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Chapter 1: Introduction

Social inequality is the condition of unequal access to the benefits of

society(Pachamama Alliance, 2023) . It is a phenomenon where the resources in a given
society are distributed unevenly, typically through norms of allocation, that engender specific
patterns along lines of socially defined categories of persons. It poses and creates a gender gap
between individuals that limits the accessibility that women have within society (Ritveld, 2022). The
differentiation preference of access to social goods in the society is brought about by power, religion,
kinship, prestige, race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, and class. Social inequality usually
implies the lack of equality of outcome, but may alternatively be conceptualized in terms of the lack
of equality in access to opportunity (Caves R. 2004). This accompanies the way that inequality is
presented throughout social economies and the rights that are skilled within this basis (Alesina et. al
,2016) .The social rights include labor market, the source of income, health care, and freedom of
speech, education, political representation, and participation.

Social inequality has been portrayed in many stories. Some of which adds to the
characterization of many characters. Social inequality has also been known to be the driving force of
the plot of a story , as it adds depth to the plot and also adds many more events and settings which
could never be possible with other stories. Social interaction also adds depth to other characters. It
is the reason why many writers choose to write stories with Social inequalities to highlight their
stories. This research delves into the reasons why social issues provides a good background of the
story. This research provides a content analysis and highlights the social inequalities featured in
three novels. The research delves into the analysis of the novels of Hunchback of Notre Dame, a
novel that tells the story of the unfortunate story of the hunchback named Quasimodo, Les
Miserables, a novel that tells the story of the lives of the poor people in the 1800’s and Les
Chatiments, a collection of poems that criticizes the second empire of Napoleon the III (Kuiper,

2.1.Introduction to the Research Methodology

The Methodology for the proposed research design for the study will be detailed here. The
research design, methods of giving out an analysis, data collection and analysis of

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