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A teacher needs to evaluate the improvement and the learning progress of students' writing
skill, so the teacher asks the students to collect their worksheets in every meeting. To meet
the needs, the teacher should use a technique, namely....
a. Portfolio
b. Spoken test
c. Cloze test
d. Essay
e. Objective test

2. Teacher asks students to revise a descriptive paragraph with correct tenses the main
competence to be achieved is that students can understand.....
a. social function
b. language features
c. definition
d. generic structure
e. textual function

3. Today, Pak Budi's class focuses on specific grammar teaching. He gives positive feedback
for those who perform well in the use of English, but the contrary happens when students
perform badly. Based on the situation, Pak Budi applies....
a. audio-lingual method
b. grammar-translation method
c. direct method
d. total physical response
e. structural approach (mengedepankan pengetahuan structure)

4. It is currently thought that most of the universe matters is in the form of stars.
Based on the clauses in the sentences, the new information (informasi ada d belakang) is...... kalo
old information (informasi d depan)
a. the form e. The Universe
b. stars
c. the matter of the universe
d. most of the matter
5. The hall's dramatic collection of cartography is dominated by the(yg dicari noun tp bukan
orang) …. of a massive globe that stands in the center of the members.
The word that best completes the blank space is.....
a. Presenter
b. Present
c. Presence (noun bukan orang)
d. Presenting
e. presentation

6. Congratulation on your success in winning the gold medal at the 2012 Asian Mathematics
Olympiad. Hope it will lead you to the next international championship. From: Bagus
Why does Bagus give this card to Susi? Because....
a. Susi will join the next international championship
b. Susi received a big prize from the Mathematics Olympiad
c. Susi will be the new comer in the next championship
d. Susi will be the best in the next championship
e. Susi becomes the winner of the Asian Mathematics Olympiad

7. Mrs. Tini found that some students in her class still find difficulties in using imperative
sentences, while others have no problems on it. To improve the students' ability in using
imperative sentence, she applies jigsaw technique. Based on the illustration, the teacher's
purpose in conducting classroom action research is ...
a. To improve the students' writing ability (semuanya ttg guru hanya A ini yg ngebahas
b. To improve her way of teaching
c. To improve the material quality
d. To apply appropriate materials
e. To find appropriate way of teaching

8. Students are able to respond (criticize) news reports orally. To evaluate it, teachers can
a. responsive answer b. multiple choice C. cloze test matching D. speech E. portfolio

9. Killed by a robber (pelengkap), the man was hospitalized. The expression "Killed by the
robber" functions as.....
a. predicator B. object C. complement D. adverbial E. adjectival

10. To measure the students learning achievement, the teacher can assess the students using
tests that are developed based on some principles. The degree to which the test actually
measures what it is intended to measure belongs to the principals of....
a. validity c. washback
b. authenticity d. practicality e. reliability
11. In a reading lesson, students have difficulty in finding the meaning of a word. The most
effective thing a teacher can do is ….
a. Ask students to find the meaning of the word based on the context around it.
b. Ask students to open the dictionary
c. Ask students to ask the teacher directly
d. Ask students to ask questions with their next door friends
e. Ask students to mark the unknown word

12. "I know! Well, (1) they'd better get here soon or (2) it'll get cold.", grandma complained.
Based on the underlined words, number 1 and 2 use ....
a. exophoric and anaphoric
b. anaphoric and cataphoric
c. exophoric and exophoric
d. exophoric and cataphoric
e. anaphoric and exophoric

13. Although many teachers attempt (mencoba) to implement a mastery learning strategy in
their individual classrooms, the approach seems to work best when implemented on a
school- or district-wide basis.
The underlined word is synonymous with....
a. Case b. Forsake c. give up d. Leave e. endeavor (try)

14. The teacher gives assignments to students to find material sources and comprehend about
plagiarism from the internet using the worksheet given. The students then make a
summary individually. The positive effect of this assessment activity is ....
a. Honesty b. Discipline c. Cooperation d. Practicality e. hard work

15. Students learn to formulate a thesis statement, provide reasons and evidences, and give
explanation. The learning objective for this task is to know....
a. the structure of argumentative text
b. the generic structure of narrative text
c. the language feature of descriptive text
d. the generic structure of an advertisement
e. the language feature of recount text

16. There are many provided online platforms ... teachers can post material for distance
learning. The appropriate phrase to fill in the blank is ....
a. at which (where) d. on which (when + tgl bln + day)
b. for which (why) e. in which (when + year + month + the afternoon +
c. with which (by)

17. There are several students who are very active, while some others are inactive. The
inactive students feel bored with the way the teacher's teaching. They found it
monotonous. Consequently, the class is not conducive for a lesson. Based on the situation,
the best topic for the classroom action research is related to......
a. instructional technology d. learning media
b. learning evaluation e. learning material
c. teaching method

18. Corona Virus Identification and Prevention.

To create a sterile and safe condition in AMAROSS Hotel which is free from the threat of
Corona Virus (Covid-19) or other epidemics that could give impact to AMAROSS Hotel,
AMAROSS is taking precautions by increasing awareness of the Coronavirus outbreak in
AMAROSS, and asking assistance and cooperation to all customers and visitors who enter
the property. Thank you for your attention and support. We are informed from the text that....
a. the security may deny the visitors if they have the covid-19 symptoms
b. the visitors do not need to measure their body temperature
c. the security ignores the visitors before enter the hotel
d. the security should examine the visitors before enter the hotel
e. the security should not to examine the visitors before enter the hotel.

19. The lights went out … I was trying to fix the computer
The best conjunction for the sentence is ….
a. before c. Until e. while (past continuos) / when + simple past

b. whenever d. after

20. Charlie had been fairly nice about the whole thing. He seemed genuinely pleased that I
was coming to live with him for the first time with any degree of permanence. He'd
already gotten me registered for high school and was going to help me get a car. The
coherence among the elements of this text is developed using the words...
a. Charlie-He c. Charlie-I e. had-seemed
b. the whole thing a car d. had been - gotten

21. Since 2011, Chicago's O'Hare airport has been home to an aeroponic garden, where
people can see how vegetables can be grown in an environment that is not only without
soil but even without any permanent medium in which to grow. In this experimental
garden, plants are grown, as the name suggests, in the air, their roots hanging down in
nothing. Not just air, obviously, regularly sprayed with a nutrient-rich solution that gives
them just what they need for optimum growth. These roots are…. The best choice to fill
the gap is....
a. if all the lettuces could be grown locally
b. that this would lead to a huge reduction in the use of water
c. since aeroponies is actually more environment-friendly
d. while plants are grown with roots hanging in the air
e. because the reduced use of natural resources will be vital

