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Quiz Questions from Joshua

1: How often did God say to Joshua to meditate on "Book of the Law"? Day
and Night

2: The walls of which city fell after the priests blew the trumpets on the seventh
day? Jericho

3: Which river did the Israelite cross into the promised land? Euphrates

4: Joshua told the people they should do what; for tomorrow the Lord will do
amazing things among you. Consecrate themselves

5: One of you routs__?__, because the Lord your God fights for you, just as he
promised. A thousand

6: What was the name of the harlot that hid the two Israelite spies? Rahab

7: Whom did Joshua encounter near Gilgal before Jericho fell? An angel

8: Which inhabitants of the land of Canaan did Joshua make a treaty with?

9: What happened to the sun above Gibeon? It stood still

10: When Joshua died, in which mountain was he buried? Mount Gaash

11: Who was Abraham's father? Terah

12: Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it__?
__ and__?__ Day and Night

13: In which cave did the five Amorite kings hide from Joshua? Makkedah

14: Joshua told the Israelites that they would cross the Jordan river within how
many days? 3

15: How many stones did the Israelites take from the dry river bed of the Jordan
as instructed by God? 12

16: What did God use to kill more of the five kings of the Amorites army as
they fled towards Azekah? Hailstones
17: How many days did the Israelites army marched around the city of Jericho
before the walls came down? 7

18: There, in the presence of the Israelites, Joshua wrote on stones a copy of
the__? Law of Moses

19: How old was Joshua when he died? 110

20: Today I have rolled away the reproach of__?__ from you. So the place has
been called Gilgal to this day. Egypt

21. Name the priest before whom Joshua was set when he was ordained a leader
of the people. Elezar

22. Israel was defeated by Ai because:

23. In the first chapter of Joshua, God repeatedly tells Joshua to

become: Strong and of good courage

24. Whose bones were buried at Schechem? Joseph

25. Who said this dialogue, "As for me and my house, we will serve the
LORD?" Caleb

26. Joshua sends out two men to spy out Jericho, with whom do they lodge? A

27. What was the military strategy used by Joshua to defeat Ai? When the bulk
of Israel pretended to flee, the ambushed that he set attacked Ai and set it
on fire

28. What does Joshua's name mean? Jehovah is Salvation

29. What did Joshua do to the men shortly before they went to war with
Jericho? Circumcised them

30. What did the men of Israel fail to do?

31. What tribe did Joshua belong to? Benjamin

32. How many times, the total did the Israelites compass the city of Jericho
before the walls fell? Thirteen
33. After the conquest of Jericho, who took the "accursed thing" bringing God's
wrath upon the Israelites? Achan

34. When Eldad and Medad prophesied in the camp, Joshua told Moses to
prohibit them from doing it so, and followed his advice?
o A. True
o B. False

35. What did they do with the twelve stones that they got from the midst of
Jordan? Set up as a memorial to remind future generations that the LORD
had dried up Jordan

36. Who did Joshua circumcise at Gilgal? Those who were born in the

37. Who did Joshua encounter at Gilgal?

38. According to the Book of Joshua, where else is the miracle of the sun and
moon standing still recorded? Book of Jasher

39. How often did the Israelites march around Jericho for the first six days?
Once each day

40. How many kings did Joshua conquer (12:7-24}? Thirty-one

41. How often did they march around Jericho on the seventh day? Seven times

42. In preparation for the Conquest of Canaan, what did LORD spake unto
Joshua the son of Nun? Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go
over this Jordan

43. When sent to spy out the promised land, Joshua was one of the only two
spies who gave a positive report. How many gave a negative report? Twelve

44. How did the LORD kill more of the attackers of Gibeon than with Israelite
swords? With Hailstorms

45. What was to be done with the silver and gold from Jericho? Brought into
the treasury of the LORD

46. What blessing did God give Joshua? God made him great that no man
shall be able to stand before him.
47. What blessing accompanies observing the laws of Moses? Prosperity and

48. What had God already told Moses which He repeated to Joshua?
God said, "Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have
I given unto you."

