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The Walk

The cool breeze flowed against my skin

as I walked along the river basin.

The sky was cloudy and gray,

it made me feel dismay,

but the thought of rain didn’t make me want to walk away.

The sun was hidden behind the clouds, trying to find its way out.

As I continued to walk, I began to feel small raindrops fall about.

They fell on my face and slowly rolled down my cheeks.

Unable to discern the rain from my tears, I felt weak.

While the sun was still trying to peak out of the clouds,

the rain began to grow loud.

Eventually it stopped and the rain went away.

Then piercing through the clouds was a ray.

A ray of sunshine illuminating the world around.

The sun soaked up the freshly fallen rain from the ground

and dried the tears from my frown.

Now my frown was upside down,

and I continued my walk around.

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