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I. It’s time for global leaders to start telling the truth,” said Weaver, a
professor at the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of
Victoria in Canada. “We will not limit warming to 1.5 C; we will not limit
warming to 2.0 C. It’s all hands on deck now to prevent 3.0 C global
warming — a level of warming that will wreak havoc worldwide.”

III. The Northern Hemisphere just lived through its hottest summer ever
recorded. It was the hottest ever recorded, it was nearly 69.8 F.

IV. This article is important to me because I find it satisfying how 69.8 F is

the hottest temperature in the Northern Hemisphere rather than in the
Southern Hemisphere where it’s over 100 F.

V. World Meteorological Organization- A specialized agency of the United

Climatologist- They study climate, climate variability, and the effects of
climate on the biosphere.
Havoc- Widespread destruction
Persistence- Firm in a course of action in spite of difficulty

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