22. West Africa has struggled to find stability since 2012 when jihadist fighters hijacked an
insurrection (pemberontakan) by Tuareg separatists. The antonym of the underlined
word is....
a. Revolt b. Agitation c. Uprising d. Obedience (kepatuhan) e. Mutiny
23. John ... money from his friends, including Joseph,... to buy the Sydney Herald right now
(present dan negative) . The words/phrases that best complete the blank spaces are.....
a. would not borrow - if he aimed
b. would borrow - unless me aimed
c. will borrow - unless he aims
d. won't borrow - unless he aims
e. won't borrow - if he aims

24. Hello! Thank you for calling American Vision, the finest store in eyeglasses for you and
your family. Our store hours are 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday to Friday. We're open on
Saturdays until six. Closed on Sundays. Please visit our store on Saturday for an
additional 20% off for our already low prices of all brands of eyewear. And remember:
eye exams are free."
Based on the text above, if we shop at this store on Saturday for a product priced $120
during the rest of week, we have to pay as many as ....
a. $96 b. $92 c. $80 d. $86 e. $100

25. A: "It's nice to be a good teacher."

The appropriate expression to complete the dialogue is ....
a. Yes b. It was c. It is, isn't it? d. It must be e. It should be

26. Yudi: "I took a First Aid class yesterday."

Mona: "Really? What did you learn?"
Yudi: "A lot of stuff. What should you do if you burn yourself on a hot stove?"
Mona: "My grandma says that you should put butter on a burn."
Yudi: "No! That's the worst thing you can do!"
Mona: "Oh. Then maybe you should put ice on the burn."
Yudi: "No. You should run cool water over the burn."
The underlined expression shows that ...
a. Yudi confirms Mona's statement.
b. Yudi disagrees with Mona's statement.
c. Yudi disbelieves Mona's statement.
d. Yudi rejects Mona's statement.
e. Yudi clarifies Mona's statement.

27. A high school teacher intends to know the students' perception of their attitude
towards speaking skills. He distributes a questionnaire. One of the questionnaire items,
that is in the form of the respondent's perceptions, says: (1) English speaking is one of
my favorite classroom activities.
This item aims to find out the students' perception of their....
a. Confidence d. evaluation
b. Meaningfulness e. commitment
c. fondness ( like – dislike)

28. My friend asked me to return her book, but I forgot where I put it, so I need more
time to return it.
Based on the condition, the most appropriate conditional sentence is....
a. If I had found her book, I would have returned it soon
b. If I find her book, I will give it to her soon.
c. if I found her book, I would return it soon.
d. have I had found her book, I would have returned it.
e. I would have returned the book If I have had found it

29. To evaluate students' speaking ability, the most effective way that can be done by the
teacher is....
a. ask students to read and look for the express meaning of the text
b. ask students to make speeches and upload them on YouTube
c. ask students to make speeches and find conclusions from the text
d. ask students to read the speech text and interpret the contents of the reading
e. ask students to make a speech and look for the implied meaning of the text

30. Indicator: Students are able to understanding the contextual meanings related to the social
functions, text structure, and language elements of oral and written news items, in the
form of several simple news themes.
To assess the attainment of the indicator, the teacher can ask the students to.....
a. compose a news item text e. Read a news item text
b. find differences and similarities of several news items
c. upload their news item text on their social media
d. answer several questions about news item
31. Emma: Would you like to come over for a meal? I do a wonderful curry.
Juan: I'd love to, what time shall I come?
Based on the dialogue above, the expression used by Juan means...
a. Invite someone d. Allowing the invitation
b. Decline the invitation e. Reject the invitation
c. Accept the invitation

32. A basic competence mentions that students are able to write descriptive text of historical
building and person based on the context appropriately. The situation is then, in teaching,
Dr. Budi chooses an online learning media that has been developed as a safe, ad-free, and
school friendly alternative in which teachers and learners set up free accounts, then the
teacher sets up groups and invites the learners to interact, complete tasks, submit
assignments, comment on their peers' work. To make this possible, Dr. Bill uses...
a. Web 2.0 d. Edmodo
b. TPACK e. Facebook

33. To: Nov 20 at 8:25 PM Dear Emili

The led Mubarak is coming. Finally, my parents are taking us to Kuala Lumpur! We'll fly
there a day before Takbiran Night. I hope I will get there to meet you and your family. It's
going to be wonderful. We should arrange the time and place to meet. Maybe the third or
fourth day of led Mubarak. We can visit our junior high school and see the Kuala Lumpur
view. Can't wait to see you.
The letter mainly tells us about ....
a. holiday time d. picnic time
b. Kuala Lumpur views e. the ied Mubarak
c. meeting plan

34. Promoting independent learning in English classes, Dr. Nohow applies self-assessment
technique. He guides the learners to set their own goals, to monitor their own progress. He
provides exemplars and models of good practice and quality work that reflect curriculum
outcomes, and works with students to develop clear criteria of good practice.
Here Dr. Nohow implements the concept of assessment....
a. of learning – summative
b. about learning
c. as learning – self assessment / penilaian teman
d. for learning – formative /sedang berlangsung
e. in learning

35. dew/due, raider/reader, buy/bye, eye/I, fairy/ferry. Those pairs of words are generally
homophonous, EXCEPT.....
a. fairy, ferry b.dew, due c. raider, reader d. eye, I e. buy,
36. Bike Events will hold your bike for three months, after which it may be disposed of you
will be charged of all costs incurred in returning your cycle. The new information in the
sentence is.... Identity
a. Bike Events will be hold.
b. all costs incurred in returning the bike.
c. It may be disposed of.
d. You will be charged for all charged.
e. Three months bike events.

37. Dr. Billy intends to use an accessible instructional tool to encourage engagement,
participation, and a sense of fun into the classroom. He aims to create an interactive and
dynamic classroom environment using online quizzes to test student's knowledge. He
hopes to share the learning resources directly with each student online.
The teaching tool that is suitable for the purpose is....
a. innovative learning strategy
b. free online learning tool
c. creative learning tool
d. plan, say, assess
e. focus group discussion

38. In a reading class, Mr. Sullivan asks the students a question about the purpose of the
passage they are dealing with. Mary, one of the students, can tell the class the main
purpose of the reading passage. The appropriate empathetic communication strategy Mr.
Sullivan should hold is …
a. Repeat your answer, dear.
b. That's correct. Try to make it complete.
c. That's excellent, Mary.
d. Did you tell the truth about your answer?
e. OK. Can anyone else add something to her answer?

