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Literature Presentation

1. 4~8 members / team;

2. Present Major Points in English (with necessary Chinese explanation);
3. PPT with contribution of each member;
4. Deadline: 11th Jun. Sent to E-mail:
百合固金汤对结核 Regulations of Bai He Regulation of Baihe Gu
杆菌感染后巨噬细 Gu Jin Tang Drug- Jin Decoction
胞自噬功能的调节 serum on autophagy Medicated-serum on
作用 in macrophages Autophagy in
【摘要】 目的 观 infected by Macrophages with
察百合固金汤对巨 Mycobacterium Mycobacterium
噬细胞内自噬功能 tuberculosis tuberculosis Infection
的调节作用,以探 [Abstract] Research [Abstract] Objective:
寻其可能的抗结核 on regulations of Bai To explore the acting
分枝杆菌作用机制 He Gu Jin Tang mechanism of Baihe Gu
。 Drug-serum on Jin Decoction against
autophagy in mycobacterium
macrophages in order tuberculosis through
to definite the possible observation of its
mechanism of this regulation on autophagy
decoction against in macrophages.
方法 以百合固金汤 Bai He Gu Jin Tang Methods: This study used
medicated-serum of
含药血清干预感染结 Drug-serum interfered
RAW264.7 Baihe Gu Jin Decoction
核分枝杆菌的 to interfere with
RAW264.7巨噬细胞, macrophages infected RAW264.7 macrophages
0h、6h、12h、24h、 by Mycobacterium infected with
tuberculosis. After 0h, mycobacterium
6h, 12h, 24h and 36h, tuberculosis, employed
测干预前后巨噬细胞 detecting the mRNA
RT-QPCR to detect the
atg5、atg7、atg8、 expression of atg5, atg7, mRNA expressions of
atg12表达变化;12h、atg8, atg12 by RT- atg5, atg7, atg8 and atg12
24h、36h后Western QPCR; After 12h, 24h 0h, 6h, 12h, 24h and 36h
Blot法检测干预前后 and 36h, detecting the after intervention
respectively, and adopted
巨噬细胞内自噬相关 protein expression of
Western Blot to testify
蛋白LC3-Ⅱ的表达 LC3-Ⅱ by Western
the autophagy-relevant
差异;12h、24h、 Blot and DNA content
protein expression of
36h后QPCR法检测 of Mycobacterium LC3-Ⅱand QPCR to
tuberculosis in
用药前后胞内结核分 quantify the DNA content
macrophages by of Mycobacterium
QPCR respectively. tuberculosis 12h, 24h and
36h later correspondingly.
结果 药物干预24h后, Compared to control Results: Compared with
用药组巨噬细胞atg5、 group, the Bai He Gu Jin control group, there was
atg7、atg8、atg12表达 Tang drug-serum group significant increase in both
量出现不同程度增加 significantly increased the the mRNA expressions of
(P<0.05),自噬特异性 mRNA expression of atg5, atg5, atg7, atg8 and atg12 of
蛋白LC3-Ⅱ表达量亦显 atg7, atg8, atg12 and the macrophages (P<0.05) and
著增高(P<0.05);药物 protein expression of the specific autophagy
干预36h后,在自噬特 LC3-Ⅱ after 24h(P<0.05). protein expression of LC3-
异性蛋白LC3-Ⅱ表达量 While after 36h, we found Ⅱin the medicated-serum
显著增高(P<0.05)的同 Bai He Gu Jin Tang group 24h after
时检测到胞内结核分枝 drug-serum significantly intervention (P<0.05); while,
杆菌DNA含量明显减少 up-regulated the protein notable up-regulated
(P<0.05)。 expression of LC3- protein expression of LC3-
Ⅱ(P<0.05), and down- Ⅱ(P<0.05) was detected to
regulated the DNA coexist with distinct down-
content of Mycobacterium regulated DNA content of
tuberculosis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
macrophages (P<0.05). in macrophages (P<0.05)
36h after intervention.
结论 百合 All the results come Conclusion: Baihe
固金汤可能 to the conclusion Gu Jin Decoction
通过激活细 that Bai He Gu Jin may assist in treating
胞自噬现象 Tang maybe treat tuberculosis through
发挥抗结核 the tuberculosis by activating autophagy
的作用。 activating in macrophages.
【关键词】 autophagy in [Keywords] Baihe
百合固金汤 macrophages. Gu Jin Decoction;
;自噬;结 [Key words] Bai He Autophagy;
核分枝杆菌 Gu Jin Tang; Mycobacterium
;巨噬细胞 Autophagy; tuberculosis;
Mycobacterium Macrophages
Effect of Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction on
endothelial function in
hyperhomocysteinemia of
