second ACE session for this essay.

10. I need to check for you or I statements.

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