39. I used to write a lot, although I do not have much time for pens and books now.
The type of adverbial clause in the sentence is.....
a. Condition b. Comparison c. Concession d. Purpose e. Time

Concession yang mempunyai arti kata dasar mengalah/ menyerah adalah salah satu jenis
kata hubung yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan bahwa maksudnya dalam suatu kalimat ada
pertentangan namun akhirnya kalimat berikutnya menjelaskan keterpaksaan. Dalam contoh
kehidupan sehari-hari kita sering mengalami atau menghadapi sebuah kenyataan dimana kita
harus bersifat dan bersikap mengutamakan sesuatu untuk orang banyak atau suatu hal yang
lebih penting, meskipun kadang tidak sesuai dengan rencana dan tidak menyenangkan.
Contoh nyata

 Kita harus berlari dengan cepat meskipun kita membawa barang barang yang berat dan
 Meskipun hujan turun dengan lebatnya, para murid Sekolah Dsar tetap berangkat ke
Sekolah dengan menggunakan payung
 Banyak orang telah tertipu dengan Tuan Liem meskipun mereka telah diberu peringatan
bahwa beliau mantan narapidana
 dan lain-lain

Perhatikan kata-kata Yang termasuk dalam kelompok kata ini adalah:

Although (meskipun) Even though (meskipun)

Though (meskipun) However (akan tetapi)

Notwithstanding that (meskipun) Provided (asalkan)

Nevertheless (meskipun) Etc.

Perhatikan contoh kalimat dibawah ini :

 Meyanfitri is still kind with Mutmainah although Mutmainah has ever mocked her

because of her face
(Meyanfitri masih baik dengan Mutmainah meskipun Mutmainah sudah pernah
menghina karena wajahnya)

40. While observing the students' activities in the classroom, Dr. Bennet found most of the
students do not have enough practices in English and they are not proficient enough to
communicate in the foreign language. This challenge can be overcome in a short time
a. providing communicative drills and exercises (diberikan latihan terus menerus)
b. forming a group discussion to work beyond classes
c. finding out the problem causing them to be like that
d. offering extra-time for memorizing words and grammatical patterns
e. giving more assignment to be done outside classes

41. Mr Eko is preparing materials for teaching recount text on historical event. He listed some
matters that may be related to the objectives of the lesson :
1. Present tenses 4. A video about the battle of surabaya
2. Past tenses 5. Pictures that show the battle of
3. Adverb of time 6. Video player
From the list, the content knowledge relevant to the lesson is shown on number:
a. 2 dan 4 b. 3 dan 4 c. 2 dan 3 d. 1 dan 2 e. 2 dan 5
42. We note that students from some education traditional may not reading efficiently even in
their mother tongue. The sentence can be revised to become....
a. We noted students from some education traditional may not reading efficiently even in
their mother tongue.
b. We noted that students from some traditional education may not read with efficient even
in their mother tongue. (setelah may harus V1)
c. We noted that students from some education traditions may not reading efficiently even
in their mother tongue.
d. We note that students from some education traditional may not reading efficiently even in
their mother tongues.
e. We note that students from some educational tradition cannot read efficiently even in
their mother tongue.

43. A basic competence states that students are able to summarize the descriptive texts related
to people and place which involve the generic structure and linguistic elements
An indicator that is suitable with the basic competence above is.....
a. Students are able to retell past experience about people, and place
b. Students are able to write factual information about people, and place
c. Students are able to express agree or disagree about people, and place
d. Students are able to identify specific and general information about people, and place
e. Students are able to write an opinion about people, and place

44. Dear Dr. Post

It is with great pride that I fully endorse Amy Allen as your next prenatal Nurse for Redwood
Hospital. I worked side by side with Amy for many years and can tell you that she has a
strong sense of dedication and responsibility to her patients. As a nurse, Amy exudes
professionalism that affects her patients and everyone around her. She is respected and well-
liked by the nursing staff here and she has often been used as a resource by other nurses for
difficult cases.
Amy has enough education and experience to be a great prenatal nurse. If you need any more
details, please feel free to call me at 555-222-4221.
Sincerely Yours,

Dr. B. W. Gorde
From this email, we may conclude that...
a. Dr. Post accepts Dr. Gorder on Amy's recommendation
b. Dr. Gorder offers a good recommendation about Amy
c. Amy's recommendation is accepted by Dr. Gorde
d. Amy is accepted to work for Dr. Post due to Dr. Gorder's letter
e. Dr. Post considers to accept Amy on Dr. Gorde's recommendation

45. The teacher asks students to think about what they have read, done, or learned, relating the
lesson at kud to their own lives and making meaning out of the materials.
The task can be considered as the instructional characteristics of.....
a. Feedback d. applying TPACK
b. Reflective e. utilizing IT
c. learning center

46. A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named Kbo lwo.
The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well as a
creator. He was satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people enough
food for a thousand men.
Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the new harvest
was still a long way off. This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his hunger, he
destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese turn to rage.
So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his stupidity.
They asked Kbo lwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the houses and
temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep hole.
One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the village
gave a sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone they had collected before into
the hole. The limestone made the water inside the hole boiling. Kbo Iwo was buried alive.
Then the water in the well rose higher and higher until at last it overflowed and formed
Lake Batur. The mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo Iwo is known as Mount Batur.
From the text above, Kbo Iwo got angry to Balinese because...
a. they turned to rage. d. they ate his meal.
b. they took his food so his barns was empty.
c. they didn't give him food. e. they were in hunger.

47. The popularity of mobile devices has had some dangerous consequences. We know that
mobile communications are linked to a significant increase in distracted driving which
results in injury and loss of life. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
reported that in 2010 driver distraction was the cause of 18 percent of all fatal crashes-
with 3,092 people killed and crashes resulting in an injury - with 416,000 people
wounded. The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that text messaging creates a
crash risk 23 times worse than driving while not distracted, Eleven percent of drivers aged
18 to 20 who were involved in an automobile accident and survived admitted they were
sending or receiving texts when they crashed. Distracted driving endangers life and
property and the current levels of injury and loss are unacceptable. A question item that
measures the students' critical thinking on the text would be.....
a. What is the purpose of the writer in mentioning the reporters of the incidents?
b. Which paragraphs show the victims caused by text driving?
c. What consequence does mobile-phone popularity have on car driving?
d. Who reports the victim of the incidence described in the text?
e. What is the writer mainly concerned with the text?

