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Nama : Moh.

Bahrul Hikam

NIM : 3120190166

Kelas : PBI 5A

UTS Advanced Grammar

1. A. Has

Reason : because this sentence missing an auxiliary verb

2. C. To repeat

Reason : because this sentence need to infinitive to complete the sentence

3. D. Writing

Reason : because we need verb-ing for complement to make the sentence complete

4. D. Using

Reason : because i think this sentence need -ing after this word for complement so the sentence would

5. C. Came

Reason : because this sentence need verb 2 or verb past so the best answer is came

6. A. It will boil and escape

Reason : because this sentence is if conditional so the structure sentence for the result is will+verb if the
result is absolutely certain

7. A. Will probably go up

Reason : because this sentence is if conditional so for the result if they are have a probability so the best
answer is A

8. A. Unless they win

Reason : because this sentence is change in condition unless and the structure is unless + subject + verb
so the best answer is A

9. B. Are

Reason : because this sentence need to be so the best answer is B

10. B. To plan
Reason : because the structure of the sentence "it is + adjective+ infinitive" so the best answer is B

11. B. To establish

Reason : because this sentence use infinitive to express the purpose so i choose B for the answer

12. C. Are produced

Reason : the structure of the sentence is S + to be + participle so the best answer is C

13. A. It is believed that

Reason : because the sentence is anticipatory it so the best answer is A

14. D. Will have become

Reason : because the sentence is will have than followed by participle to the best answer is D

15. B. Can reach

Reason : because the sentence is missing auxiliary verb and one of the structure is modal + verb so the
best answer is B

16. B. Is used

Reason : because the sentence is missing auxiliary verb passive and the structure is "S+be+participle" so
the best answer is B

17. C. Beneath its

Reason : because the sentence is object of preposition and pronoun so the best answer is C

18. A. Who

Reason : because the sentence is relative pronoun so the best answer is who that refers to person in this
sentence is Charlie Chaplin

19. C. Centimeters

Reason : because this sentence is count noun and the sentence is plural so the best answer is C

20. C. Water boils

Reason: because the sentence is non count so the best answer is C

21. B. Business

Reason : because the sentence is non count so the best answer is B

22. C. Damage to the passenger cabin

Reason : because the structure of the sentence is non count but count in other language so the best
answer is C

23. C. Corn ears

Reason : because the sentence is plural so the best answer is C

24. C. Planting

Reason : because the sentence is -ing subject so the best answer is C

25. A. That it is birds

Reason : because the structure of the sentence is nominal that clause to the best answer is A

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