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NREMT Practice Test Bank - Multiple

enced a seizure, you will MOST he or she is combative. The postictal
likely find that he: phase typically lasts from 5 to 30 min-
• A:has a slow heart rate. utes. During the seizure, the patient is
• B:is fully conscious and alert. often not breathing or is breathing in-
• C:is not breathing and is cyan- adequately; however, when the seizure
otic. stops, breathing usually resumes. You
• D:is confused and disoriented. will also find that most postictal patients
are tachycardic; this is the result of an
adrenalin surge that occurs during the
tonic-clonic phase of the seizure.

23. You are called to a local park You selected D; This is correct!
for an ill person. It is a hot day
and the humidity is high. When Reason:Your first action in a heat-relat-
you arrive, a bystander directs ed emergency is to move the patient to
you to the patient, a young male a cooler environment. Once you have
who is semiconscious. His skin moved the patient to a cooler place, you
is flushed, hot, and moist. Your should begin your assessment and treat
FIRST action in the management the patient accordingly. Remember, you
of this patient should be to: must FIRST prevent further harm to the
• A:begin rapid cooling mea- patient.
• B:ensure an open airway.
• C:administer high-flow oxygen.
• D:move him to a cool area.

24. A known diabetic female is found The correct answer is B;

unresponsive. Her respirations
are rapid and shallow; her skin is Reason:The patient has classic signs of
cool, clammy, and pale; and her insulin shock, a condition caused by a
pulse is rapid and weak. Which low blood glucose level (hypoglycemia).
of the following would BEST ex- Common causes of insulin shock in-
plain the likely cause of her con- clude insulin overdose (accidental or in-
dition? tentional), failure to eat (or not eating
• A:Failure to take insulin enough), and excessive exertion. The
• B:Insulin overdose patient's symptoms are not consistent
• C:Excessive eating with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), a con-
• D:High blood sugar dition that results from a high blood
glucose level (hyperglycemia). Signs of

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