48. Linda planned to improve her speaking skill. One day, she went to an English course. The
management of the English course asked her to do a test to assess her present speaking
ability level. They want to make sure that Linda will get the most appropriate treatment
when she is learning English in the course.
The test that Linda faced was....
a. Diagnostic assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Norm-referenced assessment
d. Summative assessment
e. Ipsative assessment

1. Diagnostic Assessment (as Pre-Assessment)

One way to think about it: Assesses a student’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and
skills prior to instruction
Another way to think about it: A baseline to work from
Tip: Done at the beginning–of the school year, beginning of a unit, beginning of a lesson,
2. Formative Assessment
One way to think about it: Assesses a student’s performance during instruction, and
usually occurs regularly throughout the instruction process
Another way to think about it: Like a doctor’s ‘check-up’ to provide data to revise
Tip: Using digital exit ticket tools like Loop can be an easy means of checking whether
students have understood lesson content, while also promoting student reflection.
3. Summative Assessment
One way to think about it: Measures a student’s achievement at the end of instruction. It’s
like talking to someone about a movie after the movie is over. : )
Another way to think about it: It’s macabre, but if formative assessment is the check-up,
you might think of summative assessment as the autopsy. What happened? Now that it’s
all over, what went right and what went wrong?
Tip: By using measurements of student performance, summative assessments can be
useful for teachers to improve units and lessons year over year because they are, in a way,
as much of a reflection on the quality of the units and lessons themselves as they are the
4. Norm-Referenced Assessment
One way to think about it: Compares a student’s performance against other students (a
national group or other ‘norm’)
Another way to think about it: Place, group or ‘demographic’ assessment. Many
standardized tests are used as norm-referenced assessments.
Tip: These kinds of assessments are useful over time in student profiles or for placement
in national-level programs, for example.

5. Criterion-Referenced Assessment
One way to think about it: Measures a student’s performance against a goal, specific
objective, or standard
Another way to think about it: a bar to measure all students against
Tip: These can be a kind of formative assessment and should be integrated throughout
your curriculum to guide the adjustment of your teaching over time. Mastery or
competency-based learning would use criterion-referenced assessments.
6. Interim/Benchmark Assessment
One way to think about it: Evaluates student performance at periodic intervals, frequently
at the end of a grading period. Can predict student performance on end-of-the-year
summative assessments. A benchmark assessment is a type of interim assessment so it
could be useful to think of them as distinct even though they function in a similar way.
Another way to think about it: Bar graph or chart growth throughout a year, often against
specific ‘benchmarks’
Tip: Benchmark assessments can be useful for communicating important facts and data to
parents, district officials, and others to, among other goals, inform the allotment of
resources (time and money) to respond to that data.

49. In a lesson, teacher finds some problems of the students in the classroom relating to
motivation in learning English. One of the appropriate ways so that students have the
courage to speak monologue in English is....
a. Ask students to create a dialogue.
b. Ask students to fill in the gaps in groups.
c. Ask students to record speeches and inspire them on YouTube.
d. Ask students to listen to a speech in pairs.
e. Ask students to discuss with peers in English.

50. The following are some activities in the classroom which purpose is to enable students to
create an announcement given in specific situations.
1. The teacher assigns the students to create an announcement in specific situation.
2. The students collect information about phrases or sentences used in an announcement
in a specific place from their text books.
3. The students listen to online recordings of announcements in various places and
identify the clauses used.
4. The students make script of oral announcement on a specific assigned situation.
5. The students record their voice reading the announcement and post it on podcast.
Activities that represent the implementation of TPACK in project based learning are
shown on number...
a. 2 and 3 b. 2 and 4 c. 3 and 5 d. 1 and 2 e.1 and 3


INCLUDING 'Lance Amstrong Performance Program' and 'Lance Amstrong : World's
Thank you
The heading/purpose of the announcement is ...
a. to inform the visitors of the library that some of non-fiction lance Amstrong books
will be moved to another bookshelf
b. to inform the visitors of the library that the library will be closed for a while.
c. to inform the visitors of the library to bring their ID card when they want to borrow of
Amstrong books.
d. to inform the visitors of the library that certain books will be moved to another
e. to inform the visitors of the library to move all-nonfiction lance Amstrong Books into
another room

52. If we want to conduct a listening test, we should provide a room that is very comfortable
for the listening environment. The noise coming from outside of the room cannot be heard
in the room. The audio system should be clear to all examiners. The lighting and the
condition of the desks and chairs should also be good. These all are prepared to fulfill the
criteria of ….
a. test administration reliability (persiapan untuk test)
b. test concurrent validity (at the same time)
c. test rater reliability
d. student-related reliability
e. rater administration validity
53. A basic competency states that students can compile procedural texts, oral and written, in
the form of analytical exposition related to the use of technology, by taking into account
social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements, correctly and in context.
According to the Basic Competency, the activity which boosts IT as the foundation of
learning is.....
a. students read the theory of analytical exposition from online website
b. students will save their work on their computer
c. students can answer several questions about analytical exposition
d. students are able to present their opinion in online platform
e. students may have countless spotlight for the assorted analytical exposition text

54. "My name is Edward, I didn't have a chance to introduce myself last week. You must be
Bella Swan." Edward said. "H-how do you know my name?" Bella said.
"Oh, I think everyone knows your name." "No, I meant, why did you call me Bella?"
"Do you prefer Isabella?"
"No, I like Bella, but my dad call me Isabella behind my back that's what everyone here
seems to know me," I explained. "Oh."
The best statement according to the dialogue is....
a. Bella's father always calls her Isabella.
b. Edward likes to call Ms. Swan Bella.
c. Bella does not like to be called Isabella.
d. Edward wonders why her father calls her Isabella.
e. Bella wants to know why people call her Isabella.

55. The basic competence is students are able to analyze the current information correctly. In
the classroom, teacher gives students some tasks and worksheet from internet, then ask
students to solve it. In this case, teacher uses.....
a. Contextual Learning
b. Problem Based Learning
c. Inquiry Based Learning
d. Cooperative learning
e. Project Based Learning

