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Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

I. The Industrial Revolution

A. In the mid-1700s, an industrial Revolution began in england that transformed the way work was done
1. Rather than making goods by ___hand___, new matches mass-produced products which lowered costs,
increased profits , & changed the way people lived
2. By 1900, industrialization spread through Europe & to the United States transforming the West into the dominant
region of the world
B. Textile Industry
1. The population boom created a demand for clothing but traditional methods of textile making were slow
2. As a result, the textiles became the first to become industrialized
a. New inventions sped up spinning , weaving, _____sewing______
b. Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin stimulated a demand for cotton textiles
c. European demand for cotton led to a boom in _____cotton_____ production and ____slavery___ in the
southern United States
3. New textile machinery led to the ___factory system_______
a. Power-driven machines were able to ___mass ______produce __________ goods very ___fast_____ & cheap
b. Factory owners made huge ___profit____ selling mass-produced clothes
C. The textile industry & the rise of the factory system led to the growth of other industries
1. Steam Engine
a. Factories needed power & were usually located near ___rivers ________
b. In 1765, ___James Watt_______ invented the first steam engine
c. ___Steam ______ engines produced more power & became a reliable __energy__ __source___ for numerous
2. Transportation Revolution
a. Factories led to a demand for ___faster______ transpiration
b. Roads & ___cannals ____ were built in England; Robert Fulton’s _______steamboat ________ increased the
____capacity_____, ____speed____, & efficiency of water travel
c. All of this helped ___lowered____ the ____cost____ of manufactured goods
d. The greatest improvement to transportation was the steam-powered ______railroad________
e. RRs were fast, increased profits, & stimulated the _____iron____ & ____coal______ industries
3. Coal, Iron, Steel
a. The Industrial Revolution led to an increase in coal to ____increase___ factories & RRs
b. The expansion of ____railroads____ dramatically ______improved________ industrialization in Britain
c. By 1800, England made more ____iron____ than all other nations in the world combined
d. Henry Bessemer invented a cheap process for making ___steel____ which is stronger than iron
e. Steel allowed engineers to design more powerful machines, taller _____bulidings____, & longer __bridges _
D. Other Inventions of the Industrial Revolution:
1. Other inventions of the Industrial Revolution include ______electricity______, new forms of communication such as
the telegraph & _____telephone_______, business machines like typewriters & ______cash registers_______, and
medical improvements like ___vaccines______
2. Another major contributor to the inventions of this time period was ___Thomas__ ___ Edison___
a. Edison patented more than ____1,000___ inventions including the ___Light___ ___bulb____ and the

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