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I. Authors Biography

The poem "Earth's Plea" is authored by an individual who wishes to remain anonymous.
The author has created this work to emphasize global awareness and social responsibility,
underlining the importance of environmental consciousness and collective action. While the
specific biographical details of the author are not disclosed, the poem itself serves as a powerful
expression of their commitment to addressing environmental issues and promoting a sense of
global citizenship.

II. Theme

The main theme of “Earth’s Plea” revolves around global awareness, social
responsibility, and the need for collective action to address the ecological challenges facing our
planet. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of humanity with the natural world and calls for a
renewed sense of stewardship towards the environment. The poem underscores the urgent
need to care for the Earth and protect its ecosystems for the well-being of all living beings.

III. Summary / Interpretations

The poem expresses the idea that humanity's actions have caused harm to the natural
world, and it calls for a conscious effort to repair the damage. It suggests that unity,
mindfulness, and compassionate action can heal the wounds inflicted upon the planet over time.
By using phrases like "mindful steps" and "hands that give," the poem implies that small,
deliberate actions can collectively make a significant impact.

"Earth's Plea" can be seen as a call to global citizenship, urging individuals to recognize
their shared responsibility for the well-being of the Earth and all its inhabitants. It highlights the
interconnectedness of all life and emphasizes that taking care of the environment is not just an
obligation but a duty to future generations. The poem serves as a reminder that environmental
issues transcend national boundaries, and the responsibility for safeguarding the planet rests on
the shoulders of every global citizen.
IV. Relationship of the Literary Piece to GIC

The poem "Earth's Plea" is closely tied to the subject of global identity and citizenship. It
underscores the idea that we are all global citizens who share a common home – the Earth. It
emphasizes the need for collective action on a global scale to address environmental issues
that affect everyone, regardless of their nationality or location. The poem encourages readers to
recognize their role in preserving the planet's natural beauty and resources, thus contributing to
a global identity centered on environmental stewardship and social responsibility. It calls for a
sense of interconnectedness and a commitment to the well-being of all living beings, reinforcing
the idea that our actions, whether positive or negative, have a global impact.

V. References

14 Poems about climate change awareness. (n.d.). Family Friend Poems.

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