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Managing Human Behaviour Without Full Power

1. What insights might Chiamara gain about group functioning by looking at individual
levels of analysis?

Ans. Self-awareness: By considering the individual level of analysis, Chiamara might learn
important lessons about her actions and leadership style. She can change her attitude to be more
inclusive and collaborative by seeing how her previous acts might have come off as domineering
or patronizing.
Cultural sensitivity: It's critical to acknowledge how her accent affects communication. A more
positive group dynamic may be achieved by being proactive in addressing any communication
hurdles and making sure there is clarity.

2. Which of the disciplines that contribute to OB help us to better understand individual

behavior? Justify your answer.

Ans. This field examines motives, personality traits, and cognitive processes to help us
understand individual behavior. With this information, Chiamara may modify her
communication approach and have a deeper understanding of her group members. Chiamara
needs to understand interpersonal connections and social dynamics. She may address possible
prejudices and create a pleasant team atmosphere by using insights from social psychology.

3. What insights might Chiamara gain about group functioning at the group level? Be
specific about how organizational behavior insights at this level of analysis can improve
group functioning.

Ans. Team dynamics: Chiamara has to think about how roles, norms, and communication styles
affect the group. Group functioning may be improved by fostering open communication,
outlining expectations, and creating a cooperative team environment.
Resolution of conflicts: Group-level organizational behavior insights offer methods for amicably
settling disputes. Chiamara needs to be ready to resolve any disputes that may come up inside the
group and lead the group in the right direction.

4. Is the organizational level of analysis relevant to this case? Why or why not? Explain
your answer.

Ans. Yes, it is pertinent: Chiamara may not hold official power, but she may still assist the team
in achieving its objectives by having a solid grasp of organizational behavior at this level. A
feeling of group purpose may be developed by stressing the need to work together to achieve the
common goal of earning high grades (A+) and the advantages of effective collaboration.

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