1. Contextual Teaching Learning merupakan suatu proses pembelajaran holistic yang

bertujuan untuk membelajarkan peserta didik dalam memahami bahan ajar secara
bermakna (meaningfull) yang dikaitkan dengan konteks kehidupan nyata, baik
berkaitan dengan lingkungan pribadi, agama, sosial, ekonomi, maupun kultural.
Sehingga peserta didik memperoleh ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dapat
diaplikasikan dan ditransfer dari satu konteks permasalahan yang satu ke
permasalahan lainnya.
Beberapa komponen yang ada di dalam metode Contextual Teaching Learning adalah
sebagai berikut
1. Konstruktivisme (Constructivism)
Contextual Teaching Learning dibangun dalam landasan konstruktivisme yang
memiliki anggapan bahwa pengetahuan dibangun peserta didik secara sedikit demi
sedikit (incremental) dan hasilnya diperluas melalui konteks terbatas.
Peserta didik harus mengkonstruksi pengetahuan baru secara bermakna melalui
pengalaman nyata, melalui proses penemuan dan mentransformasi informasi
kedalam situasi lain secara konstektual. Oleh karena itu, proses pembelajaran
merupakan proses mengkontruksi gagasan dengan strateginya sendiri bukan
sekedar menerima pengetahuan, serta peserta didik menjadi pusat perhatian dalam
proses pembelajaran (child sentre)
2. Menemukan (Inquiry)
Proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan peserta didik merupakan proses penemuan
(Inquiry) terhadap sejumlah pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Proses inquiry terdiri
a)      Pengamatan (observation);
b)      Bertnya (questioning);
c)      Mengajukan dugaan (hypothesis);
d)     Pengumpulan data (data gathering);
e)      Penyimpulan (conclusion).
3. Bertanya (Questioning)
Proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan peserta didik diawali dengan proses bertanya.
Proses bertanya yang dilakukan peserta didik sebenarnya merupakan proses
berpikir yang dilakukan peserta didik dalam rangka memecahkan masalah dalam
Proses bertanya ini sangat beratri untuk:
a)      Membangun perhatian (attenton building)
b)      Membangun minat (interest building)
c)      Membangun motivasi (motivation building)
d)     Membangun sikap (aptitude building)
e)      Membangun rasa keingin tahuan (curiosity building)
f)       Membangun interaksi antar siswa dengan siswa
g)      Membangun interaksi antar siswa dan guru
h)      Interaksi antar siswa dan lingkungannya secara konstektual
i)        Membangun lebih banyak lagi pertanyaan yang dilakukan siswa dalam
rangka menggali dan menemukan lebih banyak informasi (pengetahuanI dan
keterampilan yang diperoleh peserta didik.
4. Masyarakat Belajar (Learning Community)
Proses pembelajaran merupakan proses kerja sama antar peserta didik dengan
peserta didik, antar peserta didik dengan gurunya, dan antara peserta didik dengan
5. Pemodelan (Modeling)
Proses pembelajaran akan lebih berarti jika didukung dengan adanya pemodelan
yang dapat ditiru, baik yang bersifat kejiwaan (identifikasi) maupun yang bersifat
fisik (imitasi) yang berkaitan dengan cara untuk mengoperasikan sesuatu aktivitas,
cara untuk menguasai pengetahuan atau keterampilan tertentu.
6. Refleksi (Reflection)
Refleksi dalam pembelajaran adalah cara berfikir tentang apa yang baru
dipelajarinya atau berfikir ke belakang tentang apa yang sudah dipelajarinya di
masa lalu. Refleksi pembelajaran merupakan respons terhadap aktivitas atau
pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang baru diterima dari proses pembelajaran.
Peserta didik dituntut untuk mengedepankan apa yang baru dipelajarinya sebagai
struktur pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang baru sebagai wujud pengayaan atau
revisi dari pengetahuan dan keterampilan sebelumnya.
7. Penilaian yang Sebenarnya (Authentic Assesment)
Penilaian merupakan proses pengumpulan data yang dapat mendeskripsikan
mengenai perkembangan prilaku peserta didik. Pembelajaran efektif adalah proses
membantu peserta agar mempu mempelajari (learning to learn) bukan hanya
menekankan pada diperolehnya sebanyak mungkin informasi di akhir periode
2. Cooperative learning yaitu pendekatan pembelajaran yang menggunakan kelompok
kecil peserta didik untuk bekerjasama dalam rangka mengoptimalkan kondisi belajar
untuk mencapai tujuan belajar.
Menurut Johnson & Johnson (1994) dan Sutton (1992), terdapat lima unsur penting
dalam belajar kooperatif, yaitu:
1. Saling ketergantungan yang bersifat positif antara siswa
2. Interaksi antar siswa yang semakin meningkat.
3. Tnggung jawah individual
4. Keterampilan interpersonal dan kelompok kecil.
5. Proses kelompok
3. Problem based learning, merupakan pendekatan pembelajaran yang menggunakan
masalah nyata sebagai suatu konteks sehingga peserta didik dapat belajar berpikir
kritis dalam melakukan pemecahan masalah yang ditunjukan untuk memperoleh
pengetahuan atau konsep yang esensial dari bahan pelajaran.
Ciri-ciri Khusus Problem Based Learning Menurut Arends (2001:349)
1.  Pengajuan pertanyaan atau masalah
2. Berfokus pada keterkaitan antardisiplin
3. Penyelidikan autentik.
4. Menghasilkan produk dan memamerkannya.
5. Kolaborasi. 
4. Model pembelajaran inkuiri merupakan kegiatan pembelajaran yang melibatkan secara
maksimal seluruh kemampuan peserta didik untuk mencari dan menyelidiki sesuatu
secara sistematis kritis dan logis sehingga mereka dapat merumuskan sendiri
Sintak/tahap model inkuiri meliputi:
1) Orientasi masalah;
2) Pengumpulan data dan verifikasi;
3) Pengumpulan data melalui eksperimen;
4) Pengorganisasian dan formulasi eksplanasi; dan
5) Analisis proses inkuiri.
5. Model Project-based Learning adalah model pembelajaran yang melibatkan keaktifan
peserta didik dalam memecahkan masalah, dilakukan secara berkelompok/mandiri
melalui tahapan ilmiah dengan batasan waktu tertentu yang dituangkan dalam sebuah
produk untuk selanjutnya dipresentasikan kepada orang lain.
Karakteristik PjBL antara lain:

1. Penyelesaian tugas dilakukan secara mandiri dimulai dari tahap

perencanaan, penyusunan, hingga pemaparan produk;
2. Peserta didik bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap proyek yang akan dihasilkan;
3. Proyek melibatkan peran teman sebaya, guru, orang tua, bahkan masyarakat;
4. Melatih kemampuan berpikir kreatif; dan
5. Situasi kelas sangat toleran dengan kekurangan dan perkembangan gagasan

56. Do you know that ..., until the age of eighty, you will witness the population triple in your
lifetime. The best option to complete the sentence is.....
a. if you live another nineteen years
b. because you live in nineteen years' time
c. your nineteen years of being alive
d. although you would not live nineteen years more
e. despite you live other nineteen years