Clinical Observation of Xuefu Zhuyu
Decoction Effect on Endothelial Function
coronary artery disease: a in Hyperhomocysteinemia of Coronary
randomized controlled clinical Artery Disease
【摘要】目的 To
Abstract:Objective 观察血府逐
study the Abstract:Objectives To study the
intervention function of Xuefu Zhuyu
clinical effect of Xuefu Zhuyu
Decoction combined western medicine on
Decoction combined with western
medicine in endothelial function in
hyperhomocysteinemia of Hyperhomocysteinemia of coronary artery
coronary artery disease and its disease.Method 80 patients with
响。方法efficacy on将80例冠心病高
endothelial function. Hyperhomocysteinemia of coronary artery
Methods Eighty patients with disease were divided into treatment group
hyperhomocysteinemia of
coronary artery disease were
and control group,40 cases in each group
。The two groups were all given
divided into treatment and control
groups, with 40 cases in each Isosorbide Mononitrate Tablets and
group. The two groups were both Aspirin Enteric-coated Tablets,the
given Isosorbide Mononitrate control group were add in Folic Acid,the
Tablets and Aspirin Enteric-coated
,治疗组加用血府逐瘀汤。 treatment group were add in Xuefu Zhuyu
Tablets, with additional Folic Decoction。
Acid for the control group and
Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction for the
treatment group respectively.
两组疗程均为3个 The Period of treatment of With an intervention of three
all groups were three months, the serum
月,观察监测治疗 months,and then observe levels of Hcy, NO,
前后受试者的血清 the levels of Hcy、 NO、 iNOS, SOD, MDA,
Hcy、NO、iNOS、 iNOS、SOD、MDA、 vWF and Ps in
SOD、MDA、 vWF、Ps in plasma after subjects were observed
being treated.Result ① before and after the
vWF、Ps水平的 Within the group after treatment. Results ①
情况。结果 ①治 treatment,the differences For pre and post
疗前后组内比较, of the levels of Hcy plasma treatment comparison
两组同型半胱氨酸 all have statistical within each group,
significance(P<0.05); there was statistical
水平差异均有统计 comparison between significance in the
学意义(P< groups after treatment, differences of the Hcy
0.05);组间治疗 the Hcy levels difference levels (P<0.05); for
后比较,同型半胱 was statistically significant comparison between
,the treatment group is groups after treatment,
氨酸水平差异有统 better than the control the (changes of )Hcy
计学意义,治疗组 group (P<0.05); levels in the treatment
优于对照组(P< group were lower than
those in the control
group (P<0.05).
② For Intra-group comparison:
②治疗前后组内比较,两组 ②Within the group after treatment,
significant difference was
NO、iNOS、SOD、MDA、 the differences of the levels of NO、
observed between the levels
of NO, iNOS, SOD, MDA, iNOS、SOD、MDA、vWF、Ps all
vWF and Ps (P<0.05) prior to have statistical significance (P<0.05),
and after intervention; for comparison between groups after
group comparison after treatment,the NO、iNOS、SOD、
treatment: the levels of NO, MDA、vWF、Ps levels difference wer
iNOS, SOD, MDA, vWF and statistically significant,the treatment
Ps in the treatment group
组(P<0.05)。结论 血府逐 group is better than the control group
were significantly lower than (P<0.05)。Conclusions The treatment
those in the control group
of Hyperhomocysteinemia of
(P<0.05). Conclusion Xuefu
Coronary Artery Disease by Xuefu
可显著改善患者的血管内皮功 Zhuyu Decoction combined western
Zhuyu Decoction with western
medicine was effective in
improving the endothelial medicine was satisfactory ,which can
平。 function and reducing the significantly improve the endothelial
serum homocysteine levels in function of patients,and reduce the
patients with serum homocysteine levels。
hyperhomocysteinemia of
coronary artery disease.

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