49. At what time did God begin to work with Joshua? After the death of

50. What task did God give Joshua? He tasked him to lead the people to cross
the Jordan into the Promised Land.

51. What was Joshua exhorted to do that would bring him blessings? He was
exhorted to obey all the commandments of God.

52. Apart from the task, what other command did God give Joshua? He was
commanded to be strong and not be afraid.

53. What task did God give Joshua? God tasked him to divide the Promised
Land and share among the tribes of Israel for their inheritance.

56. What commandment had Moses given the tribes who had received their
inheritance? He commanded them that the capable men among them would
join the other tribes to fight for their land.

57. Which tribes had already received their lands before the crossing of River
Jordan? The Reubenites, the Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh

58. Who did Joshua send to disseminate his message among the people? The
officers of the people.

59. How many days did Joshua give the Israelites to prepare to cross River
Jordan? 3 days

60. Who was Joshua's father? Nun

61. Who took over the leadership of Israel after Moses? Joshua

62. Which of these nations lost their land to Israel? The Hittites

63. What is the Euphrates? A river

64. Where was Joshua when he sent the spies? Shittim

65. How many spies did Joshua send? 2

66. Who requested that Rahab should release the spies who were with her? The
king of Jericho

67. According to the report given to the king of Jericho, what time did the spies
enter the city? In the night

68. What was Rahab's reply when she was ordered to turn in the spies? She said
the men came to her but left in the night about the time the city gate was
being shut.

69. Where did Rahab hide the spies? She hid them on the roof of her house.

70. How did Rahab hide the spies? She hid them among stalks of flax.

71. Who advised the men of Jericho to pursue the spies and overtake them?

72. Before Israel planned to capture Jericho, which kings had they already
defeated? Sihon and Og

73. What was Rahab's confession of faith when she saw all that the Lord had
done for Israel? She said, "..for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven
above, and in earth beneath."

74. The kings whom the Israelites defeated were from which nation?They were

75. What did Rahab ask in return for the kindness she showed to the spies? She
asked for her life and those of her family to be spared when the Israelites
come to take Jericho.

76. Why did the spies take precautions even after leaving Jericho? They took
precautions to avoid falling into the hands of the pursuers from Jericho.

77. Where did Rahab advise the spies to go and hide for some time before
heading home? On the mountain
78. For how long were the spies advised to hide before heading home? 3 days

79. How did the spies manage to get out of Jericho? Rahab let them down by a
cord through a window in the wall of Jericho.

80. By what would the invading Israelites identify Rahab's house? A scarlet
thread hanging from her window

81. At what point did the spies see that it was safe for them to return home?
After the men of Jericho who pursued had returned

82. What precautions were taken to save the lives of Rahab's family? She would
have to bring her family into her house during the Israeli attack on Jericho.

83. Though the spies had vowed to do Rahab and her family no harm, on what
occasion was their vow null and void? If Rahab informed on them to the
people of Jericho

84. What was the testimony of the spies to Joshua when they returned from
Jericho? They said that truly God had delivered into their hands all the

85. From where did Joshua and the Israelites move to River Jordan? Shittim

86. How many days after their arrival at River Jordan were they informed that
they would follow the ark of the covenant to cross the river? 3 days

87. The Israelites were to follow the ark but they were not supposed to come
near it. What distance should be between the ark and the people? About 2000

88. Which people would help the Levites to transport the ark of the covenant
across River Jordan? The priests

89. Who did Joshua command to go and take the ark? The priests

90. According to Joshua 3, which nations would lose their land to the Israelites?
The Jebusites, The Girgashites & The Amorites

91. Who were the last to cross River Jordan? Those who bore the ark of the
92. At what point did River Jordan stop flowing for the Israelites to cross? As
soon as the feet of those who bore the ark of the Lord stepped into River

93. The city of Adam was beside which city? Zaretan

94. What was the first sign God used to prove that He was with Joshua as He
had been with Moses? He stopped the flow of River Jordan and made the
Israelites cross it on dry grounds.

95. Which of these nations did God give their land to the Israelites? The

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