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Warm-Up Questions
1. No, I’ve never been to New York and seen the Statue of Liberty.
2. It is 305 feet.
3. It was built in French.
4. It symbolizes to Political Freedom for new immigrants to America
5. In Jakarta. It is the national monument of the Republic of Indonesia, built to commemorate
the struggle for Indonesian independence.

B. Vocabulary Preview
1. Torch : f
2. Entire : i
3. Ordinary: a
4. Donate: b
5. Fund-raising campaign: g
6. Pedestal : k
7. Crate : c
8. Harbor : h
9. Monument : d
10. Site : e
11. Heritage : j

A. True or False
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. T
B. Ask and Answer
1. It’s located in Liberty Island
2. They were cooper and steel

4. The statue celebrates America’s Independence and its democratic way of life
5. It has come political freedom for new immigrants to America
6. It was broken down into 350 pieces, packed into 214 crates, and shipped from French to the
United States
7. Because that island is entry point for new immigrants to the United States. It’s located at
New York Harbor

Vocabulary Review
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. B

1. They are Monas in Jakarta and Great Temple of China in China
2. Yes, it’s important. All Materials have a lifetime. They have to maintenance for some years to
avoid from moldy, rusty, and maybe some of them broken into small parts.
3. Not only the government but also the visitor. It has opened for tourism for 100 years more.
So many visitors came to visit there. The visitor can maintain it also with no breaking the rule
of sign warning in that area
4. Because every immigrant go inside from and outside to America from this New York Harbor.
So it makes entry point for new immigrant to come the United State. When they come to the
United State, they can give attention that the United State is great by this Statue
5. I think more 1 million people
6. I don’t think so. Trump is very racist. A freedom for immigrant can’t represent again is like
the purpose of building of this Statue.

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