57. Which of the following sentences is the most appropriate sentence? (Menyampaikan
makna menggunakan gramatika yang tepat berbentuk Place expression (in which, from
which, at which, dll.)
a. We cannot always anticipate the ways for which natural systems will adjust to changes
induced by the activities of modern society.
b. We cannot always anticipate the ways in which/where (dimana) natural systems will
adjust to changes induced by the activities of modern society. (lebih general dan
menyatakan tempat/waktu)
c. We cannot always anticipate the ways by which natural systems will adjust to changes
induced by the activities of modern society.
d. We cannot always anticipate the ways which natural systems will adjust to changes
induced by the activities of modern society.
e. We cannot always anticipate the ways with which natural systems will adjust to
changes induced by the activities of modern society
58. In developing a curriculum for English language learning, a teacher should....
a. keep in mind that a curriculum should be project-oriented
b. have the ability to create the curriculum by him/herself
c. understand that learners are of central considerations (student’s center)
d. provide the learners with options of the most suitable curriculum
e. know the differences between the past and the future curriculum
59. Which of the following is the correct formulation of an item indicator for reading
a. Given a short notice, students identify the pronunciation of a word in the notice
b. Given a short notice, students recall the contextual meaning of a word in the notice
c. Given a short notice, students remember the meaning of a word in the notice
d. Given the short notice, students identify the synonym of a word in the notice correctly
e. Given the short notice, students understand the synonym of a word in the notice
60. If a teacher uses criterion-based assessment, it means that...
a. Assessing students’ learning is required.
b. Teacher can compare students to other students.
c. Teacher follows up learning with assessment.
d. Students’ learning is assessed on standards. Setiap kriteria penilaian sama artinya
dengan standar penilaian.
e. Students’ achievement is based on materials
61. The following statements are true about what young learners, especially between ages of
five to nine, can do in using language EXCEPT they....
a. can learn best from what they see and hear
b. can often learn indirectly rather than directly
c. are able to engage with abstract thoughts (non concrit) untuk usia 12 ke atas
d. are able to respond to meanings
e. can show enthusiasm for learning

62. The option that best completes the dialog below is....
Person 1: How do you feeling teaching in this school? Person 2: Well, … 
a. I want to teach English to all students in this school.
b. I’m very proud as it is one of the most advanced ones in my area. (menyatakan
c. It is just the best schools that I graduated from.
d. I know this school is near my house.
e. I have not decided what to do to teach in this school.

63. Which of the following is the most appropriate conditional sentence?

a. If we should work harder, we would have been able to buy a new house.
b. If I have had studied harder, I would have had passed the national exam. (type 3)
c. I would have been happy to help you if I wasn't in the middle of another meeting.
d. Have I had learned harder, I would have been more proficient in English.
e. Should he have studied harder, he would have passed the teaching practicum Exam.
(type 3)

64. The option that best completes the dialog below is....
Person 1: What do you think of my latest achievement? Person 2: Well, ….
a. I have not heard anything about your achievement
b. I will always support you to achieve your goals
c. I should’ve known by now that you’ll have an achievement
d. I’m relieved to hear that you passed that difficult exam
e. I know you are the best of my friends

65. Which of the following is the most appropriate conditional sentence?

a. Should I have cleaned the house, I could have gone to the movies.
b. If I had cleaned the house, I could have gone to the movies. (type 3)
c. If she would be late again, she would have to have a conference with the manager.
d. If he were to be sick, I would miss another day of work.
e. If he were to be sick, he would have missed another day of work.

66. Professor David was an original thinker. We enjoyed attending his classes. His English
was good and it was pleasure listening to him. His interpretation of literary pieces was
food for thought for those students who had passion for English literature. The only
problem with the professor was he spoke the whole period of 50 minutes and never
allowed the students to interact with him. The students were passive listeners.
Based on the problem above, which of the followings can Professor David use to make his
students engage.
a. Using media to help students understand the intended messages.
b. Grouping students to do exercises on the topic.
c. Presenting the materials on the slides.
d. Asking students to discuss the topic.
e. Benefiting technology to make learning fun

67. Memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris
The following products of technology can be used to teach digital native students
a. social media b. Laptop c. Computer d. Mobile e. digital (system)
68. Ms. Munika always teaches students who require more verbal explanation or ask more
questions to fully understand something. For this purpose, she should provide them more
a. mnemonics (spelling words)
b. building blocks
c. worksheets
d. puzzles
e. internets
69. There have been many products of technology that can be used to support the teaching and
learning process in the classroom. Which of the following media helps teachers a lot in
providing audiovisual explanations, models, and exercises in teaching?
a. Youtube.
b. Edmodo.
c. Whatsapp.
d. Twitter.
e. Facebook

70. Teaching students in hybrid ways means that teachers should…. (penggunaan 2 teknologi)
a. use YouTube so that students have varied choices of learning materials
b. prepare e-learning materials for the purpose of classroom interaction
c. create technology to make students interested in learning
d. combine offline and online modes in teaching and learning process
e. make use of online learning to engage students in communication
71. As a teacher, Mr. Dani understands how to teach grammar. Thus, he does not teach it in
isolation. It means that he….
a. isolates the sentences to explain the function of each word
b. includes contexts where the sentences take place
c. explains the concepts and provides adequate examples
d. involves students to finish group projects on grammar
e. discusses the theory to be able to complete the exercises

72. One technique commonly used in problem-based learning is a case

study. In this regard, teachers ….
A. conduct many research projects to solve the problem
B. come to school to interview students about a problem
C. collect as many problems as they can to develop instructional materials
D. work together to approach a problem from different perspectives
E. develop students’ critical thinking in identifying and solving a problem

73. A good learning objective should at least consist of the following elements, EXCEPT....
A. describe clear and measurable activities and assignments
B. should be observable and measurable
C. describe authentic verbal actions or behaviors
D. focus on what the students will learn/be able to do with English
E. should be realistically learning outcome-oriented

74. What should a teacher do before carrying out classroom action research? PAOR
(Planning, Acting, Observing, Reflecting)
A. Select a suitable strategy or medium of teaching.
B. Collecting and analyzing the existing data.
C. Identifying a problem in the classroom.
D. Interviewing teachers concerning the students.
E. Teaching students in the classroom.

75. Students learn English in the following situation: The teacher uses contrastive analysis in
teaching grammar. He/She also focuses on pronunciation. He/She makes use of language
labs and visual aids.
 These characteristics belong to which types of language teaching methods?
A. The Total Physical Response.
B. The Direct Method.
C. The Audiolingual Method.
D. The Silent Way.
E. The Grammar Translation Method.

76. Which of the following item indicator formulation is adequate for an item to be written?
A. Using a picture series, students express their ideas in a paragraph with correct
B. When given a stimulus, students can respond to the stimulus orally in about 25
C. Based on a diagram of a family, students communicate their skills effectively
D. Given role cards, students perform a dialog interpersonally and transactionally
E. Based on the video, students understand the flow of the story shown in the video

77. This piece of a student's speaking performance "I happy to be gathering in my family in
the weekend. My mum and my dad very kind to me because they always give me
wonderful gift" indicates that the student has problems in the use of....
A. prepositions and conjunctions
B. adverbs of time and time sequencers
C. correct tenses and verb patterns
D. linking verbs and plural forms
E. grammar items and dictions

78. Which of the following is the most appropriate sentence containing a noun phrase
A. He still has a very physical fit look, in spite of the fact that he’s over eighty.
B. He bought her a beautiful red dress for her.
C. The boy in the blue jeans who says he'll have done the house painting.
D. The man attempted to rob a sweet shop with a pistol has been arrested.
E. Julia was thinking about her friends in back home.

