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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Find the Context Clues

Students will be able to… learn about different context clues and how to find them in a passage.
Students will be able to… identify the different context clues and make inferences about the story
State Standards: RL4:5.1. Ask and answer who, what, when, where, why, and how
questions to demonstrate understanding of a text; use key details to make inferences and
draw conclusions in texts heard or read.

Context: I am teaching this topic because students will be able to comprehend what they reading
more after this lesson. This will allow them to really understand key points in what they are
reading and allow them to put together the message or argument the reading is trying to make.
The students will be bringing basic knowledge to this lesson by knows what setting and
characters are. The point of this lesson is to dive deeper than that.
Data: Students will be in groups based off last classes exit slip on their understanding on context
clues and how to find them in a passage. In this lesson data will be collected using a worksheet to
answer comprehension questions and list the context clues in the story.
Materials: Paper, pencil, short novel, poster, markers, ipads and headphones

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (10 minutes):
Students will entire the classroom and put their things away. They will then proceed to their seats
and draw their attention to the board. I will show a mini presentation about different context
clues and how to find them. They will create a KWL chart as a class to help think of other
aspects to help us better understand a passage. Then to conclude I will go over the expectations
of them when in groups.

Teacher Directed (10 minutes):

In this group I will have students complete a short novel with me and take turns reading.
This will encourage each student to follow along and pay attention to the story. When the
students are done reading I will be gin to ask a series of discussion questions to put their reading
comprehension to use.

Collaborative (10 minutes):

In this group, each group of students will be given a poster to make a web organizer. This web
organizer should show the different context clues in the story and allow them to think of how
they understand the story with the information given. They will also be able to draw pictures to
show exactly what they are talking about.
Independent Digital (10 minutes):
Students will use their tablets to complete google classroom and complete reading
comprehension “Super Why?” interactive video. The students will then grab their notebooks and
write about what they learned from it.

Closure (10 minutes):

I will then direct the students to clean up and put their materials away and make their way to the
carpet. As an exit ticket the students will complete a game on a story everyone knows on
matching the who,what,when, where, and why to the story.
Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of
Students will use Lumi to help them complete their web organizer about the story
read in the first group. This will allow them to learn it digital but they also will copy
it on a poster to help better understand and comprehend. We will also hang these up
around the class as a reminder how to organize a story and help better understand.
Students will use the Super WHY video as an outside resource to put what they have
learned to the test. This will allow them to try it individually and without help. This
differentiate instruction for all learners by allowing them to watch the video but also
have the main character sort of help them if they are confused. Therefore, if a
student is struggling they will have that extra help without bothering the teacher
during groups.

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