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THINK: Is there only one London?

House of Flags

House of Flags,
by Yeoryia Manolopoulou and Anthony Boulanger, is an installation celebrating multicultural London in front of the Houses of Parliament.

© Belin Éducation / Humensis, 2023

Young people outside a council housing estate in West London

The real London - Help - THINK


a council (housing) estate un parc HLM, une cité HLM

diversity la diversité

a mishmash un méli-mélo

colourful coloré(e), vif (vive)

contrasting contrasté(e)

derelict délabré(e)

destitute pauvre, démuni(e)

disadvantaged défavorisé(e)

multicultural multiculturel(le)

© Belin Éducation / Humensis, 2023
to highlight souligner, mettre l’accent sur, mettre en valeur

to praise [sth] encenser, faire l’éloge de [qqch]


Multicultural London
London’s population is made up of people from all over the world. More than 270 nationalities are represented, many of which have roots in
Africa and India, formerly governed by the British Empire.
This gives London the largest non-white population of any European city and is an important part of its cosmopolitan feel. Over 250 languages
are spoken in the city, making the capital the most linguistically diverse city in the world.

The real London - Questions - THINK

Let’s brainstorm together!

1. Create a word cloud composed of words or phrases that you associate with London and compare it with your

2. Look at the photograph on the left and react. Guess what the artist’s intention was.

3. Look at the photograph on the right. Describe the people and their environment. What image does it present of

Question yourself
Beyond the postcard: what is the real face of London?

© Belin Éducation / Humensis, 2023

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