79. Person 1: Would you have time to listen to my story? Person 2: ….

A. Your story is very interesting to listen to
B. I’d like to have your story, my friend
C. Sure, but please don’t beat about the bush (to the point)
D. I don’t know how you have your story
E. Sure, but please have time to tell your story

80. In developing a lesson, a teacher should thoughfully consider all these aspects,
A. learning resources (sumber belajar)
B. graduate standards (skl)
C. instructional materials (bahan ajar)
D. time allocation (alokasi waktu)
E. teaching strategies (strategi)

81. In teaching reading, Mr. Aldi always asks questions about passages to students. He raises
a question about the title of a passage, for example. Yet, one of the students, Fatimah,
answers the question incorrectly. Mr. Aldi’s empathetic communication response should
A. “Why is that your answer? Please let us know!” (polite)
B. “Do you think it is the correct answer?”
C. “Please open your book to answer it.”
D. “Fatimah, your answer is totally wrong.” 
E. “You cannot answer my question, Fatimah.”
82. There are a number of effective ways to motivate students to learn English better during
the lesson, EXCEPT by.…
A. helping students use achievable and relevant learning materials
B. making students responsive to pedagogical assessment tasks
C. varying teaching methods and making students enthusiastic
D. creating a pleasant, relaxed and enjoyable learning environment
E. helping students set their own achievable learning objectives

83. Menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip penilaian dan evaluasi proses dan hasil belajar sesuai dengan
If you want to check students’ progress of learning, you can do the following activities
A. providing tasks for them
B. giving a pretest and posttest
C. conducting classroom research 
D. assessing their process of learning
E. evaluating them periodically
84. Ms. Lely needs information about whether or not her students have mastered the learning
materials as reflected in the objectives for one semester. For the purpose, she is suggested
using which of the following tests?
A. Proficiency tests.
B. Aptitude test.
C. Achievement test.
D. Diagnostic test.
E. Placement test

 Aptitude Tests

Aptitude test is a test that aims to find out how suitable a person is in entering their goals such as
entering an engineering major. Usually they will test general knowledge, word similarity, word-
to-word relationship, word meaning, arithmetic test, series.

(Aptitude test merupakan test yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa cocok seseorang

memasuki tujuan mereka seperti masuk ke jurusan teknik. Biasanya mereka akan menge-
test tentang pengetahuan umum, kesamaan kata, hubungan kata dengan kata, pengertian kata, tes
aritmatika, deret.)

 Placement Tests

The placement test is a test that is given to determine the place, level, study group that will be
entered by which students are most appropriate in the learning process.
(Tes penempatan adalah tes yang diberikan untuk menentukan tempat, tingkatan, kelompok
belajar yang akan dimasuki oleh peserta didik mana yang paling tepat dalam proses

 Diagnostic Tests

is a term a process to identify or know the symptoms caused. In learning the diagnostic term
can be realized with a test, with the aim of knowing the strengths and weaknesses of students in

(istilah suatu prose untuk mengidentifikasi atau mengetahui gejala-gejala yang ditimbulkan.
Dalam pembelajaran istilah diagnostik dapat direalisasikan dengan sebuag test, Dengan tujuan
untuk mengetahui kelibihan dan kelemahan- kelemahan yang dimiliki oleh siswa dalam

 Progress Tests

Progress Test is a test that aims to monitor and measure the development of students' clinical
reasoning abilities from year to year as long as students undergo the educational process carried
out in writing

(Progress Test merupakan suatu test yang bertujuan untuk memantau dan mengukur

perkembangan kemampuan penalaran klinis mahasiswa dari tahun ke tahun selama mahasiswa
menjalani proses pendidikan)

 Achievement Tests

Achievement tests are tests of skills or knowledge developed. The most common type of
achievement test is a standardized test developed to measure skills and knowledge learned at a
specific grade level, usually through planned instruction, such as training or classroom

(Tes prestasi adalah tes keterampilan atau pengetahuan yang dikembangkan. Jenis tes prestasi
yang paling umum adalah tes standar yang dikembangkan untuk mengukur keterampilan dan
pengetahuan yang dipelajari di tingkat kelas tertentu, biasanya melalui instruksi yang
direncanakan, seperti pelatihan atau instruksi kelas)

 Proficiency Tests
Is a comprehensive test measuring all aspects of English language proficiency specifically for
academic purposes. The language skills tested include listening, speaking, reading and writing.

( merupakan tes menyeluruh yang mengukur semua aspek dalam kemahiran berbahasa Inggris
khususnya untuk keperluan akademis. Keterampilan berbahasa yang diuji meliputi mendengar,
berbiara, membaca dan menulis.)
85. In teaching English to young learners, teachers essentially need to consider....
A. technical words and themes
B. language use and learning tasks
C. learning objectives and games
D. grammatical complexity and their age
E. realistic topics and joyful tasks

86. Which of the following is the most appropriate conditional sentence?

A. Have I studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
B. If I should study harder, I would have passed the exam.
C. Should I study harder, I would have passed the exam.
D. If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
E. If I have studied harder, I would have had passed the exam.

87. The following is a dialog between Teacher and Juan in a grammar class.
Teacher : Good morning, class. Last weekend I went to a restaurant and I ate
salmon. Juan, what
did you do last weekend?
Juan : I went to park and play soccer.
Teacher : Juan, you play soccer or you played soccer?. Juan : Oh…eh…I played soccer.
From the dialog, we know that the teacher….
A. questions Juan is making the wrong sentence 
B. teaches Juan to see the differences between “play" and "played”
C. asks Juan to find another solution
D. corrects Juan’s wrong sentence by repetition
E. makes Juan aware of the mistake

88. Which option below lists elements of a complete lesson plan for a teacher to consider for
setting up learning activities in or outside the classroom?
A. Core competences, objectives, material, activities, and evaluation
B. Indicators of competence achievement, objectives, materials, procedure, and
C. Goals, objectives, materials, procedures, evaluation, and learner characteristics
D. General objectives, specific objectives, materials, procedure, and evaluation
E. Learner characteristics, graduate competences, objectives, materials, and

89. Instructional designs of English learning that allow students to learn optimally are based
on among other things the following features....
A. deep processing of language and content which is across the curriculum and scientific
B. frequency items of the language, authenticity of language behaviors, student
centered, and scaffolding
C. involving authentic materials, real-life contexts, recognition of audience, and
focussing on meaning
D. more on pedagogical task use, involving project completion, portfolio, and self
E. using meaningful expressions, involving real-life situations, and focus on
language usage

90. To assess students' competence in speaking performance in communicative contexts, a

teacher may make use of which of the following assessment technique?
A. A deleted written dialog completion
B. A picture-based interview
C. A stand-up narrative technique
D. A role play technique
E. A pre-learned dialog presentation

91. Which of the following steps is considered effective steps in developing a lesson plan?
A. Draft learning goals and learning objectives, develop the introduction, develop
relevant learning materials, plan to check for understanding, develop a conclusion and
a preview, and create a realistic timeline
B. Draft learning objectives and learning goals, develop the introduction, develop
presentation plan, plan to check for understanding, develop a conclusion and a
preview, and create a realistic timeline
C. Set up learning objectives, develop the introduction, plan the specific learning
activities, plan to check for understanding, develop a conclusion and a preview, and
create a realistic timeline
D. Outline learning objectives, develop the introduction, plan the specific learning
materials, plan to check for understanding, develop a conclusion and a scoring rubric,
and create a realistic and authentic assessment
E. Outline basic competences, specify learning goals, develop the introduction, develop
relevant learning materials, plan to check for understanding, develop a conclusion and
a preview, and create a realistic timeline

92. In order to assist students to learn a learning subject matter and a new language, the
teacher can benefit from which of the following models of teaching?
A. Cooperative learning. (kelompok)
B. Corpus-based teaching.
C. Project-based learning.
D. Task-based language teaching.
E. Content-based learning

93. The following aspects are important for teachers to consider for making students
learn English effectively EXCEPT….
A. the students' affective factors *(sikap/kebutuhan siswa)
B. the students' engagement level
C. the sequence of the materials
D. the development of English
E. the learning objectives

94. To assess students' competence in writing performance in communicative contexts, a

teacher may make use of which of the following assessment technique?
A. using cloze procedures in which functional sentences are left out
B. joint-construction of doing a procedure in guided flowcharts
C. posing students with a problem of arranging jumbled sentences on meaningful texts
D. giving students authentic materials such as actual report texts to respond to
E. providing students with authentic tasks such as responding to a job vacancy
advertised in a newspaper

95. To assess students' competence in using lexical words in context efficiently, a teacher may
make use of which of the following assessment technique?
A. Cloze procedures
B. Sentence completion
C. Jumbled letter techniques
D. Picture-based writing
E. Mutiple-choice formats

96. In designing a good lesson plan, there are a number of elements a teacher should consider
and among these elements are what follows, EXCEPT.…
A. selecting instructional media, learning objectives, and innovative teaching strategies
B. grading learning materials, setting up learning objectives, and desinging assessment
C. choosing a teaching technique, instructional materials, and appropriate assessment
D. developing indicators of competence achievement, learning objectives, and learning
E. formulating graduate competences, learning objectives, and learning methods

97. Mr. Helmy has designed a lesson plan. The learning objective stated is written as follows:
“Students are able to find detailed information in an invitation text”.In this context, he can
determine which of the following technique and instrument of evaluation?
A. Written test - performance.
B. Written test - multiple choice.
C. Written test - portfolio.
D. Oral test - project.
E. Oral test - true false.

98. the sharp smell of _________ alcohol hung in the air. (noun phrase) (n-n, a-n, adv-v)
(setelah “of” diikuti Noun)
the word that best complete in the black space
a. mediated
b. medicate -
c. medicinal
d. medicine
e. medicating

99. every learner has target to get success. What …. Defines their future life.
a. are they doing
b. they have done
c. did they do
d. will they do
e. have they done

100.the book publish last week in his first writing product for children
The phrase/clausa serving as the post modifier in the sentence is …
a. last week
b. written for children
c. his first writing
d. the book published last week
e. published last week

101.after doing investigation and collecting data, represent:

a. inquiry
b. Project based learning -
c. cooperative learning
d. PBL
e. contextual learning
102.A: Finally, we can have a holiday abroad.
B: yes, our father will be happy to hear that,
A: he has got a face like a wet week-end when a told him yesterday
a. exited -
b. angry
c. happy
d. disappointed
e. sad of the teachers’ responsibility is providing base information about a subject or

discipline that the students must be acquainted with.
This description belong to the concept of….
a. Metacognitive knowledge
b. Declarative knowledge
c. Procedural knowledge
d. Conceptual knowledge
e. Factual knowledge of the learning objective states: “student can determine the specific information in the
short functional text correctly.”
The best technique to achieve this goal is ….
a. Scanning
b. Rewriting
c. Dictation
d. Infering
e. Skimming

a. browse-brewers
b. ripe-rape
c. noun-known –
d. decease-disese
e. time – tame
106.she is asking him _________ he has no answer.
The best answer…
a. On which
b. For which
c. With which
d. In which
e. At which

107.homophone, EXCEPT:
a. fairy-ferry
b. dew-due
c. eye – I
d. raider – reader -
e. buy - bye
108.antonym Conciouness:
a. cognizance
b. awareness
c. alertness
d. oblivion-
e. mudfilness

109.A: I think the virus has spread and endangered all people in this country.
B: Some region with discipline people are safe
A: You can say that again
The underlined expression expresses …
a. Happiness
b. Agreement -
c. Disagreement
d. Rejection
e. sadness
110.After 2 week I have stayed in this city, I feel home sick ……. I eat a homemade cake.
The word that completes the sentences is ….
a. After
b. Until -
c. Whenever
d. Before
e. As soon as

111.Creative will help us mastering English soon. The sentences can revised into:
a. Being creative will help us to master English sooner
b. Creativity will help us to master English soon -
c. Being creative will help us mastering English soon
d. To be creative will help us to master English soon
e. Be creative will help mastering English sooner

112.As a high school English teacher, Dr. Blade aimed to administer a summative test to
asses the students’ mastery of the foreign language, he prepared an essay test containing
five items. After the test, he found that it took ample time to score the student work.
In this situation, we say that the test lacks the principle of ….
a. Evaluating administrability
b. Cost authenticity
c. Temporal reability
d. Administration validity
e. Scoring practicality -
113.the rival team _________ easily, but we were just unlucky. Xxxxxxx
a. were beaten
b. are beaten
c. could have been beaten
d. has beaten
e. are being beaten
114.when a teacher is saying, “ Lucy, listen and repeat after me” in response to a student who
cannot pronounce the word “ develop” correctly, the teacher’s instructional act is
categorized as providing the student with ….
a. corrective feedback
b. encouragement
c. comprehensive input
d. guided practice –
e. emphatetic support

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