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Arredondo 1

Jose Luis Arredondo

Instructor. McCann

English 1301 – 125

17 November 2023

Creating a Portfolio

According to Lunsford, portfolios can be used in many different ways. Lunsford went on

to talk about one of these specific uses. Mainly she talked about the use of portfolios for

writing. When it comes to writing portfolios, they are obviously meant to display writing;

however, Lunsford identifies a specific use for writing portfolios, which is the use of

them in order to display the improvement of one’s writing during a college semester.

Usually, in order to create and submit a writing portfolio for a college assignment, there

are various things needed. However, it’s important to mainly include these four things;

finished essays and other writing projects, various drafts, peer reviews, and reflection

essays. However, this can often differ based on the specifications of the instructor. For

instance, if the instructor encourages a student to make a portfolio in order to show the

development of the student’s writing, it is obvious that the student will need to include

various essay drafts in order to effectively create that portfolio. Personally, I also have to

create a portfolio for my writing course. In order to organize this portfolio, my instructor

has directed that I need to use everything I have written for this course. For most of the

writing I need to include for this portfolio, it mainly consists of homework, finished

essays, reflection essays, and also essay drafts. In addition, I also need to write a

reflection essay for this portfolio which will go over my writing experience throughout

the